OpenXcom Forum

Contributions => Playthroughs => Topic started by: Meridian on November 05, 2014, 12:30:20 pm

Title: [FINISHED] Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on November 05, 2014, 12:30:20 pm

 * Superhuman
 * Ironman (not the built-in Ironman though, I need the saves in case of crashes/malfunctions... it's a big mod you know)
 * No (throwable) explosives in the first 2 turns (banned: grenade, proxy grenade, alien grenade, HE pack, blaster launcher; allowed: HE ammo for heavy cannon etc., rocket launcher, smoke grenade) since episode #33, allowed again
 * Primed grenades can be carried ONLY in hand
 * No spoilers (I have virtually zero knowledge about the content of this mega-mod... and I would like to enjoy the "playing for the first time" effect... please don't spoil anything in this thread or in the YouTube comments section... thank you!)


Start date: 26th January 2015... every Monday, Wednesday and Friday

If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions or anything else, don't hesitate to share them here... preferably before the series starts.

Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on November 05, 2014, 12:30:34 pm
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: BPRoberts on December 29, 2014, 08:06:20 pm
No suggestions at the moment, but I volunteer for the cannon fodder first squad if you're taking names.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: yrizoud on December 30, 2014, 03:07:32 pm
Since a bit of time (Early December ?), the developments of OpenXCom have become incompatible with the maps included in the FMP. The issue is not trivial to fix (few people are able to edit maps), so I wouldn't count on it being fixed by 26 January.
To playtest, you will have to pick an older nightly build of OpenXCom. It might be safer to double-check with Solarius, to determine exactly which version you can safely use.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Bobby Buns on December 31, 2014, 01:27:17 am
Count me in. Private Bobby Buns, Reporting for Duty!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Hobbes on December 31, 2014, 03:09:59 am
Since a bit of time (Early December ?), the developments of OpenXCom have become incompatible with the maps included in the FMP. The issue is not trivial to fix (few people are able to edit maps), so I wouldn't count on it being fixed by 26 January.
To playtest, you will have to pick an older nightly build of OpenXCom. It might be safer to double-check with Solarius, to determine exactly which version you can safely use.

I've already posted on the FMP thread about this. I can fix the ruleset regarding the maps (no map editing is actually required).
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: ivandogovich on December 31, 2014, 06:16:16 pm
I've already posted on the FMP thread about this. I can fix the ruleset regarding the maps (no map editing is actually required).

Meridian has stated that he wants to take this blind, so he won't read the FMP thread.    Do you have a link for the post on the ruleset?
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Hobbes on December 31, 2014, 07:32:46 pm
Meridian has stated that he wants to take this blind, so he won't read the FMP thread.    Do you have a link for the post on the ruleset?

I only offered my assistance to fix the FMP ruleset. But if Solaris Scorch can't do it before this Let's Play starts then I can post a fix.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on January 01, 2015, 01:22:04 pm
Thanks for the heads up guys!
I have looked at the FMP thread (last two pages) and I understand that the problem is caused by a change in map scripting/generation. I will therefore use the nightly build from just before this change:

FMP: Final Mod

Happy New Year!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Random Commander on January 01, 2015, 09:30:45 pm
As a semi-vet player of FMP, I will respect your rule of not spoiling anything. All I have to say is you will have an interesting time if the bugs don't make it horribly unplayable!

Also, sign me up. I hope I get one of the big guns!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: TomasRiker on January 03, 2015, 06:37:10 pm
I'm so looking forward to this Let's Play!
Meridian, please add my friend "Saitov" as a soldier as well as myself.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Tetsu on January 21, 2015, 09:24:28 am
Having just watched your TFTD playthrough, and working on your Hawaii challenge, I'd love to join your squad for this one!
Though I would ask if you could name me "Tetsu_15" should you allow me in the squad, being my name on YT and in Ivan Dogovich's LP's :)

Looking forward to this one!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: the_third_curry on January 24, 2015, 05:26:30 am
I'll join this playthrough. I place my life expectancy at 3 missions, assuming I don't come off the ship in the 1st mission.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: ivandogovich on January 24, 2015, 05:40:58 am
I'll join this playthrough. I place my life expectancy at 3 missions, assuming I don't come off the ship in the 1st mission.

Hmm.. 10 less than your current record in my playthrough.  I think you should have better faith in Meridian than that! ;)
Cheers, Ivan :D

(Also: Can't wait for this to start!! Shoutout already in the can for Monday's Episode :)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: ivandogovich on January 24, 2015, 04:28:48 pm
Huge Congratulations, Meridian on this totally Deserved, Awesome Milestone!

I hope you feel better soon!  Can't wait for this series!

Cheers, Ivan :D
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: TomasRiker on January 25, 2015, 09:23:52 pm
Can't wait to see it!
Just like you, I have no idea what the Final Modpack holds in stores for us.
Good luck! I hope I'm part of your squad.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Mr. Quiet on February 21, 2015, 12:53:18 am
I was gonna wait to watch the series when you're pretty far in, but I just couldn't wait anymore. FMP is really awesome, and FMP+ is in the works now. Add me in if you have room. WeOwnTheNight or Mr.Quiet or Johnny, whatever you want Meridian.
Post by: Jstank on March 02, 2015, 06:52:45 pm
 :-[ :-[ :-[EKK the modsite is down someone didn't pay their bills. Where is another place I can find the final mod pack? :'(
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on March 10, 2015, 08:24:23 am
sign me up -> Jgatkinsn
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on March 10, 2015, 09:16:02 am
sign me up -> Jgatkinsn

And how is your name pronounced dear sir?
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on March 10, 2015, 11:20:38 am
Dear Commander Meridian,

I am inclined to here that you started a world wide recruiting Operation for special forces soldiers and weapon and combat specialists. Insofar all Information i was able obtain to is vage at best and the Operation seems to be Top Secret at least.
Now the rumors in the special forces community have also reached me, and i am hereby applying for your recruiting
procedures, as a Member of the "Kommando Spezial Kräfte" of the German Bundeswehr, with a Specialisation on Heavy
Weaponry and Small Arms (Rocket Launchers and Pistols) i like to apply into your program.

