
Author Topic: Civ Call to Power: Forever Future mod (1.8) PBEM game just kicked off  (Read 3546 times)

Offline ivandogovich

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Heya folks, just a little post to mention for some of you who might like some Classic Civ games modded all to hell and back, we just kicked off a new Play By E-Mail game of Solarius Scorch & Dioxine's major mod for Call to Power (1) called "Forever Future." 

We have six players (four from the OpenXcom community and two other friends) and two AIs battling it out on a huge world looking for supremacy and some awesome gaming over the long haul.  The last campaign lasted a couple years and ended up with a major fanfiction thread, and this one is starting out strong too. 

The thread is over at Apolyton, and if you are into fanfic of these sorts of things, you might enjoy it.

Forever Future 1.8 PBEM game
