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Messages - greattuna

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XPiratez / Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« on: April 20, 2016, 07:50:12 pm »
Well, not the safest source of loot, but the only source of gems, so I'd say tackle.

Did I just see 111 enemies killed?  :o

A few questions - I want to try this out in the scenario tester.

1 - Is the armor to be used fixed? Can one bring in their own armor?

2 - What types of weapons are allowed?
1 - You can use voodoo-related armor (ghost, seductress, witch, saviour, et cetera), nurse, thieving outfits. Everything else is replaced by maid outfits, armor is returned at the end as loot.

2 - 2x1 and 1x1 weapons (daggers, pistols, SMG\skorpion SMG\mini-cougar SMG, smasher\sawn-off), medi-kits, grenades, force blade.

XPiratez / Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« on: April 20, 2016, 06:46:36 pm »
Uh, I DID something dumb, namely selected The Church as the enemy type instead of STR_SNAKEMEN_MANSION. As a result, instead of bunch of weak enemies I got 2 cardinals, 6 reverends, few exalts, dozens of beastmasters\zealots, ~10 chryssalids and 5 celatids.

I still won, but it definitely wasn't walk in the park. I was planning on splitting gals into small groups of 3-4 to search and kill enemies, but no plan survives contact with the enemy. Splitting turned into trying to regroup in face of 2 groups of chryssalids, who started to rapidly become 5 groups of chryssalids.
Then regrouping turned into trying to salvage the situation: one of two ragnarok wielders got a celatid burn, and one of two saviours got bitten. Witches, nurses, seductress and plain maids, all save one (who's unconscious) dead. I cleaned the starting square (where most of the fighting took place) with ragnarok, then went on to clean last dozen of enemies.

XPiratez / Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« on: April 19, 2016, 10:23:26 pm »
Trying it out in new battle mode, because can't wait for it to show up in the main campaign. Turns out that either I did something dumb or the mission fields terror units.

The best armor for doing this kind of missions is Ragnarok. 50 armor all-around, resists, can fly and has decent inventory. Ghost is good too: invisible, 30 armor, and built-in weapons ignore armor, which is handy. And Slave, being the Bio Suit-lite allows for tanking a lot of damage with resists and regen (can gals wear it though?). Thief has brutal penalties, so I'd advice against using it. Others are up to you.

Equipment: you can bring parrots, 2x1 melee weapons (and force blades, for some reason), pistols, smasher\sawn-off, and SMGs. Also any medi-kits, alcohol, 1x1 grenades and other minor stuff.
Given the amount of armor you can face, you should go for highest damage possible, like:
-Handcannon\HE acts like poor's man grenade launcher, with 50 dmg and bad accuracy;
-Eagle\MAG with 50 dmg;
-Magnum\Chem with 44 acid dmg;
-Gauss with impressive 70 dmg!

There's also other pistols, but these ones are relatively abundant.
Also bring small medikits, smoke grenades and explosive grenades just in case. Getting hit is inevitable, and healing is required.

Did I screwed up an update? Because the rewards from Pyramid of Pain seem a bit underwhelming now, especially now that the top-tier voodoo-related outfits require gems (different ones).

Also, how do I get them pretty things? I think the mansions hold some, but is there any other sources of these precious gems?

XPiratez / Re: Craft weapons
« on: April 17, 2016, 11:11:33 pm »
You will be able to manufacture 50mm cannon (and it's improved variant) eventually if you do enough research. There's also a variety of manufacturable light, heavy and missile weapons gained from research. I prefer lascannon (not charger laser) though, because it doesn't require ammo.

The tier of components are dependant on strength of the ship itself. Cruiser will give you plasma spitter parts, for example. Hunt for a more dangerous ships for a better guns, basically.

It does choking damage
Are you sure about that? Bootypedia states that whip does stun damage.

Witch and Ragnarok? I didn't expect THAT. Also, kudos on the new version!

A question: does the 'New month/mission rating system!' mean that I no longer should be afraid of the all-out military strike if I do poorly?

EDIT: also, this. More fitting than Ironman, I guess?

XPiratez / Re: questions about item stats
« on: April 16, 2016, 10:55:55 pm »
Wait, it restores TU?

I never quite got the gist of this item, and lost my only flag to a random explosion. Can I get a quick explanation of how it works?

I'm indifferent about it, my gamestyle hasn't changed that much when I moved from maxdistance 20 to 25. Although it's still nice to have as a option.

Questions of the day: can I bring ghost\seductress outfits to an infiltration mission, can I just kill 'em all, and do I get all the loot if I can.

I expected new, shiny thunderhorse to have doors, and forgot to equip not-new-but-not-veteran-either gals with smoke grenades. Result? Two death spore missiles into runway, on turn 1, while I was trying to maneouver somebody to throw a smoke.

I love this game and this mod.

XPiratez / Re: Suggestions on how to improve the mod
« on: April 13, 2016, 07:34:01 pm »
You dont make money by attacking aircrafts

Do you just keep every single hostage, ship engine, slave AI, plastasteel and hellerium? Do you keep every single weapon and clip, every grenade, every reticulan fusion reactor and metal ore? They're all sellable, sellable well, and give money, just like x-grog. And I get more money from attacks, because workshops are busy making ammo, weapons, armor and ships, and can't make money-selling stuff.

It depends. I every month get either a crackdown (obvious) or peacekeeping (ruins score with alarming speed). There are a lot of ships, including Star God mission to sway the non-existant country in Central Asia. Every month, for two years.
Aside, there's also supply ships to replenish the 10+ enemy bases, which also ruin score. And variety of other missions. Despite being in 3 year, I lack the ability to shoot down most military ships and just have to let go.

Do I need a printer, if I built a factory?


It's start to get really really grindy. What do I wrong? I mean what can I do to improve my booty. I mean. Do I really have 5-10 raids per month to keep govs happy? And for the late game: Do I have to do more raids per month to keep things running?

I think printer is explicitly required for top-tier stuff.

I'unno, don't attack low-price targets? And they're not that low-priced, you get pretty penny from the hellerium, plastasteel and other loot, and hostages. There are also other ways to get money.
You can get away with only a few BIG operations. Assault a cruiser if you can, or do an imperial probe mission. Anything which gives you a lot of dead bodies will also give you big score.
No, there are research topics, which can alleviate the score problem, but they're more of a late-game thing, though I already have one (*Rebel Trading*).

XPiratez / Re: Manufacturing for money ?
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:16:37 pm »
You can also include ore smelting and
plastasteel production, 25 metal, 25 chemicals, $50000, 3500 work hours, 50 PS as result.

Incendiary damage is the worst. And I keep forgetting to bring extinguishers with me.

Question of the day: how would I know if the INC damage is also a white phosphorus? WP granade is obvious from description, but when I found LACC-WP workshop entry, I was... surprised.

Question of the day-2: does LACC-WP ammo work as advertised or is it just an incendiary ammo?

XPiratez / Re: Hostages, again
« on: April 11, 2016, 09:41:57 pm »
Interrogate-research (if possible), then research until exhausted, then slavery(cargo space and parts)\ransom(money) (whatever suits you more).
Well, that's usually how I work around hostages. They often provide valuable information on variety of topics that are difficult\impossible to get otherwise.

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