Please inform me of any steps i need to take in the recruiting procedure.

Yours sincerely, Private hellrazor from the ksk.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Tetsu on March 10, 2015, 02:13:07 pm
Commander Meridian SAH,

I've thus far been unable to work out your music, is it added in post production, or a mod for Open Xcom that I've not found? Seeking to mix up the music but don't particularly want to play my own over the game.

Captain Tetsu_15
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on March 10, 2015, 02:31:38 pm
@hellrazor: Willkommen Soldat!

Es gibt keine spezielle Prozeduren hier in XCOM!
Melden Sie sich in der Kaserne und Sie erhalten sofort die Ausruestung und die Bibel.

Danach sollen Sie sich persoenlich beim Kommandant Ravski melden (taeglich von 06:00 bis 06:30), er ist fuer "special forces" verantwortlich. Ich kann Ihnen nicht genau sagen was fuer eine Aufgabe auf Sie wartet (es ist streng geheim auch innerhalb des XCOMs, wegen Doppelagenten = Kenntnis nur bei Bedarf)... aber wir haben 2 unerklaerte Faelle in Suedamerika und Suedostasien. Das macht mir grosse Sorgen und ich will dass KSK sich darum kuemmert...

Viel Glueck!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on March 10, 2015, 02:32:36 pm
@Tetsu: it is the UFO: Cydonia's Fall soundtrack for OpenXcom, you can download it here:
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on March 10, 2015, 04:43:40 pm
And how is your name pronounced dear sir?

J. G. Atkinson
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on March 10, 2015, 05:23:45 pm
@hellrazor: Willkommen Soldat!

Es gibt keine spezielle Prozeduren hier in XCOM!
Melden Sie sich in der Kaserne und Sie erhalten sofort die Ausruestung und die Bibel.

Danach sollen Sie sich persoenlich beim Kommandant Ravski melden (taeglich von 06:00 bis 06:30), er ist fuer "special forces" verantwortlich. Ich kann Ihnen nicht genau sagen was fuer eine Aufgabe auf Sie wartet (es ist streng geheim auch innerhalb des XCOMs, wegen Doppelagenten = Kenntnis nur bei Bedarf)... aber wir haben 2 unerklaerte Faelle in Suedamerika und Suedostasien. Das macht mir grosse Sorgen und ich will dass KSK sich darum kuemmert...

Viel Glueck!

Jawohl Kommandant!

Werde mich pünktlich zur Stelle melden.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Tetsu on March 10, 2015, 06:48:25 pm
@Meridian: Thanking you very much for this, and loving the LP :)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on March 16, 2015, 06:45:14 pm

I noticed that you were fairly aggressive at building bases when you had a little over 2 million in cash, and I was quite surprised at how many bases you have halfway into your 3rd month.  Is your reasoning behind this predicated upon the more ufo's you can detect the more money you can make?  Seems like each UFO will net you about 1 to 2 million on average (except for the big ones) which could cover the costs of the initial base build.

BTW, really enjoying the LP and the tactical lessons.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Jstank on March 16, 2015, 06:57:45 pm,2503.msg25363.html#msg25363

This is my strategy when I play. I think meridian subscribes to the same train of thought.

Also happy 100th post to me and also promotion (and pay raise----and yaht hopefully...)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: ivandogovich on March 16, 2015, 07:02:42 pm
Yeah, I noticed the same thing, jgatkinsn.   I tend to be not as fast to drop bases down everywhere, but Meridian is an XCOM Jedi, so I completely trust his strategy!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Jstank on March 16, 2015, 07:03:58 pm
If meridian is the Jedi then battle bunny is the Darth Lord...
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on March 16, 2015, 07:09:49 pm
@jgatkinsn: it is possible to win with just one base (even in Hawaii) without shooting down a single UFO... you can see the proof in my other LP... you need to use graphs for overview and skyrangers for patrol duty.

But it is much easier to expand your radar coverage early and cash in on the additional UFOs you'll be able to detect... one or two UFOs already pay for a basic base (access lift, hangar, general stores and large radar).

Just like in real life, also in OpenXcom it's better to invest money (safely!) instead of keeping them on your current account. I think the optimum account balance in OpenXcom is about $500'000. Anything above half a million should be invested asap.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on March 16, 2015, 07:11:28 pm
Also happy 100th post to me and also promotion (and pay raise----and yaht hopefully...)

Congratulations to the 100th post to me as well ;-) Let's celebrate the pay raise together... I pay the first round.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on March 16, 2015, 09:10:58 pm
@Ivan - don't sell yourself too short.  If Meridian is a Jedi Master, you're definitely a Jedi Knight.  I'm just some padawan.  I've learned a lot from your LP's too.   Also, your presentation value is off the chart for your LP's.  I've gone back and started looking at your TFTD LP and can tell that you've taken great care to improve the quality of your LP's over time.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: ivandogovich on March 16, 2015, 09:38:19 pm
@Ivan - don't sell yourself too short.  If Meridian is a Jedi Master, you're definitely a Jedi Knight.  I'm just some padawan.  I've learned a lot from your LP's too.   Also, your presentation value is off the chart for your LP's.  I've gone back and started looking at your TFTD LP and can tell that you've taken great care to improve the quality of your LP's over time.

OMG.  I've re-watched some of the first episodes of TftD and I kinda cringe!  Yeah, I'd say that production values have probably significantly improved!   ;)

Yeah, but tactically, I've learned so much from Meridian!  His TftD series was mind blowing for me.  (and very timely as it improved my gameplay in my own TftD series).  His OpenXcom Hawaii series is amazing too!  I just learn so much everytime I watch him. :D  Some other players are more entertaining than instructive.  Y'know... "zerg"-tactics just aren't really my cup of tea (I'm looking at you, BattleBunny).  Nonetheless, fun to watch. :)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Arthanor on March 16, 2015, 09:48:47 pm
But it is much easier to expand your radar coverage early and cash in on the additional UFOs you'll be able to detect... one or two UFOs already pay for a basic base (access lift, hangar, general stores and large radar).
I used to always build large radars, because more coverage is better, right?

