
Author Topic: Reward for autopsy  (Read 6285 times)

Offline Callahan

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Reward for autopsy
« on: April 08, 2018, 12:23:07 pm »
I would welcome a feature that will increase ranged/melee weapons damage for all units where the autopsy has been researched.
Like: "You learned how to best target the XYZ for maximum damage".

I usually research the autopsies last, as I know which ones are useless at least at the 2nd play of a game.
That is quite a bit sad to have a lot of research that players can discard as there is no benefit.
I think it would also be realistic to improve the soldier performance verus enemies that are well known to them.

Offline cptelerium

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Re: Reward for autopsy
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2018, 10:46:29 am »
I would welcome a feature that will increase ranged/melee weapons damage for all units where the autopsy has been researched.
Like: "You learned how to best target the XYZ for maximum damage".

I usually research the autopsies last, as I know which ones are useless at least at the 2nd play of a game.
That is quite a bit sad to have a lot of research that players can discard as there is no benefit.
I think it would also be realistic to improve the soldier performance verus enemies that are well known to them.

spoiler: it's always the balls


Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Reward for autopsy
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2018, 11:17:44 am »
spoiler: it's always the balls


Sectoids: no balls
Mutons: no balls
Floaters: no balls
Ethereals: no functioning balls
Snakemen: probably balls, but not as we know it

Nice try. :P

Offline pWWWa

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Re: Reward for autopsy
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2018, 12:21:24 am »
I would welcome a feature that will increase ranged/melee weapons damage for all units where the autopsy has been researched.
Like: "You learned how to best target the XYZ for maximum damage".
As I remember, similar idea was implemented in UFO/TFTD Extender =>
UFO Extender Mods List
Know Thy Enemy: Damage is reduced against targets until an autopsy has been preformed.
There is a small chance that a "lucky" shot will do full damage. Explosives and Fire are not affected. The reduction only affects the damage that is applied against a unit's health not armor.

BTW, it will be great to see same feature in OpenXCom.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2018, 12:23:02 am by pWWWa »

KZad Bhat

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Re: Reward for autopsy
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2018, 05:54:48 am »
Damn it, Solarius, if it's not the balls, then what is it? Do you know how hard head shots are? They're . . . well, admittedly easier than ball shots, but that's not to point!

PS: I am the one who loves to do an aimed shot at the groin as a final attack on enemies in the original Fallout games . . . just because I see it as a funny way to kill someone, so . . . take it for what it's worth.

Offline Dovie

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Re: Reward for autopsy
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2018, 05:57:50 pm »
If it is not the balls then what is it i dont khnow let me khnow

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reward for autopsy
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2018, 04:49:42 am »
I don't think it makes sense that soldiers would become better at shooting aliens when the scientists have done the autopsies. Those autopsy reports are meaningless to the soldiers. They do have a use in revealing weaknesses, however. Unfortunately most don't mention a weakness and those that do are often flat-out wrong about it.

My mod changes the aliens to have more weaknesses and more varied resistance profiles, and the autopsy reports are more likely to reveal those weaknesses (without lying about them!) so you can research them at least to gain that knowledge. I am also trying to find ways to work them into technology, for example having the cyberdisc research assist in unlocking technology related to power suits or plasma weaponry.

I think a lot of other mods also make the autopsies useful. you can probably ask the individual mod authors about that. You can find my first megamod (Reaver's Faithful) on the forums or the new mod portal but it doesn't do that much for autopsies. My upcoming megamod (Reaver's Harmony) will do much more.

KZad Bhat

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Re: Reward for autopsy
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2018, 11:52:12 am »
One thing an autopsy can do to improve shooting, sort of, is that now that the xenobiologists have done their job a training regimen can be established where the solders are taught where the greatest mass of vital organs are in the alien bodies. In other words, where to focus their fire to have the highest likelihood of doing quick incapacitating damage. Okay, granted, for most aliens it will probably still be center of mass. Which means not the balls, unless they have another weird physiology.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 12:35:05 pm by KZad Bhat »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reward for autopsy
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2018, 01:52:27 pm »
For sectoids it's probably the head, which is basically center mass. There's probably some cases where knowing where to hit would make a crucial difference (sectopods?), but in most cases the soldiers would probably benefit more from training their basic combat movements, reaction time, and ability to hit the target in the first place.

Center mass isn't the best place to hit many targets, but it's the best place to aim to have the lowest chance of missing.

Offline NiceMicro

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Re: Reward for autopsy
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2018, 06:03:42 am »
The way I could imagine this work is that some autopsies being the requirement for some kinds of weapons or ammunition that is specifically against a certain weakness an alien has, like higher damage armor piercing bullets once you do autopsy on a muton or whatever.


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Re: Reward for autopsy
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2018, 03:30:52 pm »
Doesn't seem that weird to me. There are animals on earth much easier to take down with small arms if you know spots where or where not to bother hitting them. I have heard that some animals have skulls that sometimes stand up to handgun fire at short range, and in those cases a minor difference in aim can make for a much better if not immediately obvious shot.

Several aliens also have very practical bonuses to give. Ethereals are not nearly as big as their cloaks and this is good knowledge for making aimed shots count, and their brain does a lot of the work of keeping them alive. Mutons are armored artificially but would likely have areas of their implanted armor that are not quite as good, for mobility purposes. Knowledge of Sectopods could expose the most relevant parts of it for actually disabling it. Hitting the parts of floaters that have the least damage resistance seems like a simple extension of looking at the autopsy as well.

Not that it would work as a game mechanic but I suppose it'd be like a percentage based boost to your minimum damage or lower-end. Maybe not higher maximum damage, but less chance the shot is weak or a cap on how low it can be.


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Re: Reward for autopsy
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2018, 04:59:36 pm »
Not exactly the same thing but under UFO EXTENDER there was an option "Know Thy Enemy: Damage is reduced against targets until an autopsy has been preformed. There is a small chance that a "lucky" shot will do full damage. Explosives and Fire are not affected. The reduction only affects the damage that is applied against a unit's health not armor." Perhaps this option could be applied to openxcom but unfortunately I wouldn't where to start.