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Messages - ohartenstein23

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XPiratez / Re: Craft Weapons DPS Spreadsheet
« on: June 18, 2016, 04:25:46 pm »
Ah okay, that's good to know.  I don't remember if I've unlocked #012 in my playthrough yet.  Planning on updating the DPS calculations with the range and the weapons damage 50%-100% spread.

Edit:  Updated and made the color scale for ranking DPS more clear.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99 - 7 Jun - First Impressions
« on: June 18, 2016, 07:29:50 am »
I was under the impression they didn't affect score if you completely ignored them until the research, but the touch-and-go method would still give the score penalty for civilians killed.

XPiratez / Re: Craft Weapons DPS Spreadsheet
« on: June 18, 2016, 07:27:08 am »
I agree range is important - otherwise the sheet shows things like the lancer missiles as basically useless, even though they make for perfectly safe interceptions against nonmililtary targets.  I just don't have the data for approach times.  Where's the best place to look that up, or is it up to experiment?

Edit:  Looking closer at (, the approach speed for all craft is 0.5 km/s, starting from a standoff range of 70 km.  Are these the numbers you use in your calculations?

XPiratez / Re: Craft Weapons DPS Spreadsheet
« on: June 18, 2016, 02:13:35 am »
I've added a few sheets just to rearrange to information by weapon class, in addition to by target shipping class.  I may add some analysis on the economics of the weapons as well, when I feel like mining more data from the rulesets.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99 - 7 Jun - First Impressions
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:34:34 pm »
Just finished my Destructor outfit after farming essence hard for it, put it on my VooDoo-skilled pirate queen.  First turn of assaulting a Reticulan outpost, decided why not annihilation bomb the first enemy in the entrance... and wow.  The walls are missing.  Absolutely worth stunning every one of those stupid possessed soldiers for the essence.

@Solarious Scorch I aim to please.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99 - 7 Jun - First Impressions
« on: June 17, 2016, 03:02:34 pm »
Hunter killer to a mansion mission? "You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought."

XPiratez / Re: Suggestions on how to improve the mod
« on: June 17, 2016, 02:58:57 pm »
I tend to disagree on the limited number of gals forcing me to use best all-rounder weapons - I think it creates a difficult choice, yes, but meaningful in that it makes me pick the weapons I need for the specific mission.  For example, I tend to assault landed supply ships with only the eight gals I can fit on the Pachyderm, each with a well-defined niche roll.  Up to four sniper/artillery weapons to clear the field, a melee scout or two for quickly silencing the baby nukers, and some heavier armor plus SMGs + shotguns for the boarding.  I feel that rifles, one of my go-to all-rounder options for pogroms, have little place on that mission, especially when power armor may be in the mix. 

I also don't think that having expendable gals means not bringing the awesome weapons - on the contrary, they can be the perfect testing bed for that new melee weapon or gun, and if they survive, they get put on the less expendable team due to stat gains.  With a endless supply of swabbie uber-mutants, you have plenty of room for heroes toting the strangest and most effective weapons you can muster.  In my view, with a smaller team you can't afford not bringing the big guns.

XPiratez / Re: Craft Weapons DPS Spreadsheet
« on: June 16, 2016, 08:39:03 pm »
I guess I should get an account to help with the 'pedia if I'm going to the lengths to do this.

For the accuracy differences, the weapon hit chance increasing with larger UFOs is a behavior from vanilla - so DPS increases for the low-accuracy weapons pretty nicely when shooting at large or very large targets.  The 10%-20% range are for your craft that have innate gun accuracy bonuses, like the Swordfish or Jetbike, or for any craft on which you equip a targetter in one of the light slots.

XPiratez / Craft Weapons DPS Spreadsheet
« on: June 16, 2016, 04:23:39 pm »
Got a little bored on public transit, and saw the need for updated information on craft weapons since the article is still in the queue for revision.  So here's a link for a spreadsheet I made to calculate DPS for the weapons, based off the 0.99 ruleset file, and assuming you're attacking on aggressive stance.

I included columns for the increased accuracy of some of the heavy-weapon toting ships, since I was partially make this to decide what early heavy weapon should go on my Swordfish, and whether or not it'd be fun to equip a Barracuda with the hyper-wave targetter.  In general, the DPS columns are more useful for the light and heavy weapons, with the exception of the plasma and fusion launchers, and the expected output columns are more useful for missiles.  There are also pages for looking at damage vs. different size targets, so you can make informed decisions on what you want to use to take down that cruiser.

Edit:  New sheet for modeling interception, up to date for pilot changes.

Edit: With my code addition of craft shields, determining the outcome of a given interception is no longer feasible without more direct simulation, so this spreadsheet is out-of-date and should not be used to direct your airgame.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99 - 7 Jun - First Impressions
« on: June 16, 2016, 02:38:49 pm »
As far as I understand, anything that uses hellerium will work for mansion missions, although I don't have any ship heavier that the Bonny.  The Pachyderm works great, as long as you've got the tactical chops to pull the job off with eight gals.

XPiratez / Re: Imperial Probe: The Dark Ones
« on: June 14, 2016, 01:12:33 am »
Got another one - the wands seem to stun all the possessed units in 2-3 hits reliably with high VooDoo power gals.  I used copious smoke cover too, it kept them on the ground for the most part.

XPiratez / Re: Balance of bows and bullets
« on: June 13, 2016, 03:26:05 pm »
I feel that bows are strong in that they combine the best characteristics of both sniper-style weapons and arcing-shot weapons, and are thus excellent at filling the roll of single-target long-range fire support.  I also think they are balanced by the fact they require four stats to be high to use well - TUs, stamina, throwing accuracy, and strength, and the fact that without AoE, arc-firing can be dodgy at certain angles.  Against armor though, there are much better tools - grenades, mortars, sniper gauss with high firing accuracy.

Remember your gals are uber-mutants, and anything that scales off of stats properly will be strong - just imagine the type of bow they would be drawing with all their strength, and it's no wonder weapons made for pureblood humans pale in comparison.

Troubleshooting / Re: Segmentation fault (core dumped) on starting
« on: June 13, 2016, 03:06:29 pm »
Hi buenaventura, here's another thread you might want to watch for more information on linux versions of OXCE+ (Meridian's version of the executable) and how it works with XPiratez.,4526.0.html

At this point, you should try compiling a fresh executable with the 0.5.1 libraries.  If you put the compiled file in the XPiratez folder, same location as the windows .exe file, you shouldn't have to specify the data folder - it'll search the correct directory automatically.  You should also specify the user and config file paths as "/home/Simon/Downloads/OpenXcom_XPiratez/user" - it's not always necessary to do so, since the code should search for that directory, but it may help.  The mod files are contained in the user folder, and enabling it will be in the options menu once you get the executable working.

XPiratez / Re: Imperial Probe: The Dark Ones
« on: June 12, 2016, 06:46:09 am »
Blowpipes worked well for me, weren't overkill like strong girls + pipes.  Those and wands of airlessness after softening up by well-placed HE grenades.

Also witnessed by first goomba stomp this mission, as well as some wonderful BS in corners blocking reaction shots asymmetrically.

XPiratez / Re: Piratez 0.99 TechTreeViewer (partial)
« on: June 11, 2016, 01:06:35 am »
Imeryak, I'm finding the site difficult to browse on mobile - the click and drag doesn't work for touchscreen, and zoom cannot be enabled - is there anything I can do to make this more mobile-readable?

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