But in my latest playthrough, I've started looking at small radars. If you place them in the middle of a region, chances are that a UFO will patrol within the radar range. They have a better detection chance, they cost less and, most importantly, they are ready quite a bit faster than the large ones which means they start being useful earlier.

Do you think the extra coverage is really worth it?
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on March 16, 2015, 10:13:34 pm
@Arthanor: As far as I know small radar does not have better detection chances. Quite opposite, small radar has 10% every 30 minutes, large radar 20% every 30 minutes.

The rest is true, they cost less, they are finished sooner and they stack, so they are definitely a good use of your money.

As for the "middle of the region", like most of the players, I don't know exactly where the region borders are exactly, so it is hard to find the middle. Also I don't know the UFO flying patterns precisely, so I cannot judge if the UFOs will fly close by or not.

IMHO, small radars are useful... but large radars are better.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on March 16, 2015, 10:30:48 pm
@Ivan - don't sell yourself too short.  If Meridian is a Jedi Master, you're definitely a Jedi Knight.  I'm just some padawan.  I've learned a lot from your LP's too.   Also, your presentation value is off the chart for your LP's.  I've gone back and started looking at your TFTD LP and can tell that you've taken great care to improve the quality of your LP's over time.

I cannot write such nice and colourful odes as Ivan, so it sometimes looks like I am not "impressed enough". The opposite is true, I am one of Ivan's biggest fans... certainly in the top 10 ;-) He's doing it right!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Jstank on March 17, 2015, 12:56:51 am
Well hell if you all are jedi knights and masters that leaves me beeing....

Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on March 17, 2015, 01:13:24 am
@Jstank - mee so sorry!

@Ivan - I have to admit the most cringe worthy of the TFTD (besides losing almost your whole team on the first mission ;) ) LP is the sound.  Looks like you upgraded your mic, since then.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: ivandogovich on March 17, 2015, 01:26:42 am
@Ivan - I have to admit the most cringe worthy of the TFTD (besides losing almost your whole team on the first mission ;) ) LP is the sound.  Looks like you upgraded your mic, since then.

@jgatkinsn Its mostly a post production audio engineering that has made the difference there.  I already has my Blue Snowball when I started recording the LP, but learning how to remove the background noise with Audacity and sweeten the vocal tone makes a ton of difference. ;)

@ Meridian:  Sorry for hi-jacking your thread! ;)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Jstank on March 17, 2015, 02:49:49 am
The good Col. Is the Jedi Master of Thread Hijacks. A true professional!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on March 17, 2015, 02:55:01 am
 (best Ivan voice) This is not the thread you're looking for... Cheers  :D
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Arthanor on March 17, 2015, 06:22:38 pm
@Arthanor: As far as I know small radar does not have better detection chances. Quite opposite, small radar has 10% every 30 minutes, large radar 20% every 30 minutes.

The rest is true, they cost less, they are finished sooner and they stack, so they are definitely a good use of your money.

As for the "middle of the region", like most of the players, I don't know exactly where the region borders are exactly, so it is hard to find the middle. Also I don't know the UFO flying patterns precisely, so I cannot judge if the UFOs will fly close by or not.

IMHO, small radars are useful... but large radars are better.
Oh man.. must have been from a mod I have looked at. It would make sense as a kind of balance if the small radar had a higher success rate (and/or scanned more frequently). As it is, I'll have to go back to the common wisdom that large radars are better.. Especially since they come online at the same time as the hangar is ready any ways.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on March 17, 2015, 08:33:57 pm
I can't wait for the next episode to get released i wanna see myself in action. I hope i don't die immediatly.

Meridian one word of advice, why don't you use some tanks? The FMP should have decent collection of them and they are excellent scouts in open terrain.
Also useing the INVENTORY button in the craft equip screen let's you set the equipment for your soldiers prior to a mission, the template sticks even if you remove them from the craft.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on March 21, 2015, 05:10:51 am
Oh well, i am still alive :)
Even killed a Sectoid.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on March 23, 2015, 06:13:58 pm
Good Episode Meridian!
I am sorry but i will comment here, since i do not have google+ for youtube.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on March 24, 2015, 05:09:12 am
Hellrazor avenges me :)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on March 24, 2015, 10:37:36 am
Hellrazor avenges me :)

Of course i do. I am sneaky bastard. But obviously Meridian could have been able to avoid this death.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on March 24, 2015, 11:06:20 am
Of course i do. I am sneaky bastard. But obviously Meridian could have been able to avoid this death.

Maybe I could, but that's not the point of the LP, or Xcom for that matter :) Heroes die so that new heroes can be born...
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on March 24, 2015, 11:12:44 am
Maybe I could, but that's not the point of the LP, or Xcom for that matter :) Heroes die so that new heroes can be born...
But i don't wanna die! I wanna kill all aliens and this fucking alien brain. So earth can be safe. Guess cloning gets a new meaning here :D
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on March 30, 2015, 11:19:34 am
But i don't wanna die! I wanna kill all aliens and this fucking alien brain. So earth can be safe. Guess cloning gets a new meaning here :D

We'll get to that (brain) eventually. First we'll have some fun :-)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on March 30, 2015, 08:36:13 pm
Very glad to see that in this latest video, that I got a couple of kills.  My firing accuracy is so horrible, I wasn't sure how effective I would be.  It didn't help that big ole hand cannon I had even with my lucky first shot.  Hopefully, my accuracy will improve.  It was a good mission for everyone to see some action.  I think I counted something like 25 aliens so far (I'm sure that's low), and I haven't seen the end yet.  Anxiously waiting the next in the series and see how the mission ends.

