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Messages - Random Commander

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OpenXcom itself was unstable and buggy from the beginning. To this day it still is ;D

We just don't know how unstable and buggy, that's all.

^ Best solution.

Yes, the nightlies CAN be unstable and buggy, but they also have new features and more modification options. New soldier races (technically these "classes" are races in of themselves) have been available for quite a bit, so by upgrading to the latest nightly, you should have all your mods working correctly.

Also, think like the US Marine Corps: they don't have anyone on the battlefield who isn't a warfighter.

Fair point. Medics are capable of using guns, they just aren't specialized in mowing down squads of aliens like badasses. They can score a kill or two in desperate situations is all I'm saying. Plus, in XCOM, all soldiers eventually improve their accuracy to great results if they live long enough, so a Colonel Medic can be as effective as a Sergeant Assault, it's just that I would usually have the medic prioritize helping friendly soldiers over killing aliens if such a situation arises.

That's why I gave the ranger a bonus to accuracy and reactions: they don't just run around the field, but they also shoot aliens they come across. And if you run around the field a lot, you're going to find a lot of aliens.

What I have been noticing in my playthroughs is that the aliens tend to 1hit ko your soldiers that are running around long before you spot them, especially since aliens have better accuracy starting out. So Rangers might as well be the rookies that go out first and end up at the business end of a giant plasma stick quicker than the rest of the squad. So in a sense, personal experience has skewed my perceptions of the "Scouting/Support class," though I can and will keep your idea in mind.

The ranger is the main support class. It's good to have medikits on anyone, but a ranger is a good choice as medic because they can move around a lot to get to other soldiers.


My mod plans to have "Support" classes branch off from the "Ranger" class. For example: A Medic is able to move the fastest and furthest, but has pretty lame combat skills (low reactions, low accuracy, even low bravery! Hippocratic oath at its finest), so this class leans towards using medkits to their fullest extent, and could also act as a ammo mule or a designated minelayer/support grenade deployer. On the other hand, the Ranger (Or "Scout" as I like to call it) does not move as fast as the Medics, but have good combat capabilities. They are an "offensive support" class, meant to assist other classes by going ahead and marking targets (Motion scanners, anyone?), and reacting quickly when an enemy surprises the group.

It's actually kind of complicated now that I think about it...

Hello, RandomCommander.
That would be great. I would like to test such a mod.
If you use the RPG Classes mod as a base, and add the graphics you mentioned, I'll either link to it in the RPG Classes post (post #2 in this thread), or download and attach it to the post itself. Depending on the size of it, I guess. Maybe I can do both.

Would be good if you could re-name it, though. So that we could have two versions of it. Maybe "RGP Classes 2," "RPG Classes A" (for Armour) or RPG Classes Plus....well, you come up with a fitting name that you like. I'd like you to also update the credits file to include yourself (for what you made) and others (if you have used something from others).

I like having alternatives, and "my" mod is currently compatible with Solarius Scorch's FMP 1.9.3c (crosses fingers and hopes for the best, as playtesting is currently limited to starting up a new game and researching Soldier Specialists). I guess an armour-graphics mod would not be, since FMP has many more armours than vanilla.


Awesome! I can definitely do that sometime this week!

Oh yeah... FMP... I planned to later have more graphics to make my armor-image class mod to be compatible with FMP as well, since I'm pretty much a big fan of that mod. ;D That is probably going to be a much longer wait, as I have yet to make those images for the classes.

Since you're asking me to use your mod as a base and subsequently re-name it, a part of me is saying "Hey! You should have parts of your abandoned mod added in too!" And by "parts," I mean I had other ideas for other classes (Medic (Passive Ranger), Grenadier (Sniper for Throwables), etc.) and a similar idea for minimum-maximum stat overhauls, making each class more "specialized" with certain strengths and weaknesses. It's kind of like what you did using Reaver's mod as a base, but I'm using your mod as a base instead, and it is a little more drastic. Is that also okay with you?

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: August 10, 2016, 11:52:08 pm »
I can confirm that the strings for the Sniper Rifle are missing in the en-US language, but not the en-GB language. I checked the ruleset myself:

