
Author Topic: Campaign Report  (Read 6750 times)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2024, 12:43:46 pm »
A useful trick I sometimes employ when I don't have good global coverage is sending crewed cars/vans to remote areas and just parking them there in case something happens nearby. Very slow vehicles like cars do not consume any fuel when stationary, so they can stay in place for as long as you want. Agents en route still benefit from training.

Offline Irismono

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2024, 06:45:31 pm »
Lotus HQ is down!

Start site spawning is random, I don't think you can 100% make a unit start somewhere specific. If you had more dogs, maybe you could try playing the odds by studying Quick Battle patterns. Not sure it'd help, really.

Yeah... dice screwed me on this one unfortunately, but it worked out in the end. Got both dogs and the motion scanner mook in the same room, while the other room had all my good guns. The room with the gun people got way more heat, so ultimately I'm okay with it, but it was touch and go for a bit.

I spent the first 8 or 10 turns hiding in the elevators and shooting potshots/tossing gas nades. Minigun was amazing. During this I took down the base Avatar, and spotted a couple hosts.

Lost a dog to an assassin, lost the drone (which I foolishly forgot to change out of its flying chassis) to another assassin on turn 20. General progression was slow, panics started on turn 18. After I secured my captures and started seeing panics I split the teams into pairs and began bughunting. There were a couple close calls, including a time where the second dog ended up with 2 fatal wounds and 3 hp. He got over to the medic in time, but he's in the sick bay for a while. Durathread vest is the only reason he got that far I think.

I captured a couple hosts and 3 mandarins, plus some lower level mooks. I definitely won't need all of them, which means my actual earning from this mission are almost a million dollars once I account for those.

Base map wasn't too bad. Assassins were indeed a bit of a pain, but I handled them. Gas and Knockout nades were used liberally. AAR gave out a total of 4 Keystone commendations, including one for the AI. Jankowski also earned "Master of the Black Ops Minigun", well deserved.

700 points has me in good standing for this month, but I'm planning to jump into a manor right away with my unwounded troops, which is most of them. I'm taking the better units from Kiryu as reinforcements. I've marked all the wounded units from the base assault for return to Mission Control upon recovery.

Offline Juku121

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2024, 07:07:28 pm »
You should be able to resurrect your downed drone with a transformation. You'll lose your flying casing, though.

Are you doing the tier 2 manor now?

Offline Irismono

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #33 on: June 27, 2024, 01:43:43 am »
You should be able to resurrect your downed drone with a transformation. You'll lose your flying casing, though.

Are you doing the tier 2 manor now?
Drone resuscitation ordered. Casing is lost but available for research, so not all bad.

This manor is another tier 1 in an annoying spot. There are now 2 tier 2 manors, which will probably become three if I don't kill the Euro-Dagon one soon.

Offline Irismono

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #34 on: June 27, 2024, 08:15:15 am »
September was the best month yet!

Numerous breakthroughs and developments, important pieces of kit either acquired or just around the corner, missions with a minimum of casualties! A grand total of 3k points for the month is absolutely amazing, and it only tells half the story.

After the Black Lotus HQ assault I recrewed and rearmed my Osprey, then went straight for Manor-5, which was a level 1 Red Dawn manor. Fairly smooth mission all in all. Lost a dog and a non-critical agent. Got out with some money and a few live captures to help grab some missing dossiers.

Random Osiron Trade Bust gave me three free crates, one of which contained a heavy canon. Not bad. No clue how good HC is in XCF, but it's certainly a classic for the files.

On September 6th (all this in under a week!) I got the Kitsune event. I haven't researched it yet due to more pressing items (eg. Advanced Flight Training finished right after this, and I started on Fighter Plane Procurement), but it's on the list.

Still dealing with wounds from previous missions, an Osiron warehouse spawned and I couldn't ignore that. Ended up taking two dogs and an AI. Lost a decent agent for 15 crates. Not a real veteran by any means, but someone who was shaping up to be one.

