Author Topic: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.8b  (Read 70965 times)

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #60 on: April 28, 2014, 11:06:40 am »
Will try the new ruleset asap. Fwiw, I found a possible problem with the original rul-file: You named (IIRC) the new armour TANK_ARMOR and i think that is the name of the default tank armor, this could lead to problems. Not too sure about that, it was too late yesterday when I tried  ;D

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #61 on: April 28, 2014, 11:25:58 am »
It's exactly the same tank, just with a different turret, so the same TANK_ARMOR should be fine, to my best knowledge. Still, I am not an expert, so I'll pay attention to this. :)

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #62 on: April 28, 2014, 05:10:12 pm »
You named (IIRC) the new armour TANK_ARMOR and i think that is the name of the default tank armor, this could lead to problems.

No, it won't.

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #63 on: May 01, 2014, 12:30:31 pm »
Okok, thanks for all the answers :-D

Offline Aldorn

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #64 on: May 10, 2014, 03:35:11 pm »
But where do you draw from all these nice ideas !!!

French Translation (from 1.4)

Code: [Select]
  - type: fr
      STR_MINIGUN: Mitrailleuse Lourde
      STR_MINIGUN_CLIP: Magasin pour Mitrailleuse Lourde
      STR_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Cette arme lourde propose un tir de support capable de déverser une pluie mortelle de balles.  Efficace en terrain découvert, elle s'avère déterminante dans un rôle de couverture.  En raison de son poids important, seules les unités les plus athlétiques sont en mesure de la manipuler.
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN: Mitrailleuse Légère
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN_CLIP: Magasin pour Mitrailleuse Légère
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Bien que moins puissante que La Mitrailleuse Lourde, la Mitrailleuse Légère présente une portabilité avantageuse tout en conservant une puissance de feu importante, la rendant utile dans bien des situations.
      STR_SCATTER_LASER: Mitrailleuse Laser
      STR_TANK_MINIGUN: Blindé/Mitrailleuse
      STR_HWP_MINIGUN_CLIP: Chargeur PAL Mitrailleuse
      STR_TANK_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Cette Plate-Forme d'Arme Lourde automatique est équipée d'une mitrailleuse à haute fréquence, utile dans les tactiques d'occupation du terrain.  Du fait de la miniaturisation de ses projectiles, elle s'affranchit de tout réarmement en combat.
      STR_SCATTER_LASER_UFOPEDIA: Inspirée de la Mitrailleuse Lourde associée à la technologie Laser, les tirs de cette arme aux effets dévastateurs se répandent sur le champ de bataille telle une pluie de rayons laser.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2014, 03:37:36 pm by Aldorn »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #65 on: May 10, 2014, 10:41:40 pm »
Well, I've always wanted a minigun in the game, this was the first mod I've ever made for X-Com. ;)

Thanks for the translation. Just to be sure, since my French is not as good as I tell potential employers: since minigun is mitrailleuse in French, then what heavy machine gun would be? La mitraillette? Because these are completely different things.

Offline yrizoud

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #66 on: May 10, 2014, 11:49:15 pm »
mitraillette designates a SMG. There is no french word which specifically designate multi-barrels machine guns (nor in English... minigun is the name of a specific model)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #67 on: May 11, 2014, 12:23:41 am »
mitraillette designates a SMG. There is no french word which specifically designate multi-barrels machine guns (nor in English... minigun is the name of a specific model)

Exactly. Hence my doubts - but of course I'll go whatever you guys think are best, I'm just double-checking.

Offline Human Ktulu

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #68 on: May 11, 2014, 12:44:42 am »
Personally I preferre the term of "Sulfateuse" for minigun  :P

Or the infernal spitting lead head  8)
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 12:49:25 am by Human Ktulu »

Offline Avalanche

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #69 on: May 11, 2014, 04:43:45 am »
mitraillette designates a SMG. There is no french word which specifically designate multi-barrels machine guns (nor in English... minigun is the name of a specific model)

Well, in English a multi-barrel machine gun can be referred to as a Gatling gun (named after Richard Gatling, the designer) when used generically. Might that be a usable translation? If not, there's also the term rotary cannon. While it's usually used when talking about aircraft, there are some smaller, ground based models which are still referred to as such.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 04:47:15 am by Avalanche »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #70 on: May 11, 2014, 12:41:11 pm »
Well, in English a multi-barrel machine gun can be referred to as a Gatling gun (named after Richard Gatling, the designer) when used generically. Might that be a usable translation? If not, there's also the term rotary cannon. While it's usually used when talking about aircraft, there are some smaller, ground based models which are still referred to as such.

Great point. I'm definitely using it for the Polish version.

Offline Aldorn

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #71 on: May 11, 2014, 10:04:23 pm »
French Translation (from 1.4)

I change it to be compliant with Heavy Machine Gun

I let others decide if it has to be "Mitraillette" rather than "Mitrailleuse"