Code: [Select]
  - type: en-US
      STR_ROCKET_PACK: "Rocket Pack"
      STR_ADVANCED_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: "Advanced Rocket Launcher"
      STR_ADVANCED_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA: "Utilizing the Alien Optical Processor, the Advanced Rocket Launcher can be aimed faster than the original design and is able to fire guided missiles."
      STR_EXPLOSIVE_AMMO_UFOPEDIA: "Explosive ammunition causes violent detonation on hit, which is destructive to both enemies and the environment."
      STR_INCENDIARY_AMMO_UFOPEDIA: "Incendiary ammunition releases flammable agent on hit, causing immediate immolation of the target."
      STR_INCENDIARY_AMMO: "Incendiary Ammo"
      STR_EXPLOSIVE_AMMO: "Explosive Ammo"
      STR_ADVANCED_FIREARMS: "Advanced Firearms"
      STR_ADVANCED_FIREARMS_UFOPEDIA: "Working upon the most recent advances in human engineering, a number of weapon designs was developed to give the X-Com troops more firepower and flexibility on the battlefield."
      STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE: "Tactical Sniper Rifle"
      STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: "Tactical Sniper Rifle Clip"
      STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_HE_CLIP: "Tactical Sniper Rifle HE Clip"
      STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_AA_CLIP: "Tactical Sniper Rifle Alloy Clip"
      STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "This heavy sniper rifle sacrifices mobility for accuracy and power."
      STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR: "Stormtrooper Armor"


Code: [Select]
  - type: en-GB
      STR_ROCKET_PACK: "Rocket Pack"
      STR_ADVANCED_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: "Advanced Rocket Launcher"
      STR_ADVANCED_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA: "Utilizing the Alien Optical Processor, the Advanced Rocket Launcher can be aimed faster than the original design and is able to fire guided missiles."
      STR_EXPLOSIVE_AMMO_UFOPEDIA: "Explosive ammunition causes violent detonation on hit, which is destructive to both enemies and the environment."
      STR_INCENDIARY_AMMO_UFOPEDIA: "Incendiary ammunition releases flammable agent on hit, causing immediate immolation of the target."
      STR_INCENDIARY_AMMO: "Incendiary Ammo"
      STR_EXPLOSIVE_AMMO: "Explosive Ammo"
      STR_ADVANCED_FIREARMS: "Advanced Firearms"
      STR_ADVANCED_FIREARMS_UFOPEDIA: "Working upon the most recent advances in human engineering, a number of weapon designs was developed to give the X-Com troops more firepower and flexibility on the battlefield."
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLE: "Sniper Rifle"
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: "Sniper Rifle Clip"
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_AA_CLIP: "Sniper Rifle Alloy Clip"
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "This precision rifle is more powerful than a standard rifle and has excellent accuracy. However, it is harder to use and has a low rate of fire."
      STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE: "Tactical Sniper Rifle"
      STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: "Tactical Sniper Rifle Clip"
      STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_HE_CLIP: "Tactical Sniper Rifle HE Clip"
      STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_AA_CLIP: "Tactical Sniper Rifle Alloy Clip"
      STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "This 12.7-mm caliber sniper rifle sacrifices mobility for accuracy and power."
      STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR: "Stormtrooper Armour"

You can see the difference between the two codes above the Heavy Sniper Rifle entries.

I probably didn't have to prove it, but it's still good to save Solarius Scorch some time, right?

(Another quick note: while searching in Notepad++, I found that the Sniper AA Ammo string for the italian language (it-IT) is missing, too.)

Hey guys!

I have taken a liking to this mod, especially the edits that Kjotliek made (Don't get me wrong, Reaver, Kjotliek's edits are more akin to a Class mod I was making many months ago and eventually abandoned, so I actually sympathize with his ruleset more than I do with yours). But, I was kind of having trouble with determining which class was which, mainly because I rename my soldiers with generic ID/Codename combos (For example: "Klaus Schwartz (A)" becomes "AST-285 'Blitzkrieg'" instead. It's a personal preference), and while the tag on the name is a good reminder, I have a bad habit of deleting that tag and then forgetting what class that soldier was. But I propose a solution to this which might help with people that have a similar problem to me and/or can find that this will enrich the mod's experience.

I mentioned that I was working on a similar Class mod that I eventually abandoned, right? I had a graphical aid for each of the soldiers (in their inventory sprites) to help remind the player which soldier was which class. That graphical aspect was a lot of work, and then real life events got in the way, leading me to abandon the project altogether. I still have most of those graphical aspects, however, and can add them in if you guys want me to.

All I really need to do is fill in any missing vanilla armors for the classes and make new inventory sprites for the soldiers with Psi armor.


(Maybe, maybe not. I just wanted to say that. )

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:17:59 am »

Maybe, but the name stuck already, so... :)

I'm saying the "SkyFisher" should be "SkyHarpoon." The SkyMarshall is good as it is ;)

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: July 02, 2015, 09:10:08 am »
Little-known fact: I actually came up with the name "SkyMarshall" way back when people were complaining about the name "Alloy SkyRanger" being too long.

A better name for this I think would be SkyHarpoon.

Offtopic / Re: Advent - A new X-Com game?
« on: June 21, 2015, 12:15:57 am »
Yeah, what I say is based on what we know so far. Which is mighty NOT impressive, asside from the cool focal points. But cool snakemen with boobs get boring only after so many times that you see them. Gameplay mechanics is the point in games for me and immersion. And I have to admit that 2012 did a good job in immersion, a feat in itself these days, since game developers forget it alltogether. But its mechanics were so cut down it was painfull.

