In my initial translation I hadn't used the special romanian characters (Ă, ă, Â, â, Î, î, Ș, ș, Ț, ț), don't know why I thought that they are not supported. Also after testing it in game I corrected some strings to fit better in the game window.
The special characters are displayed correctly, but there are some "problems" with Ă, Â and Î characters. Basicly, these are skewed to the size of A and thus they look odd when used in a sentence with all the text in uppercase. There are no problems with Ș, Ț and the lowercase characters.
It's not such a big deal, but it can be an annoiance for some. If it's too much trouble to find a solution I can upload a version without the special characters.
I also updated this via GitHub but I am not sure I did it right.