Author Topic: I have found a way to make new cutscenes!  (Read 16476 times)

Offline DrakenJ35

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Re: I have found a way to make new cutscenes!
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2020, 08:05:21 pm »
That sounds great man, I'll try and see if I can come up with something that looks good as well! Right now, I'm stuck with a massive insurance estimation for some real estate in Cannes, but by Saturday, I should be done with it and will have time for ambitious projects at home.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 08:43:38 am by DrakenJ35 »

Offline Nino_the_Younger

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Re: I have found a way to make new cutscenes!
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2020, 03:40:20 am »
Better Ending for TFTD, maybe show Cthulhu wake up before he dies. Any kind of resolution would be nice, hopefully blending the xcom and lovecraftian themes already developed in the rest of the game. I'm sure whatever you end up making will be great and I look forward to seeing it.

Offline rbuck000

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Re: I have found a way to make new cutscenes!
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2020, 06:58:46 pm »
So atm I'm waiting to hear back if they can make event hooks to start videos such as prior to ufo detected a alert video we'll play in a mini window or as a overlay inside of a window similar to the air to air combat window.

So I have some  rough drafts made for events such as: ufo over city, fly by air to air contact , ufo attacks jet, jet from nato makes visual contact with  ufo in air , half done with ufo approaching  mountain base.  And mountain base hidden hanger hatch opening up and launching  I'm not sure what I wanna use as the intercepter or the skyranger models.

I'm useing the custom made ufo that look like the ones in the PlayStation lose game scene I'm trying to find new tricks and learn  how make more of like a Shakey cam as the jets and or intercepter sliders down in from top left to center screen and shake the camera with jet exhaust and cloud passes.

But as I said still trying to figure out how to trigger videos  and  figure out best way to process the audio sync in max timing

Offline _Raven_

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Re: I have found a way to make new cutscenes!
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2023, 11:23:28 pm »
I want to draw your attention to one unpleasant problem in the cutscenes.rul file.

The fact is that these heavy flc and fli files weigh so much that the game cannot fully load them in a second, resulting in the ogg audio track loading in a second and starting to work, while the flc or fli file continues to load for several more seconds and as a result, the video lags behind the sound by 3-5 seconds (especially on weak devices, especially on Android). We need you and other developers to do something about this lag between video and sound in high-quality fli and flc cutscenes.

We need to fix this by writing a special animation playback algorithm, that is, the game needs to either first load the flc file and then the ogg file and only after that the cutscene starts playing, or the second option, the ogg file is loaded first because it is lightweight and weighs little, then a special algorithm must pause the ogg file and not allow it to play until the flc file is completely loaded, and after this algorithm sees that both cutscene files are fully loaded and ready to play, then the algorithm simultaneously removes the lock from both files and the cutscene starts.

It is impossible for both ogg and flc files to load at the same time, a large flc file does not have time to load as quickly as a small ogg file and as a result we see a lag between the video and the sound for several seconds, this is very unpleasant to watch, that’s why I divide my cutscenes into small pieces lasting no more than 30 seconds, and gluing and loading every 30 seconds or even 10 seconds is very unpleasant, but when the video lags behind the sound by 5 seconds it is even more unpleasant.

I also wanted to add that flc and fli files are very heavy (1 second 1MB, 1 minute video 60MB), it’s bad that you don’t have a programmer who would develop various useful programs for OXCE (for example, a program for converting mp4 to flc like Video_Mach_Pro_Portable or an existing program improve and create some kind of flc file encryption codec that would be able to compress files several times and make them several times smaller and easier for the game to read these files.

Please do something with the cutscenes.rul file and prevent ogg or wav files from launching before flc or fli files.

I am made such high-quality cutscenes with high fps and excellent quality, but they are very heavy, take up a lot of space and take a very long time to load when the cutscene starts, and also, as luck would have it, the sound starts playing 5 seconds before the video loads.