I would like the Vanilla music from X-COM Collector's Edition. I have that one.
I got this one from your site: "MIDI-AweROMGM.zip" I don't know which game version it is, but I didn't like the flutes suddenly playing one of the tracks. Please tell me which one to get if I'd like the CE version. Thanks for your help Fenyo
The version of "MIDI-AweROMGM.zip" is Windows CE. As ALL of the MIDI related files. But as you may well know, the MIDI is just a bunch of notations. The actual playback of a .MID file depends on what Sound-Effects (SoundFont) is used for the playback.
"MIDI-AweROMGM.zip" is a rendered (converted) file, it does not contain .MID files, it contains .OGG files.
And if you listen it, it will sound very similar if you would play the original .MID files with a Sound Blaster AWE32 SoundCard. (because i used "AweROMGM" SoundFont for the conversion)