
Author Topic: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8  (Read 68394 times)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2014, 12:53:20 am »
Im not sure how to take that scorch, I seem to be getting a negative reaction lately.

Nah, I only meant that someone who'd protest against this would be insane and promptly ignored.

Also, this is a modding community. What else are we doing than breaking "copyrights"? Well, except for those mods which only add something, but I guess it's not exactly common.

And I still like the pics.

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2014, 01:23:31 am »
Im not protesting! Not one bit!

I think the origin of my post was something I saw way back when on the forum, from when openxcom was in its infancy, and someone was worried about copyright issues. And for reference I Dont mind if people borrow my sprites and use them. I may produce a sprite dump sometime soon, I hope people dont mind me dropping one here or there though (and im not trying to steal rockfish's thunder either).

Offline SiceX

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2014, 02:07:16 am »
Hi! I made an hard work to translate in italian all the ruleset, but now i finished.
Here they are:
Code: [Select]
  - type: it
      STR_AC_HE_AMMO: Munizioni SAW HE
      STR_AC_I_AMMO: Munizioni SAW IN
      STR_AUTO_CANNON: Mitragliatrice Automatica
      STR_AUTO_CANNON_UFOPEDIA: "Un derivato del fucile da battaglia, questa mitragliatrice leggere spara proiettili calibro 7.62x50 da caricatori a scatola."
      STR_DMR: Fucile a Tiro Designato
      STR_DMR_AMMO: Munizioni FTR
      STR_DMR_UFOPEDIA: "Un nuovo modello del fucile X-Com standard molto preciso, calibrato per sparare proiettili perforanti 7.5x80mm"
      STR_HC_AP_AMMO: Caricatore AGL
      STR_HC_HE_AMMO: Munizioni Esplosive LA
      STR_HC_I_AMMO: Munizioni Incendiarie LA
      STR_HEAVY_CANNON: Lanciagranate Automatico
      STR_HEAVY_CANNON_UFOPEDIA: "Un'arma abbastanza unica, il lanciagranate automatico dell'X-Com spara proiettili da 25x120mm di tre tipi diversi: Normali, Esplosivi ed Incendiari."
      STR_INCENDIARY_ROCKET: Missile Inferno
      STR_LARGE_ROCKET: Lanciamissili Anti-Carro HE
      STR_PISTOL: Pistola Pesante
      STR_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: "La pistola pesante dell'X-Com e una pistola semi-automatica ad aria compressa che spara proiettili Magnum da 11x30mm e ricaricata da caricatori da 9 colpi."
      STR_RIFLE: Fucile da Battaglia
      STR_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "Il Fucile da Battaglia standard dell'X-Com progettato per fronteggiare l'invasione aliena, sparando proiettili da 6.8x60mm. Questi proiettili pesanti producono un forte rinculo e quindi richiedono un ingombrante sistema di smorzamento."
      STR_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: Lanciamissili a Munizioni Multiple
      STR_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA: "Questo Lanciamissili e un lanciamissili relativamente convenzionale, modificato per venire incontro alle necessita dell'X-Com."
      STR_SHOTGUN: Fucile a Pompa
      STR_SHOTGUN_AMMO: Pallettoni
      STR_SHOTGUN_UFOPEDIA: "Il Fucile a Pompa dell'X-Com e un modello semiautomatico e molto robusto con un caricatore a quattro tubi. Spara involucri 12 gauge \"quad-ought\" con 5 pallettoni."
      STR_SMALL_ROCKET: Razzo Anti-Carro HE
Code: [Select]
  - type: it
      STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: Materiali Alieni
      STR_ALIEN_WEAPONRY: Armamenti Aliene
      STR_FLECHETTE_PISTOL: Pistola a Dardi
      STR_FLECHETTE_PISTOL_AMMO: Dardi per Pistola
      STR_FLECHETTE_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: "La Pistola a Dardi sembra essere per lo più usata dagli ufficiali alieni, ed è anche la più piccola di queste armi aliene. Le Armi a Dardi sparano proiettili che contengono un potente acido apparentemente di origini biologiche."
      STR_FLECHETTE_RIFLE: Fucile a Dardi
      STR_FLECHETTE_RIFLE_AMMO: Dardi per Fucile
      STR_FLECHETTE_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: Il Fucile a Dardi è principalmente usato dai tiratori scelti alieni. Le armi a dardi sparano proiettili che contengono un potente acido apparentemente di origini biologiche.
      STR_FLECHETTE_WEAPONS: Micro Capsule di Acido ed Acceleratori Lineari Alieni
      STR_HEAVY_FLECHETTE_RIFLE: Fucile a Dardi Pesante
      STR_HEAVY_FLECHETTE_RIFLE_AMMO: Cardi per Fucile Pesante
      STR_HEAVY_FLECHETTE_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "Il Fucile a Dardi Pesante è la più potente arma a dardi aliena finora incontrate, sembra essere usata come un'arma da supporto pesante. Le armi a dardi sparano proiettili che contengono un potente acido apparentemente di origini biologiche."
