
Author Topic: Arming Nukes at the start of a terror mission.  (Read 1686 times)


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Arming Nukes at the start of a terror mission.
« on: March 20, 2020, 07:22:53 am »
Hi, not sure if anyone had explored this idea before in a terror mission.

Suppose you have an alien equiped with a bomb having wide area destruction radius. How do you get it to trigger its bomb, at the start of a terror mission? Also the Alien can randomly time the bomb’s timer, so the bomb can detonate at x min number of turns?

This terror mission type I am exploring is like terrorist aliens is holding a city hostage with nukes. You have to find and neutralised these nukes ASAP. Otherwise... game over. There is a timing factor in these terror mission types.

Offline Nord

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Re: Arming Nukes at the start of a terror mission.
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2020, 09:59:59 am »
Perhaps you can create ultra-powerful landmine, put them into terrain.rul and let timer go. But you need to not forget to write "hiddenOnMinimap: false" in this landmine, if you want to disarm them.


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Re: Arming Nukes at the start of a terror mission.
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2020, 04:17:19 pm »
Thanks for replying Nord.  I will put this into consideration.

 I was thinking more in the line of a grenade or high explosive type weapon but enhance to the point that it can smash half of the battlescape mission map. The Alien terrorist would have it in their possession in the Aliendeployment. At the beginning of the game, the Alien will arm and throw it on the ground, just like it throws a grenade. In this case here, it is not throwing at your soldier but a random square near to it. Then the bomb is armed.  From then on you have to find and pick it up in X turn. If not, half of the map goes and if your soldier is within the blast radius.. game over.

I am thinking in the line of having a self destruct, like a turret or item you drop into a ufo.rul. This item will have a percentage chance of arming and you have to get inside the ufo and disarming at X turn before the ufo turn inside out in a crash ufo or mission site. The reasoning behind this of a few.

1) add tension in the game that you have to disarm the bomb in X turn.

2) If bomb goes off and your soldier caught in the radius, tough luck.

3) Alien prevent you from salvaging valuable loot from their crash ufo.\

Still, if anyone can throw in ideas how to make this work without new coding. I am all eyes. Thanks.


Offline krautbernd

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Re: Arming Nukes at the start of a terror mission.
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2020, 11:56:13 am »
AFAIK there is no mechanic in the game that lets aliens attack (or throw grenades at) random ground tiles, with exception of base assaults (where they can attack predefined points on base facilities). Your best bet would probably be to go the terrain route and spawn them in that way. I don't remember if you can spawn enemy units with pre-primed grenades, in that case you could set the "explodesinhands" flag to true, so the "nuke" will go off either way.