BTW, do you know what kind of mission that was?  Would that have been an "alien raid"?
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on March 30, 2015, 10:14:13 pm
Alien raid mission has been removed, so it can't be that. From what the captured hybrids told me, I think it was some alien/hybrid meeting. But I can't say for sure. I could look it up in the save, once I return home (after Easter).
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: ivandogovich on April 20, 2015, 05:54:12 am
What an evil wicked sense of humor. Getting me all excited like that. :(
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on April 20, 2015, 06:18:22 am
Ugh.  You had me too.  I got so excited with the "new" feature.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on April 20, 2015, 11:49:33 am
What an evil wicked sense of humor. Getting me all excited like that. :(

I said I'm sorry, hope it didn't hurt too much. I promise I won't lie ever again.

But it looked awesome, didn't it? Maybe if I have some more time one day, I could try doing it for real... the changes on OpenXcom side would not be that difficult actually. The difficult part would be to update all mods with the required metadata... which would cause a lot of (small) initial effort for modders and poor initial mod support... which could result in poor acceptance or even rejection of the tool by the community.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Jstank on April 21, 2015, 05:31:50 am
Ehh Its worth a shot. I would say that if it can be done right (especially with the nightly) then more people will be able to enjoy the latest updates!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on April 21, 2015, 05:36:50 am

But it looked awesome, didn't it?

Yes! It did!  I was quite excited when I saw it.  I think it would be a great addition.  I started a thread a while back about making an external updater to make it easier.  However, inside the OXC would be great as well.

I'm certainly not mad about it the joke. I thought it was well played, myself!  :D
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on May 06, 2015, 09:00:09 am
I said I'm sorry, hope it didn't hurt too much. I promise I won't lie ever again.

But it looked awesome, didn't it? Maybe if I have some more time one day, I could try doing it for real... the changes on OpenXcom side would not be that difficult actually. The difficult part would be to update all mods with the required metadata... which would cause a lot of (small) initial effort for modders and poor initial mod support... which could result in poor acceptance or even rejection of the tool by the community.

Metadata will be required by mods as soon as new filehandling system is in, or so i was told.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: myk002 on May 06, 2015, 08:01:26 pm
Metadata will be required by mods as soon as new filehandling system is in, or so i was told.
not required -- old mods without the metadata.yaml file will still work as long as they are extracted to the new mods directory -- but if the metadata.yaml file isn't present, you won't get any goodies like tooltip descriptions in the in-game mods page.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: myk002 on May 07, 2015, 08:10:34 am
hey Meridian -- the next time a soldier dies, could you use my name in your LP?
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on May 07, 2015, 11:01:32 am
hey Meridian -- the next time a soldier dies, could you use my name in your LP?

Sure. I am a few episodes ahead, so it'll have to wait until approx. episode #50.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: myk002 on May 07, 2015, 05:42:22 pm
awesomeness : )  Thanks
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on May 08, 2015, 11:26:10 am
First I ordered him to go through a hailstorm of bullets armed only with a stun rod and a knife... arogantly repeating "Don't worry about it" three times! He got shot and wounded immediately, because of my ignorance. But he continued as ordered... and got shot again, poor lad, but still managed to stun that sectoid with the last strength he could gather. Then he was mercilessly set on fire, but he didn't give up and carried an alien (an enemy!) into safety risking his own life. I was about to send a medic, but he had only 2 fatal wounds, so I thought he could hold on just a little while longer... I forgot fire is doing damage per turn too :-( As he was bleeding to death and burning alive at the same time, he listened to orders without question and just stood there knowing the end is nigh. What a brave soul! At the end, his comrades saw he's about to die and tried to eliminate the last alien and end the mission even "against my intentions", but they couldn't hit the guy from so far away. A sad, but epic tale, which should never go forgotten. Mjolner will forever be remembered as a true hero and his name will be engraved on the very top of our memorial wall. R.I.P.

Episode #45:
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: myk002 on May 12, 2015, 04:29:33 am
Hey Meridian, I have a present for you.

Though if you want it, you'll have to pull it and compile yourself for now.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: ivandogovich on May 12, 2015, 05:03:54 am
Hey Meridian, I have a present for you.

<3 <3
Thanks Myk002!!

Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on May 12, 2015, 08:45:14 am
OMG yes myk002! i want this in the main branch right now!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on May 12, 2015, 01:04:34 pm
Hey Meridian, I have a present for you.

Though if you want it, you'll have to pull it and compile yourself for now.

This is really great myk002... thank you so much!  8)

If I may, I would have a few improvement suggestions:
1. I don't understand what does "Original Order" option mean... doesn't seem to be doing anything... I think it is not necessary and can be removed
2. I would suggest moving the sorting combobox on the bottom... make the [OK] button smaller and have them be next to each other, [Sort] on the left half and [OK] on the right half... this way we save space and can still display 16 soldiers per page instead of only 14... similar as [Memorial] and [OK] buttons on Soldiers screen
3. I would suggest to sort DESCending instead of ASCending... I want to see the best guys first, not the worst guys :) But I guess that's a matter of taste...
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: myk002 on May 12, 2015, 06:01:35 pm
1. I don't understand what does "Original Order" option mean... doesn't seem to be doing anything... I think it is not necessary and can be removed
perhaps this option needs a better name.  it restores the order of the soldiers you had when you opened the screen.

2. I would suggest moving the sorting combobox on the bottom... make the [OK] button smaller and have them be next to each other, [Sort] on the left half and [OK] on the right half... this way we save space and can still display 16 soldiers per page instead of only 14... similar as [Memorial] and [OK] buttons on Soldiers screen
yeah, that was where I had it originally..before I found out it didn't work : p  it /can/ work, but it will require a bunch of new code to get the combobox widget to show the list box above the button instead of below.  I'll work on that.

