Author Topic: X-Com Files Changelog  (Read 79657 times)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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X-Com Files Changelog
« on: April 15, 2017, 02:08:12 pm »
Here's the changelog for the mod, as it was getting too big for the main thread.

- New Cult Outpost map.
- Enemies can use proximity grenades now (with the newest OXCE).
- Info on pintle-mounted weapons in some articles.
- Forbade large units from David Vincent's Secret Shelter.
- Added Jarhead missions to the Temple of Dagon.
- Fixed cavern entry maps to avoid losing equipment.
- Fixed Gas Mine restrictions.
- Fixed Space Suit choke immunity.
- Fixed some Rural map nodes and script.
- Improved Ski Resort map (by CrazedHarpooner).
- Fixed a crash on female AI in Seeker.
- Minor fixes.

- New feature: hiring veteran agents.
- New missions: Data Jockeys, Hybrid Drone Factory.
- New MiB retaliation variants.
- New UFO: MiB Scout Ship.
- New armor variant: Assault Suit with shield (sprites by Brain_322).
- New HWP armor: X-Com Seeker Drone.
- New unit: Wizkid Turret.
- New human and Shadowbat names.
- New Ufopaedia articles and related tech tree adjustments.
- New picture: Terrence Lockhart.
- Added Osiron Fixer armor processing.
- Jumpsuit, Knockout Grenade and Gas Grenade can be bought from BlackOps.
- Gave UAC Doomzone Chaingun to some enemies and made it buyable.
- Changed requirements for EXALT Liquidation.
- Increased chances for the Alien Orbital Station.
- Now you control VIP bodyguards.
- Improved map scripts for caves (thanks to CrazedHarpooner).
- Ethereals are more resistant to Bio.
- Thermal vision on the Night-Ops Suit.
- Flamethrower has the Aimed Shot option.
- AK47 is cheaper.
- Scoped Hunting Rifle doesn't require a Workshop, is faster to make and cheaper to sell.
- Juggernaut requires researching Aqua Plastics.
- Anzug requires less space and time to make.
- Laser Cyberdisc is now blue (it looks nicer).
- Improved Deep One Hatchet sprites (bigob by Brain_322).
- Fixed Prowler Suit's backpack.
- Fixed bonuses on Tasemaster level 5.
- Fixed Seeker Drone Beam damage type.
- Fixed ahistorical Afghanistan flag.
- Fixed Zombie Trooper's paperdoll display.
- Fixed Holodevice article unlock.
- Blocked Ghost Eye's hand slots.
- Fixed some events firing in the first month when they shouldn't.
- Fixed Impossible Internet Intelligence map generation (thanks to CrazedHarpooner).
- Removed some incorrect instances of fearImmune.
- Fixed generic male civilian sprite.
- Minor fixes (thanks to Progger and Osobist).

- New missions: Hybrid Workshop, M.A.G.M.A. Reactor Attack.
- New armors: Shadow Suit, Prowler Suit (sprites for both by Brain_322).
- New HWP armors: Taser Drone (paperdoll by Barghum), Sectopod Mass Driver, Sectopod Gauss.
- New weapons: Dragon Breath Pistol, Dragon Breath SMG, Dragon Breath Rifle, Heavy Dragon Breath (all sprites by Brain_322), Turbolaser SMG.
- New ammo: Tactical GL Smoke Grenade, HWP Minigun Tritanium Clip.
- New Commercial map.
- New event: M.A.G.M.A. Targeted by MiB.
- New Apocalypse legends: Wraith By The Bar, Stone of Discordia, Skulls and Roses, The Asphalt Entity, The Magma Massacre, Spectral Invasion, The Obliviatrix.
- New staff input.
- New Ufopaedia articles.
- New Polish names.
- Added mild weights to agent nationalities.
- Vapor trails on some weapons.
- New mini-icons for some scout drones.
- Reptoids use Dragon Breath weapons instead of Gauss.
- Reworked the Alien Abduction and the Hybrid Keep missions.
- Cleaned up default armor lists.
- Streamlined dog inventory slots.
- Nerfed kukris.
- Plasma blade weapons are lighter.
- Ghost Neuralizer, Katapeltes Spiritus, Klein Bottle Grenade and their ammo can be produced.
- Gillman Hero gives Juggernaut Suit now.
- Added paperdoll for damaged Zombie Trooper (by Nord).
- Added soldier icon for Medical Drone (by HinterDemGlas).
- Improved Cyber Armor sprites (by Talpiot) and buffed it slightly.
- Improved paperdoll for Chtonite (by Nord).
- Improved Tomb Guard sprites (by Nord).
- Improved Metamorph sprites (by Osobist).
- Less enemies on The Sound of Graves.
- Researching Syndicate Floppy Disc now makes the Syndicate grumpy.
- No penalty for killing own ghost tentacles.
- Added a balcony to ISLANDURBAN03.
- Fixed the missing urn in The Root of All Evil (sprite by Nord).
- Fixed Arbiter map.
- Fixed turbolaser weapons' selling prices.
- Fixed Counter-Terrorist Combat Analysis.
- Fixed Small Hybrid Convoy.
- Fixed Dagon Temple yields.
- Fixed some trainings not being available for some agent types.
- Fixed Technician giving TU instead of Stamina.
- Fixed Sanity loss mitigation on extraordinary high Bravery (by zRrr).
- Fixed Canister Gun palette (by Nord).
- Fixed Shambler sprite (by Nord).
- Fixed swapped floorobs for Dagon Chosen and Sorcerer.
- Fixed M66's posture.
- Fixed some male paperdolls' shape.
- Fixed Sea Habitat walls.
- Minor fixes.

- New missions: Den of Villainy (terrain by Brain_322), The Exorcism, Environmental Alert with Men in Black.
- New outfit: Clergy (most graphics by Dioxine).
- New unit: M.A.G.M.A. Representative.
- New item category: Religious Gear.
- New Ufopaedia articles and research tree adjustments.
- 4 new Caves maps (3 by Dioxine).
- New Junkfarm map (by Dioxine).
- More general enemy base destruction message.
- Increased Hovertanks' night vision range.
- Excluded Assault Suit, Power Suit, Flying Suit and Stormtrooper Armor from underwater missions.
- Gillman Hero gives Power Armor instead.
- Chasers have dodge.
- Overhauled civilians' dodge values.
- Position Markers now actually have anti-camouflage.
- MiB Commanders yield Personal Armor on research.
- Increased chances for Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate to 100%.
- Improved Car, Luxury Car and Van sprites (by 0xEBJC).
- Improved Fenrir, Werecat, Black Werecat and Shambler sprites (by ImpMontezuma).
- Improved Fat Tourist and Bikini Babe sprites (by Osobist).
- Improved Celatid paperdoll (by Mikkoi).
- Improved Mongorn Fist sprite (by Dioxine).
- Improved Colt Commando sprite (by Alex_D).
- Added description to the M.A.G.M.A. Chainsawbot Blade.
- Reclamation of Aether Laboratory map is bigger (to fit any craft).
- Hybrid convoys no longer travel on the globe.
- Bats are excluded from science-themed missions.
- Renamed Durathread Vest for dogs to Durathread Gear.
- MiB Commander drops Damaged Personal Armor.
- MiB Lunar Base awards Spacer.
- Enabled Osiron Goon Disguise article.
- Moved Scientist's Data Floppy from Vincent's pocket to a table.
- Fixed Trident capacity (from 14 to 15) and interior.
- Fixed Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip manufacturing prerequisites.
- Fixed .308 cal Sniper Rifle's minimum range.
- Fixed Haunted Farm terrains.
- Fixed some cars' height.
- Fixed destroyed streetlight height.
- Fixed cult retaliations.
- Fixed UAC Aerospace Lab roof.
- Fixed Caves, Cargo Ship and CYBERPIPES walking sounds and SCANGs (by Dioxine).
- Fixed MiB Engineering Ship lift.
- Minor fixes.

- New missions: Cereal Cult, Agent Wilheard's Voyage.
- New terrain: Cargo Ship (reworked from TFTD).
- New weapon: Rift Staff.
- New ammo: Dart Pistol Anti-E115 Clip, Dart Rifle Anti-E115 Clip.
- New units: Ghost Eye, Phantasmal Tentacle, Agent Wilheard.
- New cities: Marrakesh, Antalya, Aleppo, Naples, Glasgow, Sarajevo, Chisinau.
- New country: Serbia.
- New agent nationality: Serbian.
- New dossier: Agent Wilheard.
- New Apocalypse legend: Red Moon Curse.
- 4 new events (some by Dioxine).
- New Ufopaedia section: Martial Techniques.
- New Ufopaedia articles.
- Added Dr. Hadriex combat analysis page.
- 3 new Caves maps (2 by Dioxine).
- New firing sounds.
- Warp weapons damage armor.
- Reworked dart clips B and C into acid and electric clips respectively.
- Kludge and Mateba have slightly worse snap ranges.
- .454 Casull Ammo has Firing Accuracy bonus, but worse armor penetration.
- Monsters Inc. Files are cheaper to sell.
- Dogs have some anti-camouflage.
- Minotaurs can be tamed by X-Com (base defense only).
- Hell Cruise with Dr. Hadriex uses Cargo Ship terrain.
- Disabled most missions from spawning in the first month.
- Added retaliation variants to automatic retaliations.
- More retaliation race tiers.
- Extra rewards on some missions.
- Ignoring Dimension X defence missions is more costly.
- Hybrid convoys actually travel now.
- Combat analysis is now usually unlocked by autopsy.
- Decreased unpriming costs for most explosives.
- Marker is Concealable.
- Boombox is faster.
- Taser now has snap shots.
- Dart Musket is buyable.
- Klein Bottle Grenade is deconstructable.
- Removed craft item limits (due to bad interaction with Apocalypse-like item management).
- Sanity requirement Martial Arts Training lowered.
- Some name lists reviewed and improved (by Ivan Sanchez).
- Caves tweaks (by Dioxine).
- Seaside grass is shorter.
- Almost all commendations are initially hidden.
- Better Outdated Weapons picture.
- Overhauled briefing colors.
- Added mini-icons for the Liquidator (by Dioxine).
- Added missing articles on various built-in attacks.
- Fixed Sectopod minigun.
- Fixed Ghost Terror Blast.
- Fixed Hungarian area.
- Fixed Chief Accountant introduction texts.
- Fixed Master of X description.
- Fixed retreating from the Syndicate HQ.
- Minor fixes (thanks to Emil J. Schroeder).

- New Australian names.
- UAC Underground Weapon Distribution requires Subculture: Cavemen.
- Fixed Old UFO Landing Site and Old UFO Crash Site to launch correctly.
- Minor fixes.

- Added Ufopaedia entry to Spitter Spit.
- Changed mixed alien crews to give them a Commander.
- Combat Pilot Training gives +2 Stamina.
- Fixed Alien Drone Weapon Ufopaedia trigger.
- Fixed Sanity drain on the Aether Lab mission.
- EXPANDEDTERROR17 stairs fix (by Dioxine).
- Golden Academy stairs fix (thanks to Yankes).
- Fixed some Alien Tunnels' walls.
- Fixed points value in "Cure for Cancer" description.
- Fixed some damage dissipation ranges.
- Fixed some descriptions that were too long.
- Minor fixes.

- Added Ufopaedia entry for Betarian Zapper and Vampire Bite.
- Live Sectopod research needed for Sectopod adaptation.
- Customized attack names in the Ufopaedia.
- Fixed Ninja Arts's category in the Ufopaedia.
- Minor fixes.

- New advanced agent types: Spartan, Infernal.
- New UFOs: MiB Armory Ship (map by Civilian, slightly altered), MiB Escort Ship (map by Wolverin), MiB Freight Ship (map by Wolverin, altered).
- New missions: Reclamation of Aether Laboratory (by CosmicAfro), MiB Tritanium Ammo Shipment, MiB Freight, Sleep Wave Emitter.
- New HWP armor: Advanced Scout Drone.
- New unit: Reclamation of Aether Master (mostly by CosmicAfro).
- New weapons: Scoped Hunting Rifle, Dart Musket.
- New items: MiB Crate (sprite by Brain_322), Tritanium Ammo Supply Crate (and associated changes for both), Cyber Eye, Cyber Heart, Cyber Skin, Hormone Regulator, Magnetokinetic Gear, Sectopod Parts, Hyperstims, Advanced Healing Spray (graphics collab with Brain; old item renamed to Improved Healing Spray), Advanced Repair Kit Charge.
- New facility: Advanced Sick Bay (by Krautbernd, sprite by Brain_322).
- New transformation for all animals: Predator.
- New Ufopaedia section: Trainings & Augmentations.
- New manufacturing categories: Prisoners, Disassembly.
- New agent names.
- New hybrid names.
- New dog names (Korean).
- New technologies: Advanced Optics, Cyberoptics, Tissue Composites, Advanced Micromechanics, Alien Implants, Hypermetabolism, Sectopod Adaptation.
- New events: Untangling the Red Tape, Illegal Trade Foiled, MiB Tritanium Ammo Shipment, Serpentine Nest.
- Brought back the "Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate" event.
- Ensured that OXCE experience award system is used.
- Overhauled manufacturing categories.
- Decreased agents' hiring costs.
- Rebalanced and expanded Kyberi (further upgrades).
- Large Living Quarters hold 250 people.
- Reworked Sectopod tech tree.
- Cult Arms Dealers path can be refused.
- Share Tritanium Ammo Tech comes earlier, but tritanium clips from M.A.G.M.A. have limited stocks.
- Tritanium Cannon comes earlier and must be manufactured.
- Extended Illegal Requisition Files list.
- Meridian Hunting is now a one-time mission.
- David Vincent's Secret Shelter now uses reinforcements rules.
- Changed some ranks from Terrorist to Soldier.
- Dream creatures (including X-Com) are more resistant to Chemical damage.
- Color-coded Chasers (by 8mono).
- Improved Giant Beetle paperdoll (by Mikkoi).
- Proper Shadowbat Autopsy pic.
- Advanced drone bays can be built on earlier ones.
- Urban and Urban Deco terrains use extended roads.
- Sliding movement tweaks (by Dioxine).
- Island terrain values fixed (by Dioxine).
- Fixed Ion Beam Acceleration prerequisites.
- Fixed a hole in the Skyraider.
- Fixed strings in the Prisoner Overview.
- Fixed Interceptor article.
- Fixed some ghost regions.
- Fixed Black Lotus post-HQ event script.
- Fixed some tanks' availability on some missions.
- Minor fixes.

- New UFO: Saboteur (map by Wolverin, sprite enhanced by Brain_322).
- New missions: Zombie Isolation, Abyssal Artifact Delivery.
- New Alien Retaliation variants.
- New event: A Perplexing Graffiti.
- New facility: Huge Storage Facility (map and sprite by Brain_322).
- New Dossier: Mackenzie Calhoun (by Mknzy Calhoun).
- New items: Syndicate Weapon Box (sprite by Brain_322), Abyssal Urn.
- New lore articles.
- 6 new Port maps.
- New Ufopaedia section: Mechanical Units.
- Moved unarmed attacks to the Outfits section.
- Moved alien weapons to the Weapons and Equipment section.
- Toned down the selling bonus on low difficulties.
- Bases should be built right where the source UFO landed.
- Added more enemies to Cydonia.
- Added a pickaxe to The Sound of Graves map.
- Decreased Sanity drain in the Vampire Castle.
- Better Avatar Morph Ufopaedia picture.
- Improved Machete and Canister Gun bigobs (by Juku).
- Added missing avatar names.
- Changed the hyperwave decoder text to fit all the relevant situations.
- UFO Navigation can be recovered from captured bases.
- More rewards from Syndicate Warehouse and Lab.
- Human Sacrifices are now held in prison for clarity.
- Blaster Multi-Bomb Pack nerfed.
- Thanatonautian Manus costs 2 Sanity per use.
- Drone Rocket Launcher shoots slightly faster.
- Outrunner can be repaired.
- Blood Boosting is much faster.
- Anti-E115 Weapons now also require Bio Lab.
- Sectoid Commander's psi vision increased.
- Some paperdoll improvements (by Talpiot).
- Better Stormtrooper corpse sprites (by Talpiot).
- Proper Giant Spider Autopsy and Mongorn Autopsy pics (by Flaubert).
- Port with Pier terrain available for more missions.
- EXALT Liquidation and Syndicate Assassination missions have random maps (equipment pile moved by necessity).
- Simplified some mapscripts.
- Overhauled corpse/autopsy unlocking system.
- Unified Assault Suit bottom armor values.
- Astral Form gives +10 Strength.
- Fixed Chemthrower (no longer completely bypasses armor).
- Optronic Parts are components, not evidence.
- Removed the "Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate" event (for now).
- Fixed some commendations.
- Fixed missing Wrecked Syndicate Walker Examination article.
- Fixed Port terrain script.
- Fixed the Osiron Hacienda pool.
- Fixes Black Lotus/Syndicate HQ corners.
- Fixed Tritanium Cannon, Avionics and Zrbite Drive dependencies.
- Fixed incorrect point values for some events.
- Fixed Flying Drone and Outrunner variants incorrectly disallowed in some missions.
- Fixed Flying Suit manufacturing time.
- Fixed the MiB Lunar Base Landing mission deployment (thanks to Juku).
- Fixed Reclamation of Aether unlocking.
- Fixed X-Com Position Marker causing morale loss and giving Betrayer.
- Fixed hair colors.
- Minor fixes.

