I'm sorry.
Touched the sweet spot I guess, and the smiley wasn't enough to counter it.
Well, what can I say... I probably took it too seriously indeed. But these were harsh words.
1/ shadows and smoke animation is constantly visible throughout majority of the gameplay (let's be conservative and estimate 50% of time spent with the game); Nationality is visible for a couple of seconds per soldier hiring process (let's be generous and estimate 0.005% of time spent with the game)... uhm, yes, smoke and shadows are relevant, flags are not.
I think both things are relevant - smoke anims indeed more so, but nationalities are also something that's present all the time. I can't say they're not important at all. Why? Because it's something I look at frequently. I do sometimes think about stuff like, what language is my team probably using or whether is there a problem with putting an Indian and a Pakistani in the same car. I don't do it much, but it sort of comes up, and that's a fact. From your post I gather you consider this unusual, but I consider it normal.
So what about it? Nothing concrete, but it's not like it doesn't matter at all. If it did, why make all these nations instead of just one?
2/ I added flag support, because people asked for it... I'm not gonna "remove" it again by designating everyone as only American or Chinese
3/ Yes, I would like to see at least one person from Iceland in my roughly 30 person strong team... I believe in XCF the teams are even smaller, but I might be wrong
4/ It's exactly an equality principle: every nation which joins xcom project has to provide also soldiers, at least one
These are fair arguments. I wouldn't want to see only big players either. But I still think I would prefer to have some weighs - like, triple the chance for a big player than a small country. I'm also all for diversity, but as it is now, it looks a little bit unbelievable.
It's not a big deal, or an important feature. But still...
5/ I didn't get any data from anywhere, that's why I said "I believe"... all people I have seen playing xcom though, have been renaming their soldiers
I think LPs are different because the players take soldier requests and such. I did it in the orifinal game, because the name pool was so small and also because I wanted people from other countries too (we're on the same page here).
Lastly, I didn't call you madman, and I'm sorry if it sounded that way.
Yeah, sorry about overreacting too.
I will refrain from posting on threads, where I have an opposing opinion from now on.
Oh please, you know that's not what I want.

You may actually be right anyway.
Remember it wasn't really a request yet, I was -and still am - just considering options.
EDIT: Is it possible to check the nationality in battlescape? Because that's when I usually feel like looking it up, and it seems I can't.