
Author Topic: Fanmade Xcom game  (Read 23807 times)

Offline moriarty

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2012, 10:59:30 am »
hmmm... I'm thinking the destruction of the Brain will probably have caused a psionic backlash that killed most sectoid commanders and leaders, throwing the rest of the hive-like "society" into disarray... half-mad-half-feral sectoid "scientists" try to re-create the Brain by collecting cerebral tissue... genetic experimentation with chryssalids lead to new "chryssalid collectors" that turn humans into longer-lasting zombies that shamble back to the sectoid base for dissection and collection of gray matter :D

whole landscapes are turned into zombie wastelands this way...

Offline luke83

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2012, 11:47:59 am »
hmmm... I'm thinking the destruction of the Brain will probably have caused a psionic backlash that killed most sectoid commanders and leaders, throwing the rest of the hive-like "society" into disarray... half-mad-half-feral sectoid "scientists" try to re-create the Brain by collecting cerebral tissue... genetic experimentation with chryssalids lead to new "chryssalid collectors" that turn humans into longer-lasting zombies that shamble back to the sectoid base for dissection and collection of gray matter :D

whole landscapes are turned into zombie wastelands this way...

Very interesting idea ;)

Offline moriarty

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2012, 12:11:37 pm »
could be worth a faction, right :)

that's the beauty of this whole set-up: you can create all kinds of "factions". as long as they can be explained with a common backstory and fit the "canon", they are possible :)

hmmm... actually, it would be nice to have no (or VERY limited) air transport in this kind of game, because exploration on land (mudranger, anyone?) would force you to conquer or at least fight your way through "unattractive" terrain (like that zombie wasteland), instead of simply flying over it.

the whole game would be more like the old "axis and allies" or "risk" games... or one of their computer-fantasy-gaming counterparts, "master of magic".

Offline luke83

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2012, 12:18:42 pm »
Flight could simply be expensive as Resources are limited. Also a Modified version of globe with lower sea levels would increase the Land to fight along.

Turn based Geoscape , Multi-player anyone ;) Who Needs Xcom TTS ;D

Also maybe we could increase the RPG aspect fo the game if it ever takes place , add MORE character traits ( long term ).
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 12:54:53 pm by luke83 »

Offline luke83

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2012, 12:29:03 pm »
Quick Faction Tank

Offline Chiko

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2012, 02:39:26 pm »
I made a post about this topic a while ago, here:
I always liked fations in X-Com Apocalypse. Having rival organizations spawning around the globe like X-Com but with less resources would be so awesome... A diplomacy feature would also be cool. Hard to implement, I know but one can always dream. :P

Reasons for them spawning could be the following:

-Not satisfied enough with X-Com performance: Most likely a faction made of the country's military forces or a private X-Com like organization if it's at least 2 countries one next to another. They will only be active in their territory.

-Totally influenced by alien activity: Free alien base for the country also containing human/hybrid soldiers.

-No longer influenced by aliens: Not really an organization, if X-Com destroys the country's bases provided by aliens and all its military forces, the country will succumb into anarchy, no longer being able to be influenced by any faction. Any Tactical mission in their territory will contain hostile gangs of humans and hybrids that will attack anyone that isn't one of them.

-Ignored UFO crash sites: Secret organization not friendly with X-Com but attacking all UFO crash sites to recover alien tech for their own ends.

-High alien activity Low X-Com activity: Secret worldwide X-Com like organization neutral to X-Com.

-Selling equipment that doesn't need Elirium: A major [Sold Item] manufacturer that will considerably decrease selling prices but will also allow you to buy that item.
As you can see, there could be a lot of reasons for a faction to spawn. I only mentioned the ones I could think of.

Also, in order to make the game a more unique experience, there should be something like a faction name/color/logo generator that will choose stuff from its files when a new faction is spawned.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 03:18:34 pm by Chiko »

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #21 on: November 11, 2012, 03:13:59 pm »
Also, Here's that .Txt file I mentioned. It first has some game mechanic changes, then a tech tree for X-Com Part 1 (X-Com: Enemy Unknown) and then the one for X-Com part two (X-Com: Resurgence), which is a new story as I mentioned before. Part two is incomplete but I might add new stuff since I think this got me interested again.