- New palette (by Brain_322).
- 16 new faces (by Osobist).
- New weapons: Portable Laser Cannon (bigob by Rockfish, slightly altered), Portable Turbolaser Cannon (bigob by Brain_322), Laser SMG (graphics by Brain_322), Laser Sniper Rifle (bigob by Brain_322; old Laser Sniper Rifle renamed to Turbolaser Sniper Rifle).
- New ammo: BlackOps CAWS Baton Clip.
- New missions: Ethereal Retaliation, MiB Lunar Base.
- New UFOs: Arbiter (map and sprite by Brain_322), Dreadnought (map by Wolverin, sprite by Brain_322).
- New terrain: Autumn Forest (recolor by Brain_322), for The Sound of Graves.
- 1 new Urban map (by Dioxine).
- 2 new Postindustrial maps (by Dioxine).
- 2 new Jungle maps (by Dioxine).
- 1 new Cult Safehouse.
- 2 new Cult Outposts (by Brain_322).
- 2 new Dimension X Outpost buildings (by Dioxine).
- 2 new Mansion map variants (by Brain_322).
- New building map for the Syndicate Assassination (by Brain_322).
- New reload sounds for most weapons (thanks to Dioxine and Brain_322 for some resources).
- New MiB-related research.
- Many new Ufopaedia illustrations (one by Bloax, one by Brain_322).
- Some paperdoll improvements (by Talpiot).
- Updated character sets.
- Added MiB Psi Ops armor processing.
- Interceptor now carries Heavy Rockets instead of Light Rockets.
- Kitsune requires Advanced Intelligence Center.
- Pilots attacking hunter-killer UFOs now have a chance to survive.
- Many enemy vehicles show their mission details even without the Hyper-Wave Decoder (scripting by Yankes).
- Removed Ethereals from some missions.
- Decreased the chances for manors to appear by 33%.
- Manors usually start at level 1, regardless of time passed.
- Black Lotus Party lasts longer.
- Scorpoids are somewhat stealthy.
- Added MiB Shock Trooper Armor Adaptation.
- Removed redundant Alloy Vest fist attacks.
- Cleaned up Counter-Terrorist sprite.
- Switched to battlescape palette.
- Fixed Keystone commendation.
- Fixed some spawns in the Academy Tower.
- Fixed routes on some Vampire Castle maps (by Dioxine).
- Fixed Salt Pile being researchable without the item.
- Fixed psi vision on the Liquidator for hybrids.
- Fixed Televised Ghost Hunt building.
- Fixed Alien Downtown Attack alien race.
- Minor fixes and tweaks.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2024, 01:18:54 pm by Solarius Scorch »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: X-Com Files Changelog
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2017, 05:56:12 pm »

- Fixed an issue with Salt Pile being researchable from the start.

- New weapons: Chemthrower (with two ammo types), Chryssalid Gas Grenade.
- New units: Reclamation of Aether Initiate (2 genders), Reclamation of Aether Journeyman (2 genders) (both mostly by CosmicAfro).
- New missions: The Sound of Graves, Impossible Internet Intelligence, Televised Ghost Hunting (all mostly by CosmicAfro).
- New commendation: Pest Controller.
- New Postindustrial maps (mostly by Dioxine).
- 7 new Catacomb maps and terrain (by Dioxine).
- 4 new Port map variants (by Thallori).
- 1 new Sewers map (by Dioxine).
- Desert stones are yellow.
- Better Moon minimap (SCANGs by Kato).
- Added Security Camera description.
- New lore articles.
- Hybrid Control Circuitry bigob (by Brain_322).
- Spirit Cultists have worse Psi Strength.
- Flamethrowers give Technician commendations.
- Commando reinforcements in manors never come from the south.
- Children of Aether are more grey.
- Night-Ops and MiB Enforcer graphics improved (by Dioxine).
- Fixed an issue with Katapeltes Spiritus clips.
- Fixed missing commendations.
- Fixed an issue with Polar terrain where X-Com craft may be placed on water.
- Terror Ship map fixes.
- Fixed Trinidad position.
- Minor fixes.

- New HWP armors: Outrunner/Shotgun, Outrunner/Laser (graphics by Brain_322).
- New weapons: Ghost Neuralizer, Thanatonautian Manus, Katapeltes Spiritus, Klein Bottle Grenade (all mostly by CosmicAfro).
- New units: Human Ghost, Poltergeist (all mostly by CosmicAfro).
- New missions: Haunted Farm, Hounted House (both mostly by CosmicAfro).
- New craft weapon: Heavy Pike.
- 16 new faces (graphics mostly by Brain_322).
- 5 new Jungle maps and some terrain additions (by Dioxine).
- New Commercial map (by Dioxine).
- 3 intercepted cult message events (by Helrica).
- Added articles on fire and smoke damage.
- Expanded cult termination articles.
- Statistical bullet saving on some craft weapons.
- Sonic Pulser can be manufactured.
- Some items can be dismantled for Zrbite (by Juku).
- Added Psiclones as bounty to some EXALT missions.
- Making Tritanium requires researching Tritanium Matrix.
- Meridian Hunter gives an Alien Data Slate.
- Kitsune is more expensive to research and gives more points.
- Can't buy napalm grenades without Promotion III.
- Fancier melee attack names.
- New handob for the Flame Glove (provided by Juku), Double-Barreled Shotgun and small blades.
- Fabulous hair on the MiB Commander (by Brain_322).
- Improved some SCANGs (based on Kato's additions).
- Added an Aquatoid Soldier to the T'leth Embassy mission.
- All monks give basic info on Apocalypse gangs.
- Red Dawn Gangers can't snipe, and Lads are less likely to do so.
- Giant Rats and Shadowbats always hit bottom armor.
- Shadowbats have better camo.
- Ghosts can be processed into ectoplasm.
- Swarmids are really hard to hit.
- Most turrets are susceptible to CQC.
- Pioneers give Red Dawn Network too.
- Fixed Pioneers' Health.
- Fixed cult infiltrations spawning.
- Fixed an issue with some Port maps.
- Fixed Ghost Blade not displaying.
- Fixed some flag issues.
- Fixed a crash on Olympians in Personal Armor trying to fly.
- Fixed the coat and the bulletproof coat sprites.
- Fixed legs display on some Olympian sprites.
- Fixed Lithuanian characters.
- Name fixes (by Kato).
- Minor fixes (thanks to Emil J. Schroeder).

- New missions: MiB Base, MiB Ground Supply.
- New staff input.
- New cities: Bratislava, Vilnius, Talinn, Tbilisi, Bishkek, Dushanbe.
- New countries: Kirgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Thailand, Vietnam.
- New agent nationalities: Afghani, Algerian, Australian, Austrian, Azeri, Chilean, Colombian, Ecuadorian, Egyptian, Iraqi, Libyan, Lithuanian, Moroccan, New Zealander, Pakistani, Peruvian, Tunisian, Turkmen, Venezuelan (several name lists provided by LFM).
- More Cuban names.
- Better country funding model (by Buscher).
- Dimension X Expeditions.
- Chemical Flares can be recovered.
- Proteans are immune to zombification.
- Custom desert roads.
- Cydonia requires space-capable suits.
- MiB Outpost reworked.
- Simplified the Moon satellite project.
- Cult vehicles have white markers.
- Battleship map 7 fixes.
- Corrected "Lassa" to "Lhasa".
- Some country border corrections.
- Fixed Kigali, Dakar and Nouakchott placement.
- Fixed a crash on some humans vs. monsters missions.
- Fixed Golden Academy Towers not spawning in some scenarios.
- Fixed damage display on some power armors.
- Muton sprites fix (by Alex_D).
- Fixed Dimension X ending.
- Minor fixes (thanks to Emil J. Schroeder).

- New Urban Roads block (scooter by Brain_322).
- Flash resistance on Shock Armor.
- Added missing Hybrid Assault Armor Pedia article.
- Fixed Croc Raid spawning in Antarctica.
- Fixed one zone around Hawaii.
- Fixed Avenger/Dropship cockpit (by Buscher).
- Fixed MiB Pilot corpse graphics.

- New advanced agent type: Kyberos.
- New armor: Shock Armor, Kyberos only (sprites by Brain_322).
- New terrain: Arctic Outpost (collab with Brain_322 and Dioxine, URBAN40K2 tileset by Bullet Designer).
- New missions: HSD Underwater Lab (4 variants), MiB Attack on a M.A.G.M.A. Base, Hybrid Retaliation.
- New weapons: Stun Mine (collab with Silky), Mateba Autorevolver (collab with Brain_322).
- New item: Chitin.
- New units: Xarquid, Diver Scientist (2 genders).
- New countries: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Greece, Czechia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Kenya, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador.
- New cities: Dhaka, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Lahore, Chennai, Nagoya, Hyderabad, Kuala Lumpur, Quito, Guayaquil.
- Added New Zealand mountains.
- New research: Contact Crazy Hassan Weapon Store.
- New bigobs for Skorpion, Enfield, Uzi and the Kludge (by Brain_322).
- New Ufopedia picture for the Skymarshall (by Nord).
- Distinct sprites for Scorpoid Chief (by 8mono).
- Boomers are now exclusive to missions with Vampire Knights.
- Overhauled Geoscape zones and how some missions are generated.
- Some new Urban and Urban Low maps (by CosmicAfro, additional spriting by Silky).
- New farm map (by Dioxine).
- Improved Island Urban terrain nodes.
- Tormentor is orbital flight capable.
- MiB Power Suit and Stormtrooper Armor can be looted from captives.
- Synthsuit cannot be used underwater.
- Cybermines mission grants an Alenium Shard.
- Share Elerium Explosives now uses mutually exclusive researches.
- Better slacking indicator (based on Nord's idea).
- Ufopaedia pages and proper interception pictures for MiB vessels.
- Proper Bullfrog Autopsy pic.
- Tentaculat move sound.
- Cleaner SWAT van (by Alex_D).
- Fixed Star Pistol not requiring psi training.
- Fixed Hawkeye prerequisites.
- Fixed one cave block to prevent impassable combinations.
- Fixed some borders, country areas and coastal lines.
- Fixed Toronto, Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro placement.
- Fixed Share Elerium Explosives Tech article not appearing.
- Minor fixes.

- OICW grenade nerfed.
- New handob for the Blaster Multi-Launcher (by Kato).
- Added a missing routes file.
- Fixed rice fields illumination.
- Minor fixes.

- New weapons: Alien Laser SMG (sprites by Dioxine), Forceblade, Star Pistol, Star Musket, Star Cannon (sprites by author unknown).
- New armor for dogs: Assault Gear (graphics by 8mono).
- New item: Repair Kit (scripting by 8mono).
- New units: Black Lotus Host, Black Lotus War Witch, Black Lotus Stormcloud (sprites by Brain_332), Hybrid Assault, Maid (all graphics by Dioxine), Hybrid Envoy, Osiron Tech Trooper.
- New craft: AH-6 Little Bird (graphics by Perekrylo and Dioxine).
- New UFOs: AH-1 Cobra, MI-24 Hind, UH-1B Huey, CH-47 Chinook, F-4 Phantom, MiG-17, MiG-29, Mirage 5, Angel Fighter (maps by Alex D, graphics by Dioxine).
- New missions: Cult Suppression (1 for each cult), Cult Infiltration (1 for each cult), Cult Street Fighting (1 for each cult), Cult Retaliation (1 for each cult, 1 for Golden Academy and Temple of Dagon each), Cult Assassination (1 for each cult), Cult Manor (1 for each cult, and with 3 tiers; building map by Dioxine), Temple of Dagon (with associated defense missions), Golden Academy Tower (with associated defense missions), Hybrid Embassy (with associated defense missions), Hybrid Recon, Hybrid Sky Patrol.
- Cult Apprehensions grow over time.
- Long-ranged heavy weapons can be mounted on the Humvee (by Dioxine), but it requires 2 drivers.
- Reviewed vehicle detectability.
- Skymarshall is slower.
- Basic Flight Training available earlier.
- Tritanium Foundry has more workspace.
- MiB Outposts aren't generated by alien bases.
- Alien Orbital Station frequency increased.
- Changed Fat to Boomer ratio.
- Disabled the "toxic" shade on Cyberweb Lair.
- New Urban school variant (by Dioxine).
- Modified and improved the Black Lotus HQ terrain.
- Modified parts of the Junkfarm terrain to remove any remaining similarities to URBANNATIVE.
- Hybrid Fighter renamed to Hybrid Aircar, with map changed.
- Hybrid Lander crew overhauled.
- Hybrid ships are tougher.
- Osiron Stakeout gives one Reinforced Osiron Crate.
- Changed radars tech tree.
- Removed AWACS.
- Reviewed craft radar ranges.
- Dog Cybersuit has better bark (sprite by 8mono).
- Hybrid Infiltrators have shields.
- Hybrid Supervisors have a psi attack.
- Hybrid Agents are now Hybrid Soldiers.
- Jarheads are now associated with T'leth.
- Mashinobi are no longer Jarheads, but cyborgs.
- Bio-drone's melee attack toned down.
- MiB have Anti-Camo.
- Rats can "kneel".
- All hybrids are smoke-resistant.
- Hybrids have a 50/50 gender ratio.
- Added Ninja Scrolls to Lotus HQ and manors.
- Alien Gardens are worth 1 point.
- All assault rifles and machine guns have improved armor piercing.
- Assault Suit can be repaired.
- Improved Bulletproof Coat and Toxi-Suit paperdolls (by Brain_322).
- Better Enhanced Dog Bite icon (by 8mono).
- Better Tank Mass Driver ammo graphics (by Brain_322).
- New MiB Enforcer sprites (paperdoll by XOps).
- New mushroom types in Shogg (by Nord).
- Fixed Alien Alloys recovery on downed UFO.
- Fixed bats being allowed on some missions where they shouldn't be.
- Fixed Holo-Grenades production.
- Fixed Taser Cannon range.
- Adjusted Sectopod's fire resistance.
- Fixed some Terror Ship maps.
- Fixed Spacer commendation bonus.
- Minor fixes.

- New units: MiB Pilot (sprites based on Gaffer's recolors), Alien Cyberwatch Turret (inventory sprite by Brain_322).
- New UFOs: Contact Ship, MiB Engineering Ship.
- New missions: Old UFO Landing Site, Old UFO Crash Site, Alien/MiB Meeting.
- Overhauled MiB Base into MiB Outpost.
- New weapons: Advanced Grenade Launcher, EMP Mine (sprites by Brain_322), Gas Grenade (sprites based on Dioxine's), Gas Mine.
- New ammo: Tactical GL Grenade (GAS).
- New items: Holo-Grenade (graphics by Brain_322), Flashlight (former renamed to Mag-Lite).
- New HWP armor: Outrunner (graphics by Brain_322).
- New transformations: Dagonization, Gun Kata, Blood Boosting, and also Neoderm for dogs.
- New commendations: Infiltrator, Spelunker, Aquanaut, Spacer, Horizon Walker, Dreamwalker, Suppressor, Tasemaster.
- 8 new faces (graphics mostly by Brain_322).
- New map for Urban Low: fountain (collab with Brain_322).
- New big mapblocks for Polar and Jungle (collab with Dioxine).
- New Junkfarm/Native Urban maps (by Dioxine).
- New mountains on the globe.
- New lore articles.
- Overhauled the training system/bonuses.
- Olympians and Proteans can eat the Cake.
- High Bravery (100 or more) partially mitigates Sanity loss with gradually increasing efficiency (script by 8mono).
- Tech sharing decisions now use mutually exclusive researches.
- Tritanium Ammo is much faster to research.
- Networks require level 2 cultist.
- X-Com PAU: General Strategy requires Kiryu-Kai.
- Staff introductions are now events and give presents.
- More diverse sources of Alien Communicator, but it is harder to obtain.
- Turbolaser Shotgun has new graphics (by Brain_322), higher damage and greater E-115 cost.
- New EMP Grenade graphics (by Brain_322).
- Improved Assault Suit paperdoll (by Brain_322).
- Better shield sprites (by 8mono).
- Better Sectopod Laser Repeater sound.
- Advanced Rocket Launcher requires Optronics and not Alien Electronics.
- Glock has slightly more accurate snap shots.
- Makarov shoots slightly faster in snap shots.
- UAC SMG has bigger, but heavier clips.
- Drone Rockets weigh 10.
- Trace Flares are cheaper to make.
- Anzug also gives +5 Throwing.
- Throwing weapons are cheaper to research.
- Terror missions are bigger and with the UFO spawning on the map.
- Underwater missions Heavy Cruiser and Fleet Supply Cruiser are less common.
- Battleships have bigger crews.
- Added external turrets on Terror Ship, Troop Ship, Battleship and Cruiser.
- Added 3 Crisis Troopers to Military Anti-Monster Operation.
- Changed civilian count on some missions.
- Military Officers with pistols have melee weapons.
- Proper map for the MiB Dropship.
- MiB ship tiles reskinned (by Brain_322).
- Mountains can have roads.
- Added 30x30 blocks to some custom mapscripts.
- Smaller map on Spider Nest Underground.
- Better jungle trees (by Dioxine).
- Overhauled Hybrid/Alien Meeting, Hybrid/MiB Meeting and Hybrid Control Center Assault deployments with cleaner mechanics.
- Extra mission set for starting cults after 01.01.1999.
- Tripled the special loot on Osiron Hacienda.
- Overhauled Hybrid strings and added color variants (recolors by 8mono).
- Broken MiB armors recover directly (no manufacturing needed).
- Turrets are always visible.
- Council Commissioner is player-controlled.
- Shotgun Surgeon changed.
- Psi Capture is now optional.
- Overhauled access to the Liquidator Armor.
- Lo Wo can be captured.
- Cleaned up texture 9 terrains.
- Fixed access to Helix Knight for Proteans and Olympians.
- Fixed Heavy/Tritanium Suit hands.
- Fixed unlimited range on spider's flame attack.
- Fixed some issues with armor scripts.
- Minor fixes.