Shortly after (we're at maybe the 14th now) I said goodbye to Mission Control's Dragonfly "Victory in Smoke" to welcome our first Skyraider, "Power Nine", named as an MTG reference since its first mission was a Black Lotus Forward Base that spawned just as I started their termination orders. Around the same time i sold off around $1.2 million in surplus gear and unneeded tech, and ordered the construction of yet more general stores.

The Forward Base went pretty well. The side doors on the Skyraider are very fun to shoot out of. We sustained some nasty wounds (mostly from the Avatar) but got out without any deaths. Scored a lot of money.

On the 18th we got our first Syndicate mission, a lab. I was slightly worried given the shady descriptions my reports had given me about the Syndicate, but it turned out my worrying was for nothing. Kevlar and Black Ops is beaten pretty soundly by Armored Vests and Black Ops. Took a few wounds due to a poor spawn location, but scored four captures, including both Scientists.

Black Lotus was officially terminated on September the 19th, 1998. We don't need to worry about Ninjas for a while. Simultanously, in a lonely part of central Africa, a new base, "Deep Simba", was established. This base is currently just a radar station, but I'm considering making it either a training base with multiple gyms, or a research base to increase our global scientist count. Advice on this front would be welcome.

Speaking of, Ninja Arts finished researching about the same time as MiGs. None of my troops are eligable to get Martial Arts training at the moment, the main limiter being Melee Accuracy. I haven't used a ton of melee this campaign, so most of my units are hovering around their base accuracy. Throwing accuracy is also on the low end for many units. Knowing this, I can train both of these more consciously.

My long running Private Car, "Hospitality" has been retired for an as-yet-unchristened Land Rover. A set of Bulletproof vests has been comissioned to replace the Anzugs we've been wearing up to this point. Captain Richter and Sr. Agent Missoui will be leading the Undercover Dept. as they have in the past, joined by new junior agents. Name suggestions for the Rover are welcome.

Syndicate Warehouse dropped and I sent in the Skyraider. It was a cakewalk. Four syndicate security were no match for a dog and a couple guys with CAWS. Dog got half the kills. Scored 10 crates, one of which contained a Smart Rifle. Things are looking very up.

Lastly, just before the month turned, we scored a Live Reaper from a SLF. I wasn't particularly trying to take it alive, it just worked out that way. I'm not complaining though.

I feel like I'm in a relatively good position now, but I need some advice, especially for Airgame.
1. Is it worth getting MiGs? If so, how many, and what should they be used for?
2. Are Interceptors worth getting, and again, number and purpose?
3. Would a research base or a training base be a more optimal use of resources? I feel pretty good about research but there's definitely a lot of it to work on.
4. Now that I have two cults down, is it worth trying to get a third before '99?
5. I've just figured out that the reason I haven't seen any Ghosts is because I never researched Cover: Surfers (of all the routes to miss), which is needed for Scientists. Is it worth picking that up now?

Offline Stone Lake

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #35 on: June 27, 2024, 09:24:06 am »
MiGs/Interceptors are waste of money. You may get one to try them out, but you may as well just pursue landeds or use your Lost Alien Ship (tm) to crash small fries.
Be careful if you see alien UFOs with circles/large radar range, they'll wreck your transports. Still, that doesn't mean that you lose the entire crew - most usually survive. But losing Lost Alien Ship (tm) and going back to skyranger/osprey can be really inconvenient. After you get interceptors that are not entirely toys - ravens or thunders, use them to escort your transports.
Down all cults ASAP - they are usually pathways to advanced cults, and they spawn manors, remember? Albeit the peak of manor spawning comes to early '98, and drops off then.
Ghost arc is fairly controversial - the ghosts are annoying to deal with, but I happen to love it. That's rare place where you can get some weapons that will ignore enemy armor. Your choice. Also, surfers are must-have usually, they are early pathway to osiron -> syndicate, and abyssal -> deep one. You're lucky to get syndicate without 'em.

Offline Juku121

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #36 on: June 27, 2024, 03:02:53 pm »
Heavy Cannons are kinda bad. In fact, most 'heavy' weapons suffer from sniper rifles occupying their niche in addition to sniping. The Auto-Cannon might be somewhat useful as a HE/Incendiary dispenser, kind of like a direct-fire grenade launcher.