      STR_UFO_NAVIGATION: Computer Alieni
Code: [Select]
  - type: it
      STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: Materiali Alieni
      STR_ALIEN_WEAPONRY: Armamenti Alieni
      STR_AUTO_GAUSS: Gauss Automatico
      STR_AUTO_GAUSS_AMMO: Caricatore per Gauss Automatico
      STR_AUTO_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: "Il Gauss Automatico è stato creato per funzionare come un'arma a rosa rotante. Le armi ad effetto Gauss sviluppate dalla divisione ricerche dall'X-Com sono il meglio della tecnologia terrestre, sviluppate usando materiali recuperati dagli alieni per costruire un alimentatore capace di fornire l'energia necessaria ai potenti magneti utilizzati per accelerare il proiettile sparato."
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL: Pistola ad Effetto Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_AMMO: Caricatore per Pistola ad Effetto Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: "La Pistola ad Effetto Gauss è stata progettata come un'arma da fianco e da sfondamento. Le armi ad effetto Gauss sviluppate dalla divisione ricerche dell'X-Com sono il meglio della tecnologia terrestre, sviluppate usando materiali recuperati dagli alieni per costruire un alimentatore capace di fornire l'energia necessaria ai potenti magneti utilizzati per accelerare il proiettile sparato."
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE: Fucile ad Effetto Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_AMMO: Caricatore per Fucile ad Effetto Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "Questo Fucile ad Effetto Gauss è stato creato per essere usato nel ruolo di un normale fucile, producibile in massa ed efficace. Le armi ad effetto Gauss sviluppate dalla divisione ricerche dell'X-Com sono il meglio della tecnologia terrestre, sviluppate usando materiali recuperati dagli alieni per costruire un alimentatore capace di fornire l'energia necessaria ai potenti magneti utilizzati per accelerare il proiettile sparato."
      STR_GAUSS_WEAPONS: Elettromagneti ad Alta Potenza e Elerium Coltivato in Laboratorio
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS: Gauss Pesante
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS_AMMO: Caricatore per Gauss Pesante
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: "Per estendere ulteriormente i concetti presenti nel Fucile ad Effetto Gauss, il Gauss Pesante sfiora i limiti delle armi portatili.  Le armi ad effetto Gauss sviluppate dalla divisione ricerche dell'X-Com sono il meglio della tecnologia terrestre, sviluppate usando materiali recuperati dagli alieni per costruire un alimentatore capace di fornire l'energia necessaria ai potenti magneti utilizzati per accelerare il proiettile sparato."
      STR_UFO_NAVIGATION: Computer Alieni
Code: [Select]
  - type: it
      STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: Materiali Alieni
      STR_HEAVY_LASER_UFOPEDIA: "Il più grande laser portatile sviluppato dalla divisione di ricerca dell'X-Com, che unisce raggio, potenza e precisione in involucro decisamente ingombrante e pesante."
      STR_LASER_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: "Creata come una miniaturizzazione della tecnologia laser portatile, essa sacrifica raggio e potenza per minori peso e grandezza."
      STR_LASER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "Il pezzo principale della tecnologia laser portatile, quest'arma è la variante standard da cui ogni altro design è nato."
      STR_LASER_WEAPONS: Generatori Elettrici ad Elerium ed Emettitori Laser Avanzati
      STR_SNUB_NOSE_LASER: Pistola Laser a Canna Camusa
      STR_SNUB_NOSE_LASER_UFOPEDIA: "Un tentativo di miniaturizzare un fucile laser, in qualche modo riuscito, producendo un arma più piccola e potente al costo del raggio di fuoco."
Code: [Select]
  - type: it
      STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: Materiali Alieni
      STR_ALIEN_EXPLOSIVES: Testate a Fusione per Fanteria
      STR_ALIEN_WEAPONRY: Armamenti Alieni
      STR_EXPLOSIVE_BOMB: Bomba Esplosiva
      STR_HEAVY_LAUNCHER: Lanciabombe Pesante
      STR_HEAVY_LAUNCHER_AMMO: Munizioni per Lanciabombe Pesante
      STR_HEAVY_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA: "Dove il lanciabombe piccolo è pensato come un'arma d'utilità, il lanciabombe pesante è pensato per causare danni ad una determinata posizione."
      STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER: Lanciabombe Piccolo
      STR_SMALL_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA: Questo lanciabombe sembra un dispositivo di lancio per dispositivi disabilitanti per  stordire bersagli in un determinato raggio.
      STR_STUN_BOMB: Bomba Stordente
