I recently caught the first few episodes of IvanDogovich's PirateZ campaign, was deeply intrigued, then decided to play the game myself. I have now finished my campaign over the course of about a week and a half of realtime. My feedback's run over the 20000 character limit, so I'm afraid I have to break it up into multiple egregiously long posts.
-Some stats-
Gametime: Completed in mid 2603
Difficulty: 3
Tactical Skill level: Zapp Brannigan
Strategic Skill level: Geoffrey Lebowski
Savescum level: Scumlord Alpha Plus
Starting Location: The eastern shores of the Caspian Sea, hideout "Khutulun's Rest"
Psi Strength Improve On
Overall it's difficult to overstate what an enthralling experience it was. "Mutant anime space pirate babes fighting fascists for profit and booze" is a pretty much bulletproof premise, you could take that to the bank. This is the most cavernous tech tree I think I've ever encountered. How many researches are there? Based on the experience it really felt like it gave Warzone 2100's ~500 researchable techs a run for its money, and I am both impressed and terrified that there's much more planned. Thank you profoundly for making my return to classic Xcom a deeply memorable and utterly fantastic experience.
HIGH POINT: Early Trader pogroms. This was easily the game-defining experience that illustrated both how deep and rewarding PirateZ is, and how different it is from XCom. What's around the corner? Is it a GO with a bottle of booze, some drugs, and a li'l snubby? Or is it fucking Evil Robocop in powered armor with a heavy laser and a boner for murder? I had to maintain a diverse roster, with multiple different types of armor, and use every single underhanded and dirty trick in the book ("Hmm. Page one: Run at guy. Page two: Stab guy repeatedly. Short book.") The ultimate moment was, having exhausted all my heavy munitions to no effect, twelve pirates huddled in a garage while Robocop, the only survivor of his pogrom force, lazily bullseyed snakeladies in the parking lot adjacent. The plan? One pirate hammers a hole in the wall, runs up to Robocop, drops the hammer, dives away. Then every other pirate runs out in a single-file line, picks up the hammer, hits Robocop once, drops it, and makes room for the next to repeat. He goes down on the last soldier. Great enemy diversity, with all enemies being a credible threat to my pirates but demanding dramatically different responses and combined arms.
Addendum: The image of a drunk, high asshole gleefully taking inaccurate potshots at cowering, defenseless mutant civilians is some powerful stuff. I hated these guys, and it wasn't because they were frustrating to fight. I made a point to show up to each pogrom - it didn't matter that the profit margins were low. As the Dude says: "This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man."
OTHER WONDERFUL MOMENTS: My pet Reaper, "Mr. Reaps". And storming a Star God Base with three X-sectopods whilst laughing maniacally for about a quarter of an hour.
LOW POINT: Tech bottlenecks. I spent approximately forever (actually about 12 months) awaiting an Academy Engineer. I shot them all during the early Academy Pogroms, and after that the Academy dropped off the face of the earth I had radar coverage of. I did eventually rectify the issue, but the Star God Coordinator was pretty much the first faction leader I was able to capture. Merc pogroms in early 2601 were also pretty rough too, but I had nobody to blame but myself for sticking those out.
OTHER UNWONDERFUL MOMENTS: Realizing only after Disc-o-Deathing the Star God Governator a question that you can sprint for 3 TU 3 energy. Shit. Again, my fault for not looking up exactly WHAT all the special movement options were. But it was definitely making me flashback to all those times I needed a few more Techblade hits to down a mercenary jerk... The first few months, also, felt like shipping was pretty spare on the ground and most of my missions were pogroms
BUGS / CAMPAIGN MYSTERIES :This section is going to be brief and mostly focus on the things that confused me or seemed very buggy. On reread, maybe describing this section as 'brief' was optimistic...
* Nobody ever blaster bombed me. There were several opportunities to do so, namely on the cruisers I downed and of course in my hideout defenses, but they never seemed to do so. This is a problem because once I developed X-Sectopods, I could use one to mop up an entire hideout assault force.
* Blaster Bomb addendum: What truly weirded me out about the experience with the enemies being blaster launcher shy was that they had no problems doing Suicide Rockets from RPGs on pogroms, or suicide grenading me from time to time. They really seemed to struggle with grenades too, actually - Guild Securities used them VERY effectively in my early months, and then almost everyone entirely forgot to use them ever again for two straight years.
