(commented on mod portal)
If we are talking customized firing modes, it would require OXCE already, right?
In which case, adding
sprayWaypoints (for LMG) and fine-tuning
kneelBonus and
oneHandedPenalty values (for all) would make it even better.
Thatnk you for help!
That is totally ok. 5 shots sould like 5 bursts, same as 3 shots sound like 3 bursts.
As in,
shots: 5
? But… the engine plays sound as many times as shots are fired anyway. So this works, but requires use of "shotgun pellets" to treat as one “shot”. This removes bullet sprite among the other things.
So more like
- type: STR_LMG
spendPerShot: 5
spendPerShot: 5
spendPerShot: 5
- type: STR_LMG_AMMO
clipSize: 100
shotgunPellets: 5
Then the number of shots is number of rounds ×5/5, which is the least counter-intuitive, right?
Also, game supports arc shots so granage launcher also may have 2 mods: linear shot and ark shot.
That would be weird.
Besides, one problem with guns that shoot HE is that it makes Rocket Launcher more and more obsolete. Unless countered by buffing armor a lot, especially on some units likely to be encountered before Heavy Plasma is available.
Not having aimed shot on GL already looks like an
obvious nerf aimed at this.
Making GL more versatile is only going to make this problem worse.
As to the arcing shots… they are pseudo-throwing, with variable strength (try arcing shot over a barn), not ballistic parables with fixed strength.
It’s fun, but not appropriate for
realistic believable GL.
On the other hand, modding mini-coilgun mortars (that can be used
only when kneeling and maybe only with aimed shot) could be fun. But that’s for another mod,
where all open air maps would be made extra-tall.