      STR_UFO_NAVIGATION: Computer Alieni
Code: [Select]
  - type: it
      STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: Materiali Alieni
      STR_ALIEN_WEAPONRY: Armamenti Alieni
      STR_HEAVY_PLASMA: Fucile al Plasma Pesante
      STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP: Caricatore per Fucile al Plasma Pesante
      STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_UFOPEDIA: La più grande delle armi al plasma portatili viste usate dagli alieni. Come tutte le armi al plasma funziona accelerando gas ionizzati grazie ad un campo magnetico.
      STR_PLASMA_PISTOL: PDW al Plasma
      STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_CLIP: Caricatore per PDW al Plasma
      STR_PLASMA_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: "Questa sembra un'arma personale da fianco o secondaria tra gli alieni. Come tutte le armi al plasma funziona accelerando gas ionizzati grazie ad un campo magnetico."
      STR_PLASMA_RIFLE: Fucile al Plasma
      STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP: Caricatore per Fucile al Plasma
      STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "L'arma al plasma più conosciuta vista usata dagli alieni. Come tutte le armi al plasma funziona accelerando gas ionizzati grazie ad un campo magnetico."
      STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS: Contenitori di Particelle Magnetici ad Alta Stabilità
      STR_UFO_NAVIGATION: Computer Alieni
Code: [Select]
  - type: it
      STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: Materiali Alieni
      STR_ALIEN_WEAPONRY: Armamenti Alieni
      STR_ARC_PROJECTOR: Proiettore ad Arco
      STR_ARC_PROJECTOR_AMMO: Caricatore per Proiettore ad Arco
      STR_ARC_PROJECTOR_UFOPEDIA: "Una modifica delle armi a proiezione aliene che sostituisce la materia ad alta energia con particelle atmosferiche per fornire un percorso conduttivo, simile ai gas ionizzati dei fulmini, verso il basso attraverso cui un impulso elettrico è guidato per stordire il bersaglio."
      STR_DUAL_PROJECTOR: Doppio Proiettore
      STR_DUAL_PROJECTOR_AMMO: Caricatore per Doppio Proiettore
      STR_DUAL_PROJECTOR_UFOPEDIA: Le armi a proiezione aliene usano un acceleratore di particelle per guidare particelle di materia ad alta energia contenute nel caricatore. Queste particelle causano legami molecolari che cedono con risultati catastrofici. Questa inusuale arma usa due acceleratori della grandezza di una pistola per permette un maggior rateo di fuoco.
      STR_PROJECTOR_CARBINE: Carabina a Proiezione
      STR_PROJECTOR_CARBINE_AMMO: Caricatore per Carabina a Proiezione
      STR_PROJECTOR_CARBINE_UFOPEDIA: "Le armi a proiezione aliene usano un acceleratore di particelle per guidare particelle di materia ad alta energia contenute nel caricatore. Queste particelle causano legami molecolari che cedono con risultati catastrofici. La carabina a proiezione è un'applicazione della grandezza di un fucile solitamente usato dalle specie psichicamente inferiori."
      STR_PROJECTOR_PISTOL: Pistola a Proiezione
      STR_PROJECTOR_PISTOL_AMMO: Caricatore per Pistola a Proiezione
      STR_PROJECTOR_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: "Le armi a proiezione aliene usano un acceleratore di particelle per guidare particelle di materia ad alta energia contenute nel caricatore. Queste particelle causano legami molecolari che cedono con risultati catastrofici. La pistola a proiezione è l'arma più compatta che esista con questa tecnologia."
      STR_PROJECTOR_WEAPONS: Acceleratori di Particelle militarizzati
      STR_UFO_NAVIGATION: Computer Alieni
Code: [Select]
  - type: it
      STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: Materiali Alieni
      STR_ALIEN_WEAPONRY: Armamenti Alieni
      STR_HEAVY_THERMAL_RIFLE: Fucile Termico Pesante
      STR_HEAVY_THERMAL_RIFLE_AMMO: Caricatore per Fucile Termico Pesante
      STR_HEAVY_THERMAL_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "Un versione ingrandita del Fucile Termico, con anche maggior potenziale di danno. Le armi termiche sparano uno spruzzo di gel surriscaldato che al momento dell'impatto con il bersaglio fonde qualsiasi armatura."
      STR_THERMAL_RIFLE: Fucile Termico
      STR_THERMAL_RIFLE_AMMO: Caricatore per Fucile Termico
      STR_THERMAL_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "Il fucile termico sembra essere usato come una sorte di arma del terrore, progettata per infliggere gravi danni nel modo più drammatico possibile. Le armi termiche sparano uno spruzzo di gel surriscaldato che al momento dell'impetto con il bersaglio fonde qualsiasi armatura."
      STR_THERMAL_WEAPONS: Contenitore di Gel Termico
      STR_UFO_NAVIGATION: Computer Alieni

