Just to report some feedback...
I got some old sprite from Galactic weapon set from UFO2000, adjusted with Gimp, used HandObMaker to get HandOb and FloorOb by playing with options, lost my mind on palettes (btw thank you Meridian and ohartenstein23) and...
Not bad result, isn't it?
Have you loaded your source into Github / other repository with versioning system? I'd be happy to attempt to contribute to the code, or at least to report bugs (I got various crashes for "out of index")
ADD: by request, here's the bigOb/FloorOb/HandOb of that weapon. I'm uploading also the original Floor/HandObs from UFO2000 for comparison.
Disclaimer: if you are going to use them for a project, being it a UFO2000 derivative, it's under GNU GPL v2. *
* to check if sprites are on same license.