Kitsune should be your top priority. Abandon everything else and put all eggheads on that, pronto! :)

15 Osiron crates might be a passable trade for a semi-vet, depending on what you get from them.

If you like the Skyraider's side doors, you'll love the Skymarshall. And perhaps also the new Lightning, that thing is like a giant turret in ship form.

Some of the Syndicate guys should have been in their variant of the Armoured Vest, too, no?

About the African base, depends on how much science infrastructure you already have. But since you're regularly losing people, I'd make a training base somewhere anyway, so why not there. Research takes a while to set up, though, so if you want both, start with that.

Teaching your agents Ninjutsu is perhaps the least accessible of the main four transformations. You need 'gym max' in several stats, some natural psi ability, and a bit of actual melee experience on top of that. I think commendations can help with stat requirements, but earning those commendations will usually yield the necessary skill increases by itself.

Did you mean Bulletproof Coats? Bulletproof vests are Kevlar. :D

Name suggestions for the Rover are welcome.

I advise upgrading to Smart Rifles ASAP if you're still using ballistic rifles. These are the best general-purpose kinetic rifles in the game.

I concur that MiGs are pretty useless once you get the Kitsune. They might be of some use against cultist MiGs, Hybrid aircars and similar, but the Kitsune largely obsoletes them even in that role.

The Interceptor is something you may actually want, since the next crafts require alloys which might be in short supply. And not all UFOs land. But whether those are worth pursuing is a different question. I'd get one or two of one interceptor type, MiG or Interceptor, build spare hangars to move them around, and try them out. And then upgrade.

Once you feel the need to have something worthwhile in the air, beeline for Thunderstorms, those are IMO the best early-midgame fighter crafts.

Personally, I like to have a fighter craft in each base, but I admit this is not due to anyt efficiency concerns. I just like to play as 'proper' X-Com. :D

Taking down another cult depends on whether you care about stopping the manors and other minor bullshit from spawning or not. Since Hybrids will continue that anyway, and are somewhat tougher, perhaps not.

You'll also get those annyoing score-lowering Slander missions if you delay destroying the respective cults, so that's something to watch out for. Contrary to what Stone Lake is saying, destroying the cults isn't itself a pathway to new factions - usually, it's something you take from the cult's higher ranks or their HQ.

The exceptions are: Black Lotus (which is already down) - two mission arcs, EXALT (also down) -manufacturing certain somewhat useful items, Red Dawn  - not really a new arc, but closure for an old one, Dagon - alternate access to the underwater arc if you miss your Deep One capture.

There are also some extra Geoscape events that give you minor penalties if you take too long.

All in all, I like farming the cults for longer, but if you're not into it and think you can handle Red Dawn snipers, armoured cars and Deep Ones Gillmen/Dagon priests raining lightning, TNT and grenades on you, go for it.

Personally, I dislike the Ghost arc for not fitting well into the 'X-Files' environment, but that's just IMO. So I can't tell you much about it. It does have a bunch of pretty useful equipment for you to turn against both the Ghosts themselves and other factions.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2024, 03:07:30 pm by Juku121 »

Offline Irismono

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #37 on: June 27, 2024, 04:00:25 pm »
Kitsune should be your top priority. Abandon everything else and put all eggheads on that, pronto! :)
Getting Smart Rifles online first but Kitsune is next!

Some of the Syndicate guys should have been in their variant of the Armoured Vest, too, no?
Assuming you mean Syndicate Security, there were a few of them. Still no match for overwhelming firepower.

About the African base, depends on how much science infrastructure you already have. But since you're regularly losing people, I'd make a training base somewhere anyway, so why not there. Research takes a while to set up, though, so if you want both, start with that.
Good reasoning. Gyms are getting set up pronto. I worry somewhat about falling behind on research, but realistically I'm not in any real danger of that.

Did you mean Bulletproof Coats? Bulletproof vests are Kevlar. :D
Ah, yep. Admittedly they do serve the same purpose. Coats are significantly more stylish however.