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2014, 03:45:46 am »
Niiiice on the translations. I cant even speak anything other than english so its kinda beyond me, one of the downsides of any mods im going to make will be it'll only have english entries.

Is it possable for me to use/modify/base off these sprites?  I'm currently working on a Elerium Based Laser Mod.

I love the idea of elerium based lasers. The way I see it is laser guns should be a kind of thing that automatically requires alien tech research, otherwise we'd already have them. Heating issues, battery storage, all of that is stuff that holds us back from having genuine laser guns.

In the mod im planning it basically goes like:

1) Initial research gives you bolters/gyrojets. They replace the role of lasers initially but the accuracy isnt great and they dont have many shots. There isnt any future in that research either.

2) E-115 research allows you to research Laser Weapons . . . you get Heavy Laser first, then Laser Rifle, then Laser Pistol (miniaturization dynamic). Each one requires ONE unit of E-115 to produce, and has infinite ammunition just like vanilla. Its explained that the E-115 is used to produce superconducting wires, and a capacitor that can hold a charge of hundreds of shots worth of energy. They still do roughly vanilla laser damage amounts, but unlike the gyrojets they have no ammo restrictions (the gyrojet pistol is a revolver with 5 shots, and the rifle holds 15)

3) Alien plasma weapons require a starter research just like Laser Weapons (called Plasma Weapons). You need to have Alien Alloys and E-115 researched first. And to research the weapons you also need to have the items. You don't need to research the clips, but the research requirements for the weapons are increased (1000 for each).

4) The alien plasma clips don't require any materials to produce, they're basically just gas canisters for ammo feed to the weapon. Instead the weapon costs upwards of 10-15 units of E-115 to produce. The idea I had for it was the plasma weapons could just have infinite ammo like the lasers do, but I wanted to keep the plasma clips around anyway just because of the balance factor (and because I love the way the Plasma Rifle Clip looks).

But then again in mine the plasma gun balance is changed. They're more like the TFTD sonics, and the pistol is a massacre because its fast and does as much as the rifle (so each one is generally equal in stature).

Speaking of which, another sprite drop (I dont have any use for this particular one, im guessing it would work as some kind of laser pdw, just me being creative)

Offline Roxis231

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2014, 04:00:21 am »
If you are interested in Elerium based lasers why don't you check out my Optical Elerium Mod

You can find it Here and Here

I'm currently at V0.91 and hope to reach V1.0 soonish, then its going on the Mod page.

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #35 on: September 08, 2014, 08:59:01 am »
@elerium lasers - sounds good, but no thanks. I love the sprites for it though, and that it uses ammo. Those ammo packs for it look radd.