3. I would suggest to sort DESCending instead of ASCending... I want to see the best guys first, not the worst guys :) But I guess that's a matter of taste...
I did it the way I did since the guys at the top are the first off the ramp, so by default I put the "best" guys at the back.  I played around with some interface elements to allow you to choose ascending vs. descending order, but I figured I'd just keep it simple until someone complained.  If it helps, the list no longer resets to the top every time you make a change, so you can just scroll to the bottom and do the sort to see the best guys for each attribute.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on May 12, 2015, 07:02:26 pm
1. ah ok, now I see
2. ok... maybe in the meantime, we could move the [OK] button on the top ;-) would look stupid, but would save space
3. ok, agreed, since the scrolling doesn't reset everytime, sorting ASCending is also OK
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on May 17, 2015, 06:30:29 pm
Meridian could you stop letting me facetank Mutons?
I barely survived... but got 2 kills jeah!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: myk002 on May 18, 2015, 08:29:26 pm
I created a dedicated thread for discussing the "sort by" combobox so I don't hijack this thread ; ),3644.0.html
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on May 20, 2015, 09:13:55 am
Meridian could you stop letting me facetank Mutons?
I barely survived... but got 2 kills jeah!

<irony>Well, you are completely expendable (reactions below 56), so I am not too worried about your life. Not sure why I didn't fire you in the first place ;-)</irony>
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on May 20, 2015, 11:03:28 am
<irony>Well, you are completely expendable (reactions below 56), so I am not too worried about your life. Not sure why I didn't fire you in the first place ;-)</irony>

On another glance, how long am i wounded? I saw i had like 50% Health left with probably 2 fatal wounds. So i would be out for 2 weeks at least.

Well the real irony is that usually the guys with average stat seems to learn quicker :)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: new_civilian on June 11, 2015, 01:16:21 pm
Here a new follower of your LP! I really like your calmness when losing units, I wish I was that controlled.  :)
I am talking about LP 54 to ~56 when you stormed that golden UFO with the White Ethereals and that Commander type popped up, and 2 of your units got killed in one split second and it was not going down with 7+ hits.

*likes*  :D
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on June 11, 2015, 01:26:19 pm
Here a new follower of your LP! I really like your calmness when losing units, I wish I was that controlled.  :)
I am talking about LP 54 to ~56 when you stormed that golden UFO with the White Ethereals and that Commander type popped up, and 2 of your units got killed in one split second and it was not going down with 7+ hits.

*likes*  :D

Glad to have you on board! If you'd like a soldier, I will hire a new batch in episode #61... just say a name and you can die for the planet and glory.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on June 12, 2015, 12:30:20 am
Ey Meridian, did you run into any new Maps so far? ;)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on June 22, 2015, 12:02:58 pm
Ey Meridian, did you run into any new Maps so far? ;)

I think I saw one (Excavator) this weekend... pretty sweet.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on June 22, 2015, 01:12:04 pm
I think I saw one (Excavator) this weekend... pretty sweet.

Good to know :)
I will test some of my Labship variants i made in the coming days. Be prepared.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on June 26, 2015, 10:30:28 am

Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on June 26, 2015, 03:02:56 pm
One word of advise, handling Chryssalids. Kepp your Soldiers in open terrain and try to maximize your distance towards Chryssalids.

Also remember, you can always move 1 Floor up and shoot the stairs, so they cannot follow you.

You really needed some weapons with Autofire there, and probably play without UFO Extender accuracy.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on June 26, 2015, 03:30:11 pm
I have just underestimated them ;-) Well, the last one anyway.

The tips are all very nice and I agree with all of them except for Extender accuracy... without it the game is so stupidly easy it hurts.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Dioxine on June 26, 2015, 04:05:03 pm
Protip: Don't Let The Chryssalids Touch You :)

Seriously, the main problem is underestimating -or overestimating - them. Doing neither is hard. Their viciousness lays in how they scare you away from using optimal tactics. It's like the Napalm/Sarin classic: Use Sarin to force the enemy out of underground, to the open, and into high places. Then use Napalm, which works best if they are high up.

Example: let's take that tip with flying armor: sure, having 100% flying crew and keeping them in the air all the time will keep you 99% safe from Chryssalids (errors happen). It also means presenting the enemy with lots of easy fat targets for Heavy Plasmas and Celatids - flying soldiers are easy to spot. If you don't have any flying armor, a similar mechanic is still in play - you keep to the open, and avoid using smoke grenades. Which, again, can easily lead to heavy losses to conventional weapons. Both are the cases of overestimating Chryssalids due to fear.

Perhaps the only good tips I know about fighting Chryssalids are:
1. Never trust a grenade to finish a Chryssalid off.
2. Try not to kill Zombies during your turn unless you posess an overwhelming local superiority; better to kill them with Reactions or Proxies.
3. Never kill Zombies with grenades (non-proxies).
4. Retreat and consolidate if you have no superiority. It's unwise to fight Chryssalids in an otherwise "hot" area.

Oh yeah and before I hear a retort about "then just nuke the place". If your economic/technological/industrial base can support nuking every place, then there is no need to use any tactics. You've advanced to a point where you no longer need any tactics, and such situations are beyond the scope of any tactics discussion.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on June 26, 2015, 04:18:56 pm
Seriously, the main problem is underestimating -or overestimating - them. Doing neither is hard. Their viciousness lays in how they scare you away from using optimal tactics.

Exactly... I usually don't have any problems with Chryssalids, but this episode shows how easy it is to underestimate them... and I'm glad it happened on camera.

I usually use "local superiority" or HE packs (which work quite well; success ratio about 80%, even more if you land at least one hit on them beforehand). I didn't use proxies on them yet, because... well because I didn't use proxies at all... but I am slowly starting to like them, and I will definitely try them out. Thanks for the tips!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Dioxine on June 26, 2015, 05:50:17 pm
80% chance of success is fine and dandy... if you're forced to accept these terms, or if 20% chance of non-success doesn't carry a big penalty attached to it (like, say, likely zombification of 3 soldiers). Naturally both situations do happen - the real skill in my opinion comes from recognition and proper usage of sub-optimal, non-100% solutions (because optimal solutions are often too costly - eg. nuking, or exposing yourself - or simply impossible - due to lack of resources, as in weapons, but also manpower, stamina, time).