- Korean localisation added.
- 3 new Staff Inputs (by Dragor).
- New weapon: Macro Saw (sprite improved by Brain_322).
- New item: Position Marker (by Alex D).
- New HWP armors: Drone Carrier, Hovertank/Carrier (and associated drone types, Position Markers, X-Com Cybermites and X-Com Buzzers) (all by Alex D).
- New unit: Counter-Terrorist.
- New mission: EXALT search warrant (police car by Alex D).
- New maps for Urban Low: police station (by Brain_322), government office, post office.
- Some unique orbital station tiles (by Brain_322).
- New terrain additions and fixes (by Dioxine).
- Ski Resort mission has random snow terrain.
- Proper Bloodhound autopsy pic (by Brain_322).
- Hybrid agents available earlier, from alternative sources.
- Helix Psions get 15 extra armor on all sides.
- Rolled Transport Alternative and Private Transport into one research.
- New lore on the Great Factions.
- Disabled UFO Construction recovery from the Undersea City.
- Shooting at UFOs no longer decreases their crews (for lore reasons).
- Decreased Cydonian activity.
- M.A.G.M.A. Lab must be won before progressing further with this arc.
- Custom scurry sound for crawlies.
- Olympians can fly in any outfit.
- Dogs now have proper dodge.
- Ethereals have better Chem resistance.
- Power Mace is one-handed and has more reliable damage.
- Advanced Rocket Launcher takes all rocket types.
- UAC plasma weapons are slightly stronger and damage morale.
- BFG isn't destroyed in research.
- Bow arrows are 1x3, with new graphics.
- Fixed Bewildered Farmer recovery.
- Fixed Majestic 12 Clue research.
- Fixed Osiron Hacienda loot.
- UAC Portal ramps are passable.
- Battleship walls are less transparent.
- Various tile fixes.
- Minor fixes.

- Removed support for en-GB (until someone maintains it).
- Fixed missing Tritanium Foundry files.
- Fixed armor values on hybrids' Polar Suit.
- Minor terrain fixes.

- New weapons: Var Assault Cannon (sprites by Brain_322), Hoe (sprite by Mister X), USAS-12.
- New ammo: Taser Bioelectric Shock Clip.
- New item: Jar of Gray Goo.
- New armors: Mongorn Anzug (sprites by Brain_322), X-Com Liquidator.
- New units: Osiron Fixer (sprites by Brain_322), Asmodean Cobra (autopsy picture by Brain_322).
- New mission: Osiron Hacienda.
- New facility: Tritanium Foundry (required for making Tritanium, needs Alien Power Systems).
- New agent nationality: Saudi Arabia (flag by Kato).
- 1 new event.
- 12 cult intercepted message events (by Helrica).
- New lore articles.
- Added 30x30 maps to most basic terrains.
- New Island Urban block (by Dioxine).
- 4 new Jungle maps (collab with Dioxine).
- Sand slows you down, unless you can slither.
- Streamlined and wrapped up the Shogg arc.
- Disassembling some alien machines yields more resources.
- New Bullfrog death sound.
- Muckstars are easier to hit in melee.
- Sectopod Laser Cannon renamed to Sectopod Laser Repeater, now has autoshot x4.
- Thrasher no longer has Fire Spraying.
- Fire Extinguisher has area of effect again.
- Rat attack scales with Strength.
- Pike missiles are stronger and cheaper.
- Remaining starting cults become more active after 01.01.1999.
- Overhauled sailors' equipment.
- Relaxed Sanity cost on Zombie missions.
- Chemtrails mission includes a Hybrid Supervisor.
- Illegal Requisition Files can sometimes be found on cult hideouts.
- Sick Bay available more easily.
- Turbolasers require optronic parts.
- Added Ufopaedia pages for drone weapons.
- New Advanced Lab sprite (by Brain_322).
- Proper flag on bank/government buildings (by Brain_322).
- Improved graphics for some ranked aliens and the Mummy (by The Martian).
- Updated graphics for some Sectoid variants (by Brain_322).
- Better Dog Cybersuit sprite (by Brain_322).
- Proper Red Dawn Sailor bigob (by Brain_322).
- New Advanced Rocket Launcher design (by Brain_322).
- Sprites New BlackOps Smart Rifle handob and floorob (by Brain_322).
- New Laser Rifle floorob (by Brain_322).
- New Sniper Rifle and Gas Cannon bigobs (by Brain_322).
- New UAC Rifle handob (by Brain_322).
- New HWP Smoke Projector sprites (by Brain_322).
- Medical Supplies graphics differ by quality (by Brain_322).
- Proper Aqua-Plastics Suit sprite for hybrids (by Brain_322).
- Proper Synthsuit icon.
- Syndicate Agent death animation fix (by Brain_322).
- Fixed Alien Brain recovery from the alien orbital station.
- Fixed NightOps camo.
- Fixed Viper costs.
- Fixed selling costs of some items to avoid endless money on Beginner.
- Fixed MiB Executor Ufopaedia picture.
- Various terrain fixes (by Dioxine).
- Minor fixes.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2024, 03:48:13 pm by Solarius Scorch »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: X-Com Files Changelog
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2018, 10:20:45 pm »

- New M.A.G.M.A. logo (by Brain_322).
- New Ammo Box graphics (by Brain_322).
- Zephyr Serum cannot be bought, but can be made from Chryssalids.
- Trading with The Wizkids mission uses Osiron outfits.
- Live Bombardier Beetles can be processed into napalm grenades.
- Fixed a critical bug with Tritanium Vest for the F0 face.
- Hatchet purchase fix.
- Tweaks to the Rice Farm terrain (by Dioxine).
- Some fixes and tweaks to the UAC terrain.
- Minor fixes.

- New advanced agent type: Olympian.
- New armor: Night-Ops Suit (graphics by Brain_322).
- New weapons: Winchester Model 1901, Tritanium Kukri (graphics for both by Brain_322), Sporting Bow, Hatchet (sprites for both donated by Dioxine), Switchblade.
- New item: Survival Notes.
- New units: MiB Shock Trooper, Betarian (graphics for both by Brain_322), Male Detective (graphics mostly by Dioxine), HSD Marine, Male Survivalist.
- New mission: Alien Orbital Station.
- New facility: Plasma Drone Bay (graphics for robotic units by Brain_322).
- 11 new events (by justaround).
- 8 new faces (collab with Dioxine and Brain_322).
- New lore articles (thanks Rellestys for the "Missions and Research" text).
- Cars and radar craft are undetectable to aliens.
- Radar craft can auto-patrol.
- Added ambient sounds to some environments (jungle, rural, forest and winter maps).
- Most enemies can kneel and/or run (requires OXCE 7.0.11 or later).
- Moon arc needs Alien Brain Remains instead of Ethereal Commander.
- New graphics for Sectopod Minigun, Dart Rifle and Synthmuscles (all by Brain_322).
- Proper Gilldog autopsy pic (by Grouse and Brain_322).
- Nitro Express has a better damage roll profile.
- USP Match is a little stronger.
- OICW grenades are less accurate.
- Slightly better aimed shots on BlackOps Spypistol.
- Electric Prod can be used underwater and in space.
- Recoilless Gun is now a revived weeapon.
- New Council-related researches.
- Message from M.A.G.M.A. no. 001 is easier to get.
- Grav module can be recovered from Waspites.
- Alien Colonies can now expand into new bases.
- Removed startResearch script.
- Marine Base Defense tweaks.
- Syndicate Monster Lab appears less frequently after the first time.
- Mummy Abode appears more easily the first time.
- Humvee allowed on beach missions.
- Tweaked some MiB stats.
- Enforcer requires 1 Alenium Shard.
- Aqua-Plastic Suits recover as Aqua-Plastics.
- Tweaked some armor resistances.
- Some live creatures can be found during land surveys.
- Zephyr Serum is more expensive.
- Night Owl now gives Sanity too.
- Lighter GMGEO5 track (by Brain_322).
- Better Cyberweb Roboturret and Large Drone Examination Ufopedia pictures (both by Brain_322).
- Better Alien Drone inventory picture (by Brain_322).
- Cleaner Aqua-Plastic Suit bigob.
- Osiron Goon bigob and floorob better matching the sprite.
- Improved X-Com base routes.
- Blocked some more articles on Commendation from appearing at game start.
- Improved Urban Low map generation.
- Corporate warehouse has windows.
- Updated enforced and recommended options.
- Fixed dog zombification on some units.
- Fixed mismatched Rocket Launcher ammo on some MiBs.
- Fixed enemy robots recovery (stores are robot prisons now).
- Alien Tunnels fixes (by Dioxine).
- Fixed Megascorpion sprite directions.
- Fixed position of some clips (by Brain_322).
- Fixed Jump Armor sprite (thanks The Martian).
- Fixed Shady Tavern briefing.
- Fixed Tijuana location.
- Fixed UAC dimensional portal ramps.
- Fixed the Cruiser article.
- Minor fixes.

- Added Council of Earth research.
- Minor rebalance of knives.
- Mines damage TUs.
- Smoke grenades available earlier.
- Fire Extinguisher has smaller radius.
- Handcuffs are now 1x1 (bigob by Chronocide Commando).
- Added autopsy pictures of Ooze and Giant Beetle.
- Fixed a crash on Coelacanth ammo article.
- Fixed the Scorpoid Palace terrain.
- Fixes to some movement costs.
- Assault Suit under armor value fix.

- Updated to the newest OXCE.
- New agent type: X-Com Shadowbat.
- New advanced agent type: Protean.
- 9 new events.
- New units: Black Sun Victor, Pinky Demon, Hell Baron, Dr. Alpha (all graphics mostly by Dioxine).
- New weapons: Quillbow (concept by Grit, sprites by Brain_322), BFG (graphics by Bloax), Stun Spear.
- New missions: UAC Moon Base Landing (in cooperation with Brain_322), The Island of Dr. Alpha.
- New Dossier: Dr. Alpha.
- New terrains: UAC Moon Lab, Dark Storm Mountain (collab with Brain_322).
- New maps for the Mummy Settlement.
- New items: Carapace Plate, Zephyr Serum (concept by Grit, script by Meridian).
- New Juggernaut sprites (by Wolverin).
- Improved Pancor Jackhammer sprite (by Brain_322).
- Improved handobs for the M-16, Plasma Rifle, Laser Rifle and Turbolaser Sniper Rifle (by Brain_322).
- New Animal Pen sprite (by Brain_322).
- New article: Alien Colonies.
- Rebuilt alien embassies into alien colonies (easier to get in, but can't reclaim the country).
- Removed some Hybrid/ADVENT missions as they no longer fit the concept.
- Aliens can now react in multiple ways to shooting down UFOs.
- Medium zombie infestations are slightly more common.
- Tweaked crashed UFO mission chances.
- Decreased number of enemies on low difficulties.
- Changed Coven's reward to Protean tech.
- Smaller maps for Hell Cruise with Dr. Hadriex and Osiron Cruise Liner.
- Smaller maps on smallest monster hunts.
- Water pools slow you down.
- Incendiary weapons damage TUs (reaction shots are less likely).
- Rifles rebalance.
- Decreased the Reactions balance for the BlackOps Auto-Sniper Rifle.
- Lessened the penalty on Smart Shotgun for 1-handed shooting.
- Napalm Grenade can now be examined if you find one, but its manufacturing restrictions remain unchanged.
- Improved terrain damage on both cutters.
- G11 is now a revived weapon.
- Modified Synthmuscles tech tree and you can now get them from Osiron crates.
- Removed inventory from dogs and rats.
- Added abort penalties on some missions.
- Changed some mission despawn penalties.
- The Weapon Self Destruction option is no longer locked (feel free to suffer if you like).
- Animal training no longer yields monster teeth.
- Interrogating units which you can extract armor from now also gives you their armor.
- Training caps increased.
- Added Black Sun Stormtrooper descriptions.
- Added Spitter armor variants.
- Linked rank-related armor variants to Ufopedia articles.
- Better Congo and Senegal flags (by Kato).
- Fixed Floater's grav device color (thanks The Martian).
- Swapped BlackOps LMG and BlackOps Assault LMG sprites.
- Syndicate Monster Lab graphic improvements (by Brain_322).
- Fixed some inconsistencies between weapon types and commendations.
- Fixed training speed.
- Fixed a bug where you could build multiple Advanced HQs.
- Fixed an inconsistency in corpse recovery between X-Com Cyberdisc and Alien Laser Turret.
- Fixed Flying Suit production being too easy.
- Added missing extra effects on alien turrets and Sectopods.
- Fixed MiB Strikeship map.
- Fixed some Ufopaedia entries.
- Minor fixes (many thanks to Emil J. Schroeder for tracking down literally dozens of small issues!).

- Increased maintenance on advanced buildings.
- Cleaner Syndicate Walker sprite.
- Improved Laser Rifle bigob (by Brain_322).
- Fixed Starfighter manufacturing.

- New terrain: UAC Base (collab with Brain_322).
- New mission: UAC Aerospace Lab.
- New craft: Starfighter (by Alex D, slightly modified).
- New weapons: UAC Plasma Rifle, UAC Light Plasma Gun, KS-23M (graphics for all three by Brain_322), XM29 OICW (by Alex D and Brain_322), UAC Doomzone Chaingun (graphics converted from an unidentified Doom mod), Pancor Jackhammer.
- New units: UAC Space Marine, UAC Master Researcher (graphics for both by Brain_322).
- New Alien Base mapblocks.
- Crop Circles and Cattle Mutilation missions redone to use the new reinforcement mechanics.
- Rebalanced the prices on most items.
- Advanced Robotics can be acquired from functional Cyberweb robots.
- New Turbolaser Carbine handob (by Brain_322).
- Better AK-47 clip (by Brain_322).
- Added some missing allowed AI armor options to special environments.
- Added missing Red Dawn armour entries.
- Added floorob for the Rusty Blade.
- Added bigob to Female Casual (by Dioxine).
- Updated the script for flashbang grenade (by Finnik).
- Corrected Mac-10 clip size to 30 rounds.
- Some new firing sounds.
- Buffed some late game UFOs.
- CQC defense has a 50% chance to fail in case of surprise attacks.
- Faster gym training.
- Changed prerequisites for the Bio-Enhancement.
- Increased average starting stats on Hybrids.
- Less Boomers.
- Alien Agricultural Sabotage now punishes you also if you abort.
- Polished world regions (co-op with Dioxine).
- Better quality music on some Cult of Apocalypse missions.
- New MiB Commander graphics (by Brain_322).
- Removed black squares from "non-hand empty hand slots".
- Better Vietnam flag (by Kato).
- Fixed remaining glitches on Stormtrooper Armor.
- Fixed Bio resistance on Sectoids.
- Fixed wrong ammo on Colt Commando in enemy deployments.
- Added some missing weapons to Commendations.
- Minor fixes.

- New missions: UAC Weapon Lab, UAC Office, X-Com Slander (Shared Elerium Explosives).
- New units: UAC Engineer, UAC Manager, Alien Small Plasma Turret (graphics by Brain_322).
- New craft weapon: Pike Launcher.
- New UFO: MiB Strike Ship.
- New Alien Base mapblocks.
- New Forest mapblock (by Brain_322).
- 11 new maps for Urban Low (9 by Brain_322).
- New item: Alenium Shard.
- New armor for dogs: Synthgear (graphics by Brain_322).
- New armor for AI units: Sectopod Minigun.
- New weapon: H&K G36 (by Alex D).
- New ammo: EMP Minibomb.
- New ammo types for the Grenade Launcher and the Milkor (by Alex D), as well as the Tactical Grenade Launcher (graphics by Alex D).
- Sonic Shotgun is now 1x2.
- Improved UAC SMG, UAC Shotgun and UAC Rocket Launcher bigobs (by Brain_322).
- Better BlackOps Auto-Shotgun Clip sprites (by Alex D) and X-Com Assault Plasma sprites (by Brain_322).
- Hybrid flag (by Brain_322).
- Cyberweb Roboturret Ufopedia pictures (by Brain_322).
- Obliterator and Aquatoid (by Brain_322) and Minotaur (by Perturbator) autopsy pictures.
- Better MiB Heavy Trooper, Aquatoid, Gillman, Elite Soldier and Pig paperdolls (by Brain_322).
- New graphics for Ethereal Grand Master (by Brain_322).
- Completely redesigned how AI units work (now they need Alenium Shards to be produced, but can be revived after "death").
- Units should now react to melee attacks as well.
- Melee weapons now can target terrain and the kukri is now a melee weapon.
- Throwing things underwater now decreases the range.
- Men in Black streamlined and now with their own X-Com base assault mission.
- Aded a small second stage to the Underground Conduits mission for better presentation and structure.
- Some monster missions last longer.
- Reviewed and fixed various armor resistances.
- Organic units are now weakly susceptible to EMP damage.
- Chryssalid attack won't work if it doesn't do any damage (by Mistar Red).
- Rats have psi vision and better stealth.
- Boomer Organs can now be made from Zombie Parasites and are a bit stronger.
- Uncoupled Mass Drivers from Gauss weapons.
- Skulljack now really doesn't need Psi Skill.
- Alien Bomb can now be recovered and used.
- Miniguns somewhat debuffed.
- Renamed Small Launcher bombs to minibombs for clarity.
- Increased the price of some X-Com crafts.
- Temporarily disabled the Phase Drive item as necessary for Reptoid ships construction.
- Tweaked Enforcer stats.
- Dogs, rats and AIs now have their own "ranks" to easier discern them.
- Dogs now use layered armors.
- Large Alien Drone Adaptation fix.
- Mudranger door fix.
- Cow spritesheet fix (by Alex D).
- Minor fixes and additions.