My idea is that the basic lasers are so effective for the fact that they dont require much research, that they are somewhat overpowered. They are good solid weapons all by themselves (ahem the laser rifle anyway), after all the laser rifle does 60 damage and the plasma rifle does 80 and in all other respects they're basically the same.

By adding additional research, and requiring you to have E-115 stocked to make them (but not maintain them) it balances them out more. I do think the heavy laser always deserved to do 100 damage for its weight and slow firing though, regardless of the timing or its role in the game. And it explains how they can be charged up for hundreds of shots and just plugged back into the wall again when you get back home.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #36 on: September 08, 2014, 06:15:53 pm »
It's only partially relevant to the thread, but I would like to add one thing to your post, RSSWizard. Laser weapons (vanilla ones anyway) have one basic problem that you haven't mentioned: accuracy.

Yeah, curiously, lasers are the least accurate weapons in the game. It's not a big problem with vanilla targeting mechanics, since you can just shower the enemy with fast auto-fire, but with UFO Extender Accuracy its (laser rifle's) usability drops significantly - from "the best rifle in the game" to "a decent rifle with fast snap shots".
It's especially noticeable with laser sniper rifles. If you want to keep its stats in line with other laser weapons (as compared to other weapon types), it's pretty inaccurate for a precision weapon and is more like a mid-heavy laser than an actual precision weapon.

For this reason I can't agree that the laser rifle is comparable to the plasma rifle except being a bit weaker. Sure, it isn't that noticeable with the vanilla mechanics, but I am a supporter of the UFO Extender Accuracy (as it gives the game more tactical depth) and it really shows.

Offline oftcrash

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #37 on: September 08, 2014, 06:47:22 pm »
Is there a way to decrease the laser accuracy or damage if it passes through smoke?

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2014, 08:18:51 pm »
Is there a way to decrease the laser accuracy or damage if it passes through smoke?

I don't think normal smoke would do anything more than simply block your view, but perhaps some hi-tech fog thingy... :)

Offline NoelBuddy

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #39 on: September 08, 2014, 09:33:11 pm »
RSSWizard: IIRC the copyright issue was that we can't just take the art work and make a game that uses them without the original game installed.  That's why having a copy of the original game is a fixed requirement for OXcom, but the sprites and style can be reused whole-sale as long as we stick to that requirement...  not to discourage you from making your own creations, those pics are awesome!

Offline oftcrash

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #40 on: September 08, 2014, 10:09:01 pm »
I don't think normal smoke would do anything more than simply block your view, but perhaps some hi-tech fog thingy... :)

Well, yeah, the physics is iffy, but so is having handheld plasma weaponry :)

I'm thinking more about from the capabilities of the current mod environment. Is it possible to modify damage or accuracy based on terrain or smoke interaction with just ruleset changes?

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #41 on: September 09, 2014, 11:19:24 pm »
Yeah, curiously, lasers are the least accurate weapons in the game.

I always felt that way about the lasers too. The idea was I guess to make them weaker from a game balance perspective.

Lasers should be Exceedingly accurate, not just from a pinpoint precision perspective. Because you can two-stage the laser. The laser emitter is a natural laser dot sight, and a bright one at that. But when you pull the trigger it engages full power and does the damage.

Then it has both fast target acquisition and pinpoint accuracy, without recoil (and without bullet drop at a distance). The laser shot literally goes right where the dot is pointed.

The accuracy stats ought to be almost universally over 100% or even 150% because they're so easy to aim (you dont even need to line up iron sights or look down a scope). But that breaks game balance. You could do the same things with plasma weapons too.

Arguments about lasers not being accurate at extreme ranges . . . well maybe that applies to the aerial Laser Cannon but not the handheld lasers, which are fired at ranges less than 200 yards. As we all know a laser of any kind, if properly aligned optically, will be accurate and pinpoint at that range and much further.

But . . . Lasers really should be single-shot-at-a-time guns though. The idea of using a Continuous laser beam that cuts is an industrial machine under controlled conditions, or a purely sci-fi concept.

For it to be able to operate at maximum efficiency it would be a Pulse Laser, firing at Terrawatt strength (like 50,000 Megawatts) but over such a very short period of time that it seems like it was instantaneous. They already have these, but they are bulky and have to be powered by a direct power line feed (NASA uses them sometimes to ionize paths for attracting lightning strikes).