As for proxies, now that's an interesting topic :) Frankly speaking I don't use them much themselves (and included them in the "zombie problem" for argument's sake - a zombie killed by a proxy or Reaction spawns a Chryssalid with 0 TUs, while a zombie killed by a normal grenade set to 0, spawns a Chryssalid who immediately replenishes his TUs, because a normal grenade explosion counts as a part of your turn).

But I digress. In my opinion, vanilla proxies have too little payoff (and this is a matter of personal opinion - different people may value different things differently). The price of a proxy grenade is threefold:
- Non-immediateness (in case of zombies, it is an advantage, but only then);
- Tactic disruption, preparation (if used as a trap)
- Player's time (if used as a trap).
The payoff is - you can set up a trap. But it lacks the power of a HE Pack of Alien Grenade, so this is the only payoff. The power payoff is reversed, as such a trap would be less effective than a thrown explosive. Therefore, you're losing one major incentive for setting up a trap - achieving what would normally be impossible or very hard to. Basically the proxy grenade as it is retained its usefulness in clear-cut situations only, where a trap, any trap, is better than attacking - like mining entrances to an UFO - but sitting on your ass and waiting for the aliens to emerge is the price of player's time. Plus, if repeated, it will incur an economic penalty (less loot).

I've tried to breach this conundrum by changing the starting Proxy grenade in Piratez - increased weight and size (unimportant for their main role, but discourages using them in the role of a normal grenade), increased power (in an environment where an access to high firepower is limited), made it one of the cheapest, if not the cheapest, HE-per-buck explosive. I hoped to increase an incentive to use them by adding two payoffs that are the hallmarks of all good traps, which the original Proxies are missing - (1) more powerful than most other means (2) cheaper than most other means.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Jstank on June 27, 2015, 05:29:19 am
Some fan fiction for your pleasure.

Im enjoying this series immensely!

                                                                    G O D S  A N D  T I T A N S

                                                                             By: Jstank

The Sky Marshals engines burned brightly through the early morning sky. Those underneath knew not of the hope the two spots of light represented and some even ran in fear, thinking only of the lights to which came before it. A silvery monster had landed only hours before spewing dark demons into the city. Slaughter was indiscriminate and every passing moment became more terrifying than the last. Dark shadowy creatures and giant slimy figures with eerie toothy grins roamed the streets. Shooting and screaming ensued. Death came quick but didn't last. Slain carcasses lined the streets, then rose again to find new prey. It was high noon when the silver craft rotated its engines vertical and began its fateful descent.

Inside the sleek Sky-Marshal 10 heroes waited for the crafts giant garage sized back hatch to slide open. Images of a routine mission played in their head. The success of their predecessors gave them a false sense of security and confidence. In human circles, XCOM holds an immortal aura. Its members clad in the most sophisticated armor and who wield technology beyond their races age are regarded as Gods among mortal men whose purpose is solely to come and to devour man’s worst enemy. That enemy is the alien menace who threatens their very planet. However, even Gods have been known to be slain by Titans, and today one such Titan aimed to take his rightful place upon Mount Olympus's throne, and cast all who oppose him into the River of Styx.

The Black Demon, as he was later called was not born, he was designed. He needs not technology to accomplish his mission. A killing machine constructed for one purpose. He is fast and swift. His skin stops bullets and flying bits of flaming metal. His poison sucks the life out of his prey then just as quickly converts it into a being in an image of himself who then repeats its deadly dance with great efficiency. Deployed into areas of high population, the Black Demon moves like a plague. Those who are not converted to the true faith are left to terrified to fight, and then turn on each other as the poet Dante had predicted at the end of days. Experts agree he is the Devil incarnate. He is the Chrysalid.

The doors of the Sky-Marshel open with a great woosh. Hyper intelligent and well trained dogs of war galloped into battle. A great mechanical beast followed in their wake ready to dispense with great anger and vengeance those who opposed it. Within 10 seconds these weapons vanished from the field, leaving the Demi-Gods of earth against the great Demon and his master.

The battle raged to a stale mate. Commander Meridian had come to the realization that his weapons were not as effective as he once hoped. With his scouts and advanced mechanical steed slain, he was left with 10 against many. Commander Meridian, for the first time in his long and decorated carrier had flinched. A mere 25 seconds into the battle he nearly decided to "bail", and his decision to take on a lesser demon instead of concentrating fire on the real threat proved that his mind was shaken. But this shaken state only lasted for a fleeting moment. His instinct then overtook him, and he lead on putting his men to their graves. In his mind every less Chrysalid is an uncountable number of lives saved. The black demons got so close that they scratched the door of the gleaming Sky-Marshal, they closed to a range of no more than 10 feet. Then they advanced.

Face to face with the black demons precursor, a lumbering corpse, Fishfood, a rookie soldier unloaded his clip. It was in vain as at the same instant he was shot by his compatriot from behind. "Better him than me" muttered Gavin. "He could have killed us all!"

With the Sky Marshal clear, Cmd. Meridian ordered an assault on the decimated city. The men of XCOM threw grenades and shot hot bolts of Gauss through the thick rays of the afternoon sun. The fear that initially gripped them gave way to years of cool and collected training. They fell back on instinct; the Demi Gods marched on to its beat, put one foot in front of the other, took knees, lined up shots, took deep breaths and squeezed their triggers. The resulting unearthly scream releases dopamine to their brains. The mix of exhilaration, and adrenaline produced a high that is known to those who dance with death. But death is no stranger to these Gods, who will soon know that they are mortal.

One by one and step by step the rushing gush of the Black Demon wore on the soldiers gleaming equipment and armor. Their suites to which they drew their immortal vibe faded to dust with each passing rotation. The smoke was so thick it blocked their vision, and provided much appreciated cover to their adversary who lurked from within. It was as if the demons were charging down a slope against a flank of noble defenders who had left their spears at home.

