EDIT by Meridian: for future readers, questions are about OXCE, even though the thread is in OpenXcom section
1. I want to display a Ufopaedia page after a successful mission. I wanted to use alienDeployments...unlockedResearch, but these posts:
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4187.msg79243.html#msg79243 https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5227.msg78149.html#msg78149 say it won't work. Does it still not work? If no, will creating a mission victory slideshow work?
2. Is there a limit to missionScripts...startDelay ? What happens if the conditions for researchTriggers change, for times over 1 month? For example, startDelay is 100 000 (over 2 months) and researchTriggers has STR_THE_MARTIAN_SOLUTION: false, but I discover STR_THE_MARTIAN_SOLUTION in the meantime. Does the mission execute 2 months later or not?
3. I want to make a mission about chasing an enemy in a crowd of bystanders. Is it possible to create a mission where enemies don't deliberately shoot civilians? (Collateral damage is fine, but the enemy only targets X-COM, it shouldn't be distracted.)
By the way, how do I set civilians' aggressiveness toward the enemy?
4. Did anybody ever make collapsible weapons? What I mean: an object in backpack has 1x2 size, when placed in hand it changes the sprite and becomes 2x3, when placed to backpack it becomes 1x2 again. Or, at the very least, it stays 1x2, but its sprite changes when in hand. Do scripts allow anything like that?
5. Is it possible to inflict damage with all thrown objects? For example, throw an empty gun at an enemy and remove several hit points? If this would require rewriting each object as a weapon, can it be done with guns too?
6. How is energy consumption calculated? How to set actions different from the formula Energy Used = INT( TUs_Used / 2^X ) where X = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4... ? I want to create a unit that would throw grenades with great range and precision, but at the cost of energy.
7. Is it possible to create a unit that surrenders at the end of the 1st turn?
And the questions I forgot:
8. Is it possible to make a two-step research: where the after-mission report is short and partially incorrect, and further investigation in the lab replaces it with the correct one?
9. Some terrain tiles explode, when hit by bullets, some catch fire, some do neither. Where to set it?
10. Timed missions: turnLimit and chronoTrigger. What can happen with the loot when turns run out, but both sides are still alive, conscious and can fight? Do enemies surrender if ChronoTrigger = 2? I want to keep the corpses and stunned ones and their possessions, but lose the ones, who escape quickly enough, and their possessions. So that a player can choose to risk for a large gain or just wait it out for zero gain.