
Author Topic: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.8b  (Read 67589 times)

Offline phobos2077

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #75 on: June 16, 2014, 07:12:59 pm »
This is from an older version of the mod, where indeed there was no ammo. This is no longer true.

If this is the case, then you should probably remove last sentence from this string, like so:

Code: [Select]
STR_TANK_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Эта тяжелая боевая платформа оборудована скорострельным многоствольным орудием и полезна для вытеснения противника.

... and for the rest languages as well.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.6
« Reply #76 on: June 16, 2014, 08:57:31 pm »
Yes of course, it's done already in the 1.6 version.

Offline 2xG

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #77 on: June 17, 2014, 01:31:46 pm »

I've made my version of the russian translation:
Code: [Select]
  - type: ru
      STR_MINIGUN: Миниган
      STR_MINIGUN_CLIP: Патроны к минигану
      STR_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Это осыпающее градом пуль тяжёлое оружие поддержки наиболее эффективно при зачистке местности и подавлении противника. Из-за присущего ему большого веса, для полного раскрытия потенциала этого оружия от бойца требуется немалая сила.
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN: Лёгкий миниган
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN_CLIP: Патроны к лёгкому минигану
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Лёгкий миниган сочетает в себе мобильность и стрельбу длинными мощными очередями, что делает его довольно универсальным оружием.
      STR_SCATTER_LASER: Лазерный лучемёт
      STR_TANK_MINIGUN: Танк/Миниган
      STR_HWP_MINIGUN_CLIP: ТБП патроны к минигану
      STR_TANK_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Эта авторматизированная тяжёлая оружейная платформа, оборудованая скорострельным миниганом полезна при подавлении противника огнём.
      STR_SCATTER_LASER_UFOPEDIA: Это оружие - аналог минигана, для разрушающего воздействия стреляющий продолжительным залпом импульсных лазерных лучей.

Solarius Scorch,
I've downloaded version 1.4 just before the update =) Not tested yet 1.6, but 1.4 have a bug: Scatter Laser is known in Ufopedia before laser technology is discovered.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 01:43:15 pm by 2xG »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« Reply #78 on: June 17, 2014, 03:22:03 pm »
Hi 2xG, welcome to the forums!

Solarius Scorch,
I've downloaded version 1.4 just before the update =) Not tested yet 1.6, but 1.4 have a bug: Scatter Laser is known in Ufopedia before laser technology is discovered.

You are right. It's fixed now and uploaded as version 1.6b.

As for the Russian version, I am in no position to decide which version is better, so I'll leave it to the voice of the public. :)

Offline Nightwolf

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.6
« Reply #79 on: June 18, 2014, 04:02:35 pm »
Hi. Spanish translation:

  - type: es
      STR_MINIGUN: Minigun
      STR_MINIGUN_CLIP: Paquete de Municiones para Minigun
      STR_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Esta arma pesada dispara una gran cantidad de balas, pensada para limpiar y cubrir una zona. Debido a su peso, es necesaria mucha fuerza para utilizarla al máximo de su potencial.
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN: Minigun Ligera
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN_CLIP: Paquete de Munición para la Minigun Ligera
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: La minigún ligera combina la portabilidad con largas y potentes ráfagas de fuego, haciendo de ella un arma muy versátil.
      STR_SCATTER_LASER: Láser de Dispersión
      STR_TANK_MINIGUN: Tanque/Minigun
      STR_HWP_MINIGUN_CLIP: Cargador HWP Minigun
      STR_TANK_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Esta plataforma de armas pesadas está equipada con una minigun de alta velocidad, muy útil para operaciones de limpieza.  Al utilizar balas de pequeño calibre, no es necesario suministrarles munición - se asumen estar completamente cargadas al inicio de cada combate, y nunca se quedan sin munición.
      STR_SCATTER_LASER_UFOPEDIA: Este arma es la análoga a la Minigun, disparando un gran arco de haces de pulso de láser para efectos devastadores.
  - type: es-419
      STR_MINIGUN: Minigun
      STR_MINIGUN_CLIP: Paquete de Municiones para Minigun
      STR_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Esta arma pesada dispara una gran cantidad de balas, pensada para limpiar y cubrir una zona. Debido a su peso, es necesaria mucha fuerza para utilizarla al máximo de su potencial.
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN: Minigun Ligera
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN_CLIP: Paquete de Munición para la Minigun Ligera
      STR_LIGHT_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: La minigún ligera combina la portabilidad con largas y potentes ráfagas de fuego, haciendo de ella un arma muy versátil.
      STR_SCATTER_LASER: Láser de Dispersión
      STR_TANK_MINIGUN: Tanque/Minigun
      STR_HWP_MINIGUN_CLIP: Cargador HWP Minigun
      STR_TANK_MINIGUN_UFOPEDIA: Esta plataforma de armas pesadas está equipada con una minigun de alta velocidad, muy útil para operaciones de limpieza.  Al utilizar balas de pequeño calibre, no es necesario suministrarles munición - se asumen estar completamente cargadas al inicio de cada combate, y nunca se quedan sin munición.
      STR_SCATTER_LASER_UFOPEDIA: Este arma es la análoga a la Minigun, disparando un gran arco de haces de pulso de láser para efectos devastadores.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.6
« Reply #80 on: June 18, 2014, 07:08:44 pm »
Thanks, Nightwolf! New version 1.7 uploaded.