- New terrains: Muddy Rocks, Arboreal Rocks, Chilly Rocks, Sandy Rocks, Sandy Rocks Alternative, Snowy Rocks, Tropical Rocks, Mountainous Rocks, Tundra Plains, Arboreal Plains, Muddy Plains, Chilly Plains, Sandy Plains, Sandy Plains Alternative, Tropical Plains, Wasteland (by Bullet Designer).
- Expanded Urban Low terrain.
- New BlackOps SMG bigob (by Alex D).
- Improved Minimi bigob (by Alex D).
- Better Uzi handob (by Brain_322).
- Some improvements to the globe.
- Promotion I can now be unlocked with a living creature, not just a corpse.
- Webwear is now Concealable.
- Toned down grenades in hybrid clinics.
- Fixed circular dependency between Optronics, UFO Navigation and Alien Optical Processor.
- Minor fixes.

- New mission: UAC Weapons Delivery.
- New AI chassis: Large Flying Drone.
- 1 new event.
- New armor: Assault Suit (graphics by Brain_322).
- New weapons: Incinerator Grenade (graphics by Brain_322), Chemogun Extinguisher Tank, Chempistol Extinguisher Tank.
- New items: Optronic Parts, UAC Weapon Box.
- New units: Cow, Sheep, Pig and Chicken (sprites by Vangrimar1).
- New terrain: Rice Farm (by the C.M.P. Team: Luke83, b__0 & Efrenespartano).
- Overhauled and expanded Forest Marsh terrain (now with actual marsh).
- Bigger Cydonia.
- New Dimension X Base buildings (by Wolverin).
- Added visual damage indicator (by Mistar Red).
- Improved Toxigun Flask sprite (by Brain_322).
- Added Seeker Drone, Laser Turret, Cyberweb Roboturret and Cyberweb Centurion paperdolls and examination articles (graphics by Brain_322).
- Added a special X-Com Roboturret/Minigun sprite (by Brain_322).
- Added handobs for Small Shotgun, AKSU-74, AKM and Shogg Hammer.
- Improved pitchfork handob.
- Added descriptions of Hallucinoid attacks.
- Added some new Ufopedia articles.
- Reorganized a part of the tech tree related to Optronics and Alien Electronics, and items which have them.
- Recategorized some rifles.
- Jumpsuit and Grav Module now have color variations (aesthetic only).
- Can't sell survey results.
- Rat Breeding now requires Energetic Blood Plasma instead of Elerium.
- Plasma melee weapons now cost Elerium to produce.
- Moved BlackOps Contact and associated researches a bit further down the tech tree.
- Syndicate, MiB and Hybrid Scientists talk about Zombie Infectors.
- Abomination and Ooze now need Alien Containment.
- Radar Res Processor costs more to produce.
- Increased dropoff on all pistols.
- Skulljack doesn't require Psi Skill.
- Tritanium Harpoon Dart now requires knowledge of Tritanium Blades instead of Tritanium Ammo.
- Mudranger now carries 14 people and is used in some Dimension X missions.
- Added 2 doors to one Port map.
- Deep Ones now have proper screams (by Kato).
- Updated handcuff script (by Kozinsky).
- Updated installation instructions (thanks, Justaround).
- Cleaned up the WP ammo mess (and Colt Commando too).
- Removed Criminal Records from boxes.
- Corrected how Moon missions launch.
- Taser sprites correction (by Alex D).
- Fixed Syndicate Walker floorob.
- Fixed Forest map generation.
- Fixed Alloy Cannon Rounds price.
- Fixed Drone Rockets manufacturing.
- Fixed a crash on surrendering Space Technomads.
- Removed unused corpseGeo references.
- Minor fixes.

- Reorganized 46mm Grenade (INC) buying.
- Swapped AKM and AK-47 graphics.
- Fixed Heavy Crossbow Tritanium Bolts.

- New units: Gillman Hero, Skeleton, Lich, Wizkid Rocket Drone.
- New weapons: X-Com Assault Plasma, USP Match (both graphics by Brain_322), Throwing Axes, Spear, Thunder Arcer.
- New items: Handcuffs (by Kozinsky, including handcuffing mechanics), Criminal Records, Dino Egg, Dino Egg Shell.
- New AI chassis: Rocket Drone.
- New terrains: Winter Forest and Winter Marsh (based on tilesets from Bullet Designer and Efrenespartano).
- New missions: Shady Tavern (in 5 variants), Trading with The Wizkids, Cavemen Camping, Dreamscape Necromancer's Dungeon.
- New Ufopedia articles related to the Cult of Apocalypse.
- Black Lotus rationale (by Dragor).
- New facilities: Rat Farm, Sensorium.
- New concept: Strange Creature Breeding (based on concept and sub-mod by Thermite).
- New road maps for Urban Low (by Finnik).
- 2 new Dimension X Base buildings (by Wolverin).
- 7 new events (5 by Sherris, 2 by SparroHawc; all with minor adjustments).
- New Staff Input. New Geoscape theme (from the Amiga AGA version of the original game).
- Monster Terrors will no longer happen after researching Monsters: Final Solution.
- Large Alien Drone can now be disassemblied.
- Improved SCANGs (by Dioxine).
- Psi Defense now depends on Bravery and morale (for good or bad).
- More Swarmids on their paperdoll.
- Enhanced Power Armor and Enforcer graphics (by Wolverin).
- Juggernaut is a bit more resistant to melee attacks.
- New HWP Fusion Bomb sprite (by Brain_322).
- Improved EXALT Master an Bullfrog graphics (by Kato).
- Improved Large Workshop sprite (by Kato).
- Changed Dr. Hadriex' dossier picture, as it was too recognizable.
- Halved Sanity recovery.
- Tritanium is more expensive to produce.
- Electric attacks will no longer provoke self-destruction.
- Ski Resort will not happen after all 4 beginning cults have been resolved.
- Less enemies on the Moon for lower difficulties.
- Added Armored Cars to the Red Dawn HQ.
- Fiddled with Cult of Apocalypse gangs equipment on some missions.
- Sniper rifles never roll low for damage.
- Buffed Sectopod weapon.
- UAC Pistol rebalanced, now works like the UAC Rifle.
- Knockout Grenade is buffed and available earlier.
- Cell Phone can now be used to beat up people.
- Psi-Amp costs slightly tweaked.
- Moved Gillman's electric attack to a special weapon.
- Shotgun batons are no longer AoE.
- Fixed Psiclone damage type.
- Fixed Taser Cannon showing in the Pedia before it's researched.
- Fixed Alien Embassy map generation.
- Flipped vanilla pistol sprite to match other pistols.
- Fixed Scorpoid death animation.
- Various fixes (many thanks to Emil J. Schroeder for help).
« Last Edit: August 01, 2024, 03:49:07 pm by Solarius Scorch »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: X-Com Files Changelog
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2019, 09:12:28 pm »

- New weapon: Taser Cannon (by Finnik, sprites by Brain_322).
- New sprite for the Plasma Carbine (by Brain_322).
- Proper paperdoll for the Large Alien Drone (by Brain_322).
- Sentinel is now a transport (map by Dioxine).
- 4 new Dimension X Base buildings (by Wolverin).
- Made defensive drones inventory a bit friendlier.
- Fixed the letter э in small font (by Kato).
- Fixed Tritanium Shrapnel Rocket and Laser Cutter not being manufacturable.
- Fixed a crash on some ADVENT missions.
- Fixed potential disconnected sections in the Chtonite Base.
- Various terrain fixes.
- Other minor fixes.

- New weapons: Plasma Proximity Grenade (graphics by Brain_322), Sawed-Off (graphics by Dioxine).
- New ammo: Shrapnel Rocket, Tritanium Shrapnel Rocket (both graphics by Brain_322).
- New tool: Laser Cutter (graphics by Brain_322).
- Improved Elerium Rocket sprite.
- Fixed missing description on Share Alien Gardens Tech.
- Fixed a crash on Postindustrial terrain.
- Minor terrain fixes.

- Updated to the newest OXCE.
- Overhauled Readiness into Sanity.
- Updated globe (by Dioxine).
- New UFOs and their missions: Small Envoy Ship (by Finnik), ADVENT Fighter, ADVENT Lander.
- New mission: Alien Governance (by Finnik).
- X-Com Slander (Shared Alien Gardens).
- New terrain: Commercial (by Dioxine and Solarius Scorch), Chemical Plant in two variants (by Dioxine), Native Urban.
- New AI armors: Enforcer, Tank/Flamer, Hovertank/Flamer, Tank/Minirockets, Hovertank/Minirockets.
- New dog armors: Cybersuit Gear (graphics by Brain_322), Astral Werewolf (for Dreamlands).
- New unit: Ethereal Legate (by Finnik).
- New weapon: AKM.
- New ammo: Chem clips for all M.A.G.M.A. pulse weapons, Shotgun Baton Shells, Crossbow Tritanium Bolts, Heavy Crossbow Tritanium Bolts.
- Improved G11 graphics (by Alex D).
- New dog paperdolls (thanks to Perekrylo for the help).
- New Jarhead paperdoll (by Brain_322).
- Ethereal Keepers are now green.
- New graphics for the Scout Drone ammo.
- HWPs now require Tritanium and are a bit more oriented towards resisting energy weapons.
- Alien Key can no longer be acquired infinitely, but only requires Improved Lab (by Finnik).
- Alien Embassy now evolves over time, spawns less missions and has new mapblocks (by Finnik).
- Overhauled and rebalanced Alien Embassy deployments (by Finnik).
- Expanded Urban Low terrain (by Finnik & Solarius Scorch).
- Overhauled Postindustrial, Port and Forest Marsh terrains (by Dioxine and Solarius Scorch).
- Increased chances for slander missions.
- EXALT HQ is a little smaller (by Finnik).
- Improved CQC accuracy across the board.
- CQC defense costs 5 Energy.
- Reorganized Hybrid weapons to eliminate duplication of unarmed attack entries.
- Dog bark no longer causes stun.
- Shooting down UFOs on flyby missions should no longer generate retaliations.
- Craft beam slots can now also accept cannons.
- Whirlwind and Mauler are now also awarded for taking targets alive.
- Flashlight can now be turned on and off (courtesy of Waldo the Ranger).
- More M.A.G.M.A. weapons can now be found in boxes.
- More loot on cult bases.
- More chances for Zrbite from Marine Expeditions.
- Vampire Knight now has a special vampire attack.
- Buffed Red Ops shooting skills.
- New icons for shielded armors.
- Some New boots on the Bio-Exo Suit (by Nord).
- Improved Gilldog, Werewolf and Mongorn sprites (all by Nord).
- Fixed an issue with manufacturing Fuel Tank.
- Fixed some walking units floating a little over the ground.
- Fixed too many Alien Gardens from Hybrid Controllers.
- Fixed AI units not getting air combat experience.
- Fixed Gertrude Ellison Ambush not spawning.
- Fixed Data Reel available on the wrong mission.
- Fixed tank manufacturing times.
- Fixed X-Com Sectopod walking sound.
- Various fixes to terrains.
- Minor fixes.

- The mod is Master now.
- New craft: Kitsune-106.
- New Dossier: Dr. Hadriex.
- New mission: Hell Cruise with Dr. Hadriex.
- New units: Dr. Hadriex, Cultist of Spirits, Ancient Sea Ghost.
- New items: Hadriex Gun, Webwear.
- New faction: Children of Aether (logo by Arvidus).
- 6 new events, by Sherris (with minor adjustments).
- New staff input.
- New terrain: Urban Low (by Finnik & Solarius Scorch).
- New Alien Base mapblocks (by Civilian).
- Improved routes on Port TFTD.
- New Spikeboar inventory picture (by Nord).
- New craft system: Fuel Tank.
- MiB base no longer causes point loss.
- Rebalanced Power Mace.
- Psiclone now works like a melee weapon (X-Com Psiclone no longer required and removed).
- Plasma Grenade is now actually plasma.
- Cheaper Pump Action.
- Smartgun now has uniform Auto and Snap range.
- Pepper spray now counts for the Incapacitator commendation.
- Limited Ethereal race research paths.
- Special spiders made more common.
- Fixed Alien Key disappearing on non-related missions.
- Fixed Smart Shotgun Ammo not needing Tritanium.
- Fixed the unblocked free hand on the Flying Drone.
- Minor fixes.

- Reworked Urban Junk terrain.
- General terrain cleanup.
- Minor tweaks to the BlackOps LMG and the BlackOps Assault Cannon.
- Fixed some leftover crashes.
- Fixed missing stairs in one sewers map.

- New Industrial mapblocks (by Dioxine).
- Fixed issues with leftover terrain references.

- Removed all terrains made by Hobbes.
- New Durathread Factory map.
- Improved M.A.G.M.A. Minitank Factory map.
- New Alien Base, Farm and City mapblocks (by Civilian).
- Overhauled and expanded Industrial terrain (by Dioxine).
- New Geoscape theme (from Devilman Crybaby).
- New items: Smart Shotgun Ammo, Smart Shotgun Tritanium Ammo.
- Magnum has a shorter snap range.
- Improved graphics for the BlackOps Sniper Rifle (by Ethanw80) and the Multilauncher (by The Martian).
- New handob for generic shotguns (by Efrenespartano).
- Improved police resistances.
- Decreased enemy spotter timers.
- Decreased the price of the Concussion Cannon.
- Removed front doors from the Skymarshall.
- Rebalanced UAC Rocket Launcher Clip.
- Staff of Heart Grip is slower.
- Added missing descriptions to some Ufopedia articles related to the lunar arc.
- Renamed STR_STIMULANT to STR_STIMS to avoid strings clash.
- Large Alien Drone wrecks are now recovered properly.
- Fixed the Takedown Specialist commendation.
- Fixed the Helix Knight and Helix Psion transformations.
- Minor tweaks and fixes.

- New Alien Base, Farm, Forest and City mapblocks (by Civilian).
- Lurking Cybermites are now invisible on the minimap.
- New FN FAL handob (by Civilian).
- Lowered the Melee requirement for Martial Arts to 65.
- Fixed a crash on Marine Base Defense mission popping up.
- Fixed the Night Owl commendation.
- Fixed energy regeneration on Heavy Suit (both variants).
- Fixed Psi-Amp handob.
- Fixed one Battleship map.
- Minor terrain fixes.

- New item: Golden Dragons, Nobelon.
- Warp Cannon damage increased.
- BlackOps and UAC logos added (by Arvidus).
- Fixed a crash on slander missions popping up.
- Fixed a crash on The Special Client mission popping up.
- Fixed the Bio-Drone weapon entry.
- Fixed the Moon hills.

- Updated to OXCE 6.1.1.
- New features: random events, commendations (with bonuses), enhancement treatments; basic agent stats lowered for balance.
- New stat: Readiness, and associated exhaustion mechanics.
- New alien race: Chaser (sprites by Voidavatar and Finnik).
- New units: Owlman (sprites provided by Wizard Brandon, sounds by SparroHawc), Black Sun Stormtrooper, Muton Shader, Bio-drone, Ethereal Servitor, Ethereal Eliminator.
- New weapons: Messer, Hydra Laser, Magneto-Plasma Gun, Recoilless Gun, Mortar, Chainsaw (all from Piratez), Harpoon Gun, ADS (both by Finnik), Warp Rifle, Warp Cannon, Death Disc, Spectral Scythe, Cross.
- New items: Elerium Flare (by Starving Poet), Trace Flare, Rosary.
- New craft weapon: Heavy Stormlance.
- New dossiers: Grishka "Bullet" Yashin (by Dioxine), Agent "Smiles" McGee.
- New missions: Downed UFO Near Village, M.A.G.M.A. Cosmonaut Rescue (both by Finnik), Syndicate Field Test, They Came From The Sea, Depthpocalypse, Moon Outpost, Moon Underground Conduits, Alien Lunar Colony: Suburbia, Alien Lunar Colony: Main, Alien Lunar Colony: Core.
- Overhaul of agent advancement mechanics.
- Horrors now may appear on Exobiological Contamination missions after two years.
- More alien missions after invasion.
- Added armor values to certain UFOs.
- Dogs are now zombified into zombie dogs.
- Added extra "incentives" to make sure the player doesn't procrastinate.
- Psi now costs Readiness.
- Removed excessive Alien Data Slates and modified their rewards.
- Dog Bark now doesn't ignore armor completely.
- Power Armor no longer costs maintenance.
- New logos (by Arvidus).
- New Plasma Subrifle graphics (bigob by Brain_322).
- New Pickup picture (by Alex D).
- New backgrounds.
- New autopsy picture for Chaser (by Voidavatar).
- New fancy daze effect (by Finnik).
- Improved Ufopedia item page (by Kato).
- Added flags for dogs, rats and AI units.
- Added a submod with Cyrillic names (by Kato).
- Fixed funding from small countries.
- Minor updates and fixes.

