Hello~ I have some questions about technical part of this mod.
(1) My first question is about itemSets value in the ruleset. According to UFOpedia ruleset page, the value has three item lists each corresponding to 3 alien technology level. And you seemed to have inserted the 4th technology level, am I right? (I'm a noob so I really don't understand exactly the mechnism of these rulesets yet).
Yes, you are absolutely right! Don't be so modest.
I've added an additional equipment loadout because it was hard to fit the new stuff in the 3-tier model.
So is it possible to add 5th item list as well corresponding to the 5th technology level and so one just adding some strings in the ruleset like you did? Or should I have to handle some inner structure of the game itself before I can keep adding the alien weaponry like this?
Yes, you can increase the further number of loadouts. To add a new one, you need to modify each alien rank deployment in each mission by adding a new entry, and also modify the alienItemLevels table (the original has 3 levels, from 0 to 2; this mod has 4 levels, from 0 to 3). Details
(2) AlienArmouryExpanded_UFOs.rul seems to add more UFOs. Can I use your mod with Yet More UFOs mod or any other mods that add more UFOs or alien missions?
I think so, but if a mod adds an alienItemLevels section, then you should check if the number of loadouts matches your current game setup.