Despite missing their spears, the men charged into the darkness and wildly spread their fire and bodies. One by one they were picked off by the black demon and their yellow faced keepers. The men soon found that the only thing more terrifying than a Chrysalid is a well-placed Snake Man with impeccable aim and a taste for human suffering.

Mathematics, which had propelled man to unspeakable heights throughout the ages now worked against them. The last demon on the field, drawing his demonic power from death himself became two then turned to three then to four. Exponentially they grew feeding on the ever decreasing number of foolishly brave and newly minted mortals who fell one by one to the dark conversion.

Respect is not given, and even between mortal enemies respect can be had. All shades of blood were spilt on this day. Both minds were shaken to the point of break, and both minds knew fear. But when the dust settled as the sun set in the western sky, the victor, exhausted, stood over the broken and bloody throne and sat in a pool of not only his enemy’s blood, but his own. As he gazed upon his newly acquired turf, littered with mangled bodies, he contemplated at what had been done.

The once gleaming Sky-Marshal, the symbol of the ultimate power of man, then limped into the setting sun with only a single Squaddie Herman at the helm. For this story will never be forgotten.  The blood seeping out of the silver bird’s crevices only serves as a permanent reminder that we are not Gods upon this Earth.

                                                - Based on a most excellent playthrough by Meridian!

Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on June 27, 2015, 10:42:00 am
Wow, just wow. I'm impressed and honoured. Great stuff JStank! Can we look forward to continuation of your LP soon?

PS: Btw. anyone knows what were the sounds at 58:40 and 01:01:00? It doesn't make any sense to me...
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: ivandogovich on June 27, 2015, 07:50:00 pm
Jstank......   That was amazing!!!  Thank You!!!

Cheers, Ivan :D
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: myk002 on June 28, 2015, 03:08:16 am
me dead : (  at least me no am zombie.  maybe me am brain feels not good.

PS: Btw. anyone knows what were the sounds at 58:40 and 01:01:00? It doesn't make any sense to me...
yeah, I was wondering the same.

on another note, though, that one guy could have missed the snakeman standing near him since sniper rifles have an accuracy penalty at close range.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on June 30, 2015, 02:45:10 pm
me dead : (  at least me no am zombie.  maybe me am brain feels not good.
yeah, I was wondering the same.

on another note, though, that one guy could have missed the snakeman standing near him since sniper rifles have an accuracy penalty at close range.

Better keep a close range weapon in the bagpack, a shotgun for example. If possible.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on June 30, 2015, 02:51:48 pm
Better keep a close range weapon in the bagpack, a shotgun for example. If possible.

Not enough strength... my soldiers usually start with strenth around 25-30 and have life expectancy of 1-5 missions.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on June 30, 2015, 06:22:28 pm
Not enough strength... my soldiers usually start with strenth around 25-30 and have life expectancy of 1-5 missions.

Then research Power Suits, they grant additional carry capacity, even thou i did not like that Solarius made them reduce Timeunits, which in my regard is uneeded and contraproductive, since it will put a rookie which has 60 TU (which is max) down to 45 TU, unless he changed this in the recent update.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on June 30, 2015, 06:25:44 pm
Yeah... Power Suits are late game tech in FMP... it will take a few months until I can do that... but I will eventually.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 01, 2015, 03:51:56 pm
Then research Power Suits, they grant additional carry capacity, even thou i did not like that Solarius made them reduce Timeunits, which in my regard is uneeded and contraproductive, since it will put a rookie which has 60 TU (which is max) down to 45 TU, unless he changed this in the recent update.

Well, there are the stormtrooper armours, which are only somewhat weaker but more mobile. :)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on July 05, 2015, 01:42:15 am
Meridian you could definitly have Hyperwave Decoders...
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on July 14, 2015, 10:52:45 am
Hello fellow meatshields,

I will take a break from recording for 5-6 weeks in August and September.

Don't panic, I will record enough episodes upfront and schedule them, so that you can get your bi-daily dose. However, I won't be able to consider your comments, wishes and useful insight during that time... so if you have anything you would like me to do, if you would like to enlist or transfer to a different base or just have some special wish... now is the time to say it.

Currently the last recorded episode is #75.
On this (18+19.7.) and next (25+26.7.) weekend, I will pre-record until episode #96.

Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: ivandogovich on July 16, 2015, 07:57:19 pm
Enjoy your Break, Meridian!!  Also!  Make sure you have lots of nice beverages to moisten your throat. ;)

To make it work, may want to trim back to 20 min episodes too. :)

Cheers, Ivan :D
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on July 31, 2015, 11:24:22 pm
Well i would be inclined to, here about the new Labship Maps, in case you encounter them. I wanna know how the new Routes/Nodes "feel".
Excavators are also worth a look. Plese let me know :>
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Mr. Quiet on August 01, 2015, 08:56:41 am
Add me in if you're doing that. Mr.Quiet is fine ;) thanks Mer!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on August 01, 2015, 11:28:02 am
Add me in if you're doing that. Mr.Quiet is fine ;) thanks Mer!

Are you kiddin me?  :o You're in for a long time, and have 12 missions and 6 kills already!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Mr. Quiet on August 01, 2015, 08:06:24 pm
Yeah I remember this series now. I stopped watching halfway through. Thanks Meridian!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Arthanor on August 02, 2015, 07:07:27 am
Hi Meridian!

With Ivan stopping his LP, I gave in and decided to start watching a "spoiler LP" (as I have never played the FMP). If it's not too late, I'd love to have a soldier named Arthanor.

