I figured this information may be of use to anyone creating a mods with UFOpedia entries that have large amounts of text in them.
If you wish text to appear on a new line there is an easy way to do this.
Add the {NEWLINE} command into your string when you wish the text to start on the next line, two of them placed in a row will create a space between paragraphs like so: {NEWLINE} {NEWLINE}
Here's an example of a UFOpedia entry using {NEWLINE} to create 3 text blocks:
- type: en-US
# Research Entry Name
STR_NEWLINE_EXAMPLE_UFOPEDIA: "I figured this may be of use to anyone creating a mods with UFOpedia entries that have large amounts of text in them. {NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}If you wish text to appear on a new line there is an easy way to do this.{NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}Add the NEWLINE command into your string when you wish your text to start on the next line, two of them placed in a row would create a space between paragraphs like so: NEWLINE NEWLINE"