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Messages - LeftoverRemains

Pages: [1]
OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Amiga thinking...
« on: September 11, 2024, 11:27:19 am »
Awesome!! Thank you so much!

It's a feature, not an issue.

Also, it is ProgresBar.cpp, not Bar.cpp.

I didn't mean an issue with the code, I meant trying to resolve my issue on my end, and what I came across as to what I thought I should be tinkering with, but thank you for the redirection.

You guys have done an amazing job bringing this game to modern consoles, and androids.

OXCE Support / Re: Is there a way to turn off the
« on: September 06, 2024, 08:18:50 pm »
Code: [Select]
  - type: en-US
      STR_THINKING: ""

  - type: battlescape
      - id: thinkingProgressBar
        color: 0
        color2: 0
        border: 0 # 0 is ignored, in that case color+4 is used

Based on your info about if border:0 , then border: color + 4, I was able to pinpoint what I believe is the issue for the bar remaining visible on 0, OpenXcom/src/interface/bar.cpp the line that adds the color value to the bar removes it's transparency, if I were to set the color: -4 then the progress bar appears, but the border is removed.

OXCE Support / Re: Is there a way to turn off the
« on: September 05, 2024, 11:03:57 pm »
Ok, so I just did that : (standard/xcom1/interfaces.rul) -> color, color 2, and border are all 0 , yet the border box is still showing as a grey rectangle

As for the above bar name, when I set the (common/language/OXCE/en-US.yml) -> STR_Thinking to "" it shows the variable name above the bar as STR_Thinking, however, if i set it to " " then it becomes a hidden title.

Is there another file I need to change a setting in?

Also if I update OpenXcom in the future would I have to set the values in the files again?

I was curious, is there a way to turn off the "thinking" bar during enemy turns? I noticed its been there since at least 7.12.

Released Mods / Re: [OXCE][BETA][MAJOR] Vigilo Confido
« on: September 01, 2024, 12:22:37 pm »
This mod is absolutely amazing, straight up feels like a retro Xcom:EW ... i haven't gotten far, but I've always wondered what it would be like if there were classes in the original game, and this proves how awesome it is. Xcom Files, your mod, and every mod I've played amazes me with what can be done with this engine, and the amazing ideas that can be made. Also gives so much replay-ability to this 30 year old game.

That being said, to be true to the X-coms of the 2010s, would it be possible to have a mod menu option where you can only initially buy rookies, and you have to research or build a certain building to allow for the listed classes to then be bought?...

For instance, starting rookies have random based stats but after first kill they then gain their class with skills, class name change, and stat increases, such as: more health, strength, or accuracy bonus or lower certain skills based on their new class? Or even restricting items or weapons to class specific (perhaps another mod menu option)?

Keep up the amazing work!!

Looking forward to what V1.0 has to offer.


Pages: [1]