It's probably... a complicated wall of text. I hope you lads can understand it. I added a "Legend" which is like an example of the meaning of most of the Tech Tree.

I think it's best to download that file and read it with Notepad. I wish I could mod the game like a boss and do this fanmade idea myself. :'(
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 03:20:33 pm by Chiko »

Offline luke83

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2012, 01:26:57 pm »
Chiko , there is some interesting Ideas within that text file, i am going to need more time to go through it .

OK so i have been thinking about this a lot still , we should keep the original Geoscape design as it makes things simpler ( i did however image a CIvilation/Alpha Centuri grid world for this MOD but since i cane code it would be impossible). There is already someone working on some code to Generate Missions so maybe that will control most of the mission types later on with little coding required.

Quick Story ( i still need to check the Official story from TFTD ending and what Apoc has to say).

TFTD Ended , Damaged planet,  cloud blocked out most of the sun Forced world into early Ice age - See map.
Aliens that survived the 2 wars are Mostly on earth , hiding / hatching plans, (Later on a Another alien faction with Ties to the original aliens returns to make things worse) currently the Governments have almost shut-down xcom as they believe the war to be over ( suckers). Now the Human governments argue and fight amongst them selves for control of the scares resources left as earth has gone to sh*t.

 Various Alien types and Human Groups form factions to perform the goals but now there is now High leadership all factions want power. ( Some Alien faction , some Commercial factions - using alien tech , some Governments want more resources = WAR) .

New features

 Enemy Aircraft ( not just UFO should be on map and depending on View could be friendly or Hostile).

Multiply aircraft combat should be possible from both sides .

Faction List and Graphs need to be created and Rules for factions will need to be coded .

Game at start should randomly pick between multiply factions , tech trees , available research on start of new game to give game replay ability.

 Some weapons should be use-able but Scientist should not know how to recreate them ( also random ).

TFTD water levels should be Added to allow for more variety in factions.

Also some more SPACE missions would be increase variety :P

Pictures are just some ideas i just wanted to share , nothing is set in stone , i just want some discussion

Next Level of mutation for Chrysalids - PSI Enabled - Back story a ethereal got to close and the 2 become one  ( some DNA merged)
Ice-age earth.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 12:39:56 pm by luke83 »

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2012, 02:26:52 pm »
I've not read the text file, but judging from what I've read here, things sound similar to my dev thread -,669.0.html - Mine wasn't planned to be an "X-Com" game per-se, but it was going to follow some conventions.

Anyway, I mention this in case that making this game is a serious consideration, maybe a combination of the two could result in something pretty interesting?

Just throwing the thought out there...

Offline luke83

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2012, 08:28:53 pm »
As you know i cant code, so i have had to limit my crazy ideas to something i may be able to Mod down the track , also i was sticking to the xcom world as we can then use all the existing art assets as a bases to work from ( and any thing that is created for it is compatible with the other OX projects for separate mods by other users).

I assume we could just use x-com data now (# original game data will still be required) and test the "GAMEPLAY" side of Airbattles and Geoscape in openxcom and then you could port it over to your 3d engine. Also i am happy to help your project where i can but i dont know how much help i could be to you as my drawing skills a very basic and my Blender skills are about on the same, but you can have what little ( and i do mean little) skills i have. Later on testing is something i will gladly do.

How far forward have you thought out How your Geoscape and air combat should work out?
my thoughts , should be able to either send on craft out by himself ( as in xcom now) or highlight several to create instant squadron.
2+ separate craft on geoscape should be able to form squadron at any time.
I should be able to specify multiply way point around the globe in a single step ( i don't think you can do this in xcom)  so i can tell them to fly around enemy countries.
A warning should occur IF a enemy aircraft is on a intercept course just to give me a chance to Run/Engage or allow player to send some backup.

