The Psi-Amp misses all the time (30 consecutive misses with hit chance = 71%), playing 'failed psi attack' sound while doing that.
The meele code:
meleeType: 7
meleePower: 30
strength: 0.3
melee: 0.1
accuracyMelee: 100
flatHundred: 0.5
melee: 0.5
time: 12
energy: 6
time: true
EDIT: missed hit sound and anim, but even adding it changes nothing.
However, Medikits, Flares & Corpses, when added this code,
work as intended - I was clubbing left and right with flares, bottles and fallen enemies
The only problem - death animation is not always played.
EDIT: would it be possible to remove 'safeguards' that delete all Battletype 0 and 'wrong' Battletype 2 items from enemies inventories? It's kinda impotant, because the enemies carry lots of items like data discs or sth, and I have to make them battletype 10, but this makes them loadable into the craft. Or is it safe to use battletype 11 for these misc items?