I concur that MiGs are pretty useless once you get the Kitsune. They might be of some use against cultist MiGs, Hybrid aircars and similar, but the Kitsune largely obsoletes them even in that role.

The Interceptor is something you may actually want, since the next crafts require alloys which might be in short supply. And not all UFOs land. But whether those are worth pursuing is a different question. I'd get one or two of one interceptor type, MiG or Interceptor, build spare hangars to move them around, and try them out. And then upgrade.

Once you feel the need to have something worthwhile in the air, beeline for Thunderstorms, those are IMO the best early-midgame fighter crafts.
Makes sense. Will probably get at least one Interceptor, but I might as well skip MiGs. I've already figured out how to draw fighters with one craft and slip in with another. It's not too difficult, especially with how amateurish Cult fighters seem to be.

Taking down another cult depends on whether you care about stopping the manors and other minor bullshit from spawning or not. Since Hybrids will continue that anyway, and are somewhat tougher, perhaps not.

You'll also get those annyoing score-lowering Slander missions if you delay destroying the respective cults, so that's something to watch out for. Contrary to what Stone Lake is saying, destroying the cults isn't itself a pathway to new factions - usually, it's something you take from the cult's higher ranks or their HQ.

The exceptions are: Black Lotus (which is already down) - two mission arcs, EXALT (also down) -manufacturing certain somewhat useful items, Red Dawn  - not really a new arc, but closure for an old one, Dagon - alternate access to the underwater arc if you miss your Deep One capture.

There are also some extra Geoscape events that give you minor penalties if you take too long.

All in all, I like farming the cults for longer, but if you're not into it and think you can handle Red Dawn snipers, armoured cars and Deep Ones Gillmen/Dagon priests raining lightning, TNT and grenades on you, go for it.
I'm thinking I'll try and get Dagon down by New Years at the very least. Red Dawn can wait a little. Haven't seen a Deep One yet, and undersea missions sound like fun. Love my TFTD.

If I do Ghosts it'll be for completion. I've got enough on my plate at the moment that it's not a priority.

Offline Juku121

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #38 on: June 27, 2024, 04:41:23 pm »
Weren't you using CAWS buckshot against Syndicate Security? Even light armour really messes with buckshot. Or was it slugs now?

Good work on figuring out manor air defence patterns. This will help you against a couple non-manor non-alien-bases, too. At least proper alien bases don't have interceptor UFOs.

Cult fighters will get a big boost with tier 3 manors. One of the reasons to finish them off.

Underwater combat is quite like TFTD in that it very much sabotages all your current advantages: limited equipment, enemies who are much more at home in the environment, including worse vision and worse movement plus other stats. It's a bit like starting all over again, although not quite.

Offline Irismono

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2024, 05:53:10 pm »
Weren't you using CAWS buckshot against Syndicate Security? Even light armour really messes with buckshot. Or was it slugs now?
Slugs - I find that while Buckshot is good, most enemies will die to a slug just as easily and slugs have better range. Also had SMGs, which while not great at armor pen do shoot a lot of bullets with decent accuracy. Frankly if it weren't for the imminent arrival of Smart Rifles I might have swapped all my rifles out for SMGs.

Cult fighters will get a big boost with tier 3 manors. One of the reasons to finish them off.

Underwater combat is quite like TFTD in that it very much sabotages all your current advantages: limited equipment, enemies who are much more at home in the environment, including worse vision and worse movement plus other stats. It's a bit like starting all over again, although not quite.
Good to know on both counts, especially since in all likelihood I'm going to have to deal with at least one Tier 3 Mansion.

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #40 on: June 27, 2024, 08:35:51 pm »
October is in the bag.

If last month was a month of anticipation, this was a month of preparation. Thus, November will be a month of action. No real plans for December just yet.

Month started with buying my newly available Smart Rifles. They are very pricey, but as I would soon learn, they're very much worth the cost. Initial outfitting was a few hundred grand for my ~3 strike craft across the globe (closer to 3.25 with the landrover). In fact I'm pretty sure the guns actually cost more that the three Gyms I ordered for Deep Simba. Said Gyms will take the whole month to build, so I'm not even worrying about ordering up fresh agents or equipment just yet.