Watching #4 now, pretty entertaining so far! Kind of cool to discover things through someone else's experience and I'm looking forward to learn some of your skills, especially on the strategic level! (1 base Hawaii?! Not something I'd manage!)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on August 02, 2015, 08:42:58 am
Sure, it will take a while though. I have pre-recorded a lot of episodes because of vacation.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Arthanor on August 02, 2015, 06:18:39 pm
No worries, I looked at the titles of the most recent episodes and it seems like you're making good progress but Cydonia is not quite tomorrow, so I'll bide my time.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on August 04, 2015, 09:29:36 am
Meridian, did you entcounter my new Labship Map by accident?
I wanna know how you stormed it. (Because i tried to counter storming it a little bit *GG*)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on August 04, 2015, 09:50:54 am
Meridian, did you entcounter my new Labship Map by accident?
I wanna know how you stormed it. (Because i tried to counter storming it a little bit *GG*)

Yes, I did, in episode #87 (called Suicide Bomber)... I didn't appreciate too much what you did to it TBH (no big door, single bottleneck, camping AI)... but maybe I need to play it a few more times and I will find a suitable non-cheesy strategy.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on August 04, 2015, 07:14:24 pm
Yes, I did, in episode #87 (called Suicide Bomber)... I didn't appreciate too much what you did to it TBH (no big door, single bottleneck, camping AI)... but maybe I need to play it a few more times and I will find a suitable non-cheesy strategy.

There is actually a second door on the roof, which you could use to storm it, if you have gear to fly.
What does TBH stand for?
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on August 04, 2015, 07:34:14 pm
tbh = to be honest

I had only one guy in flying gear, not enough for storming :/ also, I threw some proxies there, but nobody wanted to come out and test them :)
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on August 04, 2015, 07:48:11 pm
tbh = to be honest

I had only one guy in flying gear, not enough for storming :/ also, I threw some proxies there, but nobody wanted to come out and test them :)

Well it depends what kind of race you got, and the FMP has smaller crews. Maybe i need to optimize this.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on August 05, 2015, 09:58:51 am
Well Meridian,
i rechecked the new Labship variant routes, and one of the Maps had a bug, which prevented the aliens using the upper door to exit craft, since one of those buggers was constantly blocking the lift on highest level.

I also found some other bugs but the were minor. They should not only camp now. I did some extensive behaviour testing on this yesterday and:

In fact, they will now drop down on you when you are trying to enter the craft from bellow, as long as they have no flying ability, some may also wander the roof and snipe you from it.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on August 05, 2015, 10:14:05 am
Sounds cool. Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on August 05, 2015, 01:05:09 pm
I will take a break from recording for 5-6 weeks in August and September.

Don't panic, I will record enough episodes upfront and schedule them, so that you can get your bi-daily dose. However, I won't be able to consider your comments, wishes and useful insight during that time... so if you have anything you would like me to do, if you would like to enlist or transfer to a different base or just have some special wish... now is the time to say it.

OK, done, uploaded and scheduled for the upcoming weeks.

Ep #84: Gazer

Ep #85: Heavy Raiders
Ep #86: Good Job Everyone
Ep #87: Suicide Bomber (remind me to send hellrazor's soldier next time)

Ep #88: Medi-gas Grenades
Ep #89: Ethereals
Ep #90: Please Forgive Duncho

Ep #91: Pink Flying Goo
Ep #92: Nuclear Laser Weapons
Ep #93: Holodrones

Ep #94: Stromtroopers
Ep #95: Cerebreals
Ep #96: Waspites

Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Arthanor on August 05, 2015, 05:52:42 pm
Lost of variety in the upcoming episodes. Good thing I'm catching up :D

Enjoy the holiday!
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on August 05, 2015, 06:22:17 pm
Yes, thanks for keeping the LP addicts happy while you're away.  I hope  you get plenty of rest and relaxation.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: hellrazor on August 06, 2015, 01:32:24 am
Ep #87: Suicide Bomber (remind me to send hellrazor's soldier next time)

Didn't you find any other way to solve this? hm.. i guess ok so i will die at least once ;D
Can't wait to see this episode.
Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Arthanor on August 14, 2015, 04:39:37 pm
Hi Meridian,

I was wondering which music you are using? I watched the audio config part of the first episode again but it wasn't mentioned there.

Title: Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on September 08, 2015, 11:58:05 am
Hi Meridian,
I was wondering which music you are using? I watched the audio config part of the first episode again but it wasn't mentioned there.

Sorry for late reply, I somehow missed this post.

I am using the:
- UFO: Cydonia's Fall soundtrack... already from the beginning
- HQ Sounds (FMP version)... since it came out few weeks ago
Title: [FINISHED] Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
Post by: Meridian on November 04, 2015, 11:37:23 am
All things must come to an end... and so ends also the FMP LP.
You've been a great audience and a bold crew with noble goals and valiant efforts defending human kind against its greatest enemy so far.

Some of you had more luck, some less... and all the recruits now on memorial wall have made the ultimate sacrifice. This sacrifice was not in vain though... as it became a tradition already, for each dead soldier (not including the poor doggies) I've donated $1.

The final fight was VERY intense and is well worth watching:
 1. Cydonia, level 1 (69 minutes):
 2. Cydonia, level 2 part 1 (40 minutes):
 3. Cydonia, level 2 part 2 (25 minutes):
(Last part is scheduled for Friday, i.e. in 48 hours)

As for my plans for the future... don't worry... I'll be playing (Open)Xcom/Apoc for as long as there is someone watching and real-life doesn't interfere (Sidenote: we all miss you IvanDogovich...).

Next week the X-PirateZ LP will begin (,18.0.html).
Except for the first episode (studying Bootypedia), I will try to play a new tactical mission in each episode... probably making the episodes quite long. The game itself however is long (or so I've heard), and I don't want to play it longer than 9-15 real-world months.

There are also many other awesome things around and I will probably start playing more than 1 LP at the same time (starting in Q2/2016). Potential candidates (in the order of my curiosity) are:
 1. Hobbes' Redux (,19.0.html)
 2. Robin's Apocalypse TC (,3319.0.html)
 3. hellrazor's Expansion (,3550.0.html)
 4. OpenApoc (
 5. Solar's FMP+ (,2961.0.html)
 6. OpenTFTD

So much to play, so little time ;-)
