Author Topic: Mortar Tank update  (Read 3006 times)


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Mortar Tank update
« on: September 11, 2015, 01:14:54 am »
I was looking at the different hwp's that are available as standard and within various mods and noticed the mod by CaleAfterEarth "Mortar Tank" doesn't have a hover version. Now it does and I've named this version 1.2 as original without hover was v1.1. Full credits go to CaleAfterEarth as I've only slightly expanded on his original mod. Initial playtesting on my current run through haven't indicated any problems but other testers would be appreciated as would comments and/or suggestions. One final point is that I doubled the ammo capacity from the original 15 to 30 as even with 30 ammo you can run out of ammo very quickly.