
Author Topic: Bad-looking situations  (Read 5100 times)

Offline Amunak

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Bad-looking situations
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:48:06 pm »
I'm playing ufo defense right now. I'm nearly in the beginning (it's the end of march). I have like five bases, but there's only one "primary" with real crew. Other bases have just basic 4-member rookie crews. Suddenly wild battleship appears. And guess what, it's super effective!

I'm just sad that there's no screenshot of what heppened to me a few years ago - there were only two soldiers in a base (skyranger was on a mission) only because they were injured recently. They had even no weapons - only some leftover grenades. Despite that I managed to defeat the aliens. On the other hand, it was with the "difficulty bug" so it was maybe easier then the situation I'm in now.

Have you ever encountered such a situation? Do you have screenshots? Share! :)