Author Topic: Cydonia or Bust! Kiri's question thread. Game complete!  (Read 96549 times)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #180 on: August 17, 2017, 06:50:19 pm »
Well, Fairy armour probably has the strongest Sense.

Offline ohartenstein23

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #181 on: August 17, 2017, 06:51:53 pm »
Assassin doesn't give sense, it gives spot to negate some camouflage/invisibility.  Best source of sense is the magical girl/fairy outfit at 12 tiles, which comes through voodoo: excess, next best is the sorceress outfit at 7 tiles from the grey codex.  Otherwise Novice, Vampy, and Ghost give you 3 tiles.

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #182 on: August 17, 2017, 07:46:47 pm »
Considering all those squishy spot/sense outfits the best to deal with them and everything extremely camo'ed is artillery support.

Offline wolfreal

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #183 on: August 17, 2017, 08:06:21 pm »
Considering all those squishy spot/sense outfits the best to deal with them and everything extremely camo'ed is artillery support.

Nuke then all  ;D

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #184 on: August 17, 2017, 08:54:05 pm »
I can confirm the fairy magical girl outfit has 12 sense, just got it!

My plan was to go using the shadowbat and 7 hands. 2 hands will stand at each of the elevators, 4 hands stand at the doorways, the magical girl patrols the ship and will shoot through the walls when I get an ability that can go through the walls. It will further enhance the amazing power of this mobile fortress, and ensure the safety of my magical girl support hand!

By the way, be careful about putting people in the control room, flying enemies can see inside and shoot hands who are in there. This ship should be called the Shadow Beta

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #185 on: August 17, 2017, 08:54:56 pm »
Yes the aye phone is a possible solution to pinpoint the tile a foe is standing on. What can't be seen by any means is quickly dealt with by using mortars and explosives.

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #186 on: August 17, 2017, 09:08:30 pm »
I wonder if the fairy outfit is good for capturing star gods. It doesn't have any camo but it has sense and high special resistance, would it make my people immune to mind control and ghost beam? Bio suit only has 50% special resistance and has some armor and plasma resistance and from what I remember the star gods sometimes carry plasma guns. I could go with a mix of magical girls and bio suits, use the magical girls sense and flying to spot and capture the star gods while the bio suits tank the enemy fire, deal with grounded star gods or shoot the flying ones with tranquilizer or tesla coils

Offline KateMicucci

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #187 on: August 17, 2017, 09:34:46 pm »
I wish that Ayephones would give Sense when held in the hands, if that was possible. Even in the original x-com the implementation of motion sensors always felt clunky.

Offline greattuna

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #188 on: August 17, 2017, 10:25:49 pm »
Wait wait wait, hold on.

Shadowbats are gold\gray codex.
Fairies are gold\green codex.
Bio suits are green\red codex.

It doesn't add up, you aren't supposed to use all three items together at the given playthrough.

Special resistance doesn't make you resistant to mind control, psi strength + psi skill + psi defense, if any + high bravery does. And since fairy has whopping +30 to psi strength, she's pretty safe. Though she will be vulnerable to ghost beams, plasma weapons and sectopods. Anything is vulnerable to sectopods, so be careful around them.

Don't rely on their sense either, it's useful to see inside the ship without facing reaction fire, but it's only 12 tiles, not good in open space.

What I would recommend is using your tanky gals to search\bait star gods out, and them fire at them with lucky stars. I don't know if they're immune to the mind damage, but if they aren't, they will get knocked out.

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #189 on: August 17, 2017, 11:14:13 pm »
I don't feel that way about "Ayephone" in vanilla game. Full time sense that early in game would be OP at cost of one hand that could drop it for only 2 AP.
It's great device when used in 2-3 gals/soldiers squad becouse 9 titles in urban areas are a lot and even alien ship in open field is a mystery. If somebody played TFTD then he should think about it as a blessing on ship missions. So many rooms and so many lobstermans.

