Problem - on all screens -geoscape, battlefield, options, etc - after a about a minute, the normal graphics turn to a lower color count looking graphic.
My brother has claimed he has this exact problem for a while - since I installed V1.0 for him, I belleve.
I've never had it happen on my computer, and every time he tried to show me, He'd start OpenXcom, and play around with the game for several minuets to try and show me, but nothing ever went wrong at all.
Since we have exactly the same files (the original 3
4 disks) in both our install's, I have always ignored it as Matt just complaning for something to do.
However add the fact he is a tech-suport nightmare, (Start button? where on the keyboard is that? Open a new window? But it's Night outside! and Raining!) and you can see why I thought that.
PS: I use XP on my machine and he has Win7 - but I don't think that's not the cause.