@Solarius Scorch: we played with this option a bit as a means of "getting the job done" but it was decided against because:
The reactor facility should enable the extraction process ONLY. Adding workshop space would allow players to potentially manufacture items without having any workshops at all. (although low values could minimize the effects, the behavior is undesirable.)
While it does make sense that the process needs and therefore should accommodate engineers, an author is unable to dictate HOW MANY. Players are apt to assign as many engineers as they have space for. From a "does it make sense?" standpoint, it was felt that having excessive personnel "working" in the reactor itself made for an "unsafe work environment".

By referencing various OXCE files and sniffing out entries for the TRAINING facility, several clues can be gathered about what is needed to enable a new right click function (AFAIK, right click is the ONLY way to access the training screen) however, i dont understand much of the code i'm finding. Furthermore, if it's ultimately something that has to be compiled into an .EXE or some such madness, and cant be accomplished by editing, i'm chasing a pipe dream. My imagination can (and does) outpace what i'm actually able to produce.
Thanks for your consideration though!
edit: there IS a button to access training in the Soldiers page, as well a right click function directly linking. As Extraction is it's own category in the (new and lovely!) manufacturing dropdown box, only right click function is of concern.