
Author Topic: Game development in need of help  (Read 10145 times)

Offline pmprog

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Game development in need of help
« on: October 17, 2012, 05:16:13 pm »
In my quest to actually get myself coding again, I'm thinking of building an XCOM-type game, but more akin to The Two Sides. So designed for something like 1 to 6 players.

It'll have a geoscape, and a basescape similar to XCOM, where you build bases, research tech, find and destroy your opponents. Though I was thinking of something different for combat, though I'm not sure what yet.
I was also thinking of having seperate "continents" that each sell different tech (with some overlap) and at different prices, with different delivery times based upon distance to the base etc.

I don't mind "shrinking" the game if it starts to look too large

On a tech level, I'm planning this as a 3D game (I've started coding in C++ using Irrlicht, and have an early basis for the Geoscape. I'll get a YouTube vid up when I get home). However, I'm quite new to 3D programming, and my network coding isn't great, so I'm quite open to some changes.

There's not really much set in concrete yet, but if anybody is interested in helping on any aspect of the game, feel free to reply or PM me.

Offline michal

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Re: Game development in need of help
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2012, 09:48:46 pm »
Open Source?

Offline pmprog

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Re: Game development in need of help
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2012, 10:22:38 pm »

Offline michal

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Re: Game development in need of help
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2012, 08:52:06 pm »
Nice job, keep us informed :)

Offline pmprog

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Re: Game development in need of help
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2012, 10:05:56 am »
I need some help. I've got these two functions for converting cartesian to polar and back again. The Polar To Cartesian (GetLongitudeLatitudeOffset) works fine - as can be shown if you run the project, the "indicator globe" shows where the mouse intersects the world), but when I convert it back to Longitude and Latitude (GetLongitudeLatitude), I get a different set of results

Any ideas?

If you want to compile and run it yourself, you need to grab a copy of Irrlicht

Offline pmprog

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Re: Game development in need of help
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2012, 02:47:14 pm »
Okay, so I've been fixing up my geoscape. Finally got it running smoothly and interacting with the mouse.

Some basic game mechanics I was thinking:
# There are 4 types of base - land/surface, land/underground, water/surface (think oil rig), and water/submerged
# "Mining" facilities for bases to extract minerals and water. Both used for driving different forms of technology
# Standard weapons, but then research new weapons based upon what minerals you've mined (or acquired from base raids)
# Weapon modifier research. A few ideas include - biometrics (weapons can only be fired by the team that owns them), laser sights etc.

Offline luke83

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Re: Game development in need of help
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2012, 12:09:18 pm »
"Though I was thinking of something different for combat, though I'm not sure what yet."

Maybe Simultaneous combat instead of turn based ( no not real time, issue orders for a small amount of time and see how it plays out before you get to give new orders) , just a thought i was having lately for Openxcom :P
« Last Edit: October 29, 2012, 12:53:27 pm by luke83 »

Offline pmprog

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Re: Game development in need of help
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2012, 12:51:51 pm »
Okay, time to flesh out some of the design for you. The game might work more like DefCon than XCOM. I was thinking of base raids etc. but in order to keep the game flowing, probably need to be realtime, so a very basic system. But that'll come later if I think it's needed

# You build bases over the world
# Each base can mine (gain income), house craft, weapons/supply, labratories and workshops
# Additional radar stations can be built on the geoscape - both "regular" and "stealth". Regular shows to all players immediately, stealth have to be uncovered, like bases

So each player starts with a fixed amount of money. From there they can spend it as they wish (any number of bases, none if they want), and they click Ready. When all players are ready, the game begins, and income is generated from mining facilities within bases.

You will be able to buy two types of craft at the start - a fighter and a bomber.
# Both craft can be used for visual confirmation (fly it over a surface base, or stealth rader to uncover)
# Bombers have no air to air weapons, and are used for bombing bases and radars.
# Fighters carry air to air weapons only

Aerial combat will consist of a view where all craft engaged in the conflict are lined up at the bottom of the screen. All your opponents' crafts (you may have more than one opponent in aerial combat) will be lined up across the top of the screen. Combat will be realtime, and you'll technically be able to have several dogfights at the same time (just to keep things interesting). You can also send addition craft into the fight part way through etc.

In the dogfight, you'll be able to select which enemy to target, which weapon to fire (if your craft has more than one), when to fire, bank the craft, and barrel roll. I'll probably need some basic AI options too like Aggressive and Evasive, so if there's a couple of battles on, you're not getting totally overrun. We'll see on that bit.

So the idea is you command each of your craft, dodging incoming fire and shooting your opponents down, but making it possible to be a bit of a mad free-for-all.

