Author Topic: SCP foundation mod to openxcom  (Read 7879 times)

Offline Finnik

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Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2023, 11:45:13 am »
Bases and items:
1/ Separate stores for separate item types - ESSENTIAL;
2/ Reappearence of enemies in missions if the player lost base, where they've kept;
3/ Two-layers base builidng;
4/ Removing items from stores via events - ESSENTIAL;
5/ Items with expiration time - ESSENTIAL;
6/ Checking item's storage volume for events triggering - ESSENTIAL;
7/ Interchangeability of items in recipes - ESSENTIAL.

8/ Separate craft classes for hangars - ESSENTIAL;
9/ Dependance of crafts maintenance cost from usage frequency;
10/ Restriction of UFOs trajectories by land-only or sea-only.

Reputation - ESSENTIAL:
11/ A variable that could change depend of player's actions, blocking and unblocking something in dependance of it's value;
12/ Dynamic relations between factions when they're able to fight with each other or make an alliances against other factions or player.

Global variables:
13/ Tension - this variable reprsesnts global worry, concern and anxiety among the people. The more weird stuff happens in the world - the more people start to think that something wrong is going on, which could trigger events, missions etc. - ESSENTIAL;
14/ Influence - in-game currency that spends of various recipes, events and generally helps player gain benefits or simply keep situation under control - ESSENTIAL.

15/ Ability to place FOBs - mini-bases on globe with one or two unique fuctions and a custom markers for those - ESSENTIAL;

16/ Enemy-less missions where you should find and retrive something before times up or complete any other task not tied to enemies killing..

17/ Text scrolling in common Pedia articles (without scroll UI). This will help not only to the SCP mod but generally in localization of mods. You wouldn't crop translation text to fit it into screen if you can scroll it down a bit - ESSENTIAL;
18/ Hyperlinks for Pedia articles. Link is not shown until topic is opened.

I would say for FtA fork:
1/ I would never do anything like that personally, the whole game code architecture is against it. To do so, it should be done like in nucom (xcom2 for instance), but then modding would be more a coding, like it is there...
2/ Not interested
3/ bah, that's tempting. I'm not quite sure if I will manage, but I dislike the current game design. Stay tune =)
4/ doable, I want it too, but if it's in OXCE backlog, I'll wait, as I'm quite sure it will be done there in a different way than mine, so it will be a mess to merge...
5/ same, as items do not exist on their own in geoscape...
6/ ugh, more event triggers... =)
7/ same as Meridian answer
8/  :-X
9/ not interested unless you can show me how it helps FtA gameplay
10/ Actually, @Meridian, I would not say it is IMPOSSIBLE, although I quite understand that it is extremely hard compared to just usual messing with existing classes - RTS pathfinding do the job, for instance. I kinda tried to look at the math part, but my brain is too small for that =) But I feel there were tasks compared to this, like globe rendering or voxel calculations. I think, if TFTD devs would not be so lazy to do that in the first place, it then would be a part of OXC project too...
11/ easy and quite possible already - with custom counters. But I think for SCP it has to be done with some own UI, like it is done in Phoenix Point or XCOM 2, and it's kida not fit OXCE project philosophy (at my point, but it's not me who decide that).
12/ not interested
13/ done for FtA =)
14/ not interested. Also, @Meridian - why "Absolutely not if it has any influence on Battlescape"? We take stuff from geoscape in briefing to define it in BattlescapeGame, like shade and depth, what's wrong with that? Just curious.
15/ I think, you mean not something like bases, so, say, WH40k mod solution would not fit your ideas. I have pretty same vision for FtA, so I will do something like you want for FtA lategame.
16/ done in FtA with a lot of examples  ;)
17/ was not @SupSuper done something like that before? I also hate frame sizes from time to time because Russian text takes like 20% more space. Although, other games suffer it also quite often...
18/ also no

I'm merging OXCE new stuff to my fork, so it might help you =)

Offline Yankes

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Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2023, 11:54:29 am »
1/ This can be approximated by alien contained system as it can have multiple types.
10/ Indeed hard, but with some "corner cutting" in some way we could add some thing like this, minimal version would limit crafts/ufos landing to specific textures
13/ This is already done, Mission counters could work like this, probably more interaction with them is needed to fully realize all functionality
14/ Like previously, only thing missing is on demand use of this mission counter.
15/ Multiple types of access lift can do this, probably only thing missing is option to define icon based on access lift.

Offline Finnik

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Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« Reply #17 on: August 22, 2023, 07:58:20 pm »
10/ Indeed hard, but with some "corner cutting" in some way we could add some thing like this, minimal version would limit crafts/ufos landing to specific textures
Minimal solution is trivial and does not solve the problem. From our previous discussion via discord PM I can remember, that very special handling has to be done to check if we still have enough fuel to get back home. I thought it over and I think from modding perspective at least I can accept restriction, that such crafts (limited to specific texture) does not use fuel at all (or its usage is incompatible to aircraft jetfuel consumption). So if I would cut this feature to reduce complexity, that would be the first to go.

As for lift specific, again, via PM Discord with Osobist and after reading disdoc I think he needs very different class to be seen on globe, that does not use base code mostly, but has own special logic for new gameplayechanics...

Offline Osobist

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Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2023, 05:31:51 pm »
Sorry for being late to the party, I've just recovered from sickness.

About the stuff that FTA already has: probably I'd like to move onto it completely and/or make separate fork, but I still haven't enough expertise to do so.

About the specific wishes from the list - ready to discuss it in PM if needed.

Sorry for clumsy answer, haven't slept since my last shift.