Eldritch language popped at mission control, and shortly after the wreck of the Kitsune was recovered by the science team at Kiryu-Two. Said wreck was immediately sent to Hell's Kitchen, where the boys got to cooking.

The month's first actual mission was a Zombie Outbreak in Oz. Alpha Preview (K-2's Dragonfly) was deployed to the site, and the Smart Rifles made their debut. Needless to say, they're excellent. They turn decent units into snipers, and rookies into decent shots. The mission went very well, only losing one civilian, and an infector was captured and sent to MC. Said infector was not researched despite my being far behind in the zombie plot, because MC was very busy this month with Aerospace Tech and Advanced Robotics.

The next mission of note was an MiB landing site. The fight was brutal, but we got out with no X-COM deaths and a live MiB Pilot. I wish I could nab a scientist, they're proving themselves to be really good at dying. Also took to the opportunity once in the UFO to surround the crew with knifes and slash at them in the hopes of raising melee xp. It had... middling effect as most attacks missed.

The Kitsune finished construction and was sent to HQ, replacing the now-venerable Osprey, "Snake-Eyes". A few days later, with Deep Simba's radar array online, we confirmed the location of the Church of Dagon's HQ, and made plans to raid it. There were a few more minor missions. I sent the Kitsune out to shoot down a small alien ball which it did easily, splashing it over the Atlantic (would have been UK but the thing decided it wanted to go out over the water.) Tritanium ammo and blades are both researched at this point, though I lack the alloys to make anything - armor would be my priority in any case.

On the 31st of October, Halloween Night, Mission Control enjoyed its annual halloween party. In the midst of the festivities, 15 souls, including a dog and an AI, were summoned (still in costume) to a briefing. The Kitsune's Ground Combat maiden voyage will be the Church of Dagon's African HQ.

I am torn between keeping the Kitsune named as it is, and renaming it to something along the lines of "Fish Fear Me". Mostly because the latter would be very funny.

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #41 on: June 28, 2024, 07:51:11 am »
It is with great pleasure I announce the death of Dagon, or at least of his Earthly Church. Our eyes now turn to Red Dawn, and further to the Invasion and our final preparations for it.

November was, as I predicted, an action-packed month. We gained access to several new techs, but aside from the universal adoption of Kukris (see screenshots 1 & 2, context to follow) and the moving of a vehicle or two, our equipment didn't change too much.

I'll begin with the Dagon HQ Assault, since that's what the month opened on. The Kitsune rolled up with a crack team - the best of the best. Jungle is, as usual, an LOS nightmare. Artillery, in the form of two TGLs and a Mortar, ensures pleasant dreams. I suppose the Minigun also counts as Artillery for this purpose.

I somehow managed to forget the scout drone's ammo. This will become a disturbingly common theme this month, albeit to minimal effect.

The assault went incredibly well. A slow approach, careful target selection, and raining hellfire on the slightest hint of a Gillman caused the enemy to go into mass panic and hysteria by turn 5. After that it was clean up, tracking down the few Gilldogs and Gillmen who hadn't surrendered. Miraculously, we escaped this mission entirely unscathed. No wounds, no deaths, just pure cult and fish-monster killing action. It helped I think that one of the Sorcerers stepped practically up onto the ramp turn one. We ended up with a few prisoners, including one very dazed Deep One (I remembered that Shields have a stun function).

When the battle was over we were left with 600k cash, 600 or so points, and a sonic pistol, the vast majority of other loot having been sold, because how many deep one spears do you really need?

After returning to HQ I patiently span the globe until I could research the Dagon statue. This was a very short wait, a day or two tops. The X-COM Virtualized HQ project finished, and I will admited i balked at the 4 million dollar price tag. I already know that XCOM HQs are kind of a trap for bases beyond the first, so I'm a little unsure if I'll build one of these at all. Maybe at Mission Control to upgrade my singular existing one? In any case, the Dagon statue went under examination.