- Missions are now properly interrupted after they're no longer valid, even in the same month.
- A bit less monster hunts in general.
- Added extra alien research missions in early game (by Finnik).
- Damaging a UFO on base defense decreases the number of attackers.
- Defensive roboturrets are now player controlled.
- Cybermite now has tremorsense.
- Chryssalid is now a little stealthy.
- Alien Brain is now (practically) immune to psi.
- Gillman weapon debuff.
- Less Gillmen in Church of Dagon HQ.
- Special animation for plasma explosions.
- New visual effect on successful flashbang attack (by Finnik).
- New markers for the MiB base (by Finnik).
- New autopsy picture for the Tasoth (by Efrenespartano and Luke83).
- Tomb Guard now has green blood (by Dioxine).
- Restored vanilla Firestorm icons.
- Added some armor and attraction attributes to various items.
- Rebalanced Skulljack.
- Shogg Lantern is now buyable.
- Syndicate Warehouse made bigger to avoid a crash when using Osprey.
- Fixed a crash on capturing Samael alive.
- Fixed radar dish on Intelligence Center map.
- Fixed handob indexing.
- Minor fixes.

- New Dossiers: Baba Donka (by Tarkalak), Arastoo Namdar (by The Third Curry), Gabriel 'The Bone Father' Nadeau (by Dirty Skeletons Done Dirt Cheap).
- New unit: Samael of Apocalypse.
- New mission: Project Samael.
- New weapon: Staff of Samael.
- New armors: Heavy Tactical Suit, Heavy Tritanium Suit.
- New bigobs for natural weapons.
- New death and attack sounds for some units.
- Improved Ufopaedia background (by Kato).
- Fixed Slovak and Czech name lists (by Bartojan).
- Fixed a crash on selling X-Rats.
- Minor fixes.

- 8 new faces.
- Improved paperdolls' toes (based on Dioxine's work).
- Improved Syndicate Supersoldier's paperdoll (by Dioxine).
- Improved sewers entrance (by Dioxine).
- Fixed a crash on The Hollow Man article.
- Fixed death tiles in ADVENT_MEDICINE.
- Minor fixes.

- Updated to the latest OXCE.
- New countries: Portugal, Iceland, Ireland, Poland, Ukraine, Mongolia, Mexico, Cuba, Indonesia, New Zealand, Turkey, Israel, Argentina, Iran, Finland, Libia, South Korea.
- Many new cities.
- Sun never sets on Dimension X now (as the planet is tidally locked to its star).
- Bank Robbery (Assassin Clans) now grants a $1 mln reward, if won.
- Overhauled civilian entries and added their IDs for research.
- Boosted Virtual HQ to 10 research stations (but is more expensive).
- Bulletproof Coat gives some basic protection against lasers (because it's shiny).
- Arrow is slower, but has better acceleration and is a little tougher.
- Tritanium clips are now researchable without Tritanium tech (but not manufacturable).
- Arasaka 3000 and Asuka 4000 extra damage now scales with Reactions, not Firing Accuracy.
- Arasaka 3000 has slower snaps.
- Minimi ignores some armor (like M16).
- Made the Pickaxe more sane.
- Bulletproof Coat grants +5 Reactions.
- New Dimension X palette (by Кнроптл).
- New background for League missions.
- Fixed and expanded some name files. Flag fixes (by Kato).
- Fixed a crash on Beyond The Doom Portal.
- Minor fixes.

- Enabled Robosphere + Robosphere Autopsy Ufopaedia pictures (by Voidavatar).
- Rebalanced shotgun ranges.
- Rebalanced some sniper rifles.
- Suit recovers a bit more Energy.
- Shields give better Melee dodge.
- Improved Dodge values for armored vests and the like.
- Zombie Implant Investigation requires also Zombie Trooper Autopsy.
- Fixed MiB Base deployment.
- Fixed Werewolf weapon sound.
- Terrain fixes.
- Name fixes.

- Updated to the latest OXCE.
- New units: Alien Brain, Ethereal Keeper, Hybrid Scientist, Hybrid Diplomat, ADVENT Agent, ADVENT Soldier, Natasha Morozova, Mongorn King (all by Finnik), Pontiff of Apocalypse, Imp.
- New missions: Hybrid Hideout, Suspicious Clinic, Sinister Clinic, Alien Embassy, Hybrid Medium Convoy - Alien Embassy variant, Cyberweb Heist, Natasha Morozova's Hideout, The Gathering of Mongorns (all by Finnik), Barn of Gore, Tower of Apocalypse, Lair of Apocalypse, Robot Rampage.
- New weapons: Sonic Shotgun, Sonic Heavy Cannon, Photonic Spear, Natasha's Custom VSS (all by Finnik), Kukri (by Alex D), Golf Stick, Elerium Mine.
- New facility: Large Workshop (by Krautbernd).
- New craft equipment: Radar Extender, Radar Res Processor, Targeter.
- New Catacomb maps (by Dioxine).
- New battle music for some new missions.
- New Ufopaedia articles.
- New hybrid and dog names.
- New Ufopaedia images for Giant Spider variants (by Krautbernd).
- New paperdolls for dogs (by Kato Guardian) and the Cyberweb Robosphere (by Voidavatar).
- New icon for the overstun (by Augur).
- New floorobs for the Shadowbat (by Alex D) and the VSS (by Finnik).
- Countries lost to an alien pact can now be won back.
- Added Expeditions (land and sea).
- Enabled statistical bullet conservation.
- Enabled enforced storage limits and briefing music during equipment.
- Better Pedia pages on non-weapon craft systems.
- Improved some special palettes.
- Mars has (almost) daylight now.
- American deserts no longer have Arab civilians.
- Alien bases built during infiltration are placed close to the infiltrated country.
- AI can now pilot stuff.
- New attack animation for photonic melee weapons (by Finnik).
- Improvement graphics of hostile Hybrids.
- Deep Ones and Aquatoids now have something to say.
- Removed Chtonite Commanders from the minibases.
- Added a Bloodhound to the Syndicate Monster Lab.
- Mind Probe can now be researched more easily.
- EMP Grenade is now partially stopped by armor.
- All rifles have better aimed and snap shots, and better snap range.
- Sniper rifles have better snap range.
- Sonic weapons are now manufacturable, and heavier.
- Producing Mrrshan Rifle and its ammo no longer depends on Pulse Weapons.
- Fusion Torch now deals 50-200% damage.
- Some SMGs have multi-bullet snaps now.
- Rebalanced the pitchfork.
- Muckstar's discharge no longer causes wounds.
- Rebalanced early medical items.
- Rebalanced some cult loot.
- Flying Suit no longer has backpack space (replaced with a jetpack).
- Brainer now has less armor but also has a force shield.
- David Vincent is now player controlled.
- "Trouble in Ski Resort" now starts in a house.
- In Mansion Defense, your agents no longer start on the roof.
- "The Root of All Evil" music is quieter now, because you people can't handle good bass drop.
- Expanded Osiron loot.
- Fixed the Aquatoid Office building.
- Hive terrain fixes.
- Cave terrain fixes (by Dioxine).
- Sewers terrain fixes (by Dioxine).
- Fixed alt text color.
- Fixed the Dimension X Wreck mission (wrong enemies).
- Fixed Into The Dark dependencies.
- Hit animation palette fixes.
- Fixed the Chryssalid Hives tileset.
- Fixed some Cyberweb Manufacturing stairs.
- Fixed M42's legs.
- Minor fixes.

- New Geoscape and menu theme (by Panzerschlag).
- New Staff Input (by Mumble).
- New weapons: Galil, MG-3 (both by Alex D), Tritanium Grenade.
- Added panic and berserk sounds for all human and hybrid units, as well as chupacabras and shamblers.
- Added paperdoll for: Black Lotus Avatar (by Dioxine).
- Added floorob and handob to the Tritanium Shrapnel Charge (by Alex D).
- Black Lotus Avatar has a force shield now, and a custom death sound.
- Rebalanced the Scatter Laser and the Incinerator.
- Increased Stun costs on the Multi-Phased Psi-amp.
- Cultist loot redone: now it is hidden in containers, openable at the base.
- Shooting down UFOs now results in more angry UFOs, not base retaliations (you still get base assaults from standard monthly rolls).
- Merged the "Earth Lore" section into "Reports" and created a new section "Containers".
- Fixed the Hybrid Controllers mission spawn.
- Fixed some map properties (asbestos grass, one door in the skyscrapper, car spawning in the bathroom).
- Fixed the Psi-Amp handob.
- Fixed the Minotaur floorob.
- Minor fixes.

- Decreased the frequency of retaliation missions.
- Added paperdoll for: female Arab, City Girl, gender-specific winter outfits (all by Nord).
- Improved paperdolls for Bikini Babe, Female Farmer, Black Male Civilian, Male Hunter, Male Farmer (all by Nord).
- Improved Giant Rat walking animation (by Alex D).
- Extra retaliations start later.

- New Staff Input (by Mumble).
- New weapon: Shogg Stingrifle.
- Improved Muckstar and Megaworm pictures (by Nord).
- Added and improved some natural weapons graphics.
- Added better starting positions to Shogg villages and Mummy abodes.
- Reworked Cruise Liner loot.
- Overhauled mission scripts to increase the odds to get some rare but necessary missions.
- Moved the Geoscape palette to a separate mod.
- Most Shogg equipment can now be bought from the Scorpion King.
- Fixed Hovertank Rocket Launcher turret.
- Fixed recovery dividers for Aqua-Plastics and Terramite.
- Minor fixes.

- Updated to the latest OXCE.
- Fixed the Engineer interrogation.
- Fixed some issues with the Tritanium Rockets.
- Fixed Female Farmer point value.
- Fixed carrying capacity on Durathread Gear.
- Minor fixes.

- New Cydonia stage: Chryssalid Hives.
- New mission: Cybermines.
- New tank types (tritanium rockets).
- New Ufopaedia articles.
- Some enemies change stats underwater.
- Retooled the Power Suit and the Flying Suit.
- Changed prerequisites for the Alien Electronics.
- Light Fighters now yield some Alien Alloys.
- Fixed some palettes (by Meridian).
- Fixed The Root of All Evil mission appearing more than once.
- Fixed drone resistance to E-115 damage.
- Fixed Power Suit sprite.
- Text positioning fixes.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2024, 03:49:31 pm by Solarius Scorch »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: X-Com Files Changelog
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2020, 07:06:15 pm »

- New craft: Snapping Turtle.
- Fixed a weird crash on the Obliterator.

- Fixed the Delicious Cake (now it's a transformation item).

- Fixed some alien bases not generating points.
- Fixed some paperdolls position.

- Updated to the latest OXCE.
- Overhauled alien research tree.
- New mission: League Node.
- New items: Flashbang Grenade, 46mm Grenade (FLASH) (both by Finnik).
- New armor: Bulletproof Coat.
- Added 24 new faces.
- New enemy background.
- New Geoscape palette (by Chronocide Commando).
- Added paperdolls for male Arab civilians (based on Augur's work).
- More building material recovered from USOs and Reptoid ships.
- New Forest mapblocks (by Finnik).
- New Cave mapblocks (by Dioxine).
- New Village mapblocks.
- Buffed the Power Mace.
- Gravmodule Armor now changes color per terrain.
- Treaded tanks are faster.
- Drone bays now spawn 8 drones.
- New Salamandron graphics (by Drages).
- Cleaned up the Alien Base terrain.
- Minor improvements on the corporate building terrain.
- Fixed Viper range.
- Fixed a crash on Ooze and Abomination death.
- Fixed Pharaoh death animation.
- Fixed Metamorphic Mass move sound.
- Fixed weapons appearing on some cave creatures.
- Fixed some walking sounds on Cold Isle.
- Fixed the rotting script on Metamorphs (by Finnik).
- Fixed HWP recovery.
- Fixed Laser Sniper Rifle overkill.
- Fixed psi equipment manufacturing requirements.
- Fixed Double-Barreled and Thrasher autoshot range.
- Fixed impassable destroyed tiles in Cyberweb's portal installation.
- Fixed disappearing doors in Port.
- Minor fixes.

- Updated to the latest OXCE.
- Fixed some articles available too soon.
- Fixed memetic hay.
- Fixed Viper assembly (hopefully).

- New briefing music tracks.
- New Staff Inputs (one by BTAxis).
- New Ufopaedia articles.
- New facilities: X-Com Virtualized Headquarters, Drone Bay (two variants).
- New units: X-Com Roboturret (two variants), Osiron Elite, Red Dreamsprite, David Vincent, Gertrude Ellison.
- New armor: Astral Armor.
- New items: Dream Blade, Delicious Cake, First Aid Kit (former First Aid Kit renamed to Medipack).
- New missions: David Vincent's Secret Shelter, Ambush of Alien Abductors, Osiron Hidden Warehause Assault (all by Finnik), Horrors of Antarctica (sprites by Vangrimar1), Crazed Antmen Village, Dreamscape Journey.
- New Forest mapblocks (by Finnik).
- New Farm mapblock (by Finnik).
- New Alien Base mapblocks.
- Enhanced Pink Desert terrain (by Nord).
- Buffed Medical Bag.
- Enhanced vanilla UFO sprites (removed useless black masking).
- New paperdolls for Giant Spider variants (by Krautbernd).
- Enhanced Aquatoid paperdoll (by Nord).
- Added special colours for smoke and stun explosions.
- Overhauled alien mission generation system (moved everything to scripts).
- Refactored the laser weapons tech tree.
- Increased Osprey range.
- Technomads are now guaranteed to give Cyberweb Manufacturing.
- Rebalanced the UAC Rifle, the M60 and the BlackOps LMG.
- Pickaxe now has separate modes for digging and hitting people.
- Disabled armor modifiers on extreme difficulty levels.
- Some underground maps now are properly lit at night.
- Changed rank 4 of the Ethereal race to Soldiers.
- Most cave missions are darker again, as daylight vision was kicking in.
- Removed grates from the Vampire Castle (by Dioxine).
- Heavy Cannon and Auto-Cannon now open the M.A.G.M.A. arc (like the Light Cannon).
- T'leth Embassy now requires Underwater Operations.
- Ethereals are more fire resistant.
- Fixed unarmored dog armor values.
- Fixed enemy hybrids' excessive night vision.
- Fixed the Knockout Grenade.
- Fixed the Prison mapblock.
- Fixed Flame Spider explosion.
- Fixed Cleric of Apocalypse animation.
- Fixed the lack of month rating below -1000.
- Fixed a crash on the Cydonia or Bust article in Japanese.
- More fixes of Undersea City buildings.
- Minor fixes.

- Updated to OXCE 5.1.
- Rolled AI types into one, thus allowing training from the start.
- New weapon: Stoner LMG.
- New armors: Power Armor, Aqua-Plastic Suit, Coelacanth.
- New missions: Lo Wo's Refuge (by Finnik), Black Lotus Shrine, Marine Base Defense, T'Leth Messengers, T'Leth Recon, T'Leth Survey, T'Leth Embassy.
- New units: Master Lo Wo (by Finnik), Calcinite, Hallucinoid, Marine Officer.
- New Cult Safehouse (by Finnik).
- New Obliterator sprite.
- New briefing music for Cyberweb missions.
- New Jungle landing block.
- Improved maps: Shogg Village, Reptoid Settlement, M.A.G.M.A. Reactor.
- Overhauled smoke resistances to a more punishing model - typical human resistance: 400%, aliens are typically at 100% (special thanks to Otto Hartenstein).
- Increased laser weapons accuracy across the board.
- More things to share with M.A.G.M.A. (and be punished for it).
- Shallow underwater missions are brighter.
- Cave missions are brighter too.
- New AI names.
- Smart Shotgun is now smaller and concealable (by Starving Poet).
- Grenade launchers are more accurate in aimed mode.
- Plasma Caster is now easier to handle.
- Blaster Multi-Launcher and Blaster Multi-Bombs are now manufacturable.
- Gunship now requires Advanced Lab.
- Bio-Exo Suit is faster to make.
- More Cyberweb Batteries to loot from Cyberweb locations.
- Terramite and Aqua Plastics are now recovered at proper amounts.
- New explosion animation for the Boomeroid.
- Added proper pictures to the Megascorpion Autopsy and Giant Rat Autopsy articles (by Arvidus).
- Added a Ufopaedia article on pilots (text by BT Axis).
- Private Transport is faster.
- Boosted Gauss Defences.
- Streamlined the dependencies for Improved and Advanced Labs.
- Fixed the AI on certain units which were too passive.
- Black Lotus Footman has better camo and is a spotter.
- Aquatoids have proper shields now (though weak).
- Cyberdisc Dissassembly now grants 4 Grav Modules, but building X-Com Cyberdiscs requires additional 2 Grav Modules.
- Diving Suit is a bit sturdier.
- Improved Laboratory and Advanced Laboratory now require special materials for construction.
- Tritanium Cannon is now buyable, like other craft weapons.
- Removed the option to produce Tactical Neural Implants, as they serve no specific purpose yet.
- Unified fuel explosions between different tilesets.
- Fixed shield on Hybrids wearing Work Suits.
- Fixed dog barking on the Tritanium Gear.
- Fixed streetlights in Dawn City.
- Dimension X base no longer gives Alien Surgery.
- Fixed issues with the Ironfist map and some Undersea City buildings.
- Fixed the Civilian Worker sprite.
- Fixed Cybermite explosion.
- Fixed some inconsistencies with Choke resistances.
- Fixed Blaster Multi-Launcher costs.
- Fixed a crash on the Cyberweb Robosphere.
- Fixed a crash on the Embassy of T'Leth mission.
- Fixed some Forest Mountain AI routes.
- Fixed one Ufopaedia article picture (Tentaculat autopsy).
- Minor fixes.