* Similarly, tanks were often gunshy. The first tank I encountered was on a Mercenary Pogrom right next to the Bonaventura and thus in my smoke grenade cloud. I ran out and wailed on it with melee for three straight turns, and all it did was drive around. This was especially odd, as later I encountered one during a Humanist Pogrom that had zero compunctions about shooting me right in my smug face.
* Tank addendum: The humanist tank that was unimpressed additionally did not appear to be traversing its turret. The howitzer shells definitely were coming out of the back of the turret. I really wish I'd kept a savegame of this, because I went from "haha, it's just a silly little tank" to "WAT" at warp speed.
* Rounding out the theme of enemies not doing things, Mercenary Captains seemed extremely shy to deploy their melee attack (which is supposed to be badass and scary according to the ingame bootypedia).
* I encountered significantly more Dark Ones than I did Deep Ones and Smugglers - all of my imperial probe missions were Dark Ones themed, and in early 2603 they started flying crackdown missions and launched several hideout assaults. To be clear: I do not view the low density of Deep Ones and Smugglers as a problem, it just struck me as odd that the Dark Ones were in such high representation compared to those other two factions. In fact, I never had any missions with deep ones and smugglers!
* Academy Explorers seemed to be available to research repeatedly, despite me filling out my Countries list. Is something happening here that I don't understand?
* Many of my >100% shots seemed to miss their targets. This led me to eventually phase out ranged combat almost entirely out of frustration. I noticed this effect increased dramatically with range and as I got further above 100% hit chance. In some cases, I think it was intentional: Star God Coordinators seem to have a very high chance for weapons fire to simply slide off of them, and I'm okay with that, but I was frustrated with things like a pest control manager that just can't be hit no matter how many times I reload with save scum on.
* While I got their research info from a Gun Almanac, I never once encountered an Autorifle. Millions of Machineguns, X-Com Rifles, Battle Rifles, Homefront Rifles, LACCs, CAWS, etc, though.
* I was never able to stun an Armored Beastmaster, they always popped their armor even when I was using exclusively stun damage. I was worried I'd need to somehow capture Armored Beastmasters to preserve their unique armor.
* The blackmarch SMG bootypedia entry describes it as a scarce weapon, yet it is purchasable at will from the black market.
* I'd really appreciate it if the bootypedia entries for each weapon named what each type of ammunition was. Over time it became unclear to me which was which.
* Panzerfausts seemed uneconomical to me in the earlygame.
* My first base raid was an army of ratmen. I think I spotted one other bandit mission. This was actually a problem as I accidentally killed all the academy engineers I met in the earlygame and didn't meet any more until early 2602. Had that been the academy I think I would have finished the game several months earlier.
* Now that sectopod corpses are required to build sectopods, I'd like to point out that it is unclear from the bootypedia entry alone whether robot disassembly gives you a corpse or not.
* I never encountered, up till shipping-600, a Star God Messenger ship. The vast majority of shipping was heavy gunships and cruisers.
* From a lore point of view it's a bit odd that special deep one and dark one missions are spawned by imperial probes, and that the empire itself never seems to launch these probes.
* I'd love to know ammo counts per craft weapon - the single shot Avalanches and three shot Lancers were surprising to me.
* I'd also love to know the TU cost and accuracy of HWP weaponry. The X-Sectopod's amazingly generous 12-tu, long-ranged autoshots only laser took me completely by surprise. Does the HMG cyberdisc have a 90% tu cost on its shot like the soldier version? I dunno without building one!
* How come spears aren't Piercing?
* A gray civilian goomba-stomped me, instantly KOing one of my hands. What? How? Hunh? What?
* I was getting my ass kicked by Sway Local Gov't missions until I went to the UFOpaedia website and learned that what I REALLY needed to be doing was shooting down each of the starting craft, and that doing ground assaults (While profitable in the extreme) on the cruisers afterwards was irrelevant.
* Do Humanists make their Hanabus, or do they contract the Guild to build them? Are the Hanabus using cloaking devices to fly under the radar as well, or are their craft sanctioned in some way? I'm surprised the Humanists never launch Pacification missions.
* The Dragon craft describes itself as being as big as possible to fit in the hangar. But the Conqueror is considerably larger, which makes the earlier comment about the Dragon a bit odd. Also, the Dragon's a tiny, lightning-fast dogfighter in Freespace. It's odd to convert it to a pocket battleship

* I've heard reference to a Mercenary Commander being unnecessary to capture to complete the game but never encountered one and couldn't find one in the files. Are these the same as Mercenary Captains?