I think combat will work really well, I just hope I've explained it well.

My next plan is building a prototype of the combat only, so maybe a few people might help me playtest it when I've got something running. Once that's running and is fun, I'll look to combine back the rest of the game and add all the nice features like craft and weapon research etc.

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Re: Game development in need of help
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2012, 11:01:11 am »
Attached is my concept of the dogfight. Combat will be realtime. The UI will probably be changed a bit to make it easier to change what each craft is doing, and targetting etc.

Should give you some ideas on how it's going to look though.

BTW - Whilst the dogfight will appear to the player as all craft facing theirs, All players can target all other players, missiles and bullets will only appear to players whom it affects. (ie, Mark shooting Fred in the mockup, won't appear in the current player's screen, only on Mark's and Fred's).

Edit: 2nd mock up added
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 05:07:08 pm by pmprog »

Offline luke83

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Re: Game development in need of help
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2012, 10:53:28 am »
TBH, there's enough free stuff out there, that you're just adding an unnecessary necessity  ;) Even if it doesn't suit immediately, it can place-holder until a 3D artist jumps in.
Geoscape will work similar to X-Com. You'll create bases - though you can build on land, sea and underground/underwater. You will have to "mine" resources (basically a "base facility", which extracts minerals/water at a fixed rate). You could also build satillites and radar stations that will pick up crafts and detect bases.
If you saw my last post in my game thread, there's two screen shots, combat will support a number of craft, from multiple players. The plan was this was going to be real-time, so players had to switch between geo and combat (or even several combats). Flicking back to geo would allow you to launch new craft, that can join any existing combat as well as intercepting other craft. Thus you could have several players, each with several craft, in a single dogfight. I wasn't planning a "squadron" as such, but multiple simultaneous launches would effectively give you that.

I wasn't sure whether to add an X-Com tactical section to the game, as the rest of the game has to run in real-time for the players "outside". So I was thinking two craft types, fighters and bombers - you send bombers out to destroy bases and radars, and fighters to escort/defend them and shoot down opponents' crafts

The real-time elements could be removed if the game was limited to two player, but I kind of like the idea of massive dogfights.

Maybe my idea is actually a bit too different from what you were planning. In which case, I apologise for the derailing of the thread

OK so Geoscape Only game ( at least at this point) with fast past action , sounds good , thought a little different to the MOD i will most likely never make of OXC ;)

The idea is pretty good, however i am wondering how CRAZY it will be on screen trying to issue orders across several units around the globe , i  guess i will need to wait to a trial run to see how you the player will manage so much going on. Maybe the aerial combat going on in my head have a few more people involved than your thinking.

So  ideas , Movable Anti Aircraft weapons and basic infantry unit  ( for raiding deep underground structures).

Looking forward to a prototype :P

So it looks like your going modern aircraft , maybe a unique world  EG, Techno-Fantasy world, Wizards riding dragons fighting WW2 planes ( You did say crazy ideas ), that would make it pretty unique and give plenty of scope for story. Oooo the things that pop into my head :P

« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 11:00:33 am by luke83 »

Offline pmprog

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Re: Game development in need of help
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2012, 12:28:29 pm »
OK so Geoscape Only game ( at least at this point) with fast past action , sounds good , thought a little different to the MOD i will most likely never make of OXC ;)
Yeah, I was originally planning with the tactical section too, but if it's more than 2 player (which is intended), then players in tactical combat are severly disadvantaged to the others.

I did wonder about something similar to FTL (Faster Than Light), if you've played that? Combat is primitive, but quite enjoyable, it would also keep real-time, but hopefully not too complicated.

The idea is pretty good, however i am wondering how CRAZY it will be on screen trying to issue orders across several units around the globe , i  guess i will need to wait to a trial run to see how you the player will manage so much going on. Maybe the aerial combat going on in my head have a few more people involved than your thinking.
It'll (hopefully) be easier than you think. I'll provide hotkeys so you can jump between active dogfights and the geoscape (probably the F keys), then selecting your craft will be the number keys. I don't see it being any more difficult than any other RTS where you've sent several clumps of units around the map, and you bounce between them and your production facilities.

So it looks like your going modern aircraft , maybe a unique world  EG, Techno-Fantasy world, Wizards riding dragons fighting WW2 planes ( You did say crazy ideas ), that would make it pretty unique and give plenty of scope for story. Oooo the things that pop into my head :P
Well, the latest 3D model came from OpenGameArt, and interestingly enough, was labelled that it was in one of the UFO remakes. I can't remember which one, off hand.

Whether I retain that model or change the visual style later, I'm not sure. I guess that depends on what art I have available