As you seem fairly knowledgeable about all things UFO, I thought I'd ask about the mod downloads...Are they still active, or is my browser infinitely screwed up?...

I'm somewhat of a newbie here, having only registered a couple of months back, and I came back today only to see that had been changed to (my shortcut links no longer worked), and that Mods are now inaccessible from the usual menu--forums and nightlies are still working fine. Just thought I'd ask...anyone feel free to enlighten me if Hobbes is busy elsewhere...
I'll say this has been an excellent mod site and general xcom site, and that openxcom is the *only* way to play the UFO games today...! It's made an addict out of me--again--since this game fascinated me to no end when I bought it (when the Amiga version shipped many years ago.) I find this site to be an excellent effort and feel it would be a crime to see it pass on to the great Internet in the sky one day...

I know that all good things must one day end--but not, I sincerely pray!