- New weapons: Stapler (sprite by Badfella), Electric Prod (Stun Rod is now a more advanced and better weapon), Wrench (sprite by Dioxine), Crowbar.
- New armors: Work Suit (human and hybrid), Seabot (AI).
- New terrains: Rural, Native Junkfarm, Urban Dawn.
- New units: Male Tomb Guard, Female Farmer (both by Dioxine), Dragonfire Turret, X-Com Security Camera (now in all corridors!).
- New mission: Industrial Investigation.
- New Staff Input (by samuelroy21).
- New palettes for Mars, undersea missions and sewers (by Bloax and Dioxine).
- Added ambient sound to underwater locations.
- Added Dog Bark (designed by Ivan Dogovich and Starving Poet).
- Added Ufopaedia articles for most built-in weapons.
- Added an article on the Luxury Car.
- Added several missing Combat Analysis articles.
- Added a cutscene after the Dimension X Wreck mission.
- Added a Corridor to the starting base.
- Increased Terror Mission size to 60x60.
- Shogg villages are height 6.
- More exit tiles in the Vampire Castle.
- Increased Terror Ship crews.
- Added more spawn points to X-Com bases.
- All Hovertanks now require 6 Grav Modules.
- Zrbite is now buyable from Hydrospace Dynamics.
- Tanks underwater are restricted to the Seabot armor.
- Synthsuit is now a bit stealthy.
- New sprites for the UAC weapons (by Badfella).
- Added paperdoll for the Female Doctor.
- Alien Drone weapon is somewhat stronger.
- Vampires got an unarmed attack.
- Improved the EXALT Liquidation and Syndicate Assassination missions (now all civilians start inside).
- Decreased points reward on Asylum Apparitions.
- New hybrid names (cooperation with Dioxine).
- New Hooligan sprites (by Augur).
- New Gunship paperdoll (by Ivan Dogovich).
- Improved Reptoid Commando paperdoll.
- Unified text formats between craft articles.
- Fixed too bright lights on scout drones.
- Fixed incorrect Power Suit torso on female Hybrids.
- Fixed Floater Legionnaire inventory pic.
- Fixed Giant Beetle sprites (by Augur).
- Fixed Skyranger and Skymarshall sell prices.
- Fixed some desert blocks.
- Fixed incorrect terrain texture coordinates.
- Fixed premature access to the Gunship and the BlackOps Smartgun.
- Fixed some minor issues with ammo purchases.
- Many adjustments (thanks BT Axis) and fixes.

- Updated to the newest version of OXCE+.
- Added the "spray and pray" mechanics.
- Craft pages now show range (in nautical miles) instead of fuel capacity.
- New units: Floater Legionnaire (sprites by XOps), Floater Centurion (same), Sectoid Guard Captain (same), Large Alien Drone (sprites ripped by Alinare and cleaned by Solarius Scorch).
- New UFOs: Observer, Striker, Troop Ship (maps by X-Com community).
- New mission: Alien Domination.
- New tool: Pickaxe (with Starving Poet's help).
- New AI armor: Flying Drone (repurposed Alien Drone).
- Dogs' day vision extended to 40 (same as humans).
- Slightly increased Stun Rod damage.
- Alien Drone now uses a laser weapon.
- Alien Drones are now more prevalent.
- Alien AI now only requires 1 Alien Electronics.
- Deacreased frequency of mountainous terrain on UFO landings.
- More chances for Shogg loot in the caves.
- Decreased research cost for the Tritanium Cannon.
- Darkstar and Ironfist is faster.
- MiG-31 has more fuel.
- Added Ufopaedia articles for the car and van.
- Increased lab requirements to make certain armors.
- Less spread on the Blaster Shotgun.
- Decreased selling price on Terramite.
- Knockout Grenade production no longer requires a Smoke Grenade.
- Moved the stash in the mansion defense downstairs.
- ARMOR PIERCING damage is now called KINETIC for clarity.
- Alien Electronics is now easier to find.
- BlackOps Auto-Sniper Rifle auto shot is a bit more accurate.
- Fixed the Knockout Grenade and the Dragon Dagger.
- Fixed range on Thunderstorm and Sentinel.
- Fixed Chemtrails mission not appearing.
- Fixed Skymarshall map (by New Civilian).
- Fixed a crash on Alien Drone.
- Fixed articles on alien ranks.
- Minor adjustments.

- Updated to the newest version of OXCE+.- Added unique combat analysis articles for enemy types.
- New weapon: Napalm Grenade (Incendiary Grenade was depowered).
- New unit: Zombie Boomer.
- Added indicator for system shock (losing HP due to overstun), icon by Ivan Dogovich.
- Zombies now also yield Zombie parasites on processing.
- Shadowbats are now vampiric.
- Thunderstorm got another Heavy Missile hardpoint instead of its Cannon hardpoint.
- MiG and Arrow can't land. Pickup now has 5 soldier spaces.
- Plasma and fusion weapons calibration now requires Advanced Laboratory.
- BlackOps Rifle has faster aimed shot and longer snap range.
- BlackOps Assault Rifle has slightly slower auto shot.
- Mosin Rifle has worse snap accuracy.
- Some pistol ammo has worse armor penetration.
- All incendiary ammo should now decrease morale like other flame attacks.
- Fixed and improved plasma blade weapons.
- Depowered Holodrone weapon.
- Renamed Medi-Gas Grenade to Knockout Grenade for clarity.
- New sprites for BlackOps SMG and BlackOps Shotgun (by Dioxine).
- New Cult Base map (Tavern, by Dioxine).
- More treasure in Cyberweb Manufacturing.
- New background for the Black Lotus missions.
- Added Edinburgh.
- Language updates.
- Reviewed experience training from certain weapons.
- Fixed GL incendiary round.
- Fixed Arasaka and Asuka ammo granting too much Stun damage.
- Minor fixes.

- Updated to newest OXCE+ version.
- New items: Elerium Explosive, Alien Alloy Shrapnel Charge.
- New staff input (by legionof1).
- Renamed damage type Melee to Cutting, for consistency.
- Some items can be produced without a Workshop (but you still need some work stations).
- Hangar provides 5 work stations.
- AWACS is cheaper.
- Buffed auto shot accuracy on both BlackOps rifles.
- Light Pistol and Spypistol can now be taken to the Ski Resort.
- Drone Meds can now train Bravery.
- Slightly decreased chances for Zombie infestations.
- Enemies with melee weapons should now use them properly.
- Fixed Medical Drone production.
- Fixed Auto Cannon clip sizes.
- Fixed Stormies Crib.
- Fixed boulders everywhere.
- Minor fixes.

- New units: Giant Rat, Bullfrog, Reptoid Shadow, The Pharaoh.
- New item: Skull Staff.
- New UFO: Light Fighter.
- New tank armor: Medical Drone.
- Finished Zombie arc.
- Reviewed and expanded melee hit sounds.
- Ultra Chryssalid is faster.
- Fixed armor destruction by miniguns.
- Plasma weapons set things on fire and cause more wounds.
- PSG-1 has slightly faster snap shot.
- Tanks can now be taken to Dimension X (all) and sewers (small only).
- Removed Railyard from potential terrains for "Arrest the Suspects" missions (due to pathing problems on such a small map).
- Fixed Hybrid Power Suit crashing the game in battlescape.
- Fixed colours on Cyberweb arc outro.
- Minor fixes.

- New agent type: Alien Hybrid.
- New mission: Asylum Apparitions.
- New units: Bug Eye Ghost, Spectral Entity, Minotaur.
- New weapons: Macro Flamer, Giant Axe.
- New Blood Plasma extractions (Chupacabras, Megascorpions, Giant Beetles, Shadowbats, Werewolves, Werecats).
- Added unarmed attacks to most units.
- Increased Rocket Launcher firepower.
- Explosives now have varied prime TU cost (generally faster).
- Buffed Floater armor.
- Snakemen now regenerate health.
- Zombies are no longer immune to Stun (but still highly resistant).
- Syndicate CEO Psi Attack now ignores half the armor.
- First level madman wears a light vest now.
- Taser can now be used on ski missions.
- Synthsuit has better Strength bonus.
- Scout Drone is faster.
- New options to rob some enemies off their armor.
- Medi-Kit production now requires Blood Plasma.
- Some new Ufopaedia articles.
- Increased Electro-Flare power to 15 (same as vanilla).
- Depowered Sectoid shields (by 33%; regeneration stays the same).
- Janissary is no longer susceptible to E-115 damage.
- Ooze can't bleed now.
- Scout Drone ammo arrives faster.
- Decreased Fighter's firing range.
- Somewhat decreased chances for UFOs to spawn as hunter killers.
- Fixed a hole in the Skymarshall.
- Fixed a conflict of terrains, causing multiple Meridians appearing on Croc Raid missions.
- Fixed a problem with one Slander mission.
- Minor fixes.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2024, 03:50:24 pm by Solarius Scorch »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: X-Com Files Changelog
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2021, 08:11:43 pm »

- New missions: Mummy Temple Grounds, Hybrid Control Center Assault.
- New Mummy Abode mapblocks.
- New handob for the Tactical Sniper Rifle.
- Standard bows and crossbows no longer work in space.
- Fixed CF-105 Arrow production.
- Fixed Osprey not requiring pilots.
- Fixed buying Chaingun ammo.
- Fixed random crashes on slander missions.
- Fixed certain units not shooting.
- Fixed the Ancient Mummy Abode mission not spawning.
- Fixed some palette issues.
- Minor fixes.

- Updated to newest OXCE+ version.
- New missions: Cruise Liner Raid, Mummy Abode, Ancient Mummy Abode.
- New unit: Mummy Matriarch.
- New Dossier: David Vincent (co-op with Human Ktulu).
- New Skorpion sprites (by The Funktasm).
- New Thrasher handob (by Dioxine).
- Fixed Night of the Lobsters unit composition.
- Fixed shield regeneration on terror mission (by Otto Hartenstein).

- Updated to newest OXCE+ version.
- Removed stats from weapon and armor descriptions, now they are available under "INFO" button.
- New missions: Heavy Cruiser, Fleet Supply Cruiser (both by Helrica).
- New races: Carcharodon, Lobsterman (co-op with Helrica).
- New craft: CF-105 Arrow.
- New Alien Base mapblocks.
- New city mapblock (by Amuys).
- Improved UFOs accuracy.
- Made a proper natural weapon for Lobstermen.
- Promotion III now can be reached with several alternative access paths.
- Madmen are faster.
- Fixed Feral Carcharodon Autopsy entry in the Ufopaedia.
- Fixed a crash on researching Feral Lobsterman corpse.
- Fixed pockets of abyss in the Reptoid lands which swallowed your agents forever (no, this part was not planned).
- Fixed Synthsuit display in Ufopaedia.
- Minor fixes.

- Power Mace now has a flat rate attack (always 17 TUs).
- Hangar has storage space again, but now items are confined to storage areas.
- New units: Feral Carcharodon, Feral Lobsterman (co-op with Helrica).
- New missions: Sea Monster Hunt (by Helrica), Night of The Lobsters.
- New terrain: cacti-less desert (for outside of the Americas).
- Added 8 new faces.
- New backgrounds for X-Com and some cults related articles (by Arvidus).
- Set Democratic Republic of Congo flag to the appropriate one for the time period (by Arvidus).
- Added missing article for the Pickup.
- Game now starts on Veteran by default.
- Asuka now also requires Tactical Sniper Rifle Manufacturing.
- Increased damage of Alien Laser Cannon to 60.
- Updated Madman armor.
- Streamlined terrain generation in cult locations.
- Fixed Minigun accuracy (was too high for the extra kneeling bonus).
- Fixed requirements for producing HWP fusion balls.
- Fixed requirements for researching Fusion Defenses.
- Fixed training speed.
- Minor fixes.

- Integrated Otto Hartenstein's AI units mod (tanks as a soldier type, not HWPs); also added Gunship chassis (by Otto).
- New missions: Bank Robbery (Assassin Clans), Chupacabras Lab, Tower of Desolation.
- New X-Com Slander missions, happening when starting cults are left unchecked despite having the means to shut them down.
- Snakemen are now a bit stealthy.
- Mutons are noticeably faster.
- Slow reload on Tommygun.
- Osprey no longer crashes Crop Circle missions (thanks, Otto).
- Fixed crashing on base defense.
- Fixed crashing on HWP/Gauss ufopaedia page.
- Fixed Boomeroid waypoints.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Minor language fixes.

- Updated to newest OXCE+ version.
- New units: Croc Cadet, Giant Beetle Bombardier.
- New missions: Reptoid Fringe Settlement, Reptoid Assassination Squad, Croc Raid, X-Com Slander (Shared Alloy Ammo).
- New items: Skulljack (same as Psiclone, but with Mind Control), Shogg Blade, Storm Rose.
- New facilities: Improved Laboratory, Advanced Laboratory.
- Completely rebuilt Gauss (now called Mass Drivers) and Railgun (now called Gauss) weapons' tech trees, since now they are derived from Reptoids.
- Removed Mind Control option from the Psiclone.
- Rebalanced Psi-Amps and other standard psionic items.
- Decreased Multilauncher's damage.
- Units should now respect weapon range better.
- Dogs drown a little slower.
- Increased Flame Glove accuracy.
- Decreased Precision Plasma accuracy and increased TU costs.
- Added some dodge to vests.
- Buffed accuracy on Floaters and Mutons.
- Increased fire rate on all UFOs.
- Added some alternative ways to find a Durathread Manufacturing.
- A little less chance for Crop Circles and Cattle Mutilation missions.
- Cyberweb Manufacturing Plant mission is more common.
- Constant animation on Shadowbats (by Ivan Dogovich).
- Fixed chaotic access to alien tech.
- Fixed armor transformation mess (thanks to Dioxine).
- Fixed some problems with corpse recovery.
- Fixed a crash on Cyberweb Centurion recovery.
- Fixed crashes related to the Cyberdreadnaught.
- Fixed missions not despawning.
- Minor fixes.

- Updated to newest OXCE+ version.
- New unit: Horror.
- New mission: Dimension X Wreck.
- Going to Cydonia now requires completing the Dimension X arc.
- Rebalanced Heavy Cannon and Auto Cannon.
- Syndicate CEO got a bit more health.
- Proximity Grenades are a little heavier.
- New Flamethrower animation, by SideQuests.
- Alien Alloys can be found on Osiron and Cyberweb.
- Fixes to Forest, Black Base and White Base terrains.
- Fixed Atlantis Temple mission.
- Minor language fixes.

- Updated to newest OXCE+ version.
- Updated the Russian version.
- New mission: Dimension X Outpost Defense.
- Cyber Armor more resistant to laser (and more expensive).
- Overhauled loot from cult locations.
- Psionic aliens no longer have extra armor, now they get force shields instead.
- Buffed Snakemen defense.
- Improved routes for several terrains (collab with Dioxine).
- Launched the X-Com's Friends on The Council article, listing Patreon donators.
- Fixed the Asuka 4000 gun again (Asuka no baka!).
- Fixed BlackOps Pistol display in Ufopaedia.

- New missions: Syndicate Warehouse, Osiron Cruise Liner.
- New weapons: PPSh, Calico, Colt Commando, BlackOps Spypistol.
- Zombie Lab mission slightly rebalanced.
- Renamed Hummer to Humvee, for better accuracy.
- Decreased maintenance cost on Large Living Quarters and Large General Stores.
- Various fixes, including one critical (incomplete loadout for one Dimension X Party mission).

- Healing Gel has 5 uses now (was 4).
- Chupacabra attack rebalance.
- Hangars no longer give storage.

- New paperdolls: Alpha Cryssalid, Policeman, Policewoman, Homicidal Maniac, Homicidal Madman, all by tkzv.
- Language fixes, by Juff.
- Other fixes.

