
Author Topic: [Suggestion] Class / armor based locked / nerfed equipment.  (Read 2339 times)

Offline mumble

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[Suggestion] Class / armor based locked / nerfed equipment.
« on: November 12, 2018, 08:57:13 pm »
I dont think this is currently added, but what if certain classes or armors had certain checks with equipment for usage? Maybe certain classes or races can only utilize certain equipment, forcing you to use them, or certain weapons required certain armors to use, or just faced nerfs if used off the optimal armor (like a smart gun which requires integration with cyber armor to be used to full effect, or a psi item which can only be used by certain races).

I could see this making a psudo class system a bit more possible, as currently it seems items only have stat checks, or armor integrated weapons, but what if this system could make things better than current means? I think this simple change would add lots of modding potential.

Certain psi abilities locked per class, certain guns better with certain units, stats aside, and armors being necessary for some equipment.

I think its relatively small, giving the ability for armors and classes to have tags for (item type specialty) and giving items either a hard lock (cannot use if not specialized) or soft lock (can use, but nerfs to aim, damage, or whatever other scripts)

Could even classes / armor a soft / hard lock per equipment, so maybe most classes cannot use something, some can use it in effectively, and others can use it as its intended.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2023, 09:47:45 am by Meridian »