Thanks for explanation, Warboy
no, turnsSinceSpotted isn't used for aliens, it measures how long since an xcom unit was spotted by aliens.
So, theoretically, if I add a routine in TileEngine.cpp that set it to 0 for alien unit every time it's spotted by civilian (FACTION_NEUTRAL) it should work without corrupting anything? Then I can refer to it in CivilianBAIState.cpp in similar way as in alien AI?
civilians can see 20 tiles, but this is offset by their lack of ability to share information between units. (whereas the aliens communicate via turnsSinceSpotted, and the player can see and target any revealed unit, no matter who's selected or how far away they are)
Well, even if in game reality civilians don't have means of communication between them (X-com probably have radios and aliens - some psionic link) they could hear screams and alien howls, which should be enough to run like hell from it's source
I wonder if implementing this could increase their chances - still their low TU and health won't make things easy. I also wonder if there will be some difference if I increase the number of tries civilian take to calculate route (besides making hidden movement longer of course)
Also, if you don't mind teaching a noob - is there any function that could return position of X-com craft? My be useful for making civilians run to Skyranger by modifing setupEscape to favor tiles closer the craft.