Time will tell.

Gameplay? OH! That reminds me:

The XCOM2 Team provided a gameplay demo over at E3. You can see the thing Here, at about the 1 hour 50 minute mark.

It's pretty fluent in my eyes.

Offtopic / Re: Advent - A new X-Com game?
« on: June 20, 2015, 11:53:28 pm »

Personally I am not a moder. I dont have a clue about it. But that arguement if I am allowed to phrase it as such (no offense meant) is a bit week. If that was the case then every modable that was considered 'bad' should have this excuse. You are paying for the game m8, not the mods that will come after. If I wanted to play the mods and mods only, they might as well have released an open source barebones engine charge it 10 euro/dollars and all of us would enjoy the mods. Not a game that is 90% Its predecessor with a retouch and me paying its marketing campaign. Because make no mistake about it, in this instance thats what we are paying for. Or so it seems. Ill reserve final judgement upon release.

No offense taken, I believe I must have miscommunicated my argument (which I tend to do). Of course you will have to play the game first before finding the problems that irk you the most. And even then, you don't have to be a modder to enjoy mods other people make. You pay for the game too, but sometimes you don't like certain aspects of it, or maybe you want to see something added in?

The point I'm trying to make is that yes, you should reserve your judgements until the game comes out, because you might have overlooked some important details that would have definitely changed your opinion. I anticipate that the mods will also be a factor to this, but like you said, we have to wait until release.

Offtopic / Re: Advent - A new X-Com game?
« on: June 20, 2015, 10:20:05 pm »
There were NO story-driven forced sacrifices in the original (there could be tons of sacrifices, depending on your game style, but none forced by the storyteller - you were commanding soldiers, not suicide bombers.). I think they should kick the writers out instead. The game feels dangerously like Call of Duty, and I don't like the jihadist vibe the new XCom has either.

Things were so much simpler in the past. The old XCom unified people of every continent and political viewpoint with a simple message any healthy human has to identify with: THE BASTARDS HAVE LANDED. WE'LL KICK THEIR ASS. It was speaking through the universal language of pure violence. XCom was beyond any moral judgement, good or bad - they were us, the humans, against them, the aliens.

Here we have a much more complex dialectic, as, on the surface of it, the aliens really seem to be trying to clean up the mess we have gotten ourselves into as a species through the combined weight of too many bad choices. They don't seem to be doing this only to turn us into the soylent green either, so we have moral ambiguity right there.

Still, if you disregard the story of Advent, I guess we can have a pretty decent tactical mobile game, though (definitely not a full-fledged PC game). For a mobile game, it looks advanced enough.

I'm half-tempted to play this, if only to dissect game's dialectic, but on the other hand, XCOM2012 was quite tedious and we can expect more of the same gameplay here...

Oh come on now, thats hyperbole there and there. I admit the scenario is bullcrap but still....Jihad?

If we speak strictly for EU, then yes. If you generalise the whole series was about how the human race is steadily losing its humanity and becoming that which it fights. With each subsequent war more moral sacrificies with technology gains as a trade off and an uncertain future lying ahead.

Continuing on my above reply neither in the original their purpose was extermination, you had crossbreading/experimentation and exploitation that reached inhuman levels.

I wouldnt call a randomly generated map with set objectives on a set method of approach: Deploy, stealthily pinpoint the enemy, kill them, do the objective, scram it, advanced, but I see your point.

2012 Also was no tedious, it was boring. Once you set up 5-6 things the game litteraly progresses on by itself, all you had to do is reach that point. On the other hand from what is been said and promissed I can see this one to be indeed tedious.
Both of you seem to be forgetting something, the ability to mod the game with proper tools. So one of you thinks the plot is stupid and the other thinks the gameplay leaves more to be desired. I think 2k games made the right decision to add bonafide modding tools, because now you are able to counteract the problems they put in the vanilla game! Plus, the OpenXcom community is full of modders and I trust that you guys can make outstanding mods for it once the game comes out, right?

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play PirateZ! (0.9j) Now with Limericks!!!
« on: June 15, 2015, 09:24:27 am »
In all honesty, I really think you should just continue for as long as you can. If you have to stop abruptly, then we will figure something out. For now though, just have fun!

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play PirateZ! (0.9j) Now with Limericks!!!
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:27:45 am »
Aw, crap, sorry to hear that.

In that case I say you definitely need to continue this as long as you are still in school, so I suppose... um...

Maybe you can install extended just to attempt to resurrect the flair that this LP had, failing hard at new things instead of failing hard at old things? That would be what I would do.

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