On the same day, Deep Simba finished its Gyms and began the training of its raw recruits. From now on, my intention is to filter as many rookies as possible through DS first, before sending them to Mission Control or Kiryu. I'll also swap out DS trained units for the kids currently living at Hell's Kitchen as a "security team". I need to buy some equipment for DS sooner rather than later, but money was much tighter when I set it up than it now. Priorities beyond weaponry are a 4th gym, potentially a 5th, and a sick bay to enable Bio-Ex, though it may be better just to use the facilities at my established strike bases.

Now to explain the Kukris.

The local EXALT manor (good ol Manor-1, still kicking around) spawns infiltration convoys fairly frequently, and one happened to spawn in just a day or two after the Dagon Assault. Having taken on Convoys before I decided this was a golden opportunity for some melee training, and send in the Kitsune to shoot it down. All units then equipped their Kukris and rushed down into EXALT's unsuspecting arms. Thus was born the Knights of the Kukri. I did this three times throughout the month, sustaining, at most, minor injuries and gaining lots of melee XP collectively. This is what allowed Sr. Agent Jankowski to be the first ever candidate for X-COM's Ninja School. He's my minigunner at the moment, so he's mostly benefitting from the reactions, TUs, and stamina bumps, though the melee skills certainly won't hurt. The reactions will push him over the edge on reactions and allow him to get combat pilot training as well. His initial roll was absolutely atrocious.

I got my first assassin clans mission (feels very fast, but whatever). Cyborg ninjas robbing a bank. Ended up with a -10 score because we started really far away from the bank entrance, but scored a captive Mashinobi or two and got a clean million from the bank as a thank you.

I got Tritanium ammo tech, unsure whether to sell it to M.A.G.M.A. or not. Is there any good equipment or weapons from that route? I haven't done much with M.A.G.M.A. at all to be honest.

On the 6th, Radar got me eyes on at least 3 ufos over Europe-North Africa. I don't know what they were doing, but they were fast enough that I felt sending the Kitsune was not likely to be fruitful.

On the 9th,The Church of Dagon was officially neutralized. The next night, Lobsters attacked. I was mildly worried about this due to my memories of TFTD, but these worries were for nothing. There were three lobsters, without guns or drills, and they went down to the tradition gas and knockout techniques. One civilian was killed by the lobsters due to it being a night mission.

Deep One interrogation finished. Deep One communities is on the docket but I really wanted to get tanks first. HWPs have been researched and I could use a little guidance. Right now I'm leaning towards Minigun weaponry wise. Are the other options any good? How's the range on the flamethrower in particular?

I got the "The Thing" mission in the Arctic. I'm saving the metamorphs research for a rainy day since that's a 2k point boost according to the wiki. December may in fact be a good month for it since I won't be hitting Red Dawn. Mission itself was mildly terrifying. I didn't lose any of my guys but I'm very glad Metamorphs are limited to one mission.

After the arctic I assessed my funds and found that I had a full 5 million. This is a level of financial security I haven't had very often, so I decided to drop a new base in Oz, call it "Coast Wizards" due to its location and intended purpose, and start building a lab base. Went from 5 million down to 700k and didn't even order a bio lab. Building queue means it'll be a while before I can put one in anyway.

Immediately after establishing Coast Wizards, some kind soul at the council dropped a million bucks in my lap. I find this turn of events very funny, but I'm not sure what to do with all this cash. Interceptor comes to mind as a worthwhile purchase.

I researched surfers towards the start of the month and got my first surfing mission towards the end. The Undercover crew got their bathing suits on and pulled out the tasers. I was particularly struck by Agent Badaoui - I didn't realize he had tattoos. The mission was decently terrifying, but once Richter tased a guy with an actual gun, then shot a guy with a better gun, it went very smoothly. Badaoui got hit, but Bio-Ex and poor aim on the Osiron goons' side let him live and run for the trauma pack. Scored 3 crates for my trouble, which is a good deal in my book.

