Author Topic: Cult Bases: Are they supposed to be this hard?  (Read 3450 times)

Offline Slaughter

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Cult Bases: Are they supposed to be this hard?
« on: May 15, 2020, 09:34:33 am »
I went to this Cult of Dagon base and they almost drowned me in bodies. Had a grenade launcher and a bunch of ammo (sadly, no way to buy some more), so a smoke grenade was pretty much what saved my team and allowed it to retreat to perfect cover.

Nabbed the perp I wanted, wanted to finish the mission finishing the opposition. A lot of them panicked, but kept fighting. I suspected those strange dogs of theirs and some higher ups didn't get scared. Even the "things" on their side did.

So I shot enemies. And more came. More and more and more. Eventually I realized that I had to run. Not only was my precious capture going into overstun all the time, my soldiers were losing their sanity and that meant their TUs were becoming quickly nil. Some of my men were also running out of ammo.

Interesting, guess that was what Sanity was supposed to be about.

And the enemy kept coming.

Bolted with no losses, the capture and two artifacts, and discovered, to my surprise, I had killed over fifty foes with five soldiers.

Hoooooly shit. Is that normal from Cult Bases?

By the way... Is it normal for stunned enemies that are not bleeding, to suddenly go into overstun?

Note to self: Next time I raid Cult of Dagon base, send high-SAN elites.

Enviado de meu moto e5 play usando o Tapatalk

Offline Alazar

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Re: Cult Bases: Are they supposed to be this hard?
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2020, 09:54:29 am »
You probably killed only have of the, Cult bases usually have 90+ enemies. Dagon boys being the easyest in my book.

Offline X-Man

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Re: Cult Bases: Are they supposed to be this hard?
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2020, 10:51:19 am »
Cult bases usually have 90+ enemies.

HQs on superhuman difficulty. Bases have about 50-60 bodies.

Offline HT

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Re: Cult Bases: Are they supposed to be this hard?
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2020, 03:39:05 pm »
You must treat bases as a generic FPS shooter: Kill everything that moves! Captures can be done after enough people have broken and/or you spot a leader-type enemy near you. Everyone else gets the bullet, especially monstrous creatures and the like since these don't suffer from morale damage. Once all of the latter are dead, keep shooting until the enemy surrenders. Don't bother using non-lethal weaponry with cannon fodder enemies.

Also, use explosives and avoid having one of your guys being killed, as that will increase the enemy's morale. Lastly, use the helicopter or better vehicle to bring as many people with you as possible.
The rubber bullets for the shotgun work well for captures, but I dunno if it is recommended to bring them during such type of missions, instead of bigger weaponry.

Offline vadracas

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Re: Cult Bases: Are they supposed to be this hard?
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2020, 04:01:46 pm »

The rubber bullets for the shotgun work well for captures, but I dunno if it is recommended to bring them during such type of missions, instead of bigger weaponry.

Bring non-lethal main weapons and grenades on one agent and have others with just a stun rod in their backpacks or something. You should kill every high-ranking enemy you can see but one of each type you want to capture since the high ranking enemies dying instantly breaks cannon-fodders morale.

Offline Bobit

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Re: Cult Bases: Are they supposed to be this hard?
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2020, 10:31:37 pm »
Surprised no one has mentioned the Osprey. After you unlock all cult operations/bases you unlock the Osprey which SIXTEEN agents. Don't try to do with eight soldiers what you're meant to do with sixteen.