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Messages - kelltozet

Pages: [1]
Brutal AI / Re: [SOURCEMOD] Brutal-OXCE 7.12.1
« on: August 10, 2024, 02:02:53 pm »
Aggressiveness now can be set from levels 0-3 and choosing option 4 means aggressivness is inherited from unit-aggression.

There's now 4 distinct levels:
0> Camper
1> Ambusher
2> Skirmisher
3> Zealot

I want to tweak the aggression level of the units in XPiratez. The aggression level in the .rul file goes from 0 to 8. How does inheritance work?

Is 0 - camper, 1 - ambusher, 2 - Skirmisher, 3-8 - Zealot?
Or is there another formula?

Is there a way (through save files or otherwise) to see what you need to promote a soldier?
One Boss per 4 Gals, one Mistress per 3 Bosses, one Princess per 2 Mistresses. One Queen per 69 total crew and never more than one. So say we, the crew.
For other units, the ranks are distributed the same way, just the names are different.

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.2.3
« on: February 20, 2024, 08:16:41 pm »
In a case like this isn't it even smarter for the AI to force the player to be more active and prolong the mission?
Sometimes, it's actually pretty smart for AI to play the defensive role. Especially since Brutal AI is so good at finding cover.
But is it always fun for the player to play on the offensive side? Well, for some people, it might be. But personally, I like a more balanced approach.

There should still be the option to set the Aggressiveness of the enemy-AI to "Inherit aggressiveness". But in a situation like on the screenshot above I'm not sure how much this will do.
I tried tweaking the aggression levels of units in the .rul files, but I didn't notice much difference between 1 and 8.
Maybe the effect of the aggression parameter should be bigger.

Another problem is that the enemy does not use numerical superiority when acting defensively.
Here is my current mission in the screenshots (1.png 2.png).
My squad is made up of 9 good quality fighters
The enemy has about 8 dogs, 25 low tier infantrymen and 2 machine-gun armored cars.

On my first turn, I take out a couple of guys in the open field.
Then the enemy takes up positions in the houses.
I'm just storming through houses 1, 2, and 3. Meanwhile, all the other enemies are sitting in their homes and not fighting.
Sometimes the thy can find a nice spot by the window, but usually they just wait.

So, the mission ends up turning into little skirmishes where the quality of my soldiers isn't balanced by the amount of enemies.
If the enemy were actively moving towards houses 1, 2, and 3 during my assault, I'd have to figure out how to respond to that.

I could probably bring back the forced-modes. But I need to make sure that people are aware that these weaken the AI and don't complain about dumb AI-behavior as a result of it.
Maybe some settings could be done not through the in-game interface, but just through an options.cfg file instead?
It's doubtful if it's possible to balance all the mods. And the more customization you can get for a specific mod or even mission, the better.

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.2.3
« on: February 18, 2024, 08:40:32 pm »
Thanks for such a quick bug fix.

Can I make a couple of suggestions?
The AI is too passive in 8.x.x version for Xpiratez mod.
The game design in Xpiratez is such that the battles should be quite active.
The player's units lose morale every turn if they don't kill enemies. Also, their Freshness decreases every turn.

Another problem is that there are mortars in Xpiratez. In some missions, you can blow up houses from afar without taking any risks at all.

In my opinion, in version 7.13, when enemies thought they were stronger and attacked, it was almost the perfect AI behavior for the Xpiratez mod.
Maybe a little too aggressive, but only a little.

Now, if I put my squad under AI control, then both sides will not clash in battle at all (1.png).
Every turn, units on both sides look out and then hide back.
I understand that in this example there is an almost bare field with two crafts.
But still, I would like the battle to begin.

Is it possible to return scale of aggressiveness from power-balance as an option in the settings?
Or make a new option in the settings, so that in the absence of violence, the AI would start acting more aggressively after a few turns?
Or make AI more aggressive in general, as an option?

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.2.1
« on: February 15, 2024, 05:50:02 pm »
Or are there also ways that this could negatively impact player-units as well?

For the player-units, the effect is minor.
Some of the player's armor also has built-in items generated at the start of the mission.

The items are not overwritten, but simply moved to the general inventory. This is normal behavior, just the order of slots in which things are added is different.

The "Wierd thingie" here is speshial item - glamour. It is kind of resource from a Xpiratez. With normal behavior, it should not be visible in the inventory. If you manually move it from the units's hands to another slot, it will disappear, but it will be in the loot list at the end of the mission. If glamour was generated not in hands, everything would work as it should.

Brutal AI / Re: XPiratez Built in weapon sets bug
« on: February 15, 2024, 09:33:32 am »
Can you elaborate a little bit more what I'm seeing here?

Okay, let's take a Skyforge Engineer as an example.
He has a set of list of items he can come pre equipped with. In this case, it's just a valuable loot, like coins and arc welder, not a weapon. The main wepon and other items generation code is somewhere else.

The problem is that these items replace the weapon he has to hold in his hands. If I load the B1_geoscape.sav in Xpirates without Brutal AI and start the mission, all items will be spawned, and he is holding weapon in his arms.

It looks like items spawned by the Built-in weapon sets are being added to the wrong slots, starting with the hands and overwriting the weapons that should be there.

Brutal AI / XPiratez Built in weapon sets bug
« on: February 14, 2024, 04:57:57 am »
Items created by built-in weapon sets were placed in the wrong slots.

Yes but actually minor factions are not supposed to be armed with very advanced weaponry such plasma and gauss, right?

Some raiders have accsess to advansed technology.

But it's hard to say how Spartans got advanced alien weapons.

Status: LESSER POWER These mercenaries /scavengers /bandits live out in the wild, in hidden fortresses, forming a highly hierarchical and xenophobic society of 'survivors', or 'preppers', as they call themselves. They're taught to follow their holy book, 'The Rules of Engagement'. They pride themselves for things like personal liberty and the right to bear arms, but bear no disobedience towards superiors, namely old (oftentimes geriatric), accomplished warriors. Add to that an ideology of human racial purity and the subservient role of women in their ranks is not surprising. Facing a negative population growth, they replenish their ranks with insecure, young city dwellers. Most of these die rather quickly.

And I'm pretty sure I've seen a cruiser with Spartans on board once. Seeing guys in forest camouflage on an alien cruiser is pretty surreal.

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.0.0
« on: December 29, 2023, 04:12:10 pm »
The save you attached is during a base-defense.

I'm sorry. My mistake.

Here is the correct save file (A3.sav). It should be on the geoscape right before arriving at the crash site.

Brutal AI / xpiratez + brutal OXCE items spawning bug
« on: December 28, 2023, 08:50:46 pm »
Xpiratez + brutal OXCE has a problem with spawning items. In Xpiratez mode, there are special outfits that spawn loot only for the fact of appearing on a mission.

The winter queen's outfit should give 1 glamour and 1 silver chip. If you upload the save file to brutal OXCE, launch the mission, and then immediately fly away on the first turn, there will be no loot.

The same problem with enemy units.
All units of the ninja faction have built-in ninja badges. Badges will also not appear after killing ninjas.

Isn't it too early to get a ground raid by Spartans armed with plasma on May 22, 2601?

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: July 26, 2023, 11:20:27 pm »
The ninja war doesn't start after STR_NINJA_WAR_READY event?
Ver. is N5.2.1

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