I don't dream up enemies which I cannot produce
Animation is a bitch, but sometimes frame-saving measures, particularly on arms and legs, can result in actual interesting enemy designs. For instance, there's a possibility for assorted high ranking folks on small hovering devices (Punks on hoverboards, Church leaders on floating dais, Guild bosses in flying executive chairs), as well as creatures whose movement frames involve burrowing (small stone vibration animation copypasted for all directions, body only drawn on "legs stand still" frames), or moving a dimensional portal around. I can whip out a few concepts or take requests once I'm done with this thing. Can't promise to become a constant contributor due to life circumstances, but I will try to send more stuff as I'm very interested in the progress of this mod and glad to see a framework modular enough to accept contributions. Just need to figure out how to split/reassemble four tile units without it being a huge pain in the ass - I tried to fix up the limp in the mech suit unit (the yellow one) and messed up.
For anyone else reading this topic: You've heard the man, he needs any potential skills you might have. Pixel art isn't hard, literally anyone can make something worth of contribution. Take a sprite sheet for the troublesome parts such as legs from another game, the bulk of the model is in the torso. Here's what I'm doing right now: