
Author Topic: Warboy1982 Fork  (Read 16267 times)

Offline michal

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Warboy1982 Fork
« on: October 25, 2012, 08:10:00 am »

Just noticed it on github:

Looks like he's doing some crazy stuff :D
all missing alien races re-implemented, including Chryssalids, and their evil powers.
terror missions at military bases (new map type) with military personnel (new unit type) with flashbangs and all mundane weapon types available
plasma blade (alien combat knife), disruptors (alien laser tech) and gauss guns (alien AP tech) - aliens spawn with them - researchable, manufacturable
flashbangs - explode immediately, no priming, reduces reactions, accuracy and detection radius for 2-3 turns
sped up all projectiles by a factor of 2
heavy weapons will only be issued to soldiers capable of using them (weight > 10, strength > 35)
added police, they will show up as local law enforcement on terror missions and actually fight aliens
incendiary grenades
stun grenades
combat knife
grenade launcher with arcing projectile
flamethrower with area of effect
shotgun with multiple simultaneous projectiles
full automatic fire mode for selected weapons (5 bullet auto fire)
sniper rifle replaces heavy cannon
combat armor added, purchasable from buy interface
power armour replaced with re-coloured TFTD ion armour
flying armour helmet graphics altered
inventory screens for all new/updated armour
left handedness now graphically represented
dual wielding now properly represented on battlescape
soldiers, if issued with pistols, will grab a melee weapon in their left hand, if one is available

Offline bazik

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Re: Warboy1982 Fork
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2012, 08:44:17 am »
interesting.. maybe took to master part of original stuff he implented and modded features to separate folder like first openxcom mod  :)

Offline michal

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Re: Warboy1982 Fork
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2012, 10:48:10 am »
My soldier is testing some new stuff ;)

Offline luke83

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Re: Warboy1982 Fork
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2012, 11:41:11 am »
Crazy Stuff , i love crazy stuff!  Is this gy a member on the forums or what?  Half the stuff this guy has mentioned is what i have been dreaming about 8)

Can you make a movie of what he has done?
« Last Edit: October 27, 2012, 11:44:04 am by luke83 »

Offline michal

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Re: Warboy1982 Fork
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2012, 08:36:16 pm »
Is this guy a member on the forums or what?

There is no registered user with such nick. Pity. I would like to read his plans / vision, etc ;) I wanted to contact him, but there's no way to send pm on github anymore.

Can you make a movie of what he has done?

Sadly, i don't have time for doing that. But anyone can compile his fork and try it, just download his repo (use zip button):

I've commented his last commit on github. I suggested he could write something about his fork on forum ;)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2012, 08:38:54 pm by michal »

Offline Warboy1982

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Re: Warboy1982 Fork
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2012, 09:32:14 pm »
uhh.... hi?

basically my plans/vision are as follows:
make Xcom more awesome.

i'm a modder since waaaay back in the doom days, i'm never happy with vanilla.
i started playing with my xcom, but hit a brick wall trying to accomplish some of the more... daring things, after extensive googling, i came back with a bunch of awesome graphic replacers and map replacers and so on, but still wasn't happy. replacers aren't enhancements, they're.. replacements. i wanted that grenade launcher to arc it's shot, i wanted that shotgun to fire buckshot, i wanted that flamer to set things on FIRE!

right now i'm toying with the idea of adding weapons mounted on fighter/transport craft to act as stationary turrets in missions.
also a sattelite defense network, basically an extra base with free planet wide hyper-wave decoding, quadruple transit times, no possibility for manufacturing facilities, no hangers. - maybe a new map type.

the more i do, the more i want to do.

please note: i am taking requests.

there is a compiled version available here, including all the relevant game data (but only the ones i've edited/included, not the whole set) up-to-date as of time of writing:

latest additions:
third map type for terror missions: now has commercial, residential and military base.
researchable disruptor and gauss cannons for hovertanks and crafts
complete armour rework
complete weapon damage workover
hovertank turret placement fixed.
snakemen slither!
added Guardian class interceptor (costs more, is better, funky new sprite(when i can touch dogfight code)
tweaked lightning to be actually good
set avenger to have one weapon slot only, hybrid transports don't get to be effective fighter craft too, sorry.

and some... promo? images:

Offline luke83

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Re: Warboy1982 Fork
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2012, 11:03:34 pm »
Welcome to the fourms!

Wow  your taking requests , expect a few hundred requests from me :P

 I cant program and i i don't get this "Fork" thing but i will your work be merged with the official stream one day OR will it always remain a separate project?

Welcome to the forums , its always good to see a Veteran  modder around , i have only been doing it for 12 months and since i cant write code i am limited to what others can do for me.
Look forward to seeing you around ;)

Offline Warboy1982

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Re: Warboy1982 Fork
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2012, 02:40:49 am »
90% of what i'm doing here will likely NOT end up in the official build, as it is mostly added/altered features.

i could maybe push the draw routines for the aliens and hovertanks, and the bug fixes for original routines, maybe the chryssalid behaviour, but i'd like to make it more mod-friendly tho, right now i'm using hard coded checks for creature names, which isn't BAD, but i'm also using hard coded values for setting up new mobs. this will cause a crash if chryssalid and zombie aren't defined in the ruleset, and wouldn't allow for, any new mob with this ability to turn people into anything BUT chryssalids and zombies.

however, i have made DRASTIC changes to the rulesets, altered things like frequency of terror missions popping up, how alien loadouts are assigned (i'm picking weighted random sets), and if you try to use this with a vanilla dataset, it will be all kinds of broken.

if this were my project, the current implementation would be completely unacceptable, and i wouldn't allow it, but i'm focusing on making new, non vanilla features, so pushes to the master are low to no priority.

also, as i'm doing all of this as a learning excersize (i'm completely new to C++) i'm sure there's a lot of sloppy routines and unnecessary calls, poor optimization, and nowhere near enough commenting.

so for the foreseeable future this will be a seperate project, if the routines pass muster, i'll make a seperate fork to implement bugfixes, but my focus will be on finishing this. i AM, however adding all the fixes/adjustments that other people are working on, so i guess consider it an alternate version? hmmm... i guess a good word for that would be a fork, as in, a fork in the road.

honestly i never really intended to release this, it was just for me and a friend. i just set up github so i could keep track of what i was doing. but you internet people...

so basically what i'm saying here is, if you like this mod, and can think of something cool to add, let me know and i'll try to add it, if there's a problem, with a new feature, let me know and i'll try to fix it. if there's a missing vanilla feature, or a problem with a vanilla feature, let someone else know, and the fix will be added to this project in due course.

Offline SupSuper

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Re: Warboy1982 Fork
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2012, 07:48:55 am »
honestly i never really intended to release this, it was just for me and a friend. i just set up github so i could keep track of what i was doing. but you internet people...
Blame michal, he'll track down anything Xcom out there like a hound. ;) (if it wasn't for him OpenXcom probably would still be hidden...)

Anyways this is pretty cool, I was wondering when something like this would happen. It's nice to see someone just go totally nuts with the OpenXcom codebase without leaving me sweating with a huge pull request on my hands. :P I'm sure a bunch of it can be useful and later integrated into main OpenXcom, but I'd rather that be done properly and in due time.

Plus you seem to be satisfying a lot of the community's crazy dreams. Keep up the good work. :)

Offline michal

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Re: Warboy1982 Fork
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2012, 07:52:17 am »

Welcome to the forums ! I'm glad you decided to join :)

Your project is very interesting. Keep us informed in your progress ;)

Offline Yankes

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Re: Warboy1982 Fork
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2012, 12:08:56 pm »
Great, first full mod of OpenXcom :D
Keep up the good work. :)

Offline michal

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Re: Warboy1982 Fork
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2012, 09:36:30 pm »
Cult of Sirius? :) So basically, this will be all x-coms combined ;)

Offline michal

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Re: Warboy1982 Fork
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2012, 06:22:06 pm »
Please continue discussion in this thread:,731.0.html