
Author Topic: [Addon to FMP 1.9.4a] Kjotleik's Addons to FMP  (Read 5379 times)

Offline Kjotleik

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[Addon to FMP 1.9.4a] Kjotleik's Addons to FMP
« on: November 09, 2016, 01:22:05 am »

UPDATE 2017-04-17 (a bit later)
Use Final Mod Pack 1.9.7.

UPDATE 2017-04-17
The attached file now contains an update to allow it to be used with the latest nightly (2017-04-13, or later).
Also, the file commendations_FMP.rul is included. Replace the file in FMP 1.9.6c with this one.
Once FMP is updated to the latest nightly, you won't need to replace this file. But until then, you will have to.

*************ORIGINAL POST*************
Attached are my personal Addons to FMP 1.9.4a.

Once I'm done with my Harder Interrogation Mod as well, I'll be sitting down in front of my computer to actually PLAY a game of OXC FMP 1.9.4a K's Addons. Will probably not happen before christmas, though. I'm too busy with non-OXC stuff, for some unfathomable reason.   ;D  :-[

I'm going to use these Addons, and the RPG Classes mod, in my playthrough.

In the attachment are three mods:
K's FMP Addon (only use with FMP 1.9.4a)
DamageReliabilityMod (can be used in vanilla, I think)
ExplosionRangeMod (only use with FMP 1.9.4a)

I'm also going to use these:
Extra Explosions by Arthanor
Alternative Smoke by Meridian/Robin
FMP High Quality Sounds by Daedalus

SpoilerK's FMP Addon Changelog - updated:
K's FMP Addon
by Kjotleik

Use with Solarius Scorch's Final Mod Pack 1.9.7 and nightly 2017-04-13,
or later.

This Addon may, or may not, work with later FMP versions.


Commendations Mod:
Updated to latest nightly (2017-04-13, or later).

New project: Pyro Proxy, dependent on Advanced Firearms and Proximity Grenade.
Pyro Proxy: An incendiary proxy-pack. Graphics taken from X-Piratez' Firebomb.

Can now buy: Machete, Dynamite, UZI, AK47, Snubnose Pistol, Pump Action,
Hunting Rifle, RPG and Light Pistol. And ammo, of course.

Changed the listOrders a bit.

Commendations Mod:
Made a lot of changes to the numbers (too many to count in the changelog-file).
In short: I've made it so a lot more actions are needed for getting higher-level decorations.

Well, since FMP makes the game take longer to complete...

The commendations may still not function properly, though.
I've no idea as to why some medals are awarded when they shouldn't be (according to the ruleset-file).

HANGAR: Storage changed to 0 (from 25).
CORRIDOR: Buildtime halved from 12 to 6 days.
          Buildcost changed to 100k (from 75k).

damageType of HWP CANNON SHELLS changed back to the original 1 (from 3 in FMP).
hitAnimation for HWP CANNON SHELLS changed back (?) to 26 (from 0 in FMP).
I don't know if the latter is correct. I think it is, but I don't know it is.

Changed size (storage-space needed) for all guns/equipment-items to correspond to invHeight and invWidth.

autoRange=5 (for those pistols having auto-fire, that is)


Pistols, SMG's and Rifles - weight set to two (2).
Heavy weapons - weight set to four (4).
Heavy Plasma still weight three (3).
Have NOT reduced weight of Heavy Weapon clips with higher weight than four (4).

Painkillers/Healing Sprays/Stimulants now have weight of two (2).
Motion Scanner has weight four (4).
Stimulants now have energyRecovery of twelve (12). It was ten (10).

« Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 06:04:49 pm by Kjotleik »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: [Addon to FMP 1.9.4a] Kjotleik's Addons to FMP
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2017, 11:47:38 am »
Can you add details explaining what changes your mod makes?

Offline Meridian

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Re: [Addon to FMP 1.9.4a] Kjotleik's Addons to FMP
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2017, 12:03:13 pm »
The changes are in the spoiler box.
Or did you mean something else?

Offline Kjotleik

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Re: [Addon to FMP 1.9.4a] Kjotleik's Addons to FMP
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2017, 07:26:57 pm »
Can you add details explaining what changes your mod makes?

The K's FMP Addon-mod is explained in the spoiler.
The DamageReliabilityMod changes damage done from 0-200% to 80-120% of UFOPaedia weapon-power values.
The ExplosionRangeMod changes the range of explosions to Power x 1.2 x 0.1. For the standard Grenade that means: 50 x 1.2 x 0.1 = 6. For the High Explosive it means 110 x 1.2 x 0.1 = 13. Don't know if this is too much, though. I just want to try it out in a game.

The Harder Interrogation Mod is the problem. The easy part is to make it necessary with a brain-implant in order to get anything useful from researching aliens. I just remove the getOneFrees from them. Then I move the getOneFrees over to a new implanted alien (done in the workshops by engineers). Now I'm looking for a way to move those getOneFrees over to unlocks. The reason is that I want them to come in a pre-defined order, not random. I have succeeded in this (kind of), but not without some small issues. I'm currently working on that bit. It takes a while, I'm afraid. A lot of aliens in FMP, you know.  ;D

By the way: FMP is up to 1.9.6c by now. Before the end of February I'll either have solved my issue, made a compromise or removed the HIM from my experimental playthrough.

I hope this answers your question. If not, feel free to specify what you want to know more about.   8)

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: [Addon to FMP 1.9.4a] Kjotleik's Addons to FMP
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2017, 05:49:20 am »
I get it, thanks. =)