Code: [Select]
  - type: fr
      STR_MINIGUN: Mitrailleuse
      STR_MINIGUN_CLIP: Magasin pour Mitrailleuse
      STR_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Cette arme lourde propose un tir de support capable de déverser une pluie mortelle de balles.  Efficace en terrain découvert, elle s'avère déterminante dans un rôle de couverture.  En raison de son poids important, seules les unités les plus athlétiques sont en mesure de la manipuler.
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN: Mitrailleuse Légère
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN_CLIP: Magasin pour Mitrailleuse Légère
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Bien que moins puissante que La Mitrailleuse classique, la Mitrailleuse Légère présente une portabilité avantageuse tout en conservant une puissance de feu importante, la rendant utile dans bien des situations.
      STR_SCATTER_LASER: Mitrailleuse Laser
      STR_TANK_MINIGUN: Blindé/Mitrailleuse
      STR_HWP_MINIGUN_CLIP: Chargeur PAL Mitrailleuse
      STR_TANK_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Cette Plate-Forme d'Arme Lourde automatique est équipée d'une mitrailleuse à haute fréquence, utile dans les tactiques d'occupation du terrain.  Du fait de la miniaturisation de ses projectiles, elle s'affranchit de tout réarmement en combat.
      STR_SCATTER_LASER_UFOPEDIA: Inspirée de la Mitrailleuse associée à la technologie Laser, les tirs de cette arme aux effets dévastateurs se répandent sur le champ de bataille telle une pluie de rayons laser.

Offline redrat9595

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #72 on: June 16, 2014, 06:05:14 am »
I tried the version off the mod site and the last one posted in the thread. The tank requires that you buy 200 clips ($1.5 million!) for it to be able to be loaded onto the Skyranger/function. I've just been buying them and editing my save's clip stores to a factor of 200 in the meantime, but I thought I'd let you know.

Unless that price is intentional...?

I was going to try to fix the ruleset but I can't seem to find the issue; everything looks in line with the other tanks as well as the craft cannon.

Offline phobos2077

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #73 on: June 16, 2014, 03:30:35 pm »
I found a couple of problems with translations in v1.5:
1) Change log states that there should be a french translation, but there is none, even in ruleset.
2) Polish translation are in the ruleset, but for some reason it doesn't work (game shows English descriptions). I think it may be related to the fact that there are two "extraStrings" sections.
Also, double check text encoding, I think it's not UTF-8 and some symbols for that language will not work.
3) Description states "Since they use small caliber bullets, you do not need to supply them with ammunition - they are assumed to be fully loaded at the start of combat, and never run out of ammo.", yet UFOPEDIA shows that HWP needs to be supplied with bullets. Kind of confusing. Didn't checked it in actual game though.

I've written a russian translation:
Code: [Select]
  - type: ru
      STR_MINIGUN: Миниган
      STR_MINIGUN_CLIP: Магазин к минигану
      STR_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Это тяжелое оружие поддержки стреляет смертоносным градом пуль и наиболее эффективно при зачистке местности и подавлении противника. В связи с большим весом орудия, требуется большая физическая сила для полноценного применения.
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN: Легкий Миниган
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN_CLIP: Магазин к л.минигану
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Легкий Миниган сочетает в себе мобильность и длинные мощные очереди, что делает его гибким оружием на поле боя.
      STR_SCATTER_LASER: Лазерный Миниган
      STR_SCATTER_LASER_UFOPEDIA: Этот аналог Минигана стреляет длинными залпами лазерных лучей, достигая разрушительный эффект.
      STR_TANK_MINIGUN: Танк/Миниган
      STR_TANK_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Эта тяжелая боевая платформа оборудована скорострельным многоствольным орудием и полезна для вытеснения противника. Так как используются боеприпасы малого калибра, предполагается что орудие будет всегда полностью заряжено в начале боя и никогда не растратит весь боезапас.
      STR_HWP_MINIGUN_CLIP: Магазин к минигану ТБП

Don't forget to save it as UTF-8.

PS: awesome mod!

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #74 on: June 16, 2014, 07:05:21 pm »
I tried the version off the mod site and the last one posted in the thread. The tank requires that you buy 200 clips ($1.5 million!) for it to be able to be loaded onto the Skyranger/function. I've just been buying them and editing my save's clip stores to a factor of 200 in the meantime, but I thought I'd let you know.

Unless that price is intentional...?

That price certainly wasn't intentional. You see, this is one of the "why was this unreported for a quarter of a year it's that obvious" bugs. ;) Even I didn't notice myself, despite playing all the time!

The $7500 price tag was meant to be for the entire clip, 200 bullets. However, making a tank clip turned out to be impossible, so I had to force us all to buy tank bullets one by one. I simply forgot to change the price accordingly.

I found a couple of problems with translations in v1.5:
1) Change log states that there should be a french translation, but there is none, even in ruleset.

Yeah, indeed, not sure how it happened. I have too many files, it seems. (I'm not actually using this ruleset myself as it is, instead I'm using a compilation of tanks and a compilation of firearms - just two rulesets. This is due to the Final Mod Pack I'm co-developing.) Apologies, will fix now.

2) Polish translation are in the ruleset, but for some reason it doesn't work (game shows English descriptions). I think it may be related to the fact that there are two "extraStrings" sections.

Yes, obviously.

Also, double check text encoding, I think it's not UTF-8 and some symbols for that language will not work.

You're really embarassing me now.

3) Description states "Since they use small caliber bullets, you do not need to supply them with ammunition - they are assumed to be fully loaded at the start of combat, and never run out of ammo.", yet UFOPEDIA shows that HWP needs to be supplied with bullets. Kind of confusing. Didn't checked it in actual game though.

This is from an older version of the mod, where indeed there was no ammo. This is no longer true.

I've written a russian translation:

Don't forget to save it as UTF-8.

I will happily add it to the file! Thank you!

PS: awesome mod!

Awesome help on your part, too. I screwed up a lot here... Oh well, it was my first OpenXCom mod ever. :P

An update will be available in a few minutes, see the first post for version 1.6.