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #190 on: August 18, 2017, 12:41:57 am »
I chose the gold codex. According to my tech finder the bio suit should be possible to research

I wasn't planning on doing any big star god vessels, just some small ones to try and capture a few at a time. I don't think messengers get anything other than star gods in them but there's like 10 or something. My plan was to land and make an immediate rush to the ship. Some star gods would get out but wouldnt get far from the entrance and would shoot at us, revealing their rough locations for us. I'd then send the magical girls over to reveal them, then take them down. I'd make sure at the end of my turn the bio suits are in front of the magical girls to tank the enemy turn. The magical girls would sense the star gods through the UFO and make it easier to find them and avoid being surprised.

If I can't get bio suits I need to rethink this. What's the best thing for psi defense? Worst case I might have to go as all fairies and camp inside the shadowbat, let them come to me, then drag them inside and abort the mission to escape after 10-20 turns so they don't die of system shock, and just take whatever captives entered the trap

Thinking about it though I might be better making a second troop carrier specifically for this mission type and sending in some hover tanks with some magical girls. Use the hover tanks to spot the star gods and use the magical girls to make the captures. If I do the abduction ship method first, then after I have researched the most common star gods I can murder those with my tanks and then we only need to worry about the rare star gods which my magical girls can take down. I'd still probably need to do a big star god ship eventually though to get a coordinator capture, maybe even the second higher ranking star god if I can't find those on smaller ships as well, but I can basically waste anything else. Maybe see if I can find an outfit that has high voodoo defense and reaction bonus so I can arm those ones with gauss and plasma rifles to kill the star gods minion, sectopod etc without taking lethal reaction fire
« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 12:53:40 am by KiriKaneko »

Offline greattuna

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #191 on: August 18, 2017, 01:55:57 am »
Are you quite sure you're reading it right? You need voodoo: communion to get bio suits, and you need red\green codex to get voodoo: communion.

Even with small ships like messenger, large part of the crew will be star god guardians, who trade psi and invisibility for guns. Also may be bolstered by their terror units: waspites, rockys and cyclopes.

Anything with decent boni to psi strength \ psi defense is good for protection against psi attacks, duh. Just skim the bootypedia, it's all listed. From top of my head, you could use: bio suits, annihilators, bikinis, xeno armor, and any voodoo-related outfit.

gauss and plasma rifles to kill the star gods minion, sectopod etc without taking lethal reaction fire

Good luck trying to kill sectopods with that lol. They'll one-shot you.

Offline legionof1

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #192 on: August 18, 2017, 03:41:46 am »
There is a fair amount of sense on the voodoo outfits but those tend to be specialty outfits like the fairy. The assassin outfit's SPOT on the other hand is a stronger value when it comes finding hidden stuff but will not bypass walls like sense will. The assassin ends up being cheaper to make with a higher range in most cases, and is therefore usually the better outfit for general use.

Offline SomeGuy

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #193 on: August 18, 2017, 11:51:14 am »
With version 0.99G6 that's available on the discord, each codex now gives 3 of the voodoo schools.
Gold: Communion, Illusion, Excess.
Green: Communion, Excess, Destruction.
Red: Communion, Illusion, Destruction.
Grey: Illusion, Excess, Destruction.
But the ships are still the same. So you can have bio suit + fairy now. Among other powerful combinations.

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« Reply #194 on: August 18, 2017, 12:41:59 pm »
Ah that's good then. But I had no idea that Annihilator had VooDoo defense, it seems rather op lol.

I haven't seen any reticulans or mercenaries in years, did they stop appearing? I need a merc engineer but they didnt appear in the month of the mercenaries last year so I couldn't get any, and although I had a couple of reticulan months last year we didnt have the psi resistance we needed at the time. Now I have 80+ bravery, 50+ psi strength and 40 voodoo skill on my A team I want a ret elder but I never see them anymore D: