Guys, let me explain some arguments.
When i first implemented the Layout Manager (which is completely ready for use, only SupSuper has to click for merge, and you can use it), i also had the idea of this:

But look at this, and think!
How can you type a name for a layout in this version? Where is the Editbox for that?
How can you even create a new layout? Where would you put a new "Create" button?
And how can you erase a Layout if you don't need that anymore?
And if you want to apply a single layout for about 16 soldiers, you have to click to "next soldier button" then Load, then "next soldier button" then Load, and so on. That's too complicated! With Layout manager you just have to click each soldier only, and they are close to each other (I mean the name list).
Oh, and the Layout Manager has a feature: "Newly recruited soldiers" if you want a layout to be automatically applied to every new soldier.
I admit myk002's version is much simpler, but also think about it a little deeper.
If a soldier dies with an only layout, you have to make that Layout again with a new soldier.
And if you use 2 or more Skyrangers on more bases, how can you copy layouts between them?
And with this version you also have to click twice for each soldier! ("next soldier button" then Paste, then "next soldier button" then Paste, and so on. And these two buttons are not exactly next to each other on the screen)
And what if you don't want to use a Layout for any of your soldiers temporarily? (because there is night now, and you want to use Incendiary bullets for your auto-cannons for this mission only) Then you have to remake that Layout again when you need it again.
Again, you have to click much more with this version.
With a lot of soldiers, you have to click least only with the Layout Manager.
And one more important thing.
As you can see on the above picture of the Layout Manager, there is a place on the screen with "OUTSIDE BRIGHTNESS".
You can see what situation are you getting into by this little feature!
I think this is very useful. You can decide what layout you want to use according to the outside brightness/darkness conditions! (perhaps I will rename it to OUTSIDE DARKNESS to be consistent with the string in New Battle mode)
I have a final argument, which i hope all (or at least the most) people will agree:
Since both my version and myk002's version is complete, i think the best would be to merge both! AND of course have a new option in the Advanced Options, which is: "Inventory Layout Mode" which would have two settings: "Layout Manager" and "Copy/Paste Mode".
Then everybody would be happy, since everyone can choose which version he/she prefers!
I offer that i will implement the Advanced Options chooser, if we come down to that. (so SupSuper only has to click to the Merge buttons (on Github) only, he does not need to implement anything about this

What do you think, guys?