Looks like that's how it is in your picture as well, when you compare the soldier you have selected (with 2 blades) and the guy just below him to the left who I would guess only has 1 blade and doesn't look like he is holding something invisible unlike the selected guy who does.
So there are 8 pictures in HANDOB (Hand Object I guess?) but it only shows for right hand, you would need another 8 then for left hand?
Can't test it myself right now but in CombatKnife\HANDOB try copying the files and renaming them, I would guess as
handob_136_0 - rename from handob_131_0
137 - 132
138 - 133
139 - 134
140 - 135
141 - 128
142 - 129
143 -130
that or rename it like handob_131_0 as handob_131_1
that or wait for Warboy/someone who knows to tell you the correct way