Hi. I'm here to explain some other stuff. I have interesting things to tell you guys about.
Here's a thing: I would liked to play some XCOM games (Well all i need is probably a desktop for EU2012/EW2013, The Bureau and XCOM2-2016) again.
But... I would be interested of playing it to be first person/third person army based tactical shooter like C&C Renegade or Saints Row games instead of Strategy.
I know that Julian Gollop created those games. I saw that he's working on Phoenix Point.
Here's what i want old and new X-COM games to be.
1: Keep the Geoscape view for base building and other stuff. (Very fitting for viewing the entire world)
2: First person/third person Interceptor dogfighting against UFOs. (Similar to old Interceptor style)
3: Make it to where it's first person/third person tactical shooter in battlescape missions. (That can be particularly interesting as far as i can tell.
4: Have power-ups for health, armor, stamina and more. (Especially strength power-ups, speed power ups, energy power-ups, etc.)
5: Destroy-able buildings and objects. (It can be fine)
6: I pretty sure it can 3D instead of 2D. (Like possibly models of everything X-COM).
7 *NEW*: Drive-able vehicles, cars and objects. (That will be fun)
And i think that's it for now on. *shrugs*