ThePaleone is it possible with scripts or events to check the player's storage on certain day(s) every month and remove the lottery ticket if it is found, else do nothing?
If such a reoccurring check is possible and the script or event only pays out if an item of the expected type was found, this could provide the illusion that the event was being triggered by the item purchase.
That way it isn't triggered by an item being created so much as it is always checking for the item, but only displaying results to the player if they have purchased the lottery ticket. With the reality being the event was checking for the item at a regular interval without informing the player even when no lottery ticket was purchased.
Question is if better not add option for warning when you try sell som items like:
"Commander sentient say that we do not know purpose of this item, it would be wise not sell it"
I see what you mean, a prompt to warn the player would probably be enough in most cases.
If the displayed text is assigned to an easily configurable variable the mod creator could tailor the prompt's style to fit the theme of their mod.
STR_ITEM_SALE_WARNING: "Commander sentient say that we do not know purpose of this item, it would be wise not sell it"
Additionally it could also be used for items that are intended be sold but have an additional confirmation prompt displaying a reason the player may wish to reconsider.
For example, the player tries to sell an item called "Damaged Golden Treasure." and a YES / NO prompt asking if they want to sell it appears with the message "This item will sell at a fraction of its value in its current condition." to warn the player that they could in some way convert it into a more valuable item via manufacturing or some other method specific to that mod.