- Updated to newest OXCE+ version.
- New weapons: G-11, Asuka 4000, Chitin Knife, Pitchfork.
- New Armor: Dog Durathread Vest.
- New items: Alien Multitool, Alien Alloy Welder, Alien Organ Sample, Alien Embryo.
- New missions: Exobiological Contamination (tiered), Alien Party, Atlantis Temple, Cyberweb Fortress Assault, Cyberweb Battleship Assault.
- New units: Cyberweb Centurion, Tentaculat, Reptoid Commando, Stealth Spider, Flame Spider, Armored Spider, Death Spider.
- New Dossier: Lo Wo (by Mumble, edited).
- Added Large Glock Clip (by tkzv).
- New death screams.
- BlackOps Pistol damage buffed.
- HMG has 10 bullets auto (was 8).
- Flame Glove rebalanced.
- Electro-Flares only glow after throw, but need to be primed.
- Healing Gel is now properly consumed.
- Better Reactions on dogs and their bite trains Reactions.
- Aliens now carry special tools which are important for tech advancement.
- Going to Cydonia now requires completing the T'Leth arc.
- Loadouts no longer depend on month.
- Men in Black now use alloy ammo almost exclusively (except early missions).
- Swarmids no longer show up on Monster Hunts (they are Exobiological Contamination now).
- Some new articles.
- Improved Gauss weapons sprites, by XOps.
- New inventory sprites: Cyberweb Technomad/Space Technomad, Hybrid Infiltrator, Cerebreal Larva, Cybermite, various Floaters, Jarhead, Drone, Bikini Babe, Polar Civilian, Doctor, Farmer and Hunter, all by tkzv.
- Improved Janissary Ufopaedia pics, by tkzv.
- Fixed missing Starting Conditions on Dimension X missions and other similar problems.
- Fixed Deep One Hatchet hit animation.
- Minor fixes to maps.
- Healing Gel has 5 uses now (was 4).
- Chupacabra attack rebalance.
- Hangars no longer give storage.

- New paperdolls: Alpha Cryssalid, Policeman, Policewoman, Homicidal Maniac, Homicidal Madman, all by tkzv.
- Language fixes, by Juff.
- Other fixes.

- Updated to newest OXCE+ version.
- New weapons: G-11, Asuka 4000, Chitin Knife, Pitchfork.
- New Armor: Dog Durathread Vest.
- New items: Alien Multitool, Alien Alloy Welder, Alien Organ Sample, Alien Embryo.
- New missions: Exobiological Contamination (tiered), Alien Party, Atlantis Temple, Cyberweb Fortress Assault, Cyberweb Battleship Assault.
- New units: Cyberweb Centurion, Tentaculat, Reptoid Commando, Stealth Spider, Flame Spider, Armored Spider, Death Spider.
- New Dossier: Lo Wo (by Mumble, edited).
- Added Large Glock Clip (by tkzv).
- New death screams.
- BlackOps Pistol damage buffed.
- HMG has 10 bullets auto (was 8).
- Flame Glove rebalanced.
- Electro-Flares only glow after throw, but need to be primed.
- Healing Gel is now properly consumed.
- Better Reactions on dogs and their bite trains Reactions.
- Aliens now carry special tools which are important for tech advancement.
- Going to Cydonia now requires completing the T'Leth arc.
- Loadouts no longer depend on month.
- Men in Black now use alloy ammo almost exclusively (except early missions).
- Swarmids no longer show up on Monster Hunts (they are Exobiological Contamination now).
- Some new articles.
- Improved Gauss weapons sprites, by XOps.
- New inventory sprites: Cyberweb Technomad/Space Technomad, Hybrid Infiltrator, Cerebreal Larva, Cybermite, various Floaters, Jarhead, Drone, Bikini Babe, Polar Civilian, Doctor, Farmer and Hunter, all by tkzv.
- Improved Janissary Ufopaedia pics, by tkzv.
- Fixed missing Starting Conditions on Dimension X missions and other similar problems.
- Fixed Deep One Hatchet hit animation.
- Minor fixes to maps.

- New weapon: M3 Greasegun.
- New paperdoll: Osiron Goon.
- Rebalanced snap accuracy on all weapons.
- 2x2 units are no longer bleeding immune.
- Staff Inputs usually give 10 points.
- Chupacabra attack is now slightly weaker.
- Fixed Grav Module manufacturing.
- Fixed Concerned Citizen recovery.
- Minor fixes to maps.

- New mission: Scorpoid Village Takeover.
- New unit: Scorpoid Rebel.
- Resized Shogg Village (now is smaller).
- Dog armours now give extra carrying capacity.
- Added one staff input.
- Fixed Shogg missions not being generated.
- Fixed underwater suit shenanigans.

- New weapons: Shogg Cudgel, Shogg Hammer, Shogg Staff, Dragon Dagger, Alloy Throwing Knives.
- New factions: Antmen, Scorpoids.
- New units: Antman Worker, Antman Warrior, Antman Queen, Scorpoid Hunter, Spider King.
- New mission: Shogg Village.
- Secret Caves now can be disabled with the right research.
- League Apprehension now gives secret files.
- Slightly buffed dog armors and added Ufopaedia entries for them.
- Reaper and Bloodhound attacks took a level in badass.
- Fixed armours with shields (allowed where they shouldn't be).
- Fixed some typos (thanks tkzv).

- Added a smaller money prize to missions.
- New weapons: Smart Shotgun, M.A.G.M.A. Pulse Pistol.
- Tactical Sniper Rifle and Multilauncher reskinned to match the X-Com theme.
- New dossier: Krazy Hassan (by Dioxine).
- New Vampire Castle map block (by Dioxine).
- New Caves blocks (by Dioxine).
- New cave treasure.
- Auto-Cannon now has 5 bullets auto shot.
- Stims are stronger.
- Osiron Goons have more armor.
- Fixed a problem with mind-controlled X-Com agents.
- Fixed visibility range on some armours.
- Fixed some maps.
- Minor additions.

- Expanded item categories for better Geoscape use.
- New caves mapblock (by Dioxine).
- Blasters cost more Elerium.
- Fixed spotter/sniper code.
- Fixed underwater gear.
- Fixed some visual glitches on maps.
- Minor fixes.

- Added the spotter-sniper system (experimental) by Ohartenstein.
- New missions: League Apprehension, Zombie Hive, Vampire Castle.
- New units: Bloodhound, Ghoul, Ghoul Warrior, Vampire Queen, Strix (all by Dioxine), Seeker Drone (by SideQuests).
- New weapons: M-14, Iron Pipe, Battle Axe, Rusty Blade, Bow, Heavy Crossbow.
- New damage type: E-115.
- New craft: Hummer.
- New staff inputs.
- Changed one music track.
- Empowered dodging.
- Added more variants of cave maps.
- Added Greaser paperdoll.
- Cheaper Hybrid research.
- Rebalanced ship construction costs.
- Increased prices on some weapons.
- Rebalanced AKSU and Groza.
- Large explosives are better against terrain.
- Incendiary Grenade anti-morale effect a bit weaker.
- Catacomb walls and cave walls are weaker.
- Fixed some armour inconsistencies.
- Certain weapons available earlier.
- Skyraider has slightly less range.
- Incendiary ammo is more harmful.
- Fixed Light Cannon Ufopaedia entry.
- Fixed AA BS ammo prices.
- Fixed Cyberweb Plans sprite.
- Fixed Steppe Desert.
- Fixed EXALT HQ escape again.
- Fixed Sledgehammer.
- Fixed helicopter wheels.
- Fixed MiB arc.
- Fixed too short vision range on Polar Suits.
- Minor fixes.

- New battlescape palette (by RSS Wizard).
- New missions: Ooze Nest, Surf Time, Storm Seizure, Cult of Apocalypse Prison Break, Cult of Apocalypse City Riot.
- New units: Muckstar, Ooze.
- New weapons: Mosin Rifle, Agricutural Flamer.
- New craft: Osprey (by Bullet designer and MKSheppard).
- New craft equipment: Auxiliary Thruster, Afterburner.
- New Dossier: Millicent Weber (by Mumble).
- Added night indicator (by Dioxine).
- Rebalanced penalties for ignoring some missions.
- Dogs and Intelligence Center are now available after Basic Operations.
- HQ now gives storage.
- Leather Coat and all Durathread outfits (including Jumpsuit) are more resistant to electric damage.
- FN FAL damage increased.
- 5.56 ammo ignores 10% armor.
- All 5.56 weapons have a bit more accurate Aimed Shot.
- SA-80 renamed to L85, has slower auto shot.
- BlackOps Auto-Sniper Rifle is weaker, but more accurate at short distances.
- Bigger Skorpion clip.
- Barrett rebalanced and given a better sound.
- Better sprites for: Sniper Rifle, Bolt Action Rifle (both by Dioxine), Dynamite (by Bloax).
- Mauser more expensive and with a bit less range.
- Laser Cannon, Gauss Cannon and Rail Cannon can no longer be produced and are bought from UAC instead (you still need to research them first).
- Now you can research (presumably) all weapons, but get no automatic acquisition from Promotions so you must research them individually (due to an engine limitation).
- BlackOps equipment acquisitions streamlined and divided into two stages.
- Fixed overpowered Barrett accuracy.
- Improved Miniguns.
- Some new articles and pictures.
- Zombie weapon is now less armor piercing.
- Less Zombies in Magma Lab.
- Less gangsters in Osiron Stakeout.
- EXALT HQ is no longer an infiltration mission.
- Fixed Black Lotus HQ and EXALT HQ escape.
- Fixed Red Dawn desert bases.
- Fixed Mandarin corpse.
- Fixed Ski Resort region.
- Fixed some inventory paperdolls.
- Minor fixes.

- Updated to newest OXCE+ version.
- Overhauled and expanded music.
- Added racial deployments for Floaters.
- Added missions: Trouble in Ski Resort, Alien Downtown Attack, Alien Purge, Dimension X Transfer Point.
- New unit: Crisis Trooper.
- New craft equipment: Shield Generator.
- New weapons: Sporting Rifle, Incinerator, Acid Pistol, Acid Bolt, Boomeroid, Disruptor Rifle, Heavy Disruptor.
- New Ammo: AP-BS for CAWS.
- Introduced new damage types: PSI, WARP.
- Added Dossier: Rennielle Diolata (by Yataka Shimaoka).
- Increased MiB armours.
- Moved Smoke Grenade back to Promotion 2.
- New Dragonfly Ufopaedia pic.
- Toxi Suit is now green.
- Zombies and other melee psychos now disregard danger.
- Neutral units fight better.
- Rebalanced Railguns, SMGs and The Kludge.
- Fixed a crash with The Special Client mission.
- Fixed goddamn Keep again.
- Softer cave rocks.
- Minor fixes.

- New weapons: Milkor MGL, Mrrshan Rifle, Crossblaster, Neon Bow.
- New mission: Meridian Hunting.
- Changed some mission rating names.
- Easier Smoke Grenade acquisition (now only requires Military Envoy).
- Fixed BlackOps weapons' prices.
- Fixed various issues with Ultra Chryssalid.
- Fixed Keep floors and stairs.
- Fixed Interceptor map (added an extra spawn tile).
- Fixed and improved Cyberweb Warehouse terrain.
- Added some missing strings.
- Minor fixes.

- Upgraded to OXCE+ 3.9.
- New weapon: Taurus Judge.
- New missions: Communion of Apocalypse, Outpost of Apocalypse.
- New units: Brother and Cleric of Apocalypse.
- Black Lotus Warriors have a bit of camo.
- Small improvements to Black Lotus equipment.
- Slightly altered descriptions for some monster hunts.
- Added some new articles.
- Added Dossiers: Shane Barton, Henry Garrison, Lady Lucy (collaboration with Mumble).
- Stronger Hazmat armor.
- Better structured Crop Circles mission with MiBs.
- Fixed Savanna Marsh terrain.
- Fixed a hole in one mountain.
- Fixed Snubnose Pistol (was coded as two-handed).
- Fixed some crashes.

- Updated the exe to OXCE+ 3.8.
- New missions: Citizens vs. Monsters (desert and jungle variants), Police Anti-Monster Operation, Military Anti-Monster Operation, Alien Agricultural Sabotage, new Alien Terror variant.
- New alien ship: Cruiser (map by Dioxine).
- Overhauled all Marsh terrains.
- Overhauled all live and dead enemies sell prices.
- Fully randomized mission generation times.
- Added some new articles (with Woah's help).
- Added some missing briefings.
- Updated Tundra terrain properties (by Hellrazor).
- Fixed Syndicate Assassination ally spawning (and made the map bigger).
- Fixed Skymarshall roof.
- Fixed Monster Lab floor.
- Fixed Mind Shield and Hyper-Wave Decoder mysterious crash.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2024, 03:51:41 pm by Solarius Scorch »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: X-Com Files Changelog
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2023, 01:00:26 pm »

- Fixed unkillable EXALT.
- Fixed some armours available where they shouldn't be.
- Fixed one Slum map.
- Fixed Scarab spawns.
- Fixed Durathread Factory not spawning sometimes.
- Fixed Megaworm research (again).
- Fixed Zrbite Tank article crash. Minor fixes.

- Updated to newest OXCE+.
- Added Vampire Castle mission.
- New Commercial mapblocks.
- Fixed some problems with Zrbite.
- Fixed medium convoy crashing on some maps.
- Fixed Megaworm melee crash.
- Fixed mission crash caused by label conflicts.
- Fixed EXALT bases spawning after their destruction.
- Fixed Gang War in forests.
- Fixed FAMAS article not being displayed at the right time.
- Fixed Miniguns research.

- Update of CQC mechanics (now it should be a bit more difficult to divert point blank shots).
- Complete rebuiling of Hybrid convoy missions.
- Updated Rusian version (by Kammerer).
- Added incendiary ammo for the Light Cannon.
- Machete is a bit stronger.
- Fixed maps crashing due to tall buildings.
- Fixed Dart Pistol ranges.
- Fixed Black Lotus Footman sprite.
- Fixed Megaworm Autopsy crash.
- Fixed broken terrain.
- Fixed broken Hybrid Agent corpse research.
- Fixed an issue with Sten ammo.

- Added close quarters combat, by Ohartenstein23 (with new OXCE+ version).
- Moved the clock back to 30.12.1996.
- New Faction: Cult of Apocalypse.
- New mission: Cult of Apocalypse Town Cleanup.
- New weapons: UAC Shotgun (bigob by Carbon Dioxide), UAC SMG, UAC Chaingun, UAC Rifle, UAC Rocket Launcher, UAC Nailgun, Alien Laser Cannon (Alien Laser Rifle's big brother).
- Added Cell Phone.
- New civilian types: Priest (collab with Dioxine), Male Doctor, Female Doctor.
- All lasers (except alien lasers), gauss weapons and railguns are heavier.
- Decreased kneeling bonus for pistols and one-handed SMGs.
- Better NV on MiBs.
- Added Interceptor map for fighters (by NeoWorm).
- Fixed some items available prematurely.
- Fixed Catacombs map (thanks to Meridian and Dioxine).
- Minor fixes.

- Introduced new damage type: ELECTRIC.
- BlackOps Pistol is a bit stronger.
- Added mission: M.A.G.M.A. Reactor Malfunction. Added info on craft weapons to the Ufopaedia.
- Added some fluff articles on aliens.
- Added paperdoll for Tasoth (author unknown).
- New Gym graphics (author unknown).
- New Hunting Rifle sound. Fixed spawning on Native Urban maps.
- Fixed zombifying robots.
- Fixed wrong ranges on some pistols.
- Fixed Catacombs entrance.
- Fixed wrong research in the Magma Missions mini-arc.

- Added new missions: Cyberweb Manufacturing (terrain by Robin) and Cyberweb Dimensional Portal (based on the same terrain).
- Added new terrain variant: Native Urban with dirt roads.
- Added dossiers: Britta Hansen, Ding Quadong and Kao Tong (by Mumble).
- Reduced Nitro Express range.
- All SMGs have a bit better autofire range.
- A bit more robots in Cyberweb Lairs.
- Some options are now enforced.
- Fixed wrong deployment on M.A.G.M.A. Lab.
- Various minor fixes.

- Fixed Cyber Armour available for infiltration missions.
- Fixed some captured units not recovering properly.
- Fixed BlackOps Sniper Rifle available before BlackOps.
- AK47 family fires a bit faster.
- Fixed a crash when using the Pepper Spray.
- Added some missing strings.

- Added Zombie Catacombs.
- Added new cult houses (with new loot).
- Living Megascorpions and Giant Beetles now yield some plasma.
- Radar researches are more expensive.
- Changed civilians in the second stage of Arachnoquake mission.
- Fixed missing M.A.G.M.A. Lab region.
- Fixed some Urban maps.
- Some minor Ufopaedia and string fixes.

- Upgraded the mod to OXCE+ version 3.7a.
- Improved "The Thing" background music, by Dr. Crowley.
- Nerfed Silacoid further.
- Fixed a bug with X-Com entry tiles destruction.

