I appreciate a lot playing FMP with its approach to keep the flair of the game close to the original.
However, there is one thing which I don't like:
The battle maps are much more cramped than it used to be in the venerable game from the 90s.
That's fine for terror missions which ought to be painful, but when shooting down an ufo over arctic terrain just to see dozends of hills, each with a cave and several tunnels in it (how realistic is that??), I wistfully think back to the open battles on flat arctic terrain of the original game.
Or you shoot down an ufo in the middle of Africa and then you wonder how your Skyranger managed to land in a spot completely surrounded by winding two-story "farm" buildings with flower gardens and whatever. I mean, take a random spot in the middle of Africa, what is the chance that you will encounter only a single building nearby, let alone the luxury gardens and TV devices etc.
The addition of new map tiles is fine and welcome, but it should be made sure that the balance open-vs-cramped tiles is not changed too much.