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Messages - mumble

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The X-Com Files / Re: Small suggestions
« on: March 31, 2017, 05:35:44 pm »
No, I don't think darts can be more accurate over long distances. And in close to medium range they're OK.

I could think of an even crappier stun gun, but can you suggest some real life model?
An air rifle modified to fire darts?

1 shot per clip, very, VERY slow reload due to needing to reload, and pump the gun each round, but otherwise extremely cheap and available. Air rifles are pretty simple, and you can get high power variants launching .177 pellets at 1200 fps, so I imagine it could be viable to fire a very thin dart as well, which would penetrate almost no armor, but be a viable tool.

another possibility, is having "rubber rounds" available for the shotguns, going the same way as the bat, doing both lethal and non lethal damage, so a risk of death is still very much an issue : This could help on the range front, but might be slightly op? But if it had a bleeding risk, and a hefty lethal damage hit as well, I could see it being viable, with a medic available incase a round did some nasty damage.

...Another thing to consider, is perhaps very small "manufacture" capabilities would be nice to have early , before the workshop unlocks

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: March 31, 2017, 04:12:17 pm »
Perhaps on alloy ammo research? A small note like (please note, alloy ammunition will not function safely in lower than premium grade firearms, due to risk of the firearm rupturing) or something?

The X-Com Files / Re: Niewiems questions from Playthrough
« on: March 31, 2017, 12:26:29 am »
IIRC, spikeboars have a small amount of armor, or at least some damage resistances. fire, or explosives are your best bet. I personally found incendiary grenades worked best, followed by normal grenades. They can tolerate a few shots of the nitro express, which bounces off armor, so that should say something..

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: March 31, 2017, 12:14:41 am »
intentional IIRC : AA clips shoot hotter and faster, which would rip apart a NORMAL magnum : you need a blackops magnum IIRC.

The X-Com Files / Re: Small suggestions
« on: March 31, 2017, 12:08:19 am »
I do suppose you could go the nitro express route with it : A lighter, cheaper, less effective version, which perhaps loads 1-3 shots at a time, with a lower fire rate. Make it so its available perhaps at promotion 1, but is 100% outclassed in all elements by the dart rifle. Besides, dart rifles are expensive to produce, so I could see this being a viable idea, having a ranged stun weapon which is otherwise completely worthless compared to the dart rifle, assuming you can afford it...

I imagine maybe it could have +50% armor, slightly higher stun than the dart rifle, low amount or lethal damage also inflicted (due to overdose risks of conventional darts) and decent accuracy, but loading only a few darts, or even 1 at a time, and being slow as balls to use and reload.

This actually also reminds me : is it possible to make a sniper version of the dart rifle? I'd gladly have more research for a more accurate, slower way to fire them, considering producing them is so damn slow and expensive. The dart rifle is handy, but its accuracy really is lacking...

The X-Com Files / Re: Making money
« on: March 30, 2017, 10:35:26 pm »
I'm just comparing to say, the prices of the red dawn faction : 10 k for a ganger, 15 or so for a lad, 20 or so for a sailor, and 30 for a pioneer.... ...shouldn't this be similar for OTHER factions? Because it often isn't

The X-Com Files / Re: Making money
« on: March 30, 2017, 10:06:41 pm »
Thats actually another thing that got me (But I'm going off topic, sorry solair!) : blood plasma sells for 1/20th of the price of a normal corpse.

I forget the sell price of healing gel itself, but it not very big, IIRC. Does it even get more profitable than selling the bodies, when you consider paying the maintenance costs of engineers??

If not, then thats even more worrying : that a labor intensive, and expensive process yields a cheaper item than something essentially readily available.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: March 30, 2017, 10:03:07 pm »
just keep in mind, cool is subjective : nobody minds tanks able to roll around all the time, going around on hills, and never have a risk of flipping on steep slopes, because its cool. But having a kevlar vest show boobs?

Would it be UNCOOL if removed?

I would argue tanks flipping over on hills would be uncool, but I can't say anyone would miss the whole boob kevlar if it was changed. (not to the point of someone whos never played XCF would come in and say "why no boobs on kevlar" compared to "why the hell did my tank flip)

I mean, kevlar doesn't define the pectoral muscles on males at all, and seems 100% flat and square, where women suddenly seem JUST as curvy as if in a bikini. With leather jackets, or suits, I can understand, but heavy kevlar vests its odd. Granted I've never worn kevlar, but I've worn flak jackets, and they are damn heavy, and not really flexible much, I figure kevlar wouldn't be far off?

maybe I'm nitpicking, but it just seems extremely out of place, and makes me question the physics behind these kevlar vests

The X-Com Files / Re: Making money
« on: March 30, 2017, 09:45:21 pm »
Well... Not necessarily. The earth is full of crazy bitches, while a Zombie is way more interesting to an independent research facility. :P
So a BL witch is nothing more than a crazy bitch plucked off the street?