- Updated the mod to OXCE+ version 3.7.
- Mission sites now despawn even when targeted by a craft.
- Added descriptions for mission markers.
- Increased penalty for firing two-handed weapons with one hand.
- Finished Syndicate arc.
- Added Luxury Car.
- Added weapons: M60, FN Minimi, SWD, PKM, SKS, VSS Vintorez, M83 Barett, Mauser, AKSU-74, QBU-88, FAMAS, FN P-90, Mac 10, Wildey, Bolt Action Rifle (all big sprites and stats by Dioxine), PSG-1, Smith & Wesson 610, Blackops Magnum, Sniper Rifle (classic), Pulse Rifle (sound by Demidekidasu), Pulse SMG, Pulse LMG, EMP Grenade.
- Added Advanced Healing Spray.
- Added extracting blood plasma from living things.
- Added missions: EXALT Liquidation, Syndicate Reactor Raid, Syndicate Assassination, Abandoned Syndicate Lab, Syndicate Secret Archives Raid (terrain by Hobbes), Syndicate Data Seizure, Syndicate CEO Arrest, Syndicate HQ, Blood Moon, Black Moon, Soul Harvest, Hybrid Purge, Gang War, Black Lotus Party, Jarhead Terror and Jarhead Factory.
- Added units: Megaworm (by Robin), Abomination (by XOps), Jarhead (by jackstraw2323), Black Lotus Footman, Black Lotus Mandarin, Church of Dagon Supporter, Syndicate Security Captain, Syndicate Supersoldier, Syndicate Walker, Syndicate CEO, Armoured Car, Snakeman Beastmaster, White Werewolf, Black Werecat, M.A.G.M.A. Minitank, various civilians (mostly armed security and such).
- Increased Sectoid armour (proportionally to their psi).
- Increased Silacoid fireball TU cost.
- Agents now receive salaries by rank (Rookie: $15000, Chief Agent: $85000).
- Rebalanced most weapons.
- Cleaned up and fixed all armours (stamina recovery, dodge etc.).
- Arasaka 3000 is more expensive and less available.
- Increased accuracy on all miniguns.
- Durathread is cheaper.
- Dogs have NV of 15.
- Streamlined Red Dawn spawns with the new random member engine.
- Added some new blocks for Farm (tractor by Bullet Designer) and Cyberweb Lair.
- Added Scarab craft for Syndicate.
- Added Secret Files.
- Added Dossiers: Gertrude Ellison, Natalya Sernovich, Tyvarius Stienburg, Thomas Erickson, Anthony Barker, Drako Aldramier, CHAD (all by Mumble), Piotr Wiśniewski (by The Reaver of Darkness), Gunter Meyer (by The Think Tank), Purple Lilly (by Dioxine) and Taman Shud (with help from ssfsx17).
- Making ammo for BlackOps weapons now requires blackmailing them first.
- Added random loot to cult bases.
- Added Monstrous Tooth to cave junk.
- Strange Life Form events can now be ended with suficient research.
- Small fixes to cultist loadouts.
- Modified tech levels.
- Laboratory is more expensive.
- New Synthsuit graphics (by Nord).
- Blasters are red.
- Added custom pictures to many natural weapons.
- Improved inventory TU costs.
- Bigger monster missions start appearing a bit later.
- Some Ufopaedia pictures converted to custom palettes.
- Fixed overly expensive Shadowbat.
- Fixed (hopefully) cave terrain.
- Fixed some routes.
- Fixed mixed races.
- Various minor fixes.

0.5.5c: Fixed a crash with mission alert. Fixed a crash with Hybrid Storage mission.

- Added Russian version (by Kammerer) - 70% complete.
- Fixed inconsistency with Heavy Shotgun ammo.
- Fixed some inconsistencies with Zombies.
- Fixed too many civilians in the second stage of Arachnoquake mission.
- Fixed a crash with Staff Input: Dreams of the Titans.

- Added Bio Laboratory.
- Added block RAILYARDURBAN28.
- Added Sabre (graphics by Yrizoud).
- Added Dossiers:  Richard Roty, Owen Hoffer, Kim Harwell (all by Ivan Dogovich), Carlos Tanaka, Elias Seppä, Abeba Tewolde (all by Ajnunezr), Agent Trauma and Monica Grummann.
- Low-rank Dagon cultists see one tile further at night.
- Shadowbats attack slower.
- HQ is cheaper.
- Trauma Pack is better.
- Dogs are gated behind a research.
- Some new weapon sounds.
- Ridiculous research costs on some things are fixed.
- Medipacks train Bravery now (but sprays and gels don't).
- Fixed FN FAL available too early.
- Fixed a problem with block UBASE_19.
- Fixed retaliations.
- Varius minor fixes to the Ufopaedia.

- Added Dossiers: Ivan Vaslov, McGuinness Elliott Cooke, Ernie Lloyd Sobatka, Terrence Lockhart, Harley Stone (all of them by Helmet Hair), Ilya Dolvich (by Warboy1982), Parvati Anand Foster, Dr. Able Standard (both by Ajnunezr), Lucifer Romanov, Martin Jakubko, The Shadowman and The Richter Sisters.
- Added Trauma Pack.
- Improved Prison Cells sprite.
- Fixed Uzi Clip acquisition.
- Fixed Staff of Heart Grip not appearing on enemies.
- Fixed MiB Agent knowing too much.
- Fixed Shadowbat body size.

- Added Staff of Heart Grip.
- All sniper rifles now have 25% armor penetration.
- Added synthetizing Blood Plasma from Elerium.
- Rebalanced value for various units.
- Added City Boy and Salamandron paperdolls.
- Slightly decreased number of enemies in Temple of Dagon.
- Fixed alien base spawning.
- Fixed Alien Flyby mission crash.
- Fixed some starting weapons' acquisition.

- Added Blackops Sniper Rifle AA Clip.
- Removed unnecessary files.

- Moved Kiryu-Kai to Promotion I.
- Added Xenonauts research.
- Added Minebea SMG (graphics by Dioxine).
- Added Laser Carbine.
- Added Heavy Psi-amp.
- Added Pepper Spray.
- Added Armoured Vest and Alloy Vest versions shields.
- Fixed BlackOps Sniper Rifle image (by Dioxine).
- Standard Psi-Amp cannot work through walls now, but is one-handed.
- Added armed police officers and other civilians.
- Doubled armour values on Floaters.
- Increased Health of all Snakemen.
- Gave minor psi abilities to all Sectoids.
- Black Lotus people now (mostly) surrender.
- Added combat and alloy gears for X-Com dogs.
- Increased X-Com dogs' Health.
- Added inventory pictures to many enemies (also seen if M-clicking on a unit - function by Meridian).
- Vehicles now require pilots (added some research for this).
- Modified Firestorm's weapons. Increased size of maps with UFOs.
- Added one Alien Base map.
- Added some new Polar maps.
- Fixed Supply Ship maps (by Hellrazor).
- Fixed some M.A.G.M.A. alloy ammo available too soon.
- Fixed Werewolf and Werecat research.
- Fixed Messengers of Dagon being unavailable for research.
- Fixed missing manufacturing project for the Skyraider.
- Fixed Assault Cannon being too easy to buy.
- Fixed initial funding.

- Fixed problems with new Light Cannon ammo.
- Added some Ufopaedia and inventory pics.
- Added some missing listOrders.

- Added Osiron Alloy Ammo Trade mission.
- Added Chryssalid Village mission.
- Added MiB Psi Ops.
- Added Airborne Mudranger.
- Added buckshot ammo (regular and alloy) to Heavy Cannon and Auto Cannon.
- Added Syndicate personnel descriptions and pictures.
- Rewrote MiB mission scripts.
- Changed the surrender mode, because nobody ever surrendered. (We'll see if it didn't make the game too easy.)
- Fixed some Ufopaedia crashes.
- Some language and Ufopaedia styling fixes.

- Updated the mod to OXCE+ version 3.5.
- Started the M.A.G.M.A./Syndicate arc.
- Added M.A.G.M.A. Lab mission.
- Added Syndicate Lab mission.
- Added Osiron Stakeout mission.
- Added Deep Ones Rituals mission.
- Added Skyraider.
- Added Giant Beetle.
- Added Blackops Macro SMG (bigob by Bongwater Bandit).
- Added PM-63 Rak SMG.
- Added Billhook.
- Added Knife.
- Added Heavy Stingray Launcher.
- Added Cyber Armour (based on XOps' sprites).
- Added new agent nationalities.
- Added 8 new faces.
- Added some new backgrounds for alerts and briefings.
- Added burning indicator (code by Meridian, sprite by Captain Corkscrew).
- Added an option to demote soldiers (by Meridian).
- Added two Flashlights to the starting equipment.
- Added some fluff articles on aliens.
- Buffed some aliens.
- Decreased base funding by two thirds.
- Grenades are available earlier.
- Added another version of the Cafe (for the Hybrid Agent mission).
- New Ufopaedia pictures for Zombie, Fat Zombie and Zombie Trooper, including autopsies (by Nord).
- Fixed wrong inventory picture on MiB Stormtrooper.
- Fixed some missing strings and Ufopaedia entries.
- Fixed bugged Desert terrain.
- Fixed Cattle Mutilation nodes.
- Fixed some armours being available where they shouldn't.
- Fixed dog description.
- Fixed Synthmuscles extraction.
- Fixed a crash on Hybrid Storage Facility.
- Fixed a problem with Plasma Defences.
- Fixed unbuyable Light Cannon ammo.
- Fixed Janissary weapon.

- Added a male Pioneer variant.
- Fixed another critical bug with Homicidal Maniac missions.
- Fixed a corrupted Reptoid sprite.
- Fixed a crash on Port and Steppe terrains.
- Fixed a bug with unavailable Psi Lab.
- Fixed unsellable Interceptor.

- Dogs are soldiers now (not HWPs). No special dog armours yet, because the engine is acting up (read: I have no idea what I'm doing).
- New mini-icons for armor types in the craft UI (graphics by Dioxine and Juku).
- Updated the camouflage engine for Meridian's new code.
- Added new Red Dawn unit: Pioneer.
- Added X-Com Psiclone.
- Added a few new Desert and Grassland Desert blocks.
- Added Tundra Desert terrain.
- Decreased Bravery on some weaker human enemies.
- Gauss Pistol fires faster.
- Smaller Rail clips.
- Fixed a critical crash with Homicidal Maniac missions.
- Fixed wrong ratios and unlock times for Alien Terror races.
- Fixed an error in the COMRCURBAN16 map.
- Fixed a small error in the XBASS_09 map.
- Fixed a small error in the DAWNURBAN12 map AGAIN.

- Fixed a crash with viewing Terminate the EXALT! article in Ufopaedia.

- Improved some Ufopaedia pics (by Nord).
- Fixed some serious bugs with surrendering (by Meridian).

- Most enemies can now surrender (new code by Meridian, as always).
- Added dedicated Hybrid faction (with no Sectoids).
- Added Hybrid Experimental Farm mission.
- Added Holiday Resort Attack mission.
- Added Hybrid Agent mission.
- Added more Crop Circles missions.
- Added Madman Rampage missions.
- Added Spider Nest mission.
- Added Werewolves (sprites by Nord).
- Added Werecats (based on the same sprite).
- Added Chempistol and Chemogun.
- Added Shiv.
- Added Bone Club and other junk.
- Added small ranks icons.
- Added stats for armours.
- Added new Men in Black vessel engine (sprite by Nord).
- Added an article on the EXALT brainer and the Sorcerer of Dagon, as life forms.
- Rebalanced the odds for some events.
- Pushed some alien races to appear later than before.
- Stims are generally stronger.
- Zombies give Energetic Blood Plasma now.
- Improved nodes for Polar maps to allow more spawns.
- Re-ordered lists.
- Some new helpful Ufopaedia articles.
- Fixed a bug with Avalanche missiles being impossible to buy.
- Fixed a bug with Tank/Rocket Launcher available for manufacture too early.
- Fixed a critical problem with hacking alien data slates.
- Fixed a small problem with spritesheets size.
- Fixed wrong picture for the Giant Spider (was displaying Giant Spider Queen instead).
- Fixed a bug with Bio-Exo Suit allowed on infiltration missions.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2024, 03:52:07 pm by Solarius Scorch »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: X-Com Files Changelog
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2024, 03:52:24 pm »

- Added M.A.G.M.A. Corporation as a new weapon provider.
- Overhauled the tech tree for adding M.A.G.M.A.
- Added Heavy Shotgun (sprite author unknown).
- Added Tactical Grenade Launcher (modified from a sprite by YukesVonFaust for ZDoom).
- Added two new mapblocks for the Commercial terrain.
- Added Crop Circles missions.
- Added a Cattle Mutilation mission.
- Added some Hidden Caves stuff.
- Sorcerers of Dagon are blue now.
- Fixed some minor inconsistencies with Men in Black.
- Fixed the Luger entry.
- Fixed the Leather Coat bug.
- Fixed a bug with Gilldog needing Alien Containment.

- Blocked the backpack for some armours.
- Fixed weapon acquisition.
- Fixed some minor Ufopaedia bugs.
- Luger is now researchable.
- Improved Night Vision mode look.
- Fixed a problem with Siberia map spawns.
- 8 new faces!

- Added Desert Eagle (by Dioxine).
- Added Steyr AUG (by Dioxine).
- Added FN FAL (author unknown).
- Added Blackops Auto-Shotgun (same sprite as the old Shotgun, new Shotgun sprite by Dioxine).
- Fixed some ruleset issues (thanks Stoddard).
- M16 Clip has more rounds.
- Jumpsuit now has camouflage and changes colours according to environment.
- Avenger now burns more fuel.
- Ironfist now burns Zrbite.
- Streamlined weapon research.
- Many bugs fixed.

- Improved SMGs a bit.
- Fixed missing files.

- Some changes to the Deep One Village.
- New floorob for Alien Communicator.
- Fixed a random crash with Cult Apprehension missions.
- Another fix for SOLFOREST14 map.
- Fixed wrong damage value on SMG Alloy Clips.
- Many fixes to Ufopaedia (some critical).
- More screams!

- Fixed broken Ufopaedia entries for the new prison facilities.
- Some Ufopaedia updates.
- More Cyberdiscs in Cydonia.
- Slightly increased Zombies aggression.
- Added new city blocks by Civilian.
- Added stat caps on Gym training.
- Gym is a bit less efficient.
- Reduced effective ranges on pistols.
- Added Concussion Cannon with ammo to the T'leth weaponry.
- Leather Coats are now buyable and require Personal Protection.
- Hidden Caves arc started.
- Fixed a random fatal crash on Black Lotus Witch interrogation.
- Fixed too many Zombie missions bug.
- Fixed a small error in the DAWNURBAN12 map.
- Added missing Tasoth researches.
- Some new minor stuff.

- Started the Cyberweb arc.
- Prisoners are now divided between aliens, humans and animals, each with their own facility.
- Added Sick Bay facility.
- Added Groza assault rifle.
- Added Blackops Sniper Rifle.
- Rebalanced shotguns (again) for the new pellet calculation system.
- New Magnum sprite, by Yrizoud.
- Decreased Glock clip price.
- Flare Pistol is now concealable.
- Standard plasma weapons now use Gaussian formula for damage, meaning they will get average results much more often.
- Taser only has Aimed Shots now.
- Added some Ufopaedia pages about weapon types.
- Added more info to some Ufopaedia weapon entries.
- Improved some Ufopaedia articles (with help from Juku).
- Added more fluff articles, including Meridian the Hunter (a donation prize).
- Fixed SOLFOREST14 map, by Dioxine.
- Added four city map blocks by Civilian.
- Fixed X-Com car map.
- Added new death screams, for all humans.
- Fixed personal files page palette issues.
- Fixed a missing research for Obliterator.
- Fixed a wrong terrain for the cult outpost.
- Added small personal lights to all armours.

- Fixed a problem with EXALT Brainer crashing the game.
- Fixed a problem with EXALT HQ Ufopaedia entry crashing the game.
- Fixed a critical bug with the Corridor facility crashing the game.
- Fixed Skorpion SMG Ufopaedia page crashing the game (see a pattern here?).
- Shotguns rebalance.
- Some melee weapons rebalance.
- Gauss and Railguns rebalance. Synthsuit, Power Suit and Flying Suit rebalance.
- Better Hybrid face, by Civilian.
- Added Alien Subrifle, a plasma SMG.
- Changed invisibility for the Black Lotus Assassin, now he is visible from a close distance.

- Electro-Flares now work underwater.
- Fixed a problem with Psiclone not appearing.
- Fixed a problem with Underwater Operations showing up in the Ufopaedia too early.
- Some tweaks to vanilla alien resistances.
- Made Chryssalids more aggressive.
- Added Skorpion SMG.

- Undersea missions now require researching a submarine.
- New railgun hit animation (by pWWWa).
- Fixed a critical bug which prevented the player from accessing the final mission of the T'Leth arc.

- Enabled sonic weapons use for X-Com and added some related research.
- Reduced creatures research times across the board by 50-60%.
- Added Janissary entries to the Ufopaedia.
- Fixed some listOrders.

- T'leth arc completed (terrains, enemies, items etc.; some beautifying is still in order).
- Implemented Hellrazor's darkened (non-transparent) ship maps.
- Added Dart Pistol.
- Added Enfield Revolver.
- New music for monster hunts.
- No more large swarms of Shadowbats, because it took so damn long for them all to move.
- Some missing strings added.
- Smartgun and Smartifle ammo are no longer available from day 1 (was a bug).

- T'leth arc started.
- Added a new Battleship map by Civilian.
- Added a Medical Bag (aka First Aid Kit Lite).
- New Desert and Polar Desert map blocks.
- New spawn points for missions.
- New Nitro Express handob.
- Ufopaedia article on retreating (pic by Henry Ponciano).
- Limited pistols' effective range to counter the increased vision range.
- Changed the profile of Dart Rifle.
- Fixed EXALT hideouts not spawning.
- Fixed a bug with Flare Pistol giving you recovery points every time.
- Fixed some issues with Ufopaedia.
- Revised map selection for most ship types.
- Enviros now depend on item categories, not item lists.

- Added SOCOM pistol.
- Added Smartgun.
- Fixed listOrders.
- Fixed a critical bug with Gilldogs hunting.
- Fixed MiG being available from the start.
- X-Com Headquarters now appears in the Ufopaedia.
- Fixed HQ radar range.
- Fixed some map errors.

0.1: Initial release.