Author Topic: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)  (Read 79372 times)

Offline Leprechaun

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Re: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2015, 02:04:01 pm »
Have you tried to compile using these instructions? I had a terrible time of it, until somebody shared these and it has been super easy ever since. Also make sure you have the proper dependencies installed.

Using git, you can access the code as it was at any point in time, which makes it super easy to get the proper nightly for things, you can apply patches as well to customize your experience (ex.: Manufacturing profit, show soldier improvement) and you can update your game to the latest nightly in very few commands.

OpenXCom is much better than DosBoxing the original! Give it a try. It should be maybe one gaming session invested, but then every session afterwards will be much better ;)

Thanks to you and to niculinux for the information. I will copy off the instructions and give it a try the next time I have a few hours.

I admit, I'm still concerned about nicu's mention of, "a few dependencies." That always reminds me of the doctor saying, "Now this isn't going to hurt a bit."

Linux people are a lot smarter than Windoze people. We ought to have this down by now to:
Download X
Execute X
Enjoy playing the game.

Oh well, if I do get it working, maybe that will be my contribution.


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Re: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2015, 03:41:11 pm »

I admit, I'm still concerned about nicu's mention of, "a few dependencies." That always reminds me of the doctor saying, "Now this isn't going to hurt a bit."


Linux people are a lot smarter than Windoze people.


Well not nocessailry, i'm a complete linux incompetent but still manage the game to run!!! Actually the only new thingh is the dependencies deal, but that's non of that difficult! Need only to get new way of figuring thingh, that's it :)

Offline Arthanor

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Re: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2015, 05:37:23 pm »
The dependencies are listed in the link in my previous post, just "sudo yum install" or "sudo apt-get" the packages (the identifiers in parenthesis on the wiki page, next to the package names). It shouldn't be too hard to deal with that part.

The only problem is to get all the info in one place, with a set of fool-proof instructions to install from nothing. That's still sort of missing, but we have most of the pieces lying around.

Offline Leprechaun

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Re: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)
« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2015, 04:14:46 pm »
The dependencies are listed in the link in my previous post, just "sudo yum install" or "sudo apt-get" the packages (the identifiers in parenthesis on the wiki page, next to the package names). It shouldn't be too hard to deal with that part.

The only problem is to get all the info in one place, with a set of fool-proof instructions to install from nothing. That's still sort of missing, but we have most of the pieces lying around.
That's the part that worries me, getting everything together in one place. I don't need foolproof, but I do need to know that I have all the pieces, so if something goes wrong, I won't spend a week or so beating my head against a wall only to find out that I was missing a key piece.

The other part is, after I get it to work, can I run the FMP? Expanded game is what I'm after. If this is just a rewrite of the base game, I'll save myself the effort and just continue as I have been.

Offline Arthanor

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Re: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)
« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2015, 06:16:04 pm »
OpenXCom is just a rewrite of XCom:EU and XCom:TftD, but it is also fully moddable, so you will get access to the FMP, Piratez, Redux, etc. on top of all the other smaller mods created by others. OXC is also a lot more configurable, and has much better UI than the original. I would never go back, even to play a completely vanilla game.

Offline Leprechaun

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Re: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)
« Reply #35 on: December 18, 2015, 04:31:06 am »
OpenXCom is just a rewrite of XCom:EU and XCom:TftD, but it is also fully moddable, so you will get access to the FMP, Piratez, Redux, etc.
Right, but the instructions for FMP require more than the 1.0 version of the game. I just checked, and the opening screen says Xcom 1.0. Looking at the Changelog confirms this, "Version 1.0 (13-06-2014)". So now I start over, because I have to get a nightly which will run FMP.

Are the nightlies complete? If I wipe out the old directory structure entirely and unpack the nightly into a build directory (plus all the updates and settings) should this compile and run like I want? (I.e. all I have to do is drop in FMP according to the instructions and it will run?)

Offline Leprechaun

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Re: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)
« Reply #36 on: December 18, 2015, 06:04:32 am »
I just wiped my previous setup and downloaded the latest nightly. Then I found out it doesn't contain source code. It's a windows compiled binary.

Where do I need to go to get the source to compile the nightly?

Offline hellrazor

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Re: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)
« Reply #37 on: December 18, 2015, 07:10:25 am »
I just wiped my previous setup and downloaded the latest nightly. Then I found out it doesn't contain source code. It's a windows compiled binary.

Where do I need to go to get the source to compile the nightly?

You can clone the github repository of the master branch from SupSuper located here.

You then may need to install additional lib's and tools before compiling openxcom.

Check this list located here

You may also visit the IRC Channel on freenode if you aquire additional help.

Once you finished compiling the game, either you install it or you call it directly,
i call it directly with a simple shellscript made by myself to start the game:
Code: [Select]
cd ~/games/openxcom/OpenXcom/build/bin/
exit $?

Should be placed in file in a bin directory with execution rights.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2015, 07:14:17 am by hellrazor »

Offline Leprechaun

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Re: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)
« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2015, 02:18:57 pm »
Thanks, hellrazor, for the answer. I think I have the libs and dependencies correct, since I was able to compile and run the 1.0 version.

I've been to the master branch page, but when I click on Pull Request, I get a 404 (page not found.) When I download the zip, I just get the 1.0 version. Obviously I don't know enough about github or I'm missing something simple.

I'll be searching the web this weekend for better github instructions.

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Re: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)
« Reply #39 on: August 31, 2016, 03:11:34 am »
Awesome Guns is developed and tested on Debian 8.

Also, the additional mod:

Offline beng

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Re: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)
« Reply #40 on: August 09, 2023, 04:49:47 am »
Here is a small mod that is partly developed using a Windows tool (Volutar's world.dat editor) but tested in Lunux Mint 21.2 Xfce:

Globe Islands mod:,543.msg157016.html#msg157016

It adds more islands to ocean areas for radar bases / alien bases, and adds more cities to the globe for more terror mission site possibilities. Also changes a few terrain assignments in different parts of the globe.

To install put the mod folder in your mods folder, in Linux Mint is is: /home/<username>/.local/share/openxcom/mods/
Replace <username> with your login name.

Offline Cooper

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Re: Mods tested on OpenXcom 1.0 on Linux (compiled xubuntu 12.04 build)
« Reply #41 on: December 27, 2023, 07:09:15 pm »
UFO: Alien Takeover works on Linux Mint 20.3. Should also work on related distros like Ubuntu and Debian)

Update: The mod is now even being developed in Linux  8)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2024, 10:19:09 am by Cooper »