.... ....solair, I love your work, but please review your lore : witches are psi trained, higher up, top echelons of the black lotus : They have training, sensitive information, and are MUCH more limited due to the time consuming process to create them

Consider the following : Supply and demand.

Witches : Very limited in supply, since they are supplied (CREATED) in proportion to demand, with training, ect : They are essentially like xcoms commisar officers ; rare, but very  important. Thus, losing one would be a big hit, because you need to train another, and you just lost a high rank officer

zombie : VERY common supply, and easy as hell to aquire, for anyone with a few guns and balls. Theres plenty to go around, on a global scale, and its much easier to aquire 100 zombies than 100 witches. They might also have demands, but keep in mind, supply is VERY common, and not exactly difficult to get either.  Its much easier for someone, be it a big organization, science institute, or even a common man, to acquire a zombie, then a live cult agent, so I figure it would be less.

Any science institution who could afford 20k could probably afford to pay any merc to bring in a zombie corpse for less, while abducting a LIVING HIGH RANKING OFFICER, of an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS CULT, is quite a feat, which should reflect a higher price.

....I think this should apply to all cults, really. Anyone of higher rank should have higher ransom price, at least by some.

And beasts should have a lower sell price, (For corpses...maybe higher for living?) as they really do seem a bit OP. Like I said, a 50 zombie hunt catches a cool 1 million dollars in corpses alone.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: March 30, 2017, 06:24:10 am »
heh.. ...I guess you might call it cool, but I call it weird, how their tits poke the vest out pretty prominently.

Whatever, its up to solair to consider : I find it neither realistic, nor consistient with the art style. I also think it makes kevlar look weaker.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: March 30, 2017, 05:52:16 am »
I get what your saying, but lets please be realistic : if you have a situation where your life is on the line, will you custom order "female fit" kevlar vests, when you are an underfunded, overworked agency ANYWAYS?

not only this, but you gotta think of priorities : Any woman who has any brain cells would rather her tits be uncomfortably squished for a few hours, than have her guts blown out by a shotgun wielding cultist. Not to mention, I think the breast shaping idea might actually not be possible without fucking up the protective capability : please understand, kevlar ITSELF, just the vest, is 20 pounds : This drapping over you WOULD compress breast tissue by weight of the vest alone, and if something was made RIGID, to make it not compress the breasts, this would put a serious problem in the vests performance, and possibly even cause more injury if shot, due to the rigidity.

Keep in mind, the personal armor having breast contouring fibre makes sense, as its an alien material, but kevlar just doesn't work that way, as far as I know.

The X-Com Files / Re: Early gun balance
« on: March 30, 2017, 05:43:40 am »
I'm kinda worried that the black ops pistol is the mediore pick of the line : The rifle, assault rifle, sniper, auto sniper, shotgun, caws, and smg all are great, especially compared to their counterparts, but the black ops pistol has less damage than say, a colt 45, or some of the other bigger, non magnum pistols. Infact it only has 1 damage more than the SMG, while the smg has a much better DPS, capacity, and handles reasonably well.

I think maybe raising the power of the pistol up to 28 might be reasonable, to reflect the power its supposed to have, and make it more of an upgrade to pretty much all pistols (as blackops is supposed to be) since I feel like the smg is more worth having as a side weapon almost entirely

The X-Com Files / Re: Making money
« on: March 30, 2017, 05:33:57 am »
To be honest, going on hunts is VERY profitable. Late game on higher difficulties, a 50 zombie swarm nets a cool 1 million dollars in corpses, if I did my calculations right. Plus, its a pretty good way to train rookies, assuming you have more than a van.

You can also try capturing people for ransom

Speaking of both of these, shouldn't corpses be less, while captives are more? I figured higher ups like black lotus witches would sell for MORE than a zombie corpse....

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: March 30, 2017, 05:04:19 am »
not sure if this was fixed in 6.2 (sorry, haven't had time to test AT ALL lately) but in 6.2, fire grenades seem to crash the zombie catacombs. Save included shows how, just throw one infront of the unit who is downstairs. Strangely, this is just fire, and not explosives.

also in the vein of "bad taste" : can you remove the breast bulge on the kevlar vest? I HIGHLY doubt a thick kevlar vest would have such a pronounced bulge by a pair of soft breasts : The breasts are the path of least resistance, unless the breasts are huge, but none of the xcom girls are absolutely huge in the tits department anyway.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: March 21, 2017, 12:44:09 am »
Taking on mutant spiders with a baseball bat?... I never would of considered that....

...I think the same issue may apply to the small white yeti things (forget their name) in that their walking diagonal animation looks really jerky and un-natural

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