From the hell's heart... there is an update

And it delivers some major new stuff - for starters, three ships that can be built or bought straight away, and change the flow of the game in a major way - depending on your choices. The Pachyderm allows to exchange the power of Bonaventura for speed and loads of starting money. The Zeppelin is basically a mobile radar station that lets you manage much more area from just a single base. And for the real men, there is the Pigeon, a propeller plane with 9 crew and a great radar... and 300 knots top speed

Secondly, the Hobbes' terrain is now fully integrated, the package has all the map files you need. I've decided that having to install another mod (and in a proper version at that) was just too much hassle for the player, while Pirates are much less fun without these extra maps (especially Pogroms... you shouldn't be seeing clean and nice suburbia that often, much less every time). Just be sure to make backups of your original files.
Other than that, many bugfixes and updates to allow the mod to run with the latest nightlies. Thanks for continuing support, have fun, and comment! I'm back in business.
Below: the Pachyderm Pedia, same one on the base, and the awesome Pigeon (which is refubrished Redv's E3 Hawkeye).