Offline 2xG

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.7
« Reply #81 on: June 19, 2014, 08:40:42 pm »
As for the Russian version, I am in no position to decide which version is better, so I'll leave it to the voice of the public. :)

What if you start a project at where the main OpenXcom translation is? Threre is a voting feature.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.7
« Reply #82 on: June 19, 2014, 08:53:10 pm »
What if you start a project at where the main OpenXcom translation is? Threre is a voting feature.

For like 10 strings? That would be excessive. :P

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.8b
« Reply #83 on: November 18, 2018, 01:38:00 pm »
You're right, the ruleset was a mess. Thank you, fixed.


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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.8
« Reply #84 on: November 18, 2018, 02:14:57 pm »
I hope it doesn't seem disrespectful to ask, but any chance of some length variants?

It looks great and fits great already.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.8b
« Reply #85 on: November 18, 2018, 02:17:44 pm »
I hope it doesn't seem disrespectful to ask, but any chance of some length variants?

What... are "length variants"?
(I don't even know if it's disrespectful lol)


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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.8b
« Reply #86 on: November 18, 2018, 02:37:01 pm »
I guess a good way to put it is, the variant graphics for it being a short-length or long-length mounted weapon. like, barrel length. depending on how you do it it might amount to an inventory tile's worth of shortening.

Like, a version that's a mini-minigun.

For an example, this is your minigun:

This is a good example of a shortened one: 

A less refined example would be good old DOOM's chaingun. Not very long, but box-fed and brutal.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2018, 02:46:14 pm by The_Funktasm »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.8b
« Reply #87 on: November 18, 2018, 02:51:28 pm »
I guess a good way to put it is, the variant graphics for it being a short-length or long-length mounted weapon. like, barrel length. depending on how you do it it might amount to an inventory tile's worth of shortening.

Ah, okay. But I don't think you can do much more with the space you have... And what would be the actual differences between these types? Accuracy?

You're welcome. Time to start playing then.

Have fun!


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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.8b
« Reply #88 on: November 18, 2018, 03:00:35 pm »
Ah, okay. But I don't think you can do much more with the space you have... And what would be the actual differences between these types? Accuracy?

Have fun!

Peak accuracy, distance based inaccuracy, etc. I more tend to see XCom as a rare case of a near even arms-race where one side has a starting advantage but the other has a good eye for ideas.
Also it could be a caliber difference as well. One .308 and another perhaps.

Have thought of it for my own modding. Might do a shortened minigun world sprite for fun/because since it's not too hard.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON] Minigun 1.8b
« Reply #89 on: November 18, 2018, 03:24:18 pm »
Sure, we could add more types of... anything really. But I honestly can't see much space for other additional designs.
However, if you want to give it a try, you have all of my blessings.