i played around with openxcom mods for some time now
and decided to publish what i created
perhaps somebody find the stuff useful
i put all the files in zip file
IMHO the most interesting part is a python script that allows to generate complex mods with 2-3 lines
research=[x["name"] for x in orig["research"] if x["cost"]>0]
for r in research:
that one is one of my testing/cheat mods and sets all (normal) research cost very low (you can get to cydonia in a month) - writing that manually is tedious work
unfortunately i did not document anything but the part outside the modcreation itself is 30 lines therefore i see no need

you need python of course and the pyaml library
https://pyyaml.org/ now the the mods i generated
there is a list of cheating/testing mods that are useful to test something later game if you need to start a new game for your mod (WARNING can suck all the fun out of the game!)
Cheat_Fundingx10: multiplies starting funds and available nation-funds times 10
Cheat_Supersoldiers: all soldiers have 200 in all stats
Cheat_Bob_the_Builder: all facilities are build within 2 days
Cheat_FastResearch: all research is done in 1-2 days with 1 scientist
Cheat_SuperFacilities: psi/work/labroom,defence,storage, quarter, crafts is multiplied with 10
Cheat_NoDamageAlien: aliens and alien weapons do no damage (chrysalid still makes zombies)
Medikit_need_alien_and_room: the medikit needs 2 normal aliens, 1 terrorist and one of (EXAMINATION_ROOM, ALIEN_SURGERY, ALIEN_REPRODUCTION [see
https://www.openxcom.com/mod/alien-reproduction]) researched until this is accomplished i use
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1782.msg19567#msg19567Break2Elerium: my first mod was a converter of "plasma clips" into elerium because i thought the use of the "terran plasma weapons"
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1710.0 and one of the "plasma beam needs elerium"-mods could lead into shortage but it was manageable without this mod but it is a nice example haow to "Manufacturing several items from one piece of material" or using different (optional) source material to get the same item
there are 4 version with different elerium output/costs i use the 50%-version
Craft Research Needs UFOs: Ufoconstruction and the following crafts need up to 6 researched Engineer/UFOs to appear in the research list
Failed .. Research 1 to ..: Puts "empty" Research object to the navigators,medics,... you have to collect more of them to get things done -Failed NAVIGATOR Research 1 to 1 means for each existing mission there is one failed Mission a navigator can give during interrogation.
since the rul files are produced via script be aware the layout/format is slightly different than the normaly used xcomrulset-format but still valid.
have fun

thanks to all the people in irc for the help