Deep Ones attacked and took hostages, intending to sacrifice them. The Kitsune responded. See screenshot for turn 1 aftermath. Most of them were dead in seconds. Of the ones immediately around the alter, one had a sonic pistol and one was a Gillman. The others had their usual barbaric weapons. Had to deal with a couple Deep Ones not around the alter, including one that shot Captain Ayala for pretty solid damage. Managed to win with that wound and zero civilian casualties. A cool 400 points and $400k, bringing up back over 2 million.

In the last few days, a whole bunch of strange life forms popped up, mostly in Africa. This falls mainly to Matrix Zero to investigate, and I had time to check one out before the month rolled. Chupacabras (at least half a dozen, which mean way more hiding). In a jungle. In a vehicle that didn't even have a ramp. I hit the evac button with no shame on that one.

Month rolled, another soldier got sent to Ninja School (an honorable Kukri Knight he is) and I'm finding myself with 5.5 million in the bank. This is more money than I've yet had and I'm honestly unsure what to do with it.

Current thoughts:
- Establish another new base, probably on the South Pole, though maybe in South America, for radar coverage. What else this base would do, I have no clue.
- Expand operations at Hell's Kitchen with a second workshop and more staff in order to do more big projects at once.
- Buy a Virtualized HQ somewhere.
- Spend some of it on an Interceptor and a few HWPs.
- Alien Containment at Kiryu-Two
- Save it for a big purchase somewhere else. (what this would be I have no clue, I don't think I'm all that close to Psi Labs).

Once again, advice is welcomed. I'm at a point in the game where I don't know very much. I know I'm working towards undersea operations, with Aqua Plastics being the only missing piece for sonic weapons. I know that once the invasion hits I'll have more access to alien captures and especially to alien alloys. Beyond that I don't know much. December is a month I'm not sure what to do with. I'll probably go after a manor or two since Red Dawn isn't an option yet (just forgot to research the project).

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #42 on: June 28, 2024, 08:42:37 am »
You got an Infector, good. These can sometimes be hard to catch. A Deep One, too.

(Combat?) knives are not accurate in the hands of agents who still have middling melee skill. Try some more beginner-friendly weapons, like machetes or billhooks. Look for "Accuracy modifier: [flat number] + [skill]" in the Pedia.

Actually, going the police brutality route and poking them with the small stun sticks raises both melee and reactions, and doesn't risk anyone dying (other than the people doing the poking :D). You can also train Bravery by using pepper spray on helpless enemies. Works even when they're knocked out, since it's an area weapon.

The upgraded HQ provides some gimmick functionality, like allowing you to build EXTRA LARGE stores and some tactical base defence facilities. More of a luxury item, though.

Sharing alloy ammo tech is probably a good idea, buying those bullets (sadly, only for a limited weapon set) is much more convenient than manufacturing them, not to mention it doesn't cost alloys. You'll get a few extra Slander missions, though. And an alloy-sharing-specific mission type. Not sharing has no real upsides.

M.A.G.M.A. gives some nice bits of equipment if you do their missions and share various pieces of tech, alloy ammo itself leads to a gun that may or may not be worth it, and of course the buyable alloy ammo.

Lobsters are really weak to gas (and being strangled :D), yes.

Minigun tanks are fine, I think. Not particularly long-range, but they destroy light terrain and enemy armour. Tritanium rockets are hilariously OP, like their handheld counterparts. The flamethrower tank is suprisingly long-ranged and tends to cover the Battlescape in fire. Accuracy sucks, though.

You can use your money surplus to get some Smartrifles for base guards, I guess? You've killed EXALT, so I guess you could splurge on some Gun Kata for garrisons, too.

What I'd do is build more hangars and radars for global detection and craft-hopping. Maybe a new base, if your current ones are covered.

How's your store situation? Dropping another big store or even a big living quarters somewhere might be useful.

Workshops are something that I've seen to be fairly underused, since everyone else but me plays with minimal amounts of equipment, not 8 mortars and 80+40 mortar rounds (and same for anything else in the current arsenal) for ~6 transports all over the world. :-[

A significant source of alloys is actually MiB craft. While UFOs are still generally more plentiful, there can be a surprising amount of these flying around.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2024, 08:46:01 am by Juku121 »

Offline Irismono

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #43 on: June 28, 2024, 09:52:00 am »
(Combat?) knives are not accurate in the hands of agents who still have middling melee skill. Try some more beginner-friendly weapons, like machetes or billhooks. Look for "Accuracy modifier: [flat number] + [skill]" in the Pedia.