 Apart from that i though keeping it similar to the xcom rules would work , select crafts ICON , issue attack orders ( how aggressive, who to target, engage or keep distance) then move onto the next craft and do the same.

I originally envisioned a Master of Orion 2 style combat system but its even more work and sometimes it got plain borring ;)

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #25 on: November 13, 2012, 09:14:21 pm »
Well... you can have more than one Interceptor against an UFO in the original X-Com. I remember having 4 Interceptors against one UFO. It gets pretty easy but I think it slightly makes UFOs more likely to run away.

Offline luke83

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #26 on: November 14, 2012, 07:21:52 am »
Well... you can have more than one Interceptor against an UFO in the original X-Com. I remember having 4 Interceptors against one UFO. It gets pretty easy but I think it slightly makes UFOs more likely to run away.

Yes but it should also be possible for the enermy to do the same thing to you. Enermy attackign your troop transport should be a valid option so having a escort should be a option.

Offline pmprog

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #27 on: November 14, 2012, 10:01:25 am »
As you know i cant code, so i have had to limit my crazy ideas to something i may be able to Mod down the track , also i was sticking to the xcom world as we can then use all the existing art assets as a bases to work from ( and any thing that is created for it is compatible with the other OX projects for separate mods by other users).
Fair enough, though that's why I thought if you wanted to add your crazy ideas to my project? We can actually design the game around the ideas, as opposed to trying to hack them to fit OX.

I assume we could just use x-com data now (# original game data will still be required)
TBH, there's enough free stuff out there, that you're just adding an unnecessary necessity  ;) Even if it doesn't suit immediately, it can place-holder until a 3D artist jumps in.

Also i am happy to help your project where i can but i dont know how much help i could be to you as my drawing skills a very basic and my Blender skills are about on the same, but you can have what little ( and i do mean little) skills i have. Later on testing is something i will gladly do.

How far forward have you thought out How your Geoscape and air combat should work out?
Geoscape will work similar to X-Com. You'll create bases - though you can build on land, sea and underground/underwater. You will have to "mine" resources (basically a "base facility", which extracts minerals/water at a fixed rate). You could also build satillites and radar stations that will pick up crafts and detect bases.
If you saw my last post in my game thread, there's two screen shots, combat will support a number of craft, from multiple players. The plan was this was going to be real-time, so players had to switch between geo and combat (or even several combats). Flicking back to geo would allow you to launch new craft, that can join any existing combat as well as intercepting other craft. Thus you could have several players, each with several craft, in a single dogfight. I wasn't planning a "squadron" as such, but multiple simultaneous launches would effectively give you that.

I wasn't sure whether to add an X-Com tactical section to the game, as the rest of the game has to run in real-time for the players "outside". So I was thinking two craft types, fighters and bombers - you send bombers out to destroy bases and radars, and fighters to escort/defend them and shoot down opponents' crafts

The real-time elements could be removed if the game was limited to two player, but I kind of like the idea of massive dogfights.

Maybe my idea is actually a bit too different from what you were planning. In which case, I apologise for the derailing of the thread

Edit: fixed formatting
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 12:18:11 pm by pmprog »

Offline luke83

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #28 on: November 14, 2012, 11:12:44 am »
Yes, sounds like there slightly different directions ;)

I actually pictured this today as a Heroes of might and magic style game where instead of buying Building to get new weapons you Research them within your faction, maybe i should just learn how to mod for VCMI and build a xcom mod there.

If only i could draw better :(

Offline Chiko

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Re: Fanmade Xcom game
« Reply #29 on: November 14, 2012, 03:02:01 pm »
Yes but it should also be possible for the enermy to do the same thing to you. Enermy attackign your troop transport should be a valid option so having a escort should be a option.
Hmm... Interesting. Reminds me of X-Com Interceptor. Speaking of which, the pilots' voices in that game are in .wav format, if I remember correctly. They could be used for your new dogfight project.