The difference of course, is being able to turn that into a handheld weapon. More power just means rather than firing for a few microseconds maybe it fires for a millisecond.

In reality the damage tends to be kinda explosive in nature rather than piercing or cutting. When materials and liquids are vaporized they explode, and get in the way of the laser penetrating deeper, which causes them (in this short period of time) to expand even more violently.

The game does portray this accurately by making it a shot weapon just like any other. And it can do alot of damage (like the Tank/Laser) without it penetrating through.

Speaking of which . . .

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #42 on: September 09, 2014, 11:50:21 pm »
These are awesome!

Mine if I use a few in my mod?

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2014, 12:21:28 am »
Mine if I use a few in my mod?
Yup, they are free to use and modify as you see fit. They are generally taken from other places and resized and adjusted and so forth but sometiems I make my own. I don't care either way though, I feel better about it if people just use it (only restriction is that nobody else can restrict me from using it)


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Re: Weapon Rework/Expansion - Version 0.8
« Reply #44 on: September 10, 2014, 12:39:30 am »
EDIT - - Pimp My Gun is a dam good starting place to make an authentic gun sprite from. When resized down to the small bigobs resolution you can easily make adjustments to make it more like you want it to be. However the monotone nature of the graphics from PMG means at the 96/64 pixel height stage youll need to define lines and raise the contrast on it so that way it doesnt turn into a bunch of gray goo when you go down to the native bigobs 32/48 pixel size. So if you dont want to take someone's gun picture it is still pretty easy to make your own.

I use Photoshop 7 for my spriting normally.

First I take an image and rotate  it around, flip it, whatever to get it in the proper orientation and I crop it down to the parts of the item that I want to be visible. That means for assault rifles the magazine might get chopped a little. Then because of the fat/squished orientation of a 2x3 size item I sometimes then select parts to squeeze and I just move them, like shortening the barrel or elminating parts of the stock to make it shorter.

Then (takes deep breath) . . . Resize it down to Height 96 or 64 depending on the size the item will be. . . Apply Unsharp Mask at about 50% to sharpen it a little . . . Then resize down to the native item size of 48 or 32 height.

Unsharp Mask it again and it should be ready for PRIMARY EDITING

I use the Pencil Tool at (1 pixel square size) and I adjust the OPACITY of the Pencil to about 25-35%. I end up having to go back and forth from 100% to the lower level frequently so I dont give it a specific number, I just move the slider (uggh).

Usually I pick a color like black and use it to darken lines and apply texture to the sprite. Or I select a lighter color of the type I want and use it as a kind of "lighten" tool.

>> This means I dont have to painstakingly select exact colors to use.
>> However I do have to generally stick to the kinds of colors and hues that are in the XCOM Palette otherwise I could get color inaccuracy.
>> Sometimes I check colors on the Xcom palette to make sure im picking ones that are close.

Post Processing
Fill in all areas that should be transparent with the transparency color (I pick a Hot Pink Fuscha since I will almost never use this color in anything).

Expand Canvas to 32x48, using the Top Left as the focal point.

Downsample to Indexed Color, using a specialized Xcom Battlescape palette as the Custom Palette to convert to. That palette is used in all of my images, and it replaces some colors in it (like the last 16 colors, and the first color) with odd colors that are unlikely to be present.

If there are any color errors in the preview I cancel the downsample, and select areas to Adjust Hue/Saturation on to adjust the colors so they will remap correctly. Then I downsample.

If there are any errant pixels I select a similar color from that area and I eliminate them (forbidden colors, or just pixels that stick out in the wrong places for some reason).

And often frustratingly have to set the Opacity of my Pencil tool back to 100% so it will draw in Indexed mode because I forgot to set it back before.

Then go into the Color Palette and use its eyedropper to select the transparent color so I can make an transparent .gif out of it. And then its done.

For Simple Color Remapping:
Convert to 24 bit, use Hue/Saturation and select a certain color range I want to mess with (like Reds or Blues or Yellows), then adjust the range more finely at the bottom of the dialog box. And I change it to the color I want.

Downsample back to the modified Xcom Palette again.

Source of Experience: Been spriting since Wolfenstein 3D came out (1992).
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 12:48:42 am by RSSwizard »