Suggestions / Weight limit on transports
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:38:46 am »
Hi all,
I absolutely love the fact that openXcom gets rid of the 80 item limit; it felt really restricting and it resulted in complications during the base defenses.
However, getting rid of the limit also resulted in balance issues, as you can now take anything you want on a mission; if you wanted, you can equip 26 soldiers with blaster launchers and ammo, grenades, medkits and electroflares, and still pack a few heavy plasmas for good measure (I did that for cydonia
To remedy this, might I suggest giving the transports a weight limit? For example, a skyranger has a capacity of 150, Lightning 100, and avenger 300?
I absolutely love the fact that openXcom gets rid of the 80 item limit; it felt really restricting and it resulted in complications during the base defenses.
However, getting rid of the limit also resulted in balance issues, as you can now take anything you want on a mission; if you wanted, you can equip 26 soldiers with blaster launchers and ammo, grenades, medkits and electroflares, and still pack a few heavy plasmas for good measure (I did that for cydonia

To remedy this, might I suggest giving the transports a weight limit? For example, a skyranger has a capacity of 150, Lightning 100, and avenger 300?