Actually, going the police brutality route and poking them with the small stun sticks raises both melee and reactions, and doesn't risk anyone dying (other than the people doing the poking :D). You can also train Bravery by using pepper spray on helpless enemies. Works even when they're knocked out, since it's an area weapon.
Good to know, I thought that was the case given the number of misses I was getting. I'll look through my options. In future runs I'm definitely going to focus melee more. I've been training bravery up to this point by making people medics and it's been pretty effective. I don't remember his initial stats, but Jankowski was a medic pretty much up until he got his minigun, and I used medipacks and trauma packs over sprays.

Minigun tanks are fine, I think. Not particularly long-range, but they destroy light terrain and enemy armour. Tritanium rockets are hilariously OP, like their handheld counterparts. The flamethrower tank is suprisingly long-ranged and tends to cover the Battlescape in fire. Accuracy sucks, though.
Accuracy doesn't matter too much if the goal is area denial and inflicting panic. Will probably do minigun first once I have the alloys. Right now I'm sitting at maybe a dozen alloys total across all my bases. MiB have been sparse.

You can use your money surplus to get some Smartrifles for base guards, I guess? You've killed EXALT, so I guess you could splurge on some Gun Kata for garrisons, too.

What I'd do is build more hangars and radars for global detection and craft-hopping. Maybe a new base, if your current ones are covered.

How's your store situation? Dropping another big store or even a big living quarters somewhere might be useful.
Smartrifles are going to be step 1. Gun Kata isn't a bad idea. Hangers are definitely an option... but stores actually sound like the way to go. I've got a corner of Mission Control that is 3 storerooms and an empty space. I can toss in some storerooms temporarily, then demolish the current trio and put in a large. Whole project comes in at $1.45mil. Also going to add an extra hanger and an advanced intel to Kiryu-Two

Offline Irismono

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Re: Campaign Report
« Reply #44 on: June 28, 2024, 05:29:47 pm »
Well a lot of money was spent, a lot of research was done, a few soldiers got pilot training and... very few missions were actually completed.

December was an intensely quiet month that managed to be my highest scoring yet, mostly due to Metamorphs. 2k in one drop is a lot and I'm thinking maybe I should have saved it for later. Still have the mansions of course. The rest of the points came from a few missions with civilians (Lunatic, SLFs, things like that), several of which I managed Cavalier on. The month featured only one loss, an AI unit... more on that momentarily.

I'm doing some rearrangement at HQ. I've invested roughly 1.5 million in rebuilding the small warehouses into a big one, the extra investment being in temporary warehouses in the space I usually leave to form the security gap. Another half million was spent on an Interceptor. A full million was dropped outfitting Deep Simba with an arsenal to defend itself with. There were some other auxiliary expenses. A new hanger here, a storeroom there, ultimately was left with around a half million in the bank - enough to cover day to day operations. Sold off some elerium and ufo power sources to afford a batch of scientists for Coast Wizards, which is now partially operational.

A lot of little projects got done this month, as well as Hybrid Network and Deep One Communities.

Only one mission this month was really notable. The military shot down another bloody UFO. We stormed it, took 3 captives, Kopp (Ninja School graduate) got a kill turn one with his Kukri. Still no Engineers unfortunately - not sure if they just don't spawn on these scouts or if I've been unlucky with my caps. Big win is the alloys, which were sent to the Kitchen to be turned into shiny shirts.

On the mission, Vortex the Scout-bot got shot running an overwatch and immediately crumpled. This was expected, that's what he's there for. What wasn't expected was when I got back and found that the AI resurrection project wasn't available. It still isn't. I'm not fully sure what happened. Vortex was sort of the star bot for a while, having been the drone that appeared on all three Cult HQ Assaults to date. Is there a limit